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Authors: Parker Kincade

Spring Training (2 page)

BOOK: Spring Training
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Chapter Two

Jessa had always prided herself on self-control. She’d need every ounce if she was going to survive the next couple of weeks.

There was no denying her attraction to Garrett. Her body had lit up like an amusement park the second she’d laid eyes on him. As though it recognized him as the one who could show it indescribable pleasure. Her experience with men may have been limited, but she was far from innocent. Yet, ten minutes with Garrett Donovan and she was a hot mess. The reaction surprised her, set her on edge.

She dropped her purse and keycard on the table and went straight for the shower. She stripped off her clothes, leaving them scattered across the floor. She stepped into the glass enclosure and yelped, her back arching as the cold water hit her skin. Tiny bumps erupted across her body and her nipples drew up tight. After a quick readjust, lukewarm water flowed. Just enough to take the edge off.

She hoped.

Smoothing her hands down her body, Jessa let out a soft moan as she washed away the sweat and grime of the ballpark. She’d had worse days. Even if Garrett hadn’t been so yummy to look at, his talent as an athlete was truly a sight to behold. His confidence lacked the arrogance she was used to. He moved with fluid grace, comfortable in his own skin. And when he’d stopped to sign autographs and talk to the fans, his smile was one of genuine happiness.

She’d never seen anything like it.

Her eyes drifted closed and she saw him. The way his hands stroked over his bat as he stepped into the box. The way his tongue wet his bottom lip as he twisted his foot and dug in.

Palming her breasts, Jessa thumbed the tight buds, caressing the sensitive edges. How would his hands feel against her skin? Would he be gentle? Or rough and demanding?

Her womb tightened. Moisture flooded her sex. She imagined the smooth rotation of his hips as he swung, felt it as if he rode between her thighs. Her pelvis rocked forward, her pussy pulsating with need as her body took over her mind.

Jesus, she’d managed to turn batting practice into a porn flick.

Breathless and aroused, Jessa rested her forehead against the cool tile. She reached between her legs, pressing her fingers flat against the swollen lips of her pussy, knowing there wasn’t much she could to do alleviate the tension. She’d rarely been able to get herself off with her fingers. To try would only result in further frustration and a serious hand cramp. Not the greatest time to have forgotten her vibrator, but how could she have known she’d need it?

She’d watched hours of footage of Garrett’s game play. Of course she’d noticed he was a good-looking guy, but nothing could have prepared her for the sensual assault of his silky smooth voice, his wicked grin, his … this was so not helping.

She held her breath and turned the handle all the way to cold. She jumped and giggled as the icy flow doused the heat building within her. Dancing on her toes, she stayed under as long as she could.

It didn’t make any sense. She didn’t even know Garrett. He’d made that painfully clear with his comment about why he was late. So why couldn’t she stop thinking about him?

After towel drying her hair, Jessa dressed in her favorite worn-out T-shirt and shorts. Her suite had a bar — and not of the mini variety — but she chose a bottle of water from the refrigerator instead. She grabbed her laptop and settled on the couch to go over the day’s results. If she was going to keep thinking about Garrett, it was best she keep it professional. She’d met her quota of cold showers for the day.

She’d finished going over the numbers when a soft knock sounded on her door. She glanced at her watch, surprised to see it was almost eight o’clock.

Her face heated when she glanced through the peephole to see Garrett — a pizza box in one hand and a six-pack dangling from the other. She took a step back. What the …?

Of course she’d have to see him eventually, but the memory of her shower and the wicked things she’d imagined were still fresh in her mind. And now he was here. In the flesh.

He knocked again.

She laid her forehead against the door and took a few steadying breaths. She could do this. He was her job, nothing more. She smoothed her hands over her hair and opened the door.

“You had dinner?” His lazy grin was infectious.

She shook her head. How could she turn him down when he looked at her like that? “I didn’t realize how late it’d gotten.” She stepped out of the way and motioned him in. He went straight for the bar and tossed the pizza on the counter.

“Nice suite. It got plates?” He pulled open door after door, searching the cabinets.

“Have a seat.” She came around and nudged him out of the way, relieved at the lack of awkwardness between them. “What’re you doing here, anyway?”

He shrugged. “Thought maybe we should start over. You know, get to know each other better.”

“You think we’re going to bond over pepperoni?”

“You know what they say. Nothing brings people together like a little Italian meat.” He wagged his eyebrows.

“If you’re about to say you’re Italian, get out.” She crooked a thumb at the door, but relaxed at his teasing.

“Not me, I’m just a small-town farm boy from Mississippi.” He winked at her. “And I’m not little.” He waggled his fingers at her. “See? Large hands,” he teased.

Sweet Jesus, her imagination was active enough. Comments like that didn’t help. “Right.” She laughed and pulled two plates from the cabinet. She set one in front of him along with one of the beers he’d brought. She put the other cans in the fridge and took another bottle of water for herself.

He eyed her curiously. “You don’t drink?” He helped himself to the pizza, tossing half the pie on his plate before he moved to the sofa.

She took two pieces and joined him. She settled in the corner, cross-legged with her plate resting on her lap. “Not really. I never got the point.”

“You’re what? Twenty-two?”

She rolled her eyes, darting her foot out to push at his leg. “Twenty-four. Same age as you.”

“Right. Twenty-four.” His gaze narrowed. “You a goodie-two-shoes or something?”

Jessa straightened her spine. She leaned over and wrapped her hand around his beer can. Keeping her gaze on his, she put the can to her lips and drank. The vile liquid made her shudder, but she didn’t stop until the can was empty. She wrinkled her nose at him. “I didn’t say I didn’t drink. I said I don’t see the point.”

Garrett put a hand over his heart. “I think I’m in love.”

She tossed the can at him — which he caught with a laugh — and she rose to get him another.

“Come on, you’ve never let loose? Let your hair down? Shook your moneymaker?” He made an obscene movement that made her jealous of the couch.

“If you mean do I go out and get drunk off my ass and act like an idiot … then the answer is no. I prefer to keep a low profile, you know, for my dad.”

Garrett nodded his head as if he understood and took a bite of pizza. “That’s what TJ expects then?” he said around his food.

She handed him the beer. “Since you’re on a first name basis, maybe you should ask him that question.”

“Wow, touchy. Actually, I was wondering if your low profile was self-imposed or not.” He trained his beautiful blues on her. “Before you go and get all huffy again, I’ll tell you that I like your dad, Jessa. I’d say that’s a good thing, considering he’s my boss. And he’s been good to me. Given me some great advice. Hell, he gave me a job. I’d say that puts him up there as one of my favorite people.” He sank back into the sofa, resting his arm along the back and looking entirely too comfortable in her space.

She sat forward and put her plate on the coffee table. “I’m sorry. You’re right, I am a bit sensitive about my dad.” Although she had no idea why she was telling him about it.

“Any particular reason?”

She glanced at him over her shoulder. “Sometimes I’m painfully aware that I’m a girl. He’s taken a liking to you in a way I’ve not seen him do before.” She shrugged a shoulder. “Makes me think he wished for a son.”

Garrett leaned forward. “Can I tell you a secret?” He motioned her closer. “I’m glad you’re not a boy.”

Jessa’s heart thundered in her chest as his breath tickled her ear. His warm, earthy aroma drifted to her nose. He smelled clean, like fresh cut grass after a spring rain. No cologne to mask his natural rich, male scent.

“Yes, well.” She cleared her throat. “I’ve apparently misjudged you.” She looked him in the eye. “I’m sorry for this morning, Garrett.”

“Apology accepted. And?” he prompted.

She laughed, amazed at how he’d read her mind. She pushed at his shoulder, knocking him sideways on the couch “And, I’m sorry about that crack about my dad.”

He laid back and folded his hands over his stomach. “For what it’s worth, princess, I have no idea what I’ve done to deserve all his attention.”

The sincerity in his expression surprised her, as did the moisture that seeped into her panties when he called her princess. “You’re kidding, right?”

He remained silent.

“Garrett,” she chastised. “You’re the most promising shortstop to hit the club in, well, forever. You run like the wind, can hit practically anything thrown at you, and your glove is a mile wide.” Truth was, if the Empire hadn’t signed him, someone else would have. To say her dad gave him a job is a severe understatement. They were lucky to have him.

His cheeks reddened and he looked away from her. “Well, when you say it like that …” His voice was quiet. “Nothing wrong with being good at my job.”

Oh, my God. She’d embarrassed him with his own talent. “From what I heard this morning, you also take care of your family.” She turned to study him as a thought occurred. “You’ve been taking care of them for a long time, haven’t you?”

“All my life.” He muttered so soft she almost missed it. Then louder, “It’s just my mom, my sister, Leah, and me.”

“And your niece?”

He seemed surprised she’d remembered. “Yeah.” He exaggerated a sigh. “Georgia Grace. Another girl.”

He wasn’t fooling her. His eyes had shone with love the minute she’d mentioned his niece. Jessa’s heart melted. “I think I just figured out why my dad likes you so much.”

His expression turned serious, intense. “Does that mean you’re starting to like me?”

She winked at him, ignoring the flutter in her stomach. “Maybe a little.”

He reached out and cupped her face, stroking his thumb across her cheek. “Just a little?”

She stared back at him, struggling to breathe. She trembled, turned into his touch, and rubbed her cheek against his palm.

“I really want to kiss you right now,” he whispered.

She drew a breath as desire coursed through her veins. She licked her lips in anticipation, her voice nothing more than a mere sigh. “I won’t stop you.”

Chapter Three

Jessa.” Garrett’s eyes sparked as he leaned in. His lips fondled hers, the contact light, gentle. Sweet. Too sweet.

Not enough.

His tongue grazed her lips and she parted, eager to draw him inside her mouth when he seemed content to stay out. He lazily supped at her lips, tracing every line and ridge. He nibbled and tasted, teased her with the promise of more, but denied her the deeper touch her body yearned for.

She broke the contact. She swung a leg over to straddle him and rested her palms against his chest. His eyes darkened with lust as he moved his hips under her, settling her tight against him. His hands curved around and gripped her ass. His heart beat heavy under her palms, driving her own need higher with every thump.

“What are we doing?” she wondered aloud.

His smile was slow, seductive. “Kissing.” He wrapped a hand in her hair and brought her mouth back to his. This time, he didn’t tease her. The moment their lips touched, his tongue pushed inside and his taste exploded in her mouth. The subtle hint of beer mingled with the unique flavor that she instinctively knew was all Garrett.

She speared her hands into the soft waves of his hair and held him to her. She pressed her chest against him as she stroked his tongue with hers. A moan tore from her throat as his hands moved to her hips and held fast.

“Sit still,” he whispered against her lips. “Let me enjoy that beautiful mouth of yours for a bit.”

Heat infused her cheeks as she realized she’d been rocking against him, driven by her need to feel more. And he wasn’t unaffected, if the erection pushing against her was any indication.

“Aw, now, look at that.” He brushed his lips over her cheek, down the side of her jaw. “You blush a lot. You’re so pretty when you blush. Do I make you nervous?”

She shuddered a breath. Hot, wet, horny. Nervous? No. “You make me …”

“What? What do I make you, baby?”

She snickered. “Needy.”

His laugh rumbled against her neck and she tilted her head to give him better access, letting her hands rest on his shoulders. She forced her hips to remain still as he laved at her neck, curled his tongue around her earlobe, trailed to the sensitive flesh behind. She whimpered, sliding her fingers to cup his neck, needing to feel his skin against hers however she could get it.

Arousal, hot and hard, fired in her blood. Perspiration formed on her skin as she fought the need clawing at her belly.

He shifted, his cock pressing against her aching clit until she couldn’t take anymore. She had never wanted anything as much as she wanted him right now. “Garrett, please. Touch me.”

His mouth never left her neck as he held her, turned, and laid her under him. She loved the feel of his weight on her, his hard curves and angles pressing into her most intimate places. She wrapped her legs around his waist, cradling him between her thighs.

Hunger burned in his eyes, his expression pained. “Jesus, Jessa. You’re going to kill me.” His mouth was already moving, burning a trail across her throat. He eased to one side, his hand catching the hem of her shirt, lifting it to reveal her belly. Her vagina contracted, releasing proof of her arousal, dampening her already moist panties.

Her breath caught as he feathered his fingertips across her skin. They should stop. Her dad would kill them both if he ever found out, and Garrett had much more to lose than she did. Her dad would forgive her for messing around with one of his players. But Garrett, his penalty could be much more severe.

“Don’t ever get involved, Jessa.”
Her dad’s warning echoed through her head. How many times had he uttered that sentence? A hundred? A thousand? She’d never been tempted before.

She was tempted now.

She didn’t think her dad would go so far as to fire him. Truth was, she didn’t know what he’d do. At the very least, Garrett’s reputation could be tarnished.

His distracting fingers grazed the edge of her breast, almost depleting her reserve of self-control. “Wait.” She locked her hand around his wrist. “We have to stop.”

Awareness dawned in his eyes. He drew an unsteady breath as he rested his forehead against hers. “Oh, fuck. Jessa. I’m sorry. I don’t know what …
.” He rolled off her and fell to the floor.

She was relieved to see he was as lost as she was. She turned, propped her head in her hand, and gazed down at him. God, he was gorgeous. His hair was cut shorter than she’d seen before, but was still long enough to appear mussed from her fingers. His lips were drawn tight, the muscles in his cheeks working overtime. The impressive bulge in his jeans made her mouth water. She forced her gaze away, dangerously close to forgetting why she’d stopped.

She soothed a finger over his forehead. “You’re going to break your teeth.”

He kept his eyes closed. “Gimme a minute and I’ll head out.”

“No rush.”

His eyes snapped open. Pure, animal lust burned in a sea of blue. “You sure about that? Because right now all I can think of is how good your mouth tastes and how hot your pussy felt rubbing against me. I want nothing more than to fuck the shit out of you right now, Jessa.” He grimaced. “Still think I should hang around?”

Yes, please! She groaned and rolled to her back, his brutal words making her quiver at the possibility. “Do you have to be so crude about it?” So primal.

He pushed to his feet. “I’m not being crude. I’m being honest.” He shoved his hands through his hair, lacing them together behind his neck. “I could give you flowery words, all pretty and delicate. Hell, you deserve that.” He pinned her with a stare. “But I’m not feeling all that delicate right now. My gut is burning with the need to bend you over that table and …” His voice turned guttural. “Time to go.”

Jessa sat up with the intent to follow, but he stopped her with a look. “Keep your seat, I can see myself out.”

She sat back and brought her knees to her chest. “Garrett?” Don’t go. She didn’t know what else to say. “Thanks for the pizza.”

He chuckled as he opened the door, waving a hand to let her know he’d heard her. “You betcha.”

* * *

He was in trouble. Garrett
stared at the ceiling and grit his teeth against the lust that ravaged his body. His little stunt in Jessa’s room had changed everything. Started a firestorm in his system that only one thing would extinguish. The one thing he couldn’t let happen.

Christ, what the fuck was he thinking?

He grabbed another ball from the bag at his feet. He was going to get himself traded. Then what? He could play for another team, but his reputation would be ruined. He’d be known as
that guy
for the rest of his career. Shit like that didn’t just blow over.

He scrawled his name across the ball before tossing it into the basket beside him. His hand was cramped and he’d barely made a dent in the bag. At the rate he was going, he’d be up all night.

In more ways than one.

He’d gone over and over it in his head. He hadn’t intended to take advantage of Jessa. He’d wanted to make peace with her, start over fresh. Kissing her had been an impulse, but one he couldn’t have stopped if he’d tried. Her lips, curled into that gentle smile as she teased him, were far too much temptation for a mortal man such as himself.

Once he’d tasted her, the only thing on his mind was
. More heat, more skin, more Jessa.

What was it about her that made him forget everything else?

He’d spent years honing his instinct. Hell, it’s what made him the ballplayer he was today. He could see the play in his head before the bat hit the ball. He didn’t question it. He rolled with it, did whatever it took to get the job done.

His father’s voice echoed in his head. Work hard. Take care of your own. Trust your gut.

Right now, Garrett’s gut was doing the mambo.

He signed another ball and added it to the growing pile. He was here to play baseball, not to get laid. His cock jerked in protest as the vision of Jessa, spread out beneath him, filled his head.

“Damn it.” His curse broke through the silence of the room. He went to the bar to grab a beer, only to realize he’d left them in Jessa’s fridge. Whiskey then. Just a shot. Not enough to make him sorry tomorrow, but enough to help him avoid the horror of a cold shower.

He carried the tumbler back to the couch, clicked on the TV and resumed signing the baseballs his agent had sent over. He scribed ball after ball, half listening to the sports recap on the TV and more thinking about Jessa. He tossed the marker on the table and finished his drink.

Before he realized what he was doing, he slipped his hand into his shorts and wrapped it around his swollen length. His head fell to the back of the couch. Using his other hand, he pulled the elastic waistband down and hooked it around his balls. His breath caught at the added pressure to the sensitive area behind his testicles.

He worked his fist over his cock, circling the base and moving upward, squeezing the tip until moisture beaded from the head. His hips jerked as he spread the warm fluid around with this thumb before moving to the base to begin again.

Jessa’s taste was still in his mouth. She tasted fresh, sweet. Her tongue an eager partner in the dance he’d started.

He raised his head and watched as he stroked himself. His cock throbbed, as if angry the only heat it felt was from his own hand.

Jessa would be in bed now, sheets caressing her naked flesh. Oh yeah, she’d be naked. And touching herself as he was. Nimble fingers tugging at her tight little nipples. Would she pull hard, or roll them gently between her fingers? Would she need the added twinge to bring her greater pleasure? He was dying to find out.

Sweat beaded on his upper lip as he tightened his grip. The thought of her stretched out and open, her pussy wet with need, made him desperate to come. He imagined her delicate folds bare, nothing between him and the sensitive nerve endings that would come alive with his touch. He’d take her slow, learning what made his little kitten purr. Swiping his tongue through her slit, he’d draw her essence into him, letting it soothe his throat until he was drunk on her. He’d suck her outer folds into his mouth, first one, then the other. Nibbling at the tender skin until she cried his name. He’d use his fingers to spread her open, memorizing her beautiful shape, before plunging his tongue deep inside, teasing, driving her to the edge of orgasm. But he’d not let her over the edge. Not yet.

She’d grab his head, holding him in place as she rode his tongue, begging him to give her what she craved.

He’d make her crazy with need.

As crazy as he was as he pumped his cock harder, faster. Sweat ran down his chest. He reached with his free hand and grabbed his sac. His heart hammered in his ears, his breath caught as his thighs and stomach tightened. Further thought became impossible. Jessa’s image was all he could hold on to as his release hit him. His breath held, his hips lifted from the couch as his seed spilled across his stomach and chest.

Reality was slow to return. His panting breath and the ringing in his ears the only sounds he could hear. This wasn’t the first time he’d masturbated, but shit. He’d never felt anything like that before. If his release was that intense just thinking about Jessa, then actually being inside her would kill him for sure.

Two weeks. He licked his lips and grinned at the thought. He knew the dangers of messing with her. If he was smart, he’d leave her the hell alone. Maybe he would have, if she hadn’t come alive in his arms tonight. If she hadn’t returned his kiss with fiery passion, if she hadn’t begged him to touch her as she cushioned his hips with her own.

Nope, he wasn’t smart at all. Dumb as a fuckin’ post, in fact, because he knew there was no way he could leave her alone. His cock twitched. He grimaced as his fingers touched the sticky fluid on his stomach.


Seems he was gonna get that cold shower after all.

BOOK: Spring Training
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