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Authors: Elizabeth Coldwell

The Taming of Jessica (8 page)

BOOK: The Taming of Jessica
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Chapter Nine

He lay awake for a long time after he’d turned out the light, listening to the soft breathing of the woman who slept at the foot of his bed. It had taken a considerable effort of will not to order her to suck him off after she’d made herself come so beautifully with that big, black vibrator, and his cock was still a rigid bar in his underwear. And she’d have let him thrust it all the way to the back of her throat – her desire to please him had been written all over her face. What had he been trying to prove by not fucking her mouth? Whatever, it had backfired on him; she was sleeping like a baby while he lay staring up at the ceiling, listening to the gentle murmur of the ocean, unable to drift off.

Eventually, he clambered out of bed, careful not to wake her, and padded to the bathroom. Only one thing would help him sleep now. Pulling his cock free of his underwear, he gripped it at its root, already feeling excitement churning in his belly. As he ran his fingers up and down the swollen shaft, he watched himself in the mirror. This should be Jessica, easing the velvet sheath of skin back and forth, cradling his aching balls in her palm; Jessica bringing him to an orgasm that threatened to shatter his sanity. Wanking with ever more ferocious strokes, he thought of all the things he would order her to do before the week was out, all the ways he would find to bring that endearing flush of shame to her soft cheeks. He would make her battle against his demands, relishing the flash of spirit that had driven Max Sheringham to bring her here for training, knowing that ultimately she would surrender to him. He pictured her lips wrapped around his cock, her pussy and arse yielding to him as he fucked her. He could still hear the noises she’d made as she came, the depth of her passion impossible to ignore; see those puffy pink cunt lips stretched around the vibrator’s thick, black shaft. Next time she fucked herself with that toy, he’d instruct her to lick it clean of her juices afterwards.

That was the image that pushed him over the edge, biting the fleshy pad of his thumb to muffle his groans and avoid waking her. His spunk jetted out, splashing into the toilet bowl. When he glanced at his reflection again, the colour in his cheeks was high, his eyes feverishly bright, but his frustrations had eased and he knew he’d be able to sleep now.

Tiredness was already overcoming him as he walked back to the bed. He slid under the covers once more. Jessica, no doubt lost in her own dreams of the day just gone, didn’t even stir.

His normal routine involved waking early and going for a run before breakfast. Even here, where time seemed to have its own slow rhythm and guests were actively encouraged to do as little as possible, he’d been keeping to his usual habits, jogging a couple of miles or so along the beach while everyone else slept, feeling the sense of wellbeing that came from regular exercise.

This morning, he didn’t wake till one of the house girls bustled into the bedroom, bringing him his breakfast on a tray.

‘Good morning, sir.’ She beamed at him, pulling a table over to the side of the bed and setting the tray down on it. Her glance settled on Jessica, who’d been roused by the sound of voices and crockery rattling, and was even now struggling to sit up while using the throw to preserve something of her modesty. ‘Can I get anything for her?’

Jason considered the question for a moment. Jessica looked adorable, her hair mussed and her limbs heavy with sleep. He took a perverse delight in replying to the maid’s query in kind, talking about his submissive as though she wasn’t even worthy of being referred to by name.

‘Bring whatever has been decided on for her breakfast. And we’ll be going down to the beach, so find her something suitable to wear. I’ll leave it to your discretion.’

‘Yes, sir.’ The girl’s face dimpled prettily. In his everyday life, Jason wasn’t used to women routinely treating him as though he was the centre of the universe, and he still found it a little odd how his every wish was deferred to. Still, he determined to make the most of it; he’d be back in his old routine soon enough.

Breakfast consisted of a bowl of granola, packed with nuts and dried cranberries, and topped with yoghurt, washed down with freshly squeezed orange juice, and a cafetière of coffee. If he’d wanted, he could have had croissants and honey, scrambled eggs on rye toast or even a fry-up – nothing appeared to be too much trouble for the kitchen staff. Jason sipped his juice and regarded Jessica. Her expression was troubled, and her fingers clutched and released the edge of the throw.

‘Do you wish to ask me something?’ he said, remembering that last night he’d told her only to speak after being given permission.

‘Please, master, I – I need to use the bathroom.’ She sounded embarrassed to have to make the request. ‘Rather urgently.’ He was about to send her on her way, until she adjusted her position, rising to her knees, and he noticed the chain that still kept her tethered to the bed.

‘Very well.’ He set down his glass, and fished the padlock key from among the clutter on his nightstand. Once he’d released her, he said, ‘Right, off you go, and be quick about it. And leave the bathroom door open so I can see you.’

‘But, master …’

‘Are you daring to question an order?’

She lowered her eyes. ‘No, master.’

‘Well, do as I say before I change my mind.’ Jessica didn’t need to know that he had no intention of peering into the bathroom, but presenting her with the possibility that he’d be watching her perform such a private act would add to her humiliation.

By the time she’d finished her ablutions, the maid had returned with Jessica’s breakfast – a bowl of yoghurt and tropical fruit – which she set down on the floor, close to Jason’s side of the bed. She also carried a pair of flat, cork-soled sandals and a scrap of leopard-print fabric masquerading as a swimsuit.

‘Once you’ve eaten,’ Jason informed Jessica, ‘you’re to dress and ready yourself for the beach.’

She glanced at the bowl on the floor, then at Jason. ‘But, master, there’s no spoon. You don’t seriously expect me to –?’

He cut her plea off abruptly. ‘Of course I do. And if you continue to be such a big baby about things, I’ll keep the maid here to watch you eat. Would you like that?’

‘No, master.’

As Jason waved the maid away, Jessica obediently got down on all fours, and began to eat from the bowl. He settled himself comfortably against the pillows, munching on his own breakfast as he watched her efforts to lap up the mixture of creamy yoghurt and soft, ripe fruits. How delicious she looked, he thought, striving to do whatever it took to please him. She didn’t need to know just yet that every time she argued, every time she objected to one of his orders, she was earning herself more in the way of punishment. Mentally, he was compiling a list of demerits, and on the night before he handed her over to Max, he would make her pay for every single one of them. For now, he was happy to admire the little, cat-like lapping motions of her tongue as she did her best to lick the bowl clean, and the way her bare breasts swayed beneath her as she moved.

Fuck, just watching her was getting him hard again. If Jessica chose to look up, she couldn’t fail to notice the way his cock had made a tent of the bedsheets, advertising his need for her. He ached to sink it into her pussy, but then another idea struck him.

‘I’ve finished, master,’ Jessica said. ‘Every last drop.’ She sat back on her heels, giving him a clear view of the empty bowl. Little blobs of yoghurt adorned the tip of her nose and her chin, almost begging to be kissed away.

‘Not quite,’ he replied, pushing the covers aside to reveal his naked body and proud, upstanding dick. Before her clearly disbelieving eyes, he took a spoonful of yoghurt from the little that remained in his own dish, and smeared it along his shaft from root to tip. ‘This needs to be licked up too.’

He sat with his feet planted on the floor, legs widely spread, encouraging her to nestle between them. After only a moment’s hesitation, Jessica crawled over, into the lee of his muscled thighs, and bent her head to take him between his lips. Just the feel of her wet mouth engulfing his helmet had him gripping the sheets and fighting not to come. Think about everything that’s waiting for you at home, he told himself: the bills that will have arrived in your absence; the clients who’ll have been neglecting their exercises and stuffing their faces with chips without you around to supervise their routine. Concentrating on those unwelcome images brought him back from the brink, so he could fully enjoy the manner in which Jessica was assiduously licking him clean.

Strands of her blonde hair fell about her face, and he caught them up in his fist, giving him a better view of her mouth working on his cock. She was the perfect picture of submission. Her lips were stretched around the thickness of him, her cheeks hollowed with the suction, and her eyes were half-closed – whether in pleasure or because she was too ashamed to meet his gaze, he didn’t know. Keeping a grip of her hair enabled him to push her head a little further down onto his shaft, encouraging her to take as much of him as she could. The only sounds in the room were the soft, gobbling noises Jessica was making around his cock, his own tense, harsh breathing, and, from the distance, the rhythmic hiss of the ocean. He fought the urge to jerk his hips and fuck her face properly.

When he pulled her off his dick, he could see a distinct line, like a high water mark, indicating how much of his length she’d managed to clean. ‘Finish it,’ he ordered, and she set to lapping up the rest of the yoghurt from the base of his cock. Some of it had dribbled down over his balls and into the crack of his butt, and she cleaned up the creamy trails without complaint. Jason groaned as the point of her tongue snaked briefly into the pucker of his arsehole. He should have kept the maid here to witness the sight of this gorgeous, wilful cougar obediently licking his arse. Pleasure trembled through his body, and he knew he couldn’t delay his orgasm much longer.

‘I’m going to come,’ he told Jessica, ‘and you’re going to take it all in that hot, slutty mouth of yours.’

‘Yes, master,’ she replied, before taking the head of his cock between her lips once more.

‘Play with my balls,’ he ordered her, and at once she cradled both tight orbs in her palm. The sensation of her fingers rolling them gently in their sacs while her tongue moved over his helm in rapid figures of eight was too much for him to resist. With a cry of triumph, he filled her mouth with his seed, feeling the muscles of his arse clench in time with each pumping spasm.

The strength of his orgasm left him drained, and he fell back on the bed. Jessica smiled up at him, licking the last drops of come from her lips.

‘You were –’ He was about to add “amazing”, but somehow it didn’t feel appropriate to compliment her technique, as though he was just another of her one-night stands. Pulling himself together, he said, ‘You’ve got yoghurt on your face, girl. Go and wash it off, then get dressed.’

‘Yes, master.’

As he watched her go, he thought again how unbelievably lucky he’d been to land himself such an inexperienced but obviously willing submissive. If Max Sheringham put in an appearance at the beach, he’d be sure to thank the man, and maybe give him a little sneak preview of just what he could expect when Jessica was finally returned to him. And if he wasn’t there, well, Jason knew he could find some other way of making this another day to remember, both for Jessica and himself.

Chapter Ten

Jessica took a last look at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. The swimsuit that had been taken from her case for her to wear was possibly the most daring she owned, leaving very little to the imagination once it was on, and she wondered whether the maid had chosen it precisely for that reason. The halter fastening and thong bottom left most of her back and bum cheeks bare, and her nipples were visible points beneath the thin leopard-print material. She looked just what Jason had called her, hot and slutty.

Being made to suck her master’s cock had turned her on more than she could have expected. Her first glimpse of that beautiful tool, every bit as long and hard as her sneaky peeks at his crotch had led her to expect, had made her pussy flood with juice. She’d really had to open her mouth wide to take him in, feeling a strange sense of achievement at managing to swallow more than half his impressive length. And though she’d never liked it when men had grabbed her hair and tried to force the pace of a blowjob to suit themselves, somehow it had seemed only right to let him take control.

What would Max say if he’d been able to see her, down on her knees, obediently licking Jason’s arsehole clean of yoghurt? She couldn’t help feeling he’d have approved; for some reason he seemed to get off on the thought of her being fucked by another man, as long as he knew about it. When she was finally returned to him at the end of their holiday, would she have to give him all the details? Already she’d been made to pleasure herself with the dildo while her master watched, as well as lavishing him with the best of her oral attentions. And she’d barely spent 12 hours in his company – God knew in what other ways he’d manage to degrade and humiliate her for his amusement, while simultaneously bringing her to the highest peaks of excitement.

‘Come on, Jessica,’ he called from the bedroom – as before, he’d made her leave the bathroom door open, allowing her no privacy. ‘We haven’t got all day.’

Quickly, she twisted her hair into a plait, securing it with an elasticated band from a pot of odds and ends on the bathroom counter. Satisfied with her appearance, she went to join her master. In her absence, he’d put on a pair of baggy floral shorts and a black, sleeveless T-shirt, coupling them with plastic flip-flops and aviator shades. The casual look suited him much better than the formal shirt and trousers he’d worn last night, and she wondered again exactly what he did for a living. Was he another Internet geek like Wesley Cole, happiest spending his days slouched in front of a computer screen and keeping contact with other people to a minimum? But if that was the case, how had he managed to hone those quite spectacular muscles?

Stop worrying about him, she reprimanded herself, and start worrying about what else he might have planned for you.

His eyes widened at the sight of her, but he didn’t comment on her appearance. Instead, he picked up the rolled-up beach towel that lay on the bed and ordered her to follow him.

They took the back exit from the resort building, and as Jason pushed open the door, Jessica caught her first glimpse of the beach. Fine, white sand, so unspoilt she wondered whether Damon Barada employed someone to smooth it clean of footprints every night, stretched down to a crystal blue ocean. Seabirds wheeled in the air, their mournful cries carrying across the water, and the leaves of palm trees rustled in a gentle breeze. This was what she’d expected her holiday with Max to be like; long days spent lying on a sun lounger, or maybe even in a hammock stretched between trees, interspersed with a dip in the pool or a trip to the resort bar for a cooling cocktail.

Jason led the way to where a couple of towels had already been laid out on the sand. On one of them lay Honey, wearing possibly the tiniest bikini Jessica had ever seen in her life. The lime-green cups covered the big, brown discs of Honey’s nipples and almost nothing else, and the bottom was a triangle of fabric so scanty it left most of her mound and sex lips bare. Having already seen her friend naked, Jessica knew every last hair on Honey’s pussy had been waxed away, but any passer-by observing her as she soaked up the sun would rapidly reach the same conclusion.

Honey sat up as Jason and Jessica approached, removed her oversized sunglasses, and flashed them both a dazzling smile. She patted the towel by her side, in a clear invitation for Jessica to join her. The man who’d bought her at the auction appeared to be nowhere in sight.

Jessica went to join her, but was brought up short by Jason’s barked command. ‘My towel, girl.’

Of course – always the gratification of her master’s needs before her own. She needed to remember that if she was to become the well-behaved submissive Max needed her to be. She unrolled the blue and green towel, with its vivid pattern of scallop seashells, and spread it out. He’d bundled up a bottle of high-factor sun lotion in the middle of the towel, and she set that aside. Jason peeled off his T-shirt; Jessica thought she heard Honey give a low, appreciative sigh at the sight of his taut stomach and broad, bare chest.

‘Do you need anything else, sir?’ she asked, once Jason had made himself comfortable. ‘Sun lotion, perhaps? A cool drink?’

He shook his head. ‘Not for the time being. I’ll call you when I want you.’

With that, she was dismissed. Feeling oddly bereft, she went to lie beside Honey. Her friend giggled, prompting Jessica to prop herself up on her elbow to see what had inspired such mirth. ‘See, I told you you’d be mastered by one of the hot guys.’

‘You think Jason’s hot? Seriously?’

‘Don’t you?’ Honey asked. ‘With those muscles and that killer smile?’

Jason didn’t seem to have smiled at her that much since she’d stepped down from the auction block, she reflected – though when he had, she’d basked in the warmth of his approval. ‘I don’t know,’ she said. ‘I prefer them a little more – clean cut.’

‘Well, I’d offer to trade you – I mean, I’ve got a master with hairy shoulders. And don’t start me on all the fuzz in the crack of his arse …’ Honey gave a little shudder. ‘But boy, does he know how to wield a cane.’ She rolled over, letting Jessica see her bottom, the perfection of its golden skin marred by three raised red lines that ran parallel to each other.

Jessica fought the urge to reach out and touch the angry-looking welts. ‘Aren’t they sore?’ she asked, wondering how Honey had managed to lie on her back with any degree of comfort.

‘Of course. What would be the point of them if they weren’t? No, I think I’ve got just as lucky as you in my own way, Jessica. I’ve found a master who’s determined to keep me in line, which means I’m going to have so much fun proving to him that he can’t.’ She raked an appraising gaze along the length of Jessica’s body. ‘That’s a great swimsuit, by the way.’

‘Thank you,’ Jessica said, ‘though when I packed it, I was kind of hoping Max would be the one who’d get the benefit of seeing me in it.’

‘Well, he should be here very soon. Rafael went to fetch him for a game of beach tennis.’

‘Tennis?’ Jessica couldn’t keep the surprise from her voice. She’d never known Max do anything more energetic on a beach than turn the pages of the latest John Grisham thriller.

‘Oh sweetie, you’ve really never seen your husband flex his muscles among the other alpha males, have you? Any excuse for a contest and they all pile in. It’s partly why Damon likes to auction us girls off – the men get so competitive fighting to own us, it raises more money for that charity of his. But you should know all about that, seeing just how much the lovely Jason paid to get his hands on your virgin charms …’

Jessica glanced over at Jason, wondering whether he’d realised he was being talked about, but he was lying on his back, his hands linked behind his head, oblivious to their conversation. His eyes were hidden behind his dark glasses, and for all she knew he had fallen asleep. Her gaze lit on the bottle of sun lotion, and she realised she hadn’t applied any before leaving Jason’s suite. If she didn’t want to burn under the strong Caribbean sun, she needed to rectify that.

When she picked up the bottle, Honey said, ‘Let me do that. Lie down, and I’ll make sure I get lotion on that bit in the middle of your back you just can’t reach yourself, no matter how flexible you are.’

The woman had a knack of making every sentence, no matter how innocent, sound as though it contained some blatant innuendo, but Jessica obediently lay face down on the towel so Honey could cream her skin. She heard the sound of the bottle being squeezed, then dollops of lotion landed on her back and Honey began to rub them in. Her hands were soft, moving in slow, swirling motions that were deliciously soothing, and for the first time since she’d arrived on the island, Jessica felt herself truly relax. Her eyes closed, and she rested her head on her folded arms, sure that much more of this treatment would lull her to sleep. Only when her friend’s hands moved onto the swell of her buttock did she find herself tensing; the touch seemed so intimate in comparison to what had gone before. Yet what could she expect, when the material of her swimsuit was little more than a thin strip bisecting her bum cheeks? She needed the protection of the lotion, after all.

Letting her defences down, she didn’t protest at first when Honey worked her fingers ever lower, skimming over the crotch of her swimsuit. The first touch she brushed off as an accident, Honey just growing a little too enthusiastic in her attempts to make sure Jessica’s skin was effectively coated with the lotion. When she felt that touch a second time, lingering a little longer, she knew it had been deliberate.

‘Honey, I don’t think you should be –’

‘Shush, Jessie, you know you need this,’ Honey replied, easing her finger beneath the edge of the swimsuit so it rested on her wet pussy. And she was wet; whether it was still the residue of her excitement at having Jason come in her mouth, or whether her body was just reacting instinctively to Honey’s calculated caresses, she didn’t know. Neither, she was shocked to realise, did she particularly care.

Another finger joined the first, and the pads of both digits described lazy circles on Jessica’s clit. She bit back a whimper of need, afraid that any noise might wake Jason – if indeed he really was asleep – and get them both into trouble. Whatever he’d brought her down to the beach for, she was damn sure it wasn’t to let her mischievous roommate finger-fuck her.

‘Look who’s arrived, Jessie,’ Honey murmured, never pausing in her relentless digital exploration of Jessica’s sex.

Glancing up, Jessica saw Max ambling across the sand towards the spot where they lay, in the company of Rafael Dos Santos. He clutched a black plastic tennis racket in his hand, and he looked fresh and relaxed in a short-sleeved shirt and knee-length khaki shorts.

‘Stop it, Honey,’ she hissed. ‘I can’t let Max see me like this.’ Doing her best to wriggle away from Honey’s probing fingers, she hauled herself upright, trying to make it seem as though the two of them were simply chatting and enjoying the sunshine. As she moved, she was horrified to realise that while she’d been half-dozing, Honey must have undone the halter fastening of her swimsuit. The result was that the fabric fell away when she sat up, faster than her clutching hands could stop it, exposing her breasts to the approaching men. Even though one of them was her husband, who’d seen her naked so many times, she still felt embarrassed about having so much of herself on display, especially as her nipples were poking forward jauntily. Why did everyone on this wretched island seem so determined to wrong-foot her at every turn?

‘Jessica, what exactly are you doing?’ Jason’s voice was sharp behind her. She turned in his direction, knowing she was now treating him to the sight of her bare tits.

‘I’m sorry, master, I –’ Again she found herself apologising for something that couldn’t really be her fault, but it was hard to concentrate when Honey was still surreptitiously playing with her pussy.

The sly movements of Honey’s fingers hadn’t gone totally unnoticed, it seemed. ‘Hey, slut, cut that out!’ Dos Santos ordered in his rich, Spanish-accented tone.

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about, sir,’ Honey said artlessly. Jessica couldn’t understand her behaviour. Orders were to be obeyed – her own master had made that very clear to her – yet her friend seemed to revel in doing the exact opposite of what she’d been told.

In a couple of furious strides, Dos Santos covered the stretch of beach between himself and the two women. Reaching down, he grasped hold of Honey’s fingers, which seemed to ease out of Jessica’s pussy with an audible squelch.

‘Look at this!’ He held the offending hand up in the air, so everyone could see how its fingers glistened with Jessica’s juices. Dos Santos sniffed them, then licked them clean, visibly savouring the taste. Jessica wanted the sand to swallow her up, so mortified was she at realising everyone now knew just how turned on she’d been by Honey’s touch.

‘If I hadn’t stopped you, you’d have made this little trollop come, wouldn’t you? How dare you, when you know the only one you’re supposed to give pleasure to is your lord and master?’ Dos Santos rumbled on. ‘It seems the caning I gave you last night hasn’t had the desired effect of beating some sense into you, and further punishment is required.’ He turned to Max. ‘
, I’m afraid we must postpone our game of tennis until later. I need to discipline this wayward brat.’

With that, he hauled Honey up by one arm and began to lead her indoors. The almost bare cheeks of her bottom and her big breasts, so inadequately confined in the skimpy bikini, jiggled with every step she took. Jessica couldn’t help but notice that Max’s gaze seemed almost magnetised to the sway of Honey’s arse, with the marks of her recent punishment so prominent across it.

‘So, what shall we do about you?’ Jason asked, fixing Jessica with a stern glare and pulling the focus of her attention to him. ‘After all, I didn’t notice you telling Honey to stop.’

‘Master, it wasn’t my fault, really it wasn’t,’ Jessica blustered. ‘I only expected her to rub sun lotion on my skin. That’s all she said she was going to do. I didn’t think she’d start touching my –’ She stopped, hoping he’d get the point.

BOOK: The Taming of Jessica
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