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Authors: Sue Lyndon

Taken by the Admiral (7 page)

BOOK: Taken by the Admiral
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“No fever.” The doctor removed his gloves and packed up his supplies. “She’s one of the healthiest human females we’ve taken; however, you must make sure she eats a healthy diet. Remember, she is a tad underweight.”

“I will see her fed properly,” Cavvik replied, his gaze on Lia.

She sank into a sitting position on the table before sliding down and into Cavvik’s waiting arms. He held her steady and guided her across the room to his sleeping area. A soft sound of alarm rose from her and she dug her heels into the floor, obviously not wishing to be taken to his bed. Poor thing probably thought he intended to maul her before the doctor had even taken his leave. Yes, he wanted to claim her now, and the thought had crossed his mind, but he wanted to win her trust more than anything.

“Relax, little human. You’ve been through a lot. Rest for a while and I will prepare you a meal.” He patted her bottom and she winced. “Keep your hands above the covers. I will tend to your naughty, throbbing parts later.”

She shot him an angry look, though her cheeks grew noticeably pink. At his urging, she crawled under the covers and allowed him to tuck her in. He found he rather liked coddling her this way. He’d visited pleasure houses on his home world, but he had never slept beside a woman or tucked one into his bed. A part of him that he’d never been aware of before came alive in that moment, aching and tender. It scared the hell of him, but at the same time he liked it. Lia hadn’t been part of his life for a full day yet and already she was changing him, affecting him like no other female before.

Realizing he had been standing over her and staring down at her for some time, he straightened as an unfamiliar heat seared his face and strode back to the doctor.

“Thank you for conducting the examination in my quarters.”

The doctor finished folding up the table and nodded. “If I can be of further assistance, Admiral Cavvik, please let me know.”

After Cavvik showed Doctor Sorn out of his quarters, he headed for the kitchen area where he prepared a simple meal of
rolls and a salad, remembering the doctor’s orders for her to eat healthy. Once he trusted her to behave herself in public, he would take her to his private dining quarters and treat her to the delicious fare served by the ship’s cook, but until then he would have to play chef. Not that he minded. Just as he’d felt an odd warmth overcome him as he tucked her in, he felt the same odd warmth as he prepared a meal for her.

Lia eyed the food suspiciously, but after a stern look from him, she took a few tentative bites. It wasn’t long before she began eating more quickly and gulping down the water he’d placed on the tray.

“This is delicious,” she said between bites. “Thank you, Cavvik.”

The sound of his name on her lips hardened his cock in an instant. He stood close by, watching as she finished the rest of her meal. Once she cleaned her plate, he returned the tray to the kitchen, his heart beating fast with the realization that he had her alone and all to himself. He knew humans required more sleep than Varishans, and though he ached to crawl atop her and thrust his hardness deep into her pussy, he also didn’t want to exhaust her just yet. He reminded himself that she’d been through an ordeal today, from the attack on the
to her spanking to her exam.

He approached her again, clasped one of her hands in his, and sank down on the edge of the bed. Her breath hitched and she swallowed hard. The steady thump of her pulse point against her neck caught his eye, and he longed to run his tongue over that very spot, before tangling his hands in her hair and holding her captive while exploring her mouth.

. He needed to calm his thoughts. The little human needed her rest first. After she slept for a sufficient period of time, he would claim her as his and leave no doubt in her mind that she now belonged to him.

“I want you to close your eyes and sleep, Lia.” He squeezed her hand. “Trust me, little human, considering the things I am aching to do to you, you are going to need your rest.”

Chapter Five



The grass felt cool and soft between Lia’s toes. She smiled at the ground and dug her feet into the dirt beneath the green blades, reveling in the coolness of the damp soil. The chirping of a flock of birds drew her gaze up to the sky. In the distance, she spotted a large house halfway up a tree-covered mountain. She felt an inexplicable pull to the place and started walking, wondering who called the place home.

She found a path in the woods and followed it, peace settling over her as she inhaled the clean air. She didn’t know how she’d gotten here, but she rather liked this place. It was far nicer than the crowded, stinking quarters of the
. Oh, how she wished she never had to go back there. She wanted to live in this green forest forever. Perhaps if she reached the large house on the mountain, she might seek refuge there.

Flowers budded up in clusters through the underbrush of the forest, and she paused to pick an arrangement of strange-looking blue, purple, and yellow flowers. Dew shimmered off the petals, and she giggled as she breathed in the fragrant aroma of her find.

Sunlight beamed down through the trees, warming her from head to toe. She clutched her flowers and resumed her trek to the large house. But a cold wind swept down from the sky out of nowhere, and an ominous shadow in the shape of a person appeared before her, blocking her path. The shadow grew larger, coming closer and closer.

Lia dropped the flowers and tried to turn and run. Terror filled her, but her feet couldn’t find purchase on the ground. Her legs moved as she treaded the air, but she couldn’t seem to escape the shadow she sensed behind her. The wind blew harder and howled down the mountain. If the shadow caught her, she would die. She knew it with a certainty and treaded faster, but to no avail.

An icy cold hand wrapped around the back of her neck.

She screamed.

“Lia! Lia, wake up!”

The cold hand left her neck and something, or someone, shook her. She found herself floating, and then a second later realized she was lying down and quite warm. There was no forest or cold wind, no mountain and no terrifying shadow. She blinked against the light as her eyes adjusted to her surroundings.

Cavvik stared down at her, his face etched with concern.

. The battle. Her capture. It all came rushing back in a flash of images that made her start.

“Lia, shh, it was only a dream.” He stroked her hair and ran his knuckles across her cheek, and his touch calmed her and chased away the lingering fear of her nightmare. She hadn’t had such a bad dream since the months after her parents died.

“Thanks for waking me up.” She vaguely wondered what would’ve happened in the dream had Cavvik not woken her up. Would the shadow have choked her? Would she have glimpsed the face belonging to the shadow?

“Would you care to tell me about your dream, Lia?” His deep yet gentle voice rolled over her, calming her further.

She sat up and gave a slight shake of her head. “No, I’d rather forget about it.” When his look of concern deepened, she added, “Don’t worry. It wasn’t a dream about you.” At least she didn’t think so.

“You’re safe here, Lia.” He stared at her for what felt like an eternity, peering into her eyes with a possessive glint flaming in his gaze. Whenever he looked at her, she felt his ownership, felt that he would never let her go.

Perverse at it was, she found herself drawn to his savage claim on her. Even though he’d taken her against her will, he
her. She’d never maintained eye contact with a man for more than a moment while aboard the
, and no one on the worldship had made her feel wanted. Sometimes she even thought Nicole only tolerated her because they were roommates. So she stared back at him, lost in his dark, piercing gaze.

He leaned down and caressed her hair, and she thought perhaps there was more to life than waiting. She’d spent every hour of her life waiting for the next day, waiting to see if she could survive the treacherous political climate on the
long enough to see it land upon a habitable planet. Waiting, waiting, and more waiting. After years of disappointment, the hope her grandfather had instilled in her had wavered.

None of that hopelessness mattered anymore. She’d been taken from the
, and if Cavvik was to be believed, she would soon set foot on a planet. Her greatest dream was about to come true, though not in the way she had always imagined.

“What are you thinking about, little human?”

“Your planet. Varishema. Is it beautiful?”

“Yes, it’s the most breathtaking planet in the solar system and beyond. I promise you will love it.” A wistful look crossed his face. He slipped the band holding her braid together from her hair and stroked out her locks, arranging them splayed out on the pillows and around her shoulders.

She closed her eyes briefly and recalled the old pictures she’d seen of Earth’s vegetation, before the world became overpopulated and the Errtazin missiles wrought devastation and terror. She hoped Varishema was just as green, just as lovely.

“Are you well rested?”

“Yes, Cavvik.” She wriggled around on the soft, comfortable mattress and ran her fingers over the plush covers. “This is the most comfortable bed I’ve ever slept in. Like sleeping on a cloud.”

Clouds. Her heart thumped faster. Would she finally glimpse clouds with her own eyes on Varishema? She hoped so. Anticipation hummed through her. She couldn’t wait to experience all the planet had to offer.

Cavvik pushed the covers down, revealing her breasts. Her nipples hardened under his appraisal. She didn’t fight him, and she squirmed again as the delicious pulsing sensation from earlier returned to her core, hot and throbbing more insistently with each passing second.

“Everything you’ve been taught about sex is wrong, Lia. You need not feel shame when we join our bodies as one.” He cupped her right breast and she arched into his hand, a moan of desperation tumbling from her lips. “That’s my girl,” he said with a chuckle.

Lia felt breathless and beside herself with need, and he had yet to venture beyond her breasts. He stroked his fingers over both her nipples, causing them to tighten into dark pink buds. The bed dipped as he slid closer and captured one of those hard buds in his mouth, running his tongue around her nipple in circles.

He reached under the covers to explore the wetness between her folds, and she willingly parted her thighs, hoping he’d pay some attention to her throbbing clit. She whimpered as his fingers grazed across her most sensitive spot. Oh, yes. She lifted her hips and pressed herself against him, a euphoric wave approaching. But he removed his hand from between her legs before the wave could crash, and she cried out in frustration.

Cavvik kissed her then, holding her head in place as he explored her mouth, running his tongue along hers and thrusting deeper and deeper. It was her first kiss. She felt awkward and clumsy as she tried to kiss him back. If she wasn’t doing it right, he gave no indication. He growled, an inhuman noise, as he pulled away and rose from the bed.

She sat up on her elbows and watched as he undressed.

Holy fucking fuck. He was gorgeous. A powerful, muscular chest tapered to a flat, hard stomach. His shoulders were broad and his forearms and biceps massive. Her mouth fell open when he removed his pants, revealing that he wore no undergarments of any kind. She stared in astonishment at the long, thick appendage between his legs. She gulped and wondered how his cock would fit inside her.

He moved closer and she felt the heat emanating from his huge, naked form. Wetness pooled and escaped from her pussy, rubbing between her thighs as she remained partially under the covers, waiting for whatever Cavvik intended to do with her. Well, she knew he intended to fuck her. She licked her lips and stared, completely riveted, at his large manhood. Her palm tingled with the urge to reach out and grasp it in her hand, but she dared not act on the bold impulse. She was still coming to terms with her desires, desires she had long kept hidden.

As if reading her thoughts, he said, “Touch me, Lia.”

She took a deep breath and slowly reached for his cock. Wrapping her hand around the hot thickness of him, she gasped when
pulsed hard in her grip. He gave another growl, ripped the covers off her in one swift movement, and climbed atop her. His imposing cock nudged at her wet, aching entrance, and she parted her thighs and groaned as the tip of him prodded her tightness.

“This will make you mine forever, Lia.” He gripped her wrists and forced her arms above her head, making her more his captive.

In this moment, she didn’t care that he was her enemy, or that he’d taken her against her will. She wanted to feel something other than desolation, and in his arms she felt anything but hopeless. Cavvik had promised her a future. He’d promised her a beautiful planet. Fresh air. A real home. He’d mentioned children, so she knew he desired to create a family with her too. Would it be so horrible to surrender to him, Varishan though he was?

He shoved a little deeper into her pussy and met her eyes. “I’m going to pound you with my cock, Lia, and make you mine. You belong to me now, little human.”

What happened next was a blur of pain and pleasure. He shoved all the way into her in one fast move, driving his cock inside and not stopping even as she cried out in anguish. She hadn’t expected so much pain. Oh, God. What a mistake she’d made to give herself over to him. How could she bear this every time he took her?

“Relax, Lia. Shh.” He stroked her hair and remained submerged in her tightness. To her surprise, the stinging pain began to fade. “It will only hurt this first time.”

“Why-why did it hurt so much?” She sniffled and he brushed away a lone tear from her cheek.

“You were an innocent, little human. You’ve never had a cock inside you before.” He kissed her gently, and when he pulled away, the warmth of his mouth lingered on her lips.

BOOK: Taken by the Admiral
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