Read thevirginchronicles Online

Authors: Jennifer Willows

thevirginchronicles (5 page)

BOOK: thevirginchronicles
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"So did ya'll sleep together later on? Recently?"


"Yes we have, every now and again between relationships. The last time was about a year ago. I had broken up with my ex and she was single too."


"Okay, so you're rebound buddies?"


Riordan chuckled. "Yeah, I guess that’s what you could call it. But I do want to know more about you."


"Well my history isn't nearly as colorful as yours." Jennifer was pretty sure he knew his way around a woman and here she was naïve as a newborn lamb in comparison.


"Mmm... it's not as exploit filled as you might think. Really, you would have fingers left over. Promise."


Jennifer laughed at the idea. By no means was she calling him a man whore, but the idea that he had less than ten lovers was ludicrous. There was no way she would fall for that one. "Alright, here you go." Extending a leg in front, she continued, "Pull that one too."


Riordan shocked her when he cradled the proffered ankle in one hand and tugged at it before he let the limb go. What didn’t shock her about the exchange was the starburst of pleasure she felt with the playful gesture. He set her on fire upon sight, so why shouldn’t his hands elicit a like response on her flesh?


"Thanks, needed that." Riordan said. His dimples were just as deep as she thought they would be earlier in the day and the divots had even more effect on her libido than she thought possible.


"You are really insane." Jennifer merely shook her head at his antics.


"Nah, I just like having a good time." Riordan turned to face Jennifer, who was surprised to find herself enjoying her first real, honest-to-god, date with a man. On almost every outing she had before today, it was a blind date, and normally a friend of a friend type thing.


She didn't realize Riordan was asking her a question, until she heard, "--must not be very interesting if you're zoning out on me."


Jennifer felt like a doofus, here she was alone with one of the most attractive men she'd seen not on TV, and she decides to go down a trip on memory lane. "Please it's not you, I promise."


"I'll forgive you on one condition."


"Which is?"


"That you go out with me tomorrow and Friday night." Jennifer agreed as she smiled shyly and nodded.


"Am I to take it that means yes?"


"Sure, why ever not?"


"Maybe, I thought you didn't like me, since you ignored me and all." Riordan's grin was infectious, and Jennifer found herself responding to the blinding high beams of his bright smile.


"Nah, I think I'll take you out for one last spin before I trade you in for a newer model."


"Wow, that’s cold blooded. Me thinks I like this lady."


"Well that makes two of us, cause I like me too."


"You know you're not going to leave me a shred of pride before the night is out right?"


"That’s the plan, you may as well get with the program."


"You still owe me the story of why you went off into space in the middle of our conversation."


"Alright, alright. I was just thinking about how lame my usual dates were."


"I don't see how that's possible. You are an incredible woman, and a lady any man should consider himself lucky to spend time with."


"You definitely talk a good game mister."


"Believe it or not, I'm kind of a recluse. I spend more time with my computer than real people."


"I can't believe that, Riordan. You seem like you know your way around a good time."


"Yeah I do, but my idea of a good time isn't the same as everyone else’s."


"Okay I'll give you that." Jennifer could get that for sure, she always was a wet blanket when she went out with a group. Everyone was content to party and hang loose. But Jennifer didn't enjoy being wild as most of the world did, as she was more content with her own company than that of bunch of random people, drunk and giddy.


When Jennifer glanced at the clock, she saw the time and winced. It was going to be an early morning as was and she better try to get some sleep or suffer. Not that looking at Riordan was a hardship by any means, but the MART material was drier than Melba toast.


"I had a great time, thank you for having me over for dinner."


"It was my pleasure." And it was. Jennifer had never enjoyed spending her time more. The clock passed by so fast tonight. She had never had such a fun evening. And they didn't even do anything really, just laughed and joked, told a few anecdotes. The adage was true, time flies when you're having fun. Jennifer was left to wonder what else they might find in common.


Riordan: All-Nighter


The banter and fact-finding lasted for hours and with regret, Riordan looked at his watch. It was nearly eleven, and he knew that he should be excusing himself. But he enjoyed the simplicity of her company. Jennifer was comfortable with silence, and the few moments no words were spoken seemed expectant. It was as though something special was born in the fragile quiet that neither participant could deny. Two like minds delighted with the rare pleasure witty conversation could provide when received in the company of a similarly humored person.


Riordan stood and walked to the door. If the night was going as well as he had thought, hopefully he could get a real kiss from his beautiful hostess. He knew she was what he was looking for. He wasn't going to be like the various imbeciles Jennifer had gone out with before. He knew a treasure when he found it. From his point of view all she lacked was a touch of polish and care to shine bright enough to rival the sun. He desperately wanted to kiss her before he left and being of an up-front personality he asked.


"May I?" His eyes finished the half-statement and made it clear so that she would understand what he asked for. But he didn't wait for a response. Somehow, he knew she wanted the press of lips as much as he did. But in the spirit of being fair he asked, but even then the question came out more rhetorical than an actual query that required a response. Taking one of her hands, Riordan pulled her across the few feet needed to bring them closer so he could share her personal space. He looked south at the soft lips he wanted to taste more than his next meal.


Jennifer’s response to his invasion showed how impatient she was for him to kiss her. Impatient enough to the point she met him halfway across the singular foot of air and opportunity that bridged their bodies. Riordan showed his appreciation of the gesture and returned her welcome in duplicate. He pulled her close with one arm strapped low across her back. The other cupped her nape and positioned her to perfection for their first kiss. His mood was serious as he made his intentions fully clear.


When the kiss began, Riordan found himself in awe. First at the smell of her, gently sweet with spice, almost like sugar cookies. Next, he felt her skin, more than soft and almost silken in lushness. He used his closed mouth to learn the shape of his partner’s. Then at last he tasted her with his tongue, lips sweet with shards of sugar, and the inner cavern of her mouth was moist and warm. His tongue teased hers, at first the caresses were languid, and then more intense. The flavor of her drove his body and mind in separate directions. He could think of nothing he wanted more than to never stop, even as his body wanted more period.


His lips suckled hers, teeth teased over delicate damp flesh and nipped slightly. Tongue poised to soothe her pain with gentle licks over the chafed skin. He stroked his taste buds across hers, darted over them and massaged. By the time he finished, Jennifer only shuddered in his arms, the tremble of an autumn leaf at the mercy of the wind. She still clutched his nape however and used the leverage to draw him back. Not that he was complaining, but he was sure that he was going to have a wardrobe malfunction if he grew any harder. His cock put so much pressure behind his fly he imagined it could pop one of the buttons clean off of the denim placket.


Riordan found he was shaken as well, he never imagined a kiss would leave him hard enough to explode in his pants and near breathless. He recovered first, backed away from the virtuous siren in his arms and set her on her feet. Reluctantly, but he knew instinctively that Jennifer wasn't ready for anything more, even if her body had not caught up to the fact yet.


Before he left Riordan gave her one last kiss on the tip of her nose, then drove back to his downtown hotel suite on auto pilot. He only realized where he was when the valet rapped his knuckles impatiently on the driver’s side window.


"-- get your car, sir?" The exasperated look on the young man’s face clearly showed that the valet had asked him multiple variations of the query while he was lost in thought.


He gave the harried valet driver his keys along with a hefty tip for his wait and walked back to his lonely rented bed. But Riordan found he couldn't sleep, he was too keyed up and so he worked codes half the night, finally dropped off to bed around four in the morning.


Jennifer: Amnesia


When Riordan kissed her, Jennifer forgot everything around her, what the time was, where she was, and most importantly, she didn’t care. The only thing she knew for sure was who she was with. She tried to be bold and match him in exploration. Although she had kissed men before, none of them had detonated anything inside her. That made it easy to keep up and participate with an appreciation to the exercise the press of lips crafted. But this? Every nerve she had from the neck down sizzled and sparked.


She wouldn’t have stopped there, but Riordan stepped back and she wanted more. The only consolation was that he looked like he felt the same way too, confused and lusty. All she was good for at this point was to experience the sensations Riordan served her and hungrily Jennifer pulled herself closer, raised on tipped toes to reach his firm mouth again. He let her kiss him this time, but only barely before he leaned away from her. His eyes were deep and hungry and she imagined hers probably were the same.


"Goodnight." Jennifer’s tone was pinched and she felt naked and chagrined at being so easy and apparent to get. Riordan leaned in for one more kiss, this one smattered on the tip of her nose. It was an unusual end to a wonderful date.


"Goodnight." His voice was husky with passion and his tone was deep with the same need she felt inside but was too afraid to let free.


Jennifer opened the door and let her enthralling companion exit into the brisk night air. When she closed the door, Jennifer rested her back against it, her mind blown and she sank to the floor. Wow. What a kiss, it was better than the solo performances she had at night under the covers in her lonely bed. There was no way she had anything left in her to work out tonight.


Jennifer showered and only thought of Riordan. There were so many fantasies that raced through her mind, but all starred him. That night did end with a workout, only in her bed versus her on her yoga mat. Her body asked for things she didn’t even know how to give herself. But it didn’t matter how many times she came, she wanted more. Her hands touched her body no longer, in her mind they were now his on her skin instead.
She used several of her favorite toys as she imagined the earlier kiss leading to more. She lingered over each of the four peaks she gave herself that night her skin overly responsive to all sensations on the heels of her arousal. Sleep came quickly once she let herself drift off in the afterglow.


The next day, Jennifer went to work with a bit of pep in her step. Several of her co-workers commented on the glow she carried, and asked what products she used. There was no way she could own up her magic four-orgasm formula, so she just said Neutrogena and left it at that. But when she walked into class and saw Riordan he looked tired. She yearned to ask if he was alright, but her professional game face wouldn’t let her. His skin was a bit wan and his lips were pinched faintly at the corners. Even then he still appealed to her and the lazy look of his lids was more bedroom eyes than exhausted. He was neat in a heather green
neck sweater, pair of well-pressed khaki slacks and nut-brown slide-on loafers. He wore his glasses, the sexy Keith Olbermann style square wire frames were perched below his thick brows. This morning was lecture-style on the reporting features and Jennifer tried to take good notes to refer to later as this was where all the errors were occurring anyway. Settling in her seat, Jennifer looked the PowerPoint and demos like a good student, but really she kept her eyes on Riordan.


Riordan: Free Lunch in a Recession


Riordan’s cock gave a rock-hard salute as Jennifer sauntered in. She was clad in a green cable-knit sweater dress that clung to her beautifully, a pair of black leggings below and tiny feet balanced perfectly on a pair of stiletto heels. Her hips had an extra sashay that let him know she got off last night. The thought made him grow slightly turgid and he had to tug on his sweater in the front in an attempt to hide it. The horrible idea of getting kicked in the balls was the only thought that crossed his mind able to wilt the erection. So painful even in recollection the memory made him cringe.

BOOK: thevirginchronicles
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