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Authors: Elizabeth Coldwell

The Taming of Jessica (10 page)

BOOK: The Taming of Jessica
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‘And now this is where it starts to get interesting,’ Voller murmured somewhere beside him. Max was tempted to ask him what he meant, but a moan from Adele captured his attention. Radford had increased the pace of the thrusts, and what had been a gentle ride had become more of a gallop. With every stroke, more of the dildo slithered from her hole, before slamming back in again hard, and he could only imagine how that was stimulating the network of nerves in her vulva. She held on tight to the body of the Beast, squealing and bucking as it fucked her.

Radford stabbed at another button on his remote, and now the dildo gyrated in tight circles, while still hammering in and out of the girl. Years ago, when they’d first become fashionable, Jessica had bought one of those Rabbit vibrators, Max recalled. Its unique selling point had been that it moved in a circular motion no mere man could achieve – or so the girl in the shop had claimed – and now Max saw how that technique might be used to reduce a woman to a state of helpless, sweating, screaming bliss.

For Adele was in bliss, there was no doubt about it. She might be plugged by the biggest dildo he’d ever seen, and that dildo might be reaming her body almost brutally, but he could tell she was loving every moment of this weird, depraved treatment. As if to confirm his thoughts, she threw her head back and yelled out her orgasm, the muscles in her thighs visibly trembling as she did her best to cling to the Beast.

‘You see those eyebolts along the side of the machine?’ Voller asked, and Max followed his gaze. ‘That is so shackles can be attached, so a slave can be tethered to the Beast for as long as her master wishes. You wouldn’t believe how many times these little sluts can be made to come – however much they beg to be released.’

Max noticed Jason shoot Voller a look he couldn’t quite decipher, but it was enough to convince him his friend had as unfavourable an opinion of the German as he did. If Jessica had fallen into Voller’s clutches, would she have been forced to ride the Beast into a state of exhaustion? He was glad he wasn’t likely to find out, even though the image of her gripping the thing with her thighs while the dildo jackhammered into her caused his cock to lurch with lust. He needed to attend to himself, and soon. Glancing round the room, it seemed a couple of the others had felt the need even more strongly, for they had their cocks in their hands and were stealthily wanking.

Adele cried out as her pleasure peaked again, before slumping forward on the machine. That seemed to signal the end of the performance, for Radford fiddled with the remote and the dildo first stopped rotating, then slowed in pace before coming to a gradual halt. Extending a hand, showing her some real tenderness for the first time since he’d ordered her to mount the Beast, Radford helped her to climb off it.

Conscious the show was over, the audience began to drift away in the direction of the dining area. Max noticed Malcolm Quinn, Adele’s husband, sitting in a low-backed leather and chrome chair, his expression one of pride and satisfaction. He must have been there the whole time, concealed by the other members of the audience, watching on as his young wife was put through her paces.

‘Sir.’ The voice was gentle in Max’s ear, and he turned to see one of the house girls smiling at him. He couldn’t remember her name, but she was a pretty enough thing, with brown hair piled in messy curls on top of her head, and breasts that strained at the fastening of her uniform dress. ‘You look as though you’re in need of some relief.’

As she spoke, she popped open a couple of the fasteners that ran the length of her dress, revealing a mouthwatering glimpse of creamy cleavage. Another couple, and her bare breasts were fully on display to him, their fat red nipples hard and enticing. How sweet it would be, Max thought, to slide his cock into the channel between those gorgeous tits, and let her wrap the soft flesh around his straining shaft. Just what he needed after everything he’d witnessed so far today.

‘You have some fun with her,’ Jason said, as if reading his mind. ‘I’ll go and deal with Jessica. She’ll have had more than enough time to reflect on what a naughty girl she’s been.’

Max had no idea what dealing with Jessica might involve, but as the house girl unfastened the rest of her dress to show him she was completely naked beneath it, he found he didn’t really care. All that mattered was letting this girl give him the tit-fuck he craved. Not caring who might be watching, he let her take him by the hand and lead him over to a low couch, so she could get down on her knees before him and attend to him in all the ways he enjoyed most.

Chapter Twelve

Jessica didn’t look round when she heard the door click open, knowing that doing so would probably earn her another couple of swats on an arse that still ached from her earlier paddling. She waited for the sound of her master’s voice, but instead it was a woman who spoke, her tone melodious, her accent unmistakably French. ‘
, housekeeping!’ The cheerful words were accompanied by the rattling and clanking of a metal trolley being pushed into the room.

Wasn’t the standard etiquette for chambermaids to knock first, then withdraw if it became clear the guest didn’t wish to be disturbed at that particular moment? Perhaps, Jessica reflected, but nothing followed the usual standards in Damon Barada’s establishment; everything was skewed to increase the possibility that some poor unfortunate like herself might be caught in a compromising act. She had no idea what the staff here earned; indeed, she could very well imagine there might be submissive women who would pay for the thrill of being dominated and fucked by Barada and his wealthy colleagues. What she had no doubt of was that coming upon a scene such as the maid had discovered here – Jessica standing obediently in the corner with her hands on her head and her swimsuit bunched around her ankles, her bum cheeks bearing the vivid marks of a recent punishment – would be classed as one of the perks of the job.

‘Oh my goodness, what do we have here?’ the maid asked. ‘It looks like someone’s been a very naughty girl, hasn’t she?’

Jessica only knew the girl had come to her when she felt soft breath against her ear, and smelled lily-of-the-valley perfume; her shoes had made no sound on the polished wooden floorboards.

‘Your poor bottom must be very sore,
,’ the maid continued. ‘Oh
ma pauvre petite
, you must have done something very bad to earn such a beating.’

But I didn’t, Jessica wanted to point out. All I did was let Honey rub lotion into my skin so I didn’t burn in the sun. I know that when she started touching me where she shouldn’t have, I should have stopped her, but I didn’t because it felt so good. However, she knew better than to explain anything to this girl, to try to turn and make the case for her defence. For all she knew, the maid would immediately go scurrying off to find her master, and tell him she’d spoken out of turn. She could only imagine how painful the consequences of that might be.

‘Let me attend to you,
. It will only take a moment, and I can help ease the ache in that oh so red bottom of yours.’

The maid stepped away. Jessica kept her eyes fixed to the wall, trying to gauge what the girl might be doing from the noises she made. She appeared to be opening and closing drawers, presumably rifling through Jason’s nightstand in search of something. Jessica’s stomach lurched. Please God, she thought, don’t let her be looking for something in that toy box Damon provides.

When the maid returned to her side, Jessica heard a sound she hadn’t been expecting – the lid of a jar being unscrewed – and felt a cool substance being applied to the surface of her arse. She hissed out a grateful breath as the maid smoothed the balm, or whatever it was, over her inflamed flesh. For someone whose job involved cleaning the resort bedrooms, the girl’s hands were deliciously soft. Maybe she wore rubber gloves when she worked, Jessica considered, her mind racing as she wondered what it might feel like to be caressed by fingers sheathed in thick latex, to have them pushing up into both her holes, exploring her front and back. What’s wrong with me? she wondered. Why does everything that happens to me these days make me think of the kinkiest possibilities, the most outrageous behaviour?

It wasn’t all that surprising, she supposed, not when the maid’s fingers were moving over the crown of her buttock, closer and closer to the cleft dividing her cheeks. If they travelled any lower, they would brush dangerously close to her sex lips, just as Honey’s had done. And if that happened, she knew, just knew, that she would make no effort to stop this girl in her explorations. Until she’d set foot on Isla Barada, she’d barely even contemplated the prospect of letting another woman finger her pussy, and bring her to the brink of climax with skilful touches to her clit – now, twice in less than the space of a day, she had given herself over without a murmur to these insistent Sapphic caresses.

The soft pad of a finger was trailed over the seam of Jessica’s nether lips. She shivered, wanting more but not daring to speak and break her master’s rule. Surely her reaction must be letting the maid know just where she needed to be touched, and how little of that treatment it would take to tip her over into orgasm.

might care to spread her stance a little further,’ the maid suggested. ‘That way I can make sure I have creamed all your flesh.’

Without hesitation, Jessica shuffled her legs as wide as the restrictive grip of the swimsuit would allow. It only widened the gap between them by a matter of inches, but it was an unspoken invitation to the maid to slip her hand into that humid space at the apex of her thighs.

Again, those wicked fingers brushed over her pouting pussy, but now they lingered, caressing the smoothly shaven flesh and applying the most delicate of touches to her clit. Long-delayed pleasure after the pain her master had inflicted, and all the sweeter for being provoked in her by a woman who, she was certain, must know exactly how it felt to be on the receiving end of a sustained paddling. Her sigh was deep, heartfelt, and she would have broken her express instruction not to turn her head to look directly at the girl who was stimulating her so beautifully if the door hadn’t swung open at that moment.

‘What on earth is going on here?’ Jason bellowed.

Caught with her fingers in the cookie jar, the maid withdrew her hand from between Jessica’s legs and began to explain her actions. ‘
Pardon, monsieur
, I was only trying to soothe the beautiful bottom of your slave. I did not mean to –’

Jason cut her apology short. ‘That’s as may be, but I decide what attention Jessica receives, and when. And if I were going to apply something to her arse, I certainly wouldn’t be using this.’

With her face to the wall, Jessica couldn’t see what was happening, but the maid’s anguished little cry suggested to her that the jar of balm had been snatched from her fingers. ‘Do you know how much this moisturiser costs, girl? You must have used half the pot.’

, I didn’t realise. If I had known, I would have –’

Jessica tuned out the maid’s pleading. She would never have imagined that Jason, who looked as though he shaved on those occasions when he remembered, and seemed uncomfortable in anything more formal than a T-shirt, would use facial moisturiser. Maybe she’d got it wrong about his choice of career; she’d originally believed he was one of Barada’s employees playing a part, a thought she’d quickly dismissed, but maybe he was a professional actor, and that’s why he was vain enough to slather expensive potions on his skin. It would explain why he could slip so easily into the role of the stern dominant who expected nothing other than to be obeyed.

His voice snapped her back to full awareness of the situation.

‘Sorry isn’t good enough, girl. I should speak to Damon, get the cost of the cream deducted from your wages.’ His reaction seemed over the top, but Jessica suspected the threat was designed to get the girl to do whatever it took to resolve the matter here and now. If that was indeed the case, it had worked.

‘No, please,
,’ the maid whimpered. ‘Please don’t speak to Monsieur Barada. He will dismiss me on the spot, and then I will have to go back home to Lille. It is so grey there, so dull, and I love working here so much.’

‘You should have thought of that before you started taking liberties with my property.’

Jessica couldn’t decide whether Jason was referring to the moisturiser, or herself.

‘I know,
, but I could not help myself. I saw such a delicious bottom, in need of attention … It was too much to resist. And I will take whatever punishment you see fit, just as long as you don’t tell Monsieur Barada what I have done.’

‘Very well – what’s your name?’ Jason asked.

‘Nathalie, monsieur.’

‘Very well, Nathalie, let’s have you over my knee. Jessica, you may turn round. I’d like you to witness this.’

Jessica did an obedient pirouette, hands still linked together behind her head, even though she felt a slight burn between her shoulder blades from the strain of keeping her arms in the same position for so long. It didn’t surprise her that her master wanted her to watch Nathalie being punished. Humiliating as it was to have your bottom smacked, it was ten times worse when someone else was there to see that bottom turn red beneath a punishing palm, and hear every last sob and plea for mercy.

Jason settled himself on the edge of the bed, patting the top of his leg and encouraging Nathalie to arrange herself on his lap. She did so without a murmur, lying face down, her rump squarely over Jason’s thick thighs. For the first time, Jessica got a good look at the girl. Barely into her 20s, her black hair had been fastened into a high ponytail, and she wore the plain white tunic which was the regulation outfit for the resort’s maids. Her long legs were bare, and the flat, raffia soles of her white shoes explained why she’d been able to move so noiselessly across the floor.

‘Right, let’s get this over with.’ With quick, efficient movements, he inched Nathalie’s tunic up till it was around her waist, revealing a small, round bottom covered by high-waisted white panties – practical, but not in the least glamorous. The granny panties seemed to offend Jason’s aesthetic sensibilities, as he reached to take them off.

,’ Nathalie begged. ‘Please don’t bare my bottom, please. I couldn’t bear the shame of it.’

Jason was deaf to her entreaties. Fingers hooked in the waistband, he pulled the knickers down, revealing the olive-toned contours of Nathalie’s arse. As Nathalie spread her legs, helping him in the ease of their removal even as she whined and pleaded for him not to take her underwear off, Jessica couldn’t help noticing that the girl’s lower lips were thickly covered with bushy hair. It even seemed to extend up into the crack of her arse. Not that she was an expert in such matters, but she didn’t believe she’d ever seen such a hairy pussy, and for some reason the sight intrigued her. She wanted to step closer and take a better look, but Jason hadn’t given her permission to approach, so she stayed where she was.

‘I’ll make this quick and sharp, so you don’t forget your lesson,’ Jason informed Nathalie. With that, he raised his hand and began to spank her. Over and over his palm descended, slapping each of the girl’s buttocks in turn. His movements were rapid, never giving her time to recover from one swat before the next was on its punishing way. Every smack seemed loud, even in such a big and airy room, and each one was answered with a little yelp from Nathalie.

For the first time, Jessica was able to see the effect a hard spanking had on an unprotected bottom. Nathalie’s skin blushed a deeper crimson with every stroke, mottling and taking on an angry red look. If she were able to reach out and touch it, Jessica swore she would be able to feel the heat suffusing those poor, abused cheeks.

But for all the pain Nathalie must be experiencing, there had to be pleasure building too. Jessica knew all too well how the heat generated by every spank could find its way to a girl’s pussy, deep and sweet and bringing with it the promise of an orgasm to come – if she were lucky enough to be allowed such an indulgence by her master. Nathalie’s writhings on Jason’s lap had taken on a more visibly erotic nature, and Jessica wondered whether the maid was rubbing herself against Jason’s big, hard dick. If you were to position yourself just right, she reckoned it would be possible to create enough friction on your clit as you wriggled and squirmed to make yourself come.

Jason seemed to have worked that out too, for abruptly he pushed Nathalie from his lap, sending her sprawling to the floor. ‘That’s quite enough of that, you little minx.’

The maid raised herself to her knees, making no attempt to adjust her dress. As she moved, Jessica got a good flash of her pussy. It looked swollen and wet; clear evidence that being spanked had turned Nathalie on.

‘So, may I go about my duties now,
?’ Nathalie asked. ‘I promise you I will never use anything belonging to any of the guests without asking permission first.’

‘No, not yet.’ Jason took hold of the maid’s hand and guided her to her feet, then arranged her face down over the end of the bed. ‘Jessica, come here,’ he ordered.

When she did, her progress still hampered by the swimsuit around her ankles, he made her lie down alongside Nathalie. He tugged at the swimsuit, and she kicked her feet out of it on his command, grateful to be free of its constraints at last.

‘How very lovely you both look,’ he told her. ‘Two naughty girls with punished bottoms and wet pussies just aching to be fucked.’

Jessica heard noises that suggested her master was stripping out of his clothes, then the familiar ripping sound as a condom packet was torn open. In moments, he was back beside the two girls, running a hand over each of their bottoms in turn. The little wince Nathalie gave as he caressed her suggested her bottom was considerably tenderer to the touch than Jessica’s own.

‘Now, the only question is which of you shall I fuck first?’

He seemed to spend for ever considering his options. Jessica fought to retain her self-control, even as she longed to beg him to sink that thick, hard shaft into her depths. She’d lost track of just how much time had passed since Max and Jason had disappeared from the room, but her senses had been on fire for all that time. Despite the agony she’d endured, the paddling had left her desperate to be fucked, and if her master decided to take Nathalie first, she didn’t know if she could stand the frustration.

‘Shall it be Jessica, who just can’t seem to stop offering herself to any little slut who decides to play with her?’ Thrusting a hand between Jessica’s legs, he stroked her wet folds, coaxing a whimper of desire from her. ‘Or shall it be Nathalie, who doesn’t seem to know it’s wrong to use someone else’s property without their permission?’

BOOK: The Taming of Jessica
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