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Authors: Sue Lyndon

Taken by the Admiral (9 page)

BOOK: Taken by the Admiral
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The erotic images wouldn’t depart her mind. She’d dressed in her old clothes, minus the panties Cavvik had ripped to shreds, and now she felt her wetness seeping out of her folds and onto her pants.

She glanced at the upper walls out of habit, searching for a clock that wasn’t there. On the
, there were clocks everywhere, in every room and spaced throughout every corridor. Keeping track of time in space was important to maintaining order on the tightly run ship, and despite the lack of a rising sun to mark the dawn of each new day, night and day had been clearly defined, if only for the illusion of a normalcy that had been long forgotten.

Unable to stand the waiting and the sweltering heat of her unquenched arousal, Lia lifted her chin and approached the bed, feeling bold about what she was about to do. There were no cameras. Cavvik would never know. It would be her little secret, her little rebellion. She would close her eyes and slip her hands down her pants, and it would be as if she were still on the
, stealing a secret orgasm beneath the covers during the nighttime hours.

She arranged herself on the bed, under the sheets, and reached down into her pants. Her pussy was hot and wet to the touch, her privates feeling unusually swollen. As was her habit, she dipped two fingers into the moisture pooling at her core, then slid them over her protruding clit.

She tried to think about a random, nameless man, an imaginary partner as was also her habit. But none of the muscle-bound partners she thought up could compare to Cavvik. Finally, in her frustration, she rubbed harder and faster and gave herself over to thoughts of her new mate. Her master. She thought about the spanking, the harsh crack of his strap on her bare bottom, and the stern way he looked at her when she’d been naughty.

Visualizing that stern look, imagining his arms crossed as he glared down at her, pushed her over the edge and into the depths of quaking pleasure. She came hard, gyrating against her hand as she swirled and swirled atop her nubbin.

After the last wave of her orgasm faded, she lay panting on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Holy shit. Fantasizing about a real live man who made her heart flutter was so much better than stroking herself to an imaginary man she dreamed up, an imaginary man who meant nothing to her.

Her pulse quickened. Cavvik meant something to her, something beyond mere physical attraction. She hurried out of bed and into the bathroom, her thoughts on her new mate. As she thoroughly washed her hands and then took another long bath, she contemplated what their relationship might become. On the
, males and females who got married sometimes said they loved each other. She’d seen her parents hug each other a few times, but never kiss. They signed cards with ‘love,’ but had never uttered the word aloud to each other. To her, on occasion, but never to each other.

Would Cavvik grow to love her someday? Would she grow to love him? She tried to imagine how it would feel to experience the mystical emotion for herself, and tears welled in her eyes. Love sounded like a beautiful thing to share with a husband, or a mate, especially as they raised a family together. She’d read about the history of Earth and knew very well that humans hadn’t started using ectogenesis to reproduce until about three hundred years before leaving the planet. Once, humans had been much like the Varishans, in that they procreated naturally and even had sex for…well, fun.

She gulped and drained the water, then wrapped a soft white towel around herself. She didn’t want to put her clothes back on. Her pants smelled like arousal and reminded her of all the naughtiness she’d been up to. Perhaps she should stay in the towel or under the covers, minus her pants and sweater, until Cavvik brought her appropriate clothing.

She fell asleep and once again dreamed of the mountain, but this time there was no shadow to darken her dream. This time she reached the large house and entered it to find Cavvik waiting for her, as well as a handful of children running around and giggling. Their children. Their family. It was a beautiful dream, and she awoke with a smile some time later, stretching her limbs under the covers as she recalled her favorite parts of the pleasant dream.

But her smile faded when Cavvik appeared over her, a deep frown marring his face. He grasped her hand and brought it up to his nose, closing his eyes as he inhaled deeply.

“You touched yourself in my absence, didn’t you, little human? You brought yourself to orgasm without permission? Tell me the truth, Lia, or this will go so much worse for you.”

Her heart pounded and she felt breathless. She stared up at him, fear stealing away that happy mood she’d been in moments ago. “I-I’m so sorry, Cavvik. Please, sir. I couldn’t help it.” She had briefly considered lying, but Varishans apparently had a better sense of smell than humans. Just her luck.

He methodically rolled up the sleeves of his black uniform shirt, revealing his thick forearms. “You’re in a lot of trouble, Lia. I have to spank your pussy now.”


* * *


“You know you were naughty. Now, spread your legs wider.”

Lia struggled to remain in position. He suspected it was difficult for her to keep her thighs parted while knowing he’d commence her punishment at any moment. He studied her pussy and rubbed the wetness from her core atop her smooth nether lips. He sat beside her on the bed, leveling a scolding look on her. The covers and towel he’d thrown off her rested near his feet. Completely naked, she trembled as she tried to hold the position he’d ordered her into.

He cupped her wet mound. “You touched what was mine without permission, Lia. What did I say would happen if you masturbated?”

“That I-I would get a-a pussy spanking.”

“That’s correct. So why did you do it then?”

“I didn’t think I would get caught, and—” She paused.

“I will always know if you’ve touched yourself in my absence, Lia. Now, what is the other reason?”

“It felt good to masturbate when I was on the
because I wasn’t supposed to, and I guess even though I sometimes felt ashamed for it, I liked getting away with it because I didn’t like the rules.”

“I see.” He continued rubbing her pussy, spreading her moisture all around.

“I’m sorry, sir. I won’t do it again.”

“You didn’t respect those in command of the
, particularly Captain Renard? You didn’t respect those who had created the rules pertaining to human sexuality?”

“No, sir.”

“Did you ever feel as ashamed for masturbating as you do right now?”

Her brows furrowed and her lips pressed together in a thin line. She appeared deep in thought, and he waited for her response, keeping his hand on the part of her he was about to punish.

“I must be crazy for feeling this way, but I don’t like that I’ve disappointed you. I feel more ashamed than ever for having disobeyed
, rather than a set of rules created long ago by someone in charge of my people, a list of rules I have always struggled to accept.” She gazed at him, her large blue eyes pooling with unshed tears. The poor thing looked lost and confused by her realization, but it pleased him that she had already begun to surrender herself to him and that she viewed him as an authority figure to be respected and obeyed.

“You are my mate, Lia, and we have a personal relationship. We are still at the stage where we are getting to know one another, but a personal relationship does exist between us. I feel a pull to you, and I know you feel a pull to me. I’ve ordered you to refrain from touching yourself without permission because I personally own this part of you,” he said, squeezing her pussy for effect, “but you felt no loyalty and no connection to a rigid set of rules created by a person you’ve never met. I imagine it felt very good to rebel against an establishment built upon repression and fear.”

“That makes sense, I guess. I-I was aroused, you know, from thinking about all we had done, and then I became angry that you’d forbidden me from touching myself. It was the one freedom I had on the
. It seems so silly to say my one freedom aboard the worldship was secretly touching myself, but it’s the truth.”

“Ah, so you also liked the sense of freedom it gave you, when you stroked yourself?” He chose this moment to trace her clit with a feather-light touch. A gasp drifted up from her and her hips jerked upward.

“Yes, I suppose that’s the truth of it. I liked the sense of rebellion, and the freedom I felt when my orgasm washed over me. Sometimes I felt ashamed afterward, but not every time.”

“How did you feel when I made you come?” He pushed inside her slick channel and slowly pumped two digits in and out. She moaned and tried to raise her hips off the bed, but he pushed her down and continued torturing her with slow, shallow plunges, this time intentionally ignoring her swollen clit.

Her face crumpled and she took several deep breaths as she tried to school her features. When she finally spoke, her answer knocked the wind from him. “When the doctor made me come, I felt incredibly aroused, especially because you were watching. But when you made me come, it was so much better, physically and emotionally. When you made me come, I felt owned, but not in a bad way. Owned in a
kind of way.”

“I do cherish you, Lia. Varishan males rarely ever know their mates well before claiming them, but we are honorable males who take care of what belongs to us. Yes, I own you and will never let you escape, but it’s my hope that you will not desire to escape me, little human. It’s my hope that you will find joy and peace in yielding to me, that you will yearn for my guidance as much as I yearn to give it. I promise I will care for you for the rest of your days, sweet Lia. But part of caring for you means seeing to your discipline. Your pleasure belongs to me, and you must suffer the consequences when you disobey.”

She blinked rapidly to dispel her tears, but one trickled down her cheek anyway, and Cavvik caught it with his thumb and brushed it away. Tenderness for this human female resounded inside him, squeezing his heart and making his arms ache with the urge to wrap around her and rock her against his chest. But he was a male of his word. Lia had disobeyed, and he had to show her what happened to naughty little girls who touched themselves without permission.

“You belong to me, Lia.” He rested the tips of his fingers atop her clit. “Your pussy belongs to me. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Keep your legs spread wide. If you close your thighs, I will apply the strap to those pink glistening folds of yours rather than my hand.”

She nodded as a shudder ran through her, and he landed the first slap directly atop her protruding nubbin. Her eyes widened and she gasped.

“You were naughty, weren’t you, Lia?”
Smack smack
. He aimed the brunt of the blows atop her clit, and her gasps soon turned to cries of pain. She pressed her lips together and kept silent for a few moments, but it wasn’t long before she was gasping and crying out again as she struggled to remain spread and accept her punishment.

“Oh! Yes, sir. I’m so sorry, sir.”

“Naughty girls who touch themselves without permission get spanked on their pussies, don’t they, little human?” The sound of his fingers lashing down on her wet folds filled the room as he smacked her again and again.

“Yes, sir,” she finally replied, her knuckles white from gripping her legs and holding herself apart. Her limbs shook and her breaths came out ragged. Perspiration glistened on her forehead and tendrils of her golden hair stuck to the side of her face.

Smack smack
. “Are you learning your lesson, Lia?”

“Oh, yes, sir. I’ve learned my lesson.” Her legs closed slightly, but she immediately opened herself back up, parting her thighs wide to accept the punishment she had earned.

“Ten more. Spread wider. I want to see the insides of your naughty pussy lips.”

With a whimper, she forced her legs wider apart, revealing the inner pinkness of her privates. Her bottom hole rested beneath, her pucker clenching and unclenching with each new smack he delivered. He gave her the last ten slaps in rapid succession, centering them over her clit. As he sat back to admire his handiwork, his cock went impossibly hard at the sight of her bare pussy so wet, swollen, and red.

She was panting and he knew she’d experienced pain, but she wasn’t crying. Unless he applied the strap to her private parts, he doubted he would bring her to tears. But she appeared repentant enough, lying pliant beside him with her legs still spread even though her punishment had ended. A pussy spanking was more about reinforcing the roles between them, of reminding her that he was in charge and she had better not dare bring herself to release again. A spanking on her bottom would’ve been far more painful and absolutely brought her to tears. He stroked her cheek and she leaned into his touch. A short while later, her eyes widened and she scrambled to the floor, sank to her knees, and kissed his hand.

“Thank you for punishing me, sir.”

He brushed errant strands of hair behind her ears. Her display of gratitude and acceptance once again tugged at his heart. “All is forgiven, little human. Now, we are to begin your anal training today. I hope you didn’t forget.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Sir, the plugs are very large.”

He grinned. “Ah, so you had a look at them already, did you?”

The deep flush spreading across her cheeks told all.

“You’re getting the second smallest plug, Lia. Had you behaved yourself in my absence, you would be getting the smallest one, but naughty girls have to take larger plugs in their backsides.”

After a shuddering exhale, she nodded and rose up with his assistance. He guided her into position, bent over the bed with her legs spread wide.

“Pull your ass cheeks apart. I want a clear view of that tight hole of yours.”

She reached back and did as he asked, revealing her puckered hole to his gaze. He began sweltering in his clothing, and he stripped naked on his way to the dresser to retrieve the plug and lubrication.

BOOK: Taken by the Admiral
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