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Authors: Sue Lyndon

Taken by the Admiral (4 page)

BOOK: Taken by the Admiral
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“Trying to go somewhere?”

“Away from you,” she replied bitterly, pushing at his chest.

Her struggles were in vain; his strength surpassed hers and he easily brought her to heel, capturing her wrists and bringing her arms down to her sides, preventing her movement as he kept her wedged between himself and the bed. Watching her pant from her exertions, he appreciated the rapid rise and fall of her chest. The v-shaped cut of her thick sweater dipped to reveal a hint of cleavage. His temperature rose exponentially as he anticipated stripping her clothing off and baring her for the first time.

“There’s nowhere to run.” He rearranged her in his arms, securing her wrists together behind her back in one hand. With his free hand, he stroked the swell of her breasts.

Her eyes flew shut and she shuddered against him. Beneath her sweater, he detected the hardness of a stiffening nipple. Her responsiveness sent a quiver up his inner thighs and made his balls tighten.

“You’re mine now, Lia. My mate.” He tried to maintain a gentle tone, but his deep voice came out ragged and with a sharp, possessive bite.

When she opened her eyes, tears glittered on the edges of her long, dark lashes. “Is it really true? About the captains of the
providing the Varishans with updated lists of unmarried women?”

He nodded. “Yes, and everything else I’ve told you is true too, Lia. I will never lie to you.”

“When I was a child, my grandfather… um, he was a captain, Captain Barnes, he told me all Varishans were nine feet tall, had four arms with claws instead of fingers, and emitted a foul-smelling cloud each time they exhaled. Oh, and he said you all have huge red eyes too.” A mourning wistfulness laced her voice, but the beginnings of a smile reached her lips.

He grinned at her description. “As you can see, sweet human, I look very much like the males of your race. Only
.” If not for the two ridges on his forehead and his massive height, he could’ve passed for a member of her species.

“Yes, I can see that now. I suppose much of what I’ve been taught about you isn’t true, but that doesn’t change the fact that we are enemies.” Her smile faded.

He squeezed her breast and his hand next traveled down her side, sliding along her slender waist before roaming across the flat of her stomach. She trembled harder. The scent of her feminine arousal reached him and his nostrils flared. A growl rumbled in his throat. What a beauty she was, this small human female. And all his.

“We are enemies no more, sweet Lia. You will come to accept your new life, as all the human females taken before you have come to accept their new lives.” He paused and released her wrists. To his delight, she didn’t attempt escape or give the slightest struggle. “They live on my beautiful home world and other nearby territories with their mates, raising families. I know conditions on the
have been deteriorating lately. Surely you would prefer a wondrous, lush planet to a crumbling worldship?”

“We’re strangers, and you
me. Beamed me off the ship I was grown, uh, I mean born on.” Her tone wavered, her lower lip quivering.

“Yes, I know the sex act is forbidden and strictly punished aboard the
. I also know your babies are grown in artificial wombs.” He fought back a shudder at the unnatural practice. “My people live as yours once did on Earth, in cities and villages, with men and women enjoying intimacies and having babies the natural way. The way the Blessed One intended.”

He needed to get her punishment over with. The doctor would arrive soon to conduct her initial examination, and he needed her subdued for the elderly Varishan’s visit.

“We will talk later, Lia, about anything you wish to discuss.” He grasped her hand as he took a seat on the bed, then guided her to stand between his legs. “Now, I must see to your discipline. You were warned to watch your tone and your language, yet you raised your voice and purposely cursed. Females do not yell and they certainly do not curse.”

She gave a tiny snort. “This female does.”

“I expect better behavior from you moving forward. You will be sweet and obedient, or you will suffer the consequences.” He eyed the waistband of her pants. “Push your pants and underthings down. When I must punish you, it will always be on your bare bottom.”

She tried to slink back, but he maintained a firm grip on her hand. She gave him a panicked look. “If I promise to never yell or curse again, could we please stop this barbaric nonsense? I mean, you can’t spank me. You can’t.”

“I can and I will, little human.” He nodded at her center. “Pull your pants and underthings down. If I have to do it myself, you’ll get extra swats on the insides of your thighs.”

She gulped and fingered the waistband of her pants. Slowly, she pushed the clothing down to her knees. She rose up, her underthings still in place as she fixed a pleading stare on him.

“Please let me keep my panties on, admiral. I promise I’ll obey you from now on.”

He noticed her cringe at her own words, and his jaw tightened. She didn’t want to obey him because she was his mate and he held authority over her; she only wished to escape a spanking. Or at least receive her punishment with her underthings still intact. He released her hand and ripped her panties from her body in one rapid movement.

“No!” Her screech filled the room, and a moment later he yanked her down across his lap, determined to teach her a lesson.

“I told you I wouldn’t ask again. Now we’ll be finishing up your spanking with some especially hard swats to the insides of your tender thighs. Naughty, naughty girl.” He cupped her bottom as he scolded, kneading her flesh and squeezing hard enough to make her gasp.

“Please don’t do this.” Twisting around, she peered at him with tears glistening in her widened eyes. Her braid was starting to come undone, and more errant strands of hair obscured her face. Disheveled as she looked and with a pretty blush staining her cheeks, he thought her the loveliest creature he’d ever laid eyes on.

“Lia, a Varishan female submits graciously to her mate in all things. I realize you are not Varishan, but you will come to understand our ways, and I will help guide you when needed. It is my duty to correct your behavior.”

She sniffled. “Are all your mates treated this way and pu-punished? Varishan females as well as the stolen human females?”

“Yes.” He lifted his hand and she turned around, burying her face into the covers.
He landed a sharp blow to her left cheek first, before moving on to her right cheek with another quick spank. Creating a steady rhythm, he alternated sides as he punished, striking her from the middle of her luscious bottom to the backs of her thighs. Pink handprints bloomed upon her pale, smooth skin.

She remained still for the first couple of blows, but soon commenced wriggling around and gasping. Finally, she reached back in an attempt to shield her bottom, but he intercepted her hands and pinned her wrists at the small of her back, not missing a spank as he restrained her.

Whimpers rose up from her and her shoulders heaved, but he didn’t think she was crying yet. He continued on until her bottom glowed dark pink, then paused to rub her heated flesh. Throughout the ordeal, his cock throbbed beneath her stomach, hardening the more she fought him.

“We’re almost finished with your punishment, Lia, and we would already be finished had you obeyed me and taken your panties down.” He tapped the back of her thigh. “Spread your legs wide, little human.”

After a deep breath and a long exhale, she did as he asked, spreading herself wide to his gaze. His eyes fixed to the swollen pinkness between her thighs that glistened with a copious amount of moisture.

Blessed One, she had become aroused during her chastisement. His breath caught and his mouth went dry at the exquisite sight of his soon-to-be-mate, red-bottomed, panting, and brimming with wetness on her womanhood. A tiny whimper escaped her, her backside wriggled as she squirmed atop his hardness, and he nearly came on the spot. He forced his focus to her inner thighs. The naughty girl had earned these extras and he would make them count.

“Are you going to obey me from now on, Lia?” He stroked her delicate flesh, inciting goosebumps on her arms and legs. She had a tiny but curvy bottom, and with her bent over his lap he easily glimpsed the secret, tight hole between her punished cheeks.

“Yes, admiral.”

“Say ‘yes, sir, I will obey you.’”

“Yes, s-sir, I will obey you.”

He flattened his fingers and swatted the inside of her left thigh, leaving a faint pink mark. She shuddered but kept her legs spread, and it took all his self-control not to abandon the rest of her punishment so he could touch the evidence of her arousal. He imagined those delicate pink folds of hers would feel soft and slick and hot. Swallowing hard, he landed four more smacks to her left inner thigh, then quickly gave her other thigh the same treatment, turning her pale flesh a rosy pink.

“Your punishment is over now, Lia.” He gently urged her from his lap. “Kneel on the floor, please.”

She dropped to her knees, tears brimming in her eyes as she glanced up at him. A shuddering breath left her and it was all Cavvik could to do continue this part of her training.

“After I’ve finished chastising you, Lia, you will kneel, kiss my hand, and thank me. Do you understand?”

A lone tear rolled down her face as she nodded. His cock thickened and pulsed inside his pants. He rose to his feet and offered her his hand, half-expecting her to refuse. If she did, he wouldn’t hesitant to take her back over his knee for another session.

She blinked and a cascade of moisture trickled down her cheeks. Leaning forward, she pressed her lips to the inside of his fingers, leaving behind the wetness of her fallen tears.

“Th-thank you for punishing me, s-sir.” Her voice wavered and her face crumbled. She covered her face with her hands and began to sob.

Chapter Three



Try as she might, she couldn’t stop the flow of tears. Emotion clogged her throat and she hiccupped with each breath she managed. Utterly humiliated and confused by the shameful desires heating her all over, Lia remained kneeling on the floor as she cried at Admiral Cavvik’s booted feet.

He had forced her to keep her legs spread during the last part of her punishment. Surely, he’d glimpsed the arousal between her thighs. She had felt the moisture gathering as the aching in her core deepened with each painful swat he’d delivered to her bottom. Her nipples had grown tight and she had yearned for him to touch her
. On her pussy.

Perhaps it was good she’d been taken from the
. It was obviously only a matter of time before she was forced to accept hormone suppression shots or was locked in the brig for her depravity. Some nights as she lay awake in her bunk she had even slipped her fingers inside her panties and stroked herself until her moisture quickened and a blissful sensation swept her away to the stars. She’d known it was wrong. Perhaps God was punishing her for her naughtiness.

Strong hands lifted her and she found herself sitting on Cavvik’s lap. He made soothing noises and brushed her tear-matted locks from her face.

“I’ve done terrible things!” she confessed, unable to shoulder the burden a moment longer, even if the person hearing her admission was the very alien who had captured her.

“Hush, little human, you are forgiven. Yes, cursing among women is looked down upon and is a punishable offense, but it’s all over now. You can stop crying. I forgive you.” He hugged her to his chest and petted the back of her head.

“No, you don’t understand. This is all happening because I’m bad. I’m wanton. Filled with lust. I masturbated three times last week and surely this is what I deserve for such shameful behavior.”

He stiffened and pulled back to regard her, his expression revealing confusion. “Lia, do you honestly believe a higher force is punishing you for becoming aroused?” He muttered something about her being brought up on lie after lie, before straightening and rubbing his hands up and down her arms.

“Well, look at me now. I’ve been taken by the enemy.” She sniffled and stared at his chest. “The sex act is dirty. It’s dangerous, and it’s forbidden, even touching oneself is against ship regulations. All those aboard the
are supposed to report lustful thoughts to one of the ship’s doctors, but I never did. I was afraid. I didn’t want to take the hormone suppression shots or end up in the brig. My father died there when I was a child. Not everyone makes it out alive.”

Tilting her chin up, he forced her to peer into his eyes. To her astonishment, she saw no hint of judgment. If anything, his eyes gleamed with compassion.

“Lia, there is nothing wrong with feeling arousal. You aren’t a bad person for touching yourself.” A grin spread across his face. “However, now that you are my mate, your pleasure belongs to me and me only. You will not touch yourself without permission. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Now, I want you to tell me more about the
’s ridiculous rules about sex and marriage, and about your father’s time in the brig.”

Lost in his gaze, she studied the tiny flecks of gold in his dark eyes, thinking him the most beautiful man she had ever seen, let alone been so close to. She was bare bottomed and sitting on his lap. The only thing separating them was the material of his pants, and she detected something huge and hard beneath her backside. His cock? A delightful shiver prickled her spine at the thought. She knew men had long appendages called cocks but had never actually seen one.

“Please, Lia, I want to know what you’ve been taught to believe.” He nodded at her encouragingly, his thick, black shoulder-length hair tickling her neck as he gathered her closer.

Should she tell him? Spill her heart out to this stern, handsome alien? The idea of returning to the
didn’t exactly fill her with joy. Yes, it was home, but it wasn’t a happy place. The
no longer represented the hope it had during her early childhood, when her grandfather and parents had still been alive. Now it only represented despair. Fear. Loneliness. The only person she missed was Nicole, but her roommate could take care of herself and was a social butterfly compared to Lia. With a sinking spirit, Lia wondered if anyone would miss her for long. No one would stage a mutiny over her disappearance, that was for sure.

BOOK: Taken by the Admiral
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