Right Place, Right Time (Second Chances Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Right Place, Right Time (Second Chances Book 2)
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Chapter Seventeen











Lucky for me, Casey’s reaction to Jay after finally meeting him isn’t nearly as bad as I had anticipated it would be. She’d simply whispered in my ear that he was hot and left it at that. I think the alcohol helped, though. I’m not comfortable with her drinking a lot, and I’ve been trying to slip her water here and there. But I know she’s going to do whatever she wants to do regardless of the consequences, so the best I can do is keep an eye on her and hope my instincts about Decker remain true, and he takes good care of her.

Jay’s friends, Tom and Johnny, are real nice guys. They don’t seem nearly as crazy as they did the night they came to Five, but they told me that was mostly their friend Steven, who wasn’t with them tonight, and apologized for getting rowdy.

I learn that Johnny is Jay’s age, twenty-four, and is a total player. He spends most of the conversation talking about every “piece of ass” that walks by. Every time he says it, though, he bashfully looks at me and apologizes for his language. I can’t wait for him to fall head over heels. I hope I get to see it.

Tom is a little older, twenty-seven, and is divorced with two little girls. The way he talks about them, it’s clear they’re his entire world. I’ve never seen that look of pride and love from my own father, but I can recognize it in a doting dad. I’d spend enough time around Casey’s dad to know that.

Thinking about Casey’s dad brings tears to my eyes, and I’m thankful she and Decker are out on the dance floor again. If she were sitting here, I wouldn’t be able to contain them—not with all the alcohol I’ve imbibed—and she doesn’t need that. Not when she’s out there having so much fun. I couldn’t understand why Decker had wanted to take Casey to a club—a freaking club!—but now I get it. Seeing the smile on her face makes this uncomfortable evening worth it.

Eventually Casey and Decker join us at the table, and the six of us make pleasant conversation for another thirty minutes or so before they all start dropping like flies. Tom is the first to go since he’s picking up his girls in the morning. Johnny finds someone receptive to his charms and leaves with her a little while later. Next up, I’m sure, will be Casey and Decker. I haven’t missed the sexy eyes those two have been throwing back and forth all night, and I really, really don’t want to go home with them.

I put my hand on Jay’s thigh and lean in to whisper in his ear. “Can I go home with you?”

His eyes dart to mine; they’re wide in…fear?
What the hell?
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why not?” I frown, giving him my best sad eyes.

“It’s just not a good idea, Kate. I’ll take you home if you need a ride, but I don’t want you coming back to my place.”

I jolt back in my seat, stunned.
Well, that kinda hurt
. “It’s okay,” I tell him, brushing off his brush off. “I’ll just ride home with Casey and Decker.”

His eyes narrow on me, most likely picking up on my chilly tone. He can get right over it.


I ignore him, turning to Casey and Decker who are lost in their own little dreamy staring contest. “You guys ready?”

Casey looks at me first. “Yeah, we’re ready.” She takes Decker’s hand and starts pulling him to the door.

I pick up my drink and drain the last bit, then I look at Jay. “Thanks for coming out tonight.” I give him a quick smile and follow my friends.

I don’t get far before Jay’s hand is on my wrist. I know it’s him because I can feel the zing pulsing up my arm from his touch. Only Jay affects me that way. I stop moving and sigh when I feel him behind me. I wish he’d stop sending me all these damn mixed signals.

“What’s wrong?” he asks as I turn to face him.

I let out a sigh and decide to be honest with him. “You’re giving me whiplash, Jay. One minute you act interested and the next you don’t. We’ve been having a good time tonight, hanging out with our friends and everything. Then you get all freaked out when I ask to go back to your place. I don’t know what to think anymore. I’m tired of the back and forth. Just…call me when you know what it is you want…when you’re ready or whatever.”

I pull my wrist away from his grasp and he releases it immediately. After one last look at him, I turn and walk out, my thoughts raging in my head. I thought we’d been making progress. When he came to the apartment that night before Casey came home and we talked…I thought things were going to be different. I thought he was going to stop distancing himself from me. Looks like I was wrong.

I step out into the night, and the chill in the air takes my breath away. My top is not exactly skimpy, but it is short sleeved and plenty appropriate for inside the hot club. Not so appropriate for the chilly spring night. I cross my arms and rub my hands up and down my upper arms to warm up as I crane my neck, looking for Casey and Decker. There are quite a few people outside of the club now, probably waiting for cabs. I spot my friends a few yards away and head in that direction.

“Kate! Wait!” I roll my eyes and pick up my pace. I’d had an okay buzz going, and he’s totally ruining it. “Kate!” People are looking now, including Casey and Decker. Great. I stop so abruptly that Jay bumps into my back. His hands go to my waist to keep me from falling forward.

I turn to face him, angry now and feeling more than a little humiliated. I’m not a fan of being the center of attention and, right now, most of the people standing outside the club are looking at us. “What?” I demand, crossing my arms.

“I’m sorry,” he says, looking properly chastised. “It’s not that I don’t want to be with you, because I do, Kate. I want to be with you so bad. It’s just my apartment isn’t in a great area and it’s small…”

This is really
about his apartment? Does he really think I care about where he lives?

“Jay…that doesn’t bother me.”

“Well, it bothers me. It’s not a safe area, Kate.”

I step close to him and put my hands over his cheeks. “Jay, I don’t care. I don’t care what your apartment looks like or what neighborhood you live in. I know those things don’t define you, and I know you’ll keep me safe. I just want to spend more time with you. I want to see the parts of your life you keep from me. Trust me, Jay. Trust me not to judge you.”

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. When he opens them again, I know I have him. He gives me a soft nod and leans in to kiss my forehead, then wraps his arms around my shoulders and holds me for a minute. “Come on, let’s go tell your friends you’re coming with me.”

I look up at him and grin, barely able to contain my excitement. I’m going to Jay’s apartment! There’s a definite bounce in my step as I head over to Casey and Decker and tell them they’ve got the apartment to themselves tonight. Both of their eyes widen in surprise, but I just wink at Casey and tug on Jay’s hand, pulling him through the parking lot before he changes his mind.

Chapter Eighteen











Kate hops off the back of my bike after I park in my building’s small parking lot. It’s quite the contrast to the brightly lit, expansive lot at her complex considering the burnt out lamps and beater cars. She pulls off her helmet, and I’m pleased to see a smile on her face. This girl is almost always smiling. I hope some of her positivity rubs off on me. Shit, if I’m being honest, that’s not all I want her to rub on me.

I secure my bike to the lamppost I parked beside with a standard bicycle chain and padlock. It may not be the best way to prevent theft, but at least it deters thieves long enough for them to move on to easier targets. I’ve come out in the morning a few times to see it’s been tampered with, but the bike is never gone, so it’s working so far.

Taking Kate’s hand in mine, I quickly pull her towards the building and up the stairs to the third floor. I’m practically dragging her, but I don’t want her to get too good of a look around this hell hole, or for anyone to get a look at her. We get to my door, and the key jams in the stupid lock, as usual. After a few choice words and grunts, it finally turns and the door pops open. I quickly tug her inside and shut the door behind me, twisting the locks on the knob and deadbolt before engaging the chain lock.

I flip the light switch and watch as Kate takes in the small studio apartment I’ve called home the past few months. The entire thing is about the size of her living room, and it came fully furnished. At $400 a month, it was a steal for the area. The full-size bed has a brand new mattress on it, and the small loveseat has seen better days but it’s comfortable and doesn’t have too many stains, and the two-seater dinette set in the kitchen serves its purpose. Thankfully, I keep my place clean so that’s one thing I don’t have to be embarrassed about. The only thing, really.

It takes Kate all of thirty seconds to take in the entire apartment. “It’s cute,” she says, looking at me again. “But it’s not you…at all. Why haven’t you added any of your own personal touches?”

“I got the TV,” I say, gesturing to the twenty inch flat screen resting on top of the used and abused dresser. The building offers free basic cable so I’d allowed myself the indulgence shortly after I moved in. I’d opted for a small television since there’s a decent chance it’ll end up being stolen anyway.

She frowns. “You need to add pictures or some color…or something.”

I know exactly what she’s seeing. The depressive nature of this entire place. I get it. That’s just one of the many reasons I didn’t want her here.

“This is just a stopping point for me,” I tell her. It’s the truth. I don’t have long-term plans to be in this building. My goal is to save up enough money to afford a place in a better area. Maybe closer to Stanford. Although it would be farther from work, I’d do it for Kate. To be close to her so maybe we could see each other more than just once in a while. My schedule is pretty open, but between work and her school responsibilities, Kate is always busy. It makes it hard to spend time together, and if we’re going to make a go of this, time together is important. We need to do all that couple stuff chicks read about in romance books and watch in chick flicks.

“A stopping point?” She’s adorable when she’s confused. Her nose scrunches up, and I just want to kiss it.

“Yeah,” I say, stepping close to her and putting my hands on her hips. I smirk when her breath hitches. “It’s just a place for me to eat and sleep until I can afford something better. It’s not permanent.”

“So are you planning to stay in California? Or go back home?”

“I’m staying,” I tell her, taking a step closer.

“Promise?” she asks quietly, leaning into me.

“I promise.”

Her smile is huge, but I barely see it before she’s lifting on the tips of her toes and kissing me. Her tongue slips into my mouth, and I caress it with mine. She tastes sweet, like honey and whatever foo-foo drink she was sipping at the club. She wraps her arms around my shoulders and I tighten mine on her waist. If we’re not careful, I’m going to end up tossing her on my bed and forgetting all the reasons that’s a bad idea.

When we finally break apart, we’re both breathless.

“Bathroom,” she says, and I point her to the door. Yep, no frills here at all, unless you count the fire escape which I personally think is a hazard all in itself.

I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and try to get my shit together while she’s out of the room. What am I supposed to do with her tonight? And dammit, how am I gonna sleep with her in my bed? Even if I sleep on the couch, I’m going to know she’s there. Plus, my sheets will smell like her…sweet like strawberries and cream. I run my hands down my face, this was such a bad idea.

“Everything okay?” she asks, startling me. I hadn’t even heard the toilet flush. That’s what I get for being trapped inside my head.

“Yeah, I was just thinking there isn’t much to do here. I’ve got basic cable but no movies or anything. Plus it’s late so there’s most likely only infomercials on, or reruns of bad dramedies. I don’t have any games…not even a deck of cards.”

She steps over to me and sets her hand on my arm, and I instantly shut up. “Calm down. We don’t have to do anything.” She smiles, and I relax. “Like you said, it’s late. We can just go to sleep.”

I nod. Good idea. Sleep. Where I can think about her in my bed. G-R-E-A-T.

I put my unfinished water back in the fridge and realize I’m a terrible host. “I’m so sorry. Would you like something to drink?”

“I’m all right. But I could use something to sleep in,” she says, gesturing to her skintight jeans. “Unless you don’t mind me sleeping in my panties,” she brings her hands to the button of her jeans.

I freeze. I’m sure I probably look like a deer caught in headlights.

Kate laughs. “I’m kidding. Jeez, you’re so tense. Relax, Jay.”

I exhale. She’s going to kill me. “I can grab you a t-shirt and boxers?”

“That’d be great.” She walks over to the couch and sits down, making quick work of her shoes…some sort of strappy sandal, just like the ones she was wearing the first day I met her. Yeah, I remember that shit. I remember everything about that day.

I grab a pair of boxers and the biggest t-shirt I have out of a drawer, hoping like hell it covers most of her. If I have to peek at skin like I did that night at her apartment when we watched
, I might not make it. My will power was pretty much shot the moment she’d said “panties.”

“Here you go,” I say, handing her the clothes.

“Thanks,” she says, taking them from me. “Do you have an extra toothbrush?”

“Under the sink,” I tell her, and she thanks me before heading to the bathroom.

I watch her walk away and then grab a pair of sleep shorts and another pair of clean boxers out of the dresser. When she’s finished in the bathroom, I go in to change and brush my teeth. When I come out, she’s sitting on the couch, twisting her hands and looking nervous.

“What’s the matter?”

She jumps at the sound of my voice and laughs awkwardly. “It’s nothing.”

I sit down next to her and take her hand. “It’s something…what?”

She takes a deep breath. “This is going to sound totally stupid,” she mumbles. “I’ve never spent the night with a guy before.”

My eyebrows shoot up. “Really?” I know she’s not a virgin, she’d told me that in one of our late night conversations, so it surprises me that not one of the guys she slept with actually slept with her.

“Dorms, roommates…” she says with a shrug, as if that explains it all. I guess it does. She hasn’t exactly had a lot of freedom.

“Well, this will be a first for both of us then. I haven’t had a sleepover either,” I say with a smile, playfully bumping her shoulder with mine. She gives me a genuine smile then, and I stand up, reaching my hand out to her. She places her small hand in mine, and I tug her up to her feet. “Come on, you sleep on the inside.”

She climbs across the bed, and I try not to look at her ass. I
, but I fail.

“Hey! Eyes up here,” she says. I look up and she watching me over her shoulder, a knowing smirk on her face. Damn, she’s sexy.

“Sorry,” I grin. I’m not sorry. Not at all.

“Right,” she says with a laugh, laying down and pulling the sheet over her body. I frown once my eye candy is concealed. “Come on, stud.”

“Stud?” I ask as I walk over to the switch and turn the light off.

“Yeah…you have to know you’re a stud.”

“I don’t know,” I say, settling in beside her. We’re each laying on our sides facing one another. “Tell me more.”

She laughs and shoves me. “You’re so bad.”

“And you love it,” I say, grabbing her hands before she pulls them away.

Her eyes meet mine, and in the dark, I can just barely see their twinkle. “I do…I do love it.”

BOOK: Right Place, Right Time (Second Chances Book 2)
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