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Authors: Sue Lyndon

Taken by the Admiral (10 page)

BOOK: Taken by the Admiral
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“I’m going to moisten your hole and then work the plug into your tightness, Lia. It may help if you bear down on it until the bulbous tip of it is inside you.” He spoke gently and rubbed her back for several long moments, hoping to calm her before introducing her to the plug.

When he trickled the lube down her crevice, her breathing increased and her legs shook harder.

“Shh shh shh,” he soothed. “You can take this, Lia. It will be a very tight fit, but I know you can do it. Relax and let my fingers inside your ass first.” He worked two digits into her backside, pushing forward slightly, only to withdraw and shove farther inside. Careful of her responses and pausing when she clenched down around his fingers, he plunged in and out of her, easing the lube into her tight entrance. Gradually, her muscles relaxed and he replaced his fingers with the tip of the plug.

She gave the sweetest little moans as he worked the butt plug into her snug hole, and to his delight, followed his instructions as he worked the thick round tip of the object into her. Once she accepted the largest part of it, the rest of the plug pushed easily into her. He resumed caressing her back and her bottom, murmuring soothing words as her breathing became less labored. Judging by the abundant wetness glimmering between her legs, she wasn’t averse to having her bottom hole filled up. His cock twitched and hardened more, his balls tensing so tight he experienced a moment of lightheadedness.

He stepped back to admire the view of the round, black plug resting in her virgin passage, right above her dark pink, freshly punished pussy lips.

“You can let go of your bottom cheeks now,” he said, taking position behind her. He trailed his cock through her wetness. “Tell me who you belong to, Lia.”

“You,” she said through a distressed whimper, rising up on her tiptoes as he pushed ever so slightly into her. “I belong to you, sir.”

A deep, satisfied growl left him, and then he was pounding into her hard, gripping her hips and fucking her with all his might.

Chapter Seven



Her heart racing, Lia donned the beautiful blue gown Cavvik had given her. She glanced out the large window at the mountain in the distance. She couldn’t believe she had slept through the
’s landing on Varishema. Cavvik hadn’t returned from his shift yet, and she supposed he had been too busy overseeing the return of his fleet to his home world to wake her up for the landing.

Sunlight sparkled on a nearby lake, where little boats similar to boats she’d seen in picture books about Earth floated. Several tall buildings rested behind the lake, and she strained to glimpse the Varishans walking to and fro on the streets amidst smaller buildings she assumed were houses.

Wetness hit her chest, and she wiped it away, then brought her hand to her face. God, she’d started crying and hadn’t even realized it. Tears of joy, no less. She had never in her life cried tears of joy. She had thought it impossible for a person to know so much joy that they actually wept. Her shoulders shook under the intense emotion sweeping through her, and she ventured to the bathroom to dry her face on one of the plush white towels.

Her mind spun. At any moment now, Cavvik would arrive to escort her off the ship. Her feet would touch real ground. Grass. Dirt. Rocks. She didn’t want to put on the shoes Cavvik had also given her, but she walked back to the bedroom area and slipped them on her feet nonetheless. They resembled little dress shoes but molded to her feet perfectly, feeling far more comfortable than they looked. Cavvik claimed they would help her adjust to the gravity of his planet, for which she was grateful.

She thought about the last ten days with a flush. Two weeks ago she’d still been a passenger on the
, but now she was mated to a Varishan admiral and about to start a new life on a beautiful planet. She no longer viewed Cavvik as the enemy, and she had grown quite fond of him during the preceding days.

During his off hours, he’d eventually taken her on strolls around the ship and to his private dining room for meals. She had tried odd-looking dishes and types of food she’d never heard of before, but she’d enjoyed most of it and could already tell she’d gained some weight. Her ribs were no longer as prominent, and her hips appeared fuller. She felt stronger too, her mind no longer as clouded by hunger and poor nutrition as it had been on the
, where she had routinely skipped meals because she didn’t have much of an appetite for the unappealing fare that was usually served in the dining hall.

She smoothed a hand over her hair and returned to the window, longing to inhale her first breath of fresh air. She experienced a stab of guilt that her fellow passengers on the
might never find a planet to call home. Getting kidnapped during battle had been the best thing that had ever happened to her. Would she meet any other human women on Varishema? She hadn’t known any of the women who had been taken from the
personally; with ten thousand people aboard, knowing everyone by name or even face was impossible, but she still hoped her path crossed with at least one of the humans from her former life.

Where was Cavvik? What was taking so long? She tried to summon patience, but she ended up pacing in front of the window, wishing she were walking on solid ground.

The ship shuddered and several minutes later protectors were walking away from it, heading for the tall buildings beyond the sparkling lake. One by one, the other ships in the fleet descended from the sky, landing at various locations around the lake, and soon protectors poured out of them as well. Just when her impatience threatened her sanity, she heard Cavvik’s voice behind her.

“Come, my sweet mate, and I will take you to your new home.”

She spun around and zipped to Cavvik’s side, unable to restrain her giddiness. She probably had the goofiest smile spread across her face, but she didn’t care. She had dreamed of this day all her life, dreamed of

Cavvik gave her an amused look and grasped her hand. He led her out of his quarters and through the corridors, until they came to a great opening with a wide set of steps leading down, down to earth.

“Are you all right, little human?”

She smiled at him and giggled. “Yes, I’m just so excited. I can’t believe we’re finally here!”

The moment her feet hit the surface of the solid landing zone, she nearly fell over in her exhilaration. She released Cavvik’s hand and took deliberate steps, feeling the ground solid beneath her, feeling the pressure of her footfalls through her shoes. Her heart raced and raced, and when she spotted grass not too far off, she lifted the skirts of her gown and sprinted toward the greenness she had only seen pictures of and dreamed about.

“Lia!” Cavvik called to her, but his voice sounded muted, as if he were miles and miles away.

She fell to her knees in the grass and buried her face in it. The soft blades brushed against her nose and cheeks. She inhaled deeply, filling her lungs with the scent of grass rooted in the earth, growing naturally on a
real planet
. Oh, God, she was really here. The soil cooled her fingers as she pushed beneath the surface. She turned her head to the side and knew the shadow falling over her was Cavvik.

He cleared his throat. “Lia, we have a hovercraft to catch. It’s important that we leave at once for the mountain. You can roll around in the grass once we arrive at my home.”

She tumbled on her back and peered up at him, shielding her eyes from the sun and squinting when a cloud—
yes, a cloud!—
drifted by it, leaving the sun full, round and unobscured, though there were several other clouds scattered throughout the brilliant blue sky.

“Lia.” The note of impatience in his voice had her scrambling to her feet.

She brushed the dirt and grass from her gown. To her surprise, the dress wasn’t stained or wrinkled, but regained its original form like new. Superior Varishan technology apparently extended to fashion as well. Overwhelmed by the grass, sun, clouds, blue sky, and all the other details of her surroundings, she clasped Cavvik’s offered hand and allowed him to guide her down a curving stone path, taking them in the opposite direction from the lake.

She tried to hide her disappointment. She had planned to sprint to the lake next and dip her toes in the water, but she supposed Cavvik had his reasons for needing to leave the city soon. And she guessed this could be called a city. There had to be hundreds of houses, perhaps thousands, stretching as far as the eye could see in all directions.

“This is Gefona, the capital city of Varishema.”

“It’s beautiful. I wish we could explore a little.” She kept her tone upbeat, not wanting to sour his mood. Why was he in such a hurry, especially after dallying so long on the ship?

Before he could respond, a high-pitched yet distinctly male voice sounded behind them.

She turned beside Cavvik, wishing she understood the language being spoken. The strange Varishan male, who was only a few inches taller than Lia, glared at Cavvik as if he wished to kill him. Cavvik let loose a string of what sounded like profanities, but in his own language. The strange male paled and took a step back. They talked for several minutes, and it suddenly occurred to Lia that she might have difficulties on Varishema if she didn’t learn their language. Cavvik and all protectors spoke English, but she doubted regular Varishan citizens knew her tongue.

The heated argument ended with the strange male slinking away as if Cavvik had physically beaten him. Tension coiled in Lia’s stomach as she recalled the doctor’s mention of a mating ceremony, a ceremony Cavvik was apparently skipping because he’d already chosen a mate.

Quickening his pace, Cavvik put a hand on Lia’s lower back and escorted her to the waiting hovercraft. She didn’t even have time to admire the sleek structure of the small ship. He pushed her into her seat, secured straps around her waist and chest, and barked something at the uniformed driver. Tension radiated from Cavvik, and Lia was too nervous to ask what was wrong. She hoped her presence on Varishema wasn’t resented by anyone. Though she was happy to be here, she wasn’t here by choice. Didn’t the citizens of Varishema understand that?

She had been taken against her will, just like the forty-five human women before her. The Lost Women, as they were called on the
. Although she didn’t feel lost. For the first time in her life, she felt like she had a future that held purpose. The promise of a home that would one day be filled with the laughter of children gave her purpose. Cavvik wanted a family as much as she did, and by God she was determined to see the dreams that had solidified in her mind the last ten days come true.

“Do not worry, Lia.” Cavvik reached for her and gently rubbed her shoulders. “All will be well. We will reach my home in the Mohanna Mountains before nightfall.”


* * *


“Will it hurt?” Lia suspiciously eyed the small language chip Cavvik held in his palm.

“You won’t feel a thing. I’ve personally implanted language chips in over a dozen human females.” He inserted the chip into the implanter device and pressed it to her temple. The lights on the implanter device flashed, and the chip, visible through the clear portion at the end, disappeared in a flash of light. “There. All done. It takes about a day for it to become fully circuited to your brain, but I imagine by this time tomorrow, you will be able to easily converse with me, and anyone else, in the Varishan tongue.”

“Well, you were right. It didn’t hurt. Just felt a little tingly for a second.”

Cavvik helped Lia off the exam table and ushered her out of the medical facility he kept fully stocked and functional in his home. He had inherited dozens of servants from his grandfather, and he kept the medical facility running at all times, staffed with two robotic doctors that would activate when needed, to see to the needs of those he employed. The servants remained in his home of their own free will and he paid them handsomely. Long ago, his people had kept slaves rather than servants, but the slavery had been outlawed before his lifetime.

Lia’s shoes clicked on the floor as she slipped ahead of him to walk out onto the veranda. She gazed up at the stars in open wonder.

“I like that they aren’t moving,” she said. “They don’t streak by in an endless stream of white lights, you know? They stay in one place. So beautiful. Everything about this place is beautiful.”

“I agree, but you’ve had a long day, sweet human. You must get your rest. Tomorrow I will show you the walking paths that wind through the forest, as well as the lake. I’ve already extended the soundwave barriers around it, so you won’t have to worry about any of the forest beasts bothering you. We are on the most rural and untamed mountain on Varishema, but I promise you are perfectly safe here, as long as you don’t venture off where you aren’t supposed to.”

“Don’t worry, Cavvik.” She leaned against him as he took her in his arms. They stared at the stars together. “I’ve no wish to come face to face with some terrifying animal, though I’m curious about the smaller and less deadly creatures of the forest. I’ve never seen an animal before; in pictures, yes, but not in real life. None were taken on the
, only frozen embryos of animals the planners wished to breed on whatever planet we landed on.”

“Speaking of the
, I’ve received word that the worldship has left Varishan space.” Cavvik had promised to never lie to her, and he knew she would inevitably ask about the fate of her people soon. Better to tell her now than later.

“Are they close to a habitable planet?” The moonlight reflected off her pale face. She grew tense as she waited for his answer, stiffening noticeably in his arms.

“Yes, however their sensors are still malfunctioning and they might pass it by. We will watch them as long as we can, but eventually they will be beyond Varishan sensors.”

BOOK: Taken by the Admiral
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