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Authors: Parker Kincade

Spring Training (14 page)

BOOK: Spring Training
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His control snapped. Garrett pushed her flat to the bed and braced his hands beside her head. He pulled back, using his knees to spread her legs, and buried himself to the hilt within her. He eased back again, only to slam forward once more, his hips smacking against her ass.

His soft, sweet Jessa didn’t like easy. She wanted to be taken. Stripped of all thought and decision, she wanted a man who would command her pleasure as well as his own.

And he was that man.

He shifted to his elbows. Reaching under her, Garrett slipped a finger through her wet sex. He moved further, slipping inside her, curling his finger alongside his dick, causing them both to groan at the sensation.

He slid back to her clit, pinching and rolling the hard nub between his fingers. Her pussy rippled around him and he knew she was close.

“Yes, oh God,” she choked out.

“That’s it. Feel how it is between us. How hot, how sweet. God, I could fuck you forever, Jessa.” Garrett pounded into her now, shifting them until Jessa braced her hands against the headboard to stop them from smashing into it.

But still he couldn’t stop. His dick was on fire, ready to erupt, the need to come turning his balls inside out.

“Come for me, Jess. I can’t wait much longer.” He nipped the back of her neck

Jessa bucked and screamed beneath him, her body trembling as she found her release. Her pussy gripped him like a steel vise, squeezing until he exploded in a rush, his cock pulsing with each blast of semen he shot into her.

“Jessa,” he panted, his head resting on her shoulder as they rode the aftershocks of their orgasms.

“Will we ever find this again?” There was no need to elaborate. The sadness in her voice killed him.

“Jess, don’t.” He eased from her and fell to the side. He couldn’t handle words from her while he was still trying to get a grip on his own emotions.

Tomorrow. They’d talk tomorrow.

“It’ll be all right, baby. I promise. Everything will be all right.” He leaned over and kissed her, his lips lingering over her velvet softness.

It was a promise he hoped like hell he could keep.

Chapter Sixteen

Jessa spent the better part of the day packing. It should’ve taken an hour, but she’d been dragging her feet. Closing her packed luggage seemed so…final. As if it signified the end of the happiness she’d found here.

She’d wandered around the suite. The shower, the bath, the bed. The table where they’d eaten, the couch where Garrett had bent her over and shown her a whole new level of sexual gratification. Jessa committed to memory every moment of the last few days.

She’d learned a lot about herself since she’d met him. She’d never known the satisfaction that came with dropping her inhibitions. She’d never trusted a man enough to feel comfortable asking for what she wanted, taking what she’d asked for. Until Garrett.

Her flight in the morning would bring it all to an end. She’d be back in New York and Garrett would be here. She couldn’t even think about what would happen when spring training ended. It would be hard enough to know it was over when he was a thousand miles away. It was inconceivable as to what she’d feel once he settled in New York. She wasn’t sure her heart would survive seeing him, knowing he was close and not being able to be with him.

What would she do if he found someone else? And he would. He was prime real estate for women in the market. Sexy as sin, young, with an incredible future? Yep, he’d be snatched up in a New York minute.

Jessa laughed quietly at her own pun. It was either that or cry, and she was in no mood to show up for dinner with red, puffy eyes.

Not for the first time, Jessa cursed her dad and his insane need to control her romantic relationships. She’d never let it affect her decisions before, but this time it was different. This time, people could be hurt. Garrett could lose his job.

At this point, she wasn’t one-hundred percent sure how her dad would react to her feelings for Garrett. Without that certainty, she couldn’t take the chance. Wouldn’t. She’d give Garrett up before she risked his future.

Even if it killed her.

Slipping into shorts and a light, fitted T-shirt, Jessa tried to shake the dread she felt at the idea of saying goodbye. After everything they’d shared, she wondered if he’d miss her or not. It would be little consolation to her broken heart either way.

She wasn’t ready to say goodbye.

She strode to the bathroom and checked her reflection one last time. Garrett had said casual. He didn’t want her dressing up or spending a lot of time getting ready. He liked her as she was, he’d said, calling her a natural beauty.

She hoped he’d meant it. The sides of her hair were pulled up in a clip to keep it out of her face. What little makeup she’d put on gave her skin a subtle glow. It wasn’t much more than she’d do for a day at the ballpark. Jessa slid her feet into her favorite pair of sandals and headed to the elevator.

As the floors melted away with quiet beeps, Jessa’s nerves tightened. Dinner with Garrett meant goodbyes. He’d said they needed to talk, but she didn’t want a big, dramatic scene. She didn’t want to cry. She wouldn’t be

It was ironic, really. She’d always stayed away from ballplayers. In the romantic sense, anyway. She’d silently supported her dad’s mandate that she not get involved. It had been fine with her.

But, nothing about her current situation was fine. She loved Garrett. Once she left here, she was afraid she’d never be whole again.

The hotel had closed the restaurant to non-guests tonight. Not that it did a lot of good, because the place was packed. Understandable, considering the hotel was temporarily home to baseball’s finest and the local sports network was here filming interviews.

Jessa hesitated at the entrance and scanned the crowd. She found Garrett at the bar, surrounded by women. By the look of it, they were all vying for his attention. Not that she blamed them. She’d rarely seen him in jeans, but he sure did rock the denim. He’d paired the faded blues with a plain, black T-shirt, giving him that rugged, bad-boy look women went crazy for. And — by the look of the crowd — a few men as well.

“Good evening, Ms. Montgomery.”

“Hi,” Jessa grinned at the handsome young man.

“Mr. Donovan is expecting you. Your table isn’t quite ready yet, but you may join him at the bar if you’d wish. It looks like he’s already finished up with his interview.”

“Thank you.” Jessa looked to see if the guy was wearing a nametag.

“Jeremy, miss.”

“Thank you, Jeremy.” She smiled in gratitude before glancing in Garrett’s direction again, only to find him watching her. His mouth turned up in a slow, sensual smile. It was
smile. The
I know what you look like naked
smile. His admirers’ curious glances turned predatory, as if she was the one thing that stood between them and Garrett.

Damn straight she was.

Possessiveness clawed its way to the surface, fire burning in her cheeks. She’d like to show them a little something about who held Garrett’s attention. Who he kissed. Who shared his pleasure. She was the one with that right. Not any of them.

Her hands curled into tight fists at her sides. She couldn’t do this right now. There was no way in hell she could spend the evening pretending she didn’t know what he tasted like, didn’t know the sounds he made when he was buried deep inside her.

She’d never be able to hide the fact that she loved him.

Oh, God.

She had to regroup before she did something they’d both regret. Like act out her fantasy of kissing him stupid to make a statement to all those women.

Concern marred his expression when she raised her hand, conveying to him with her gaze what he was too far away to hear.


It weighed heavy on her heart. She wouldn’t trade a moment of their time together. Never that. Regret for the pain of a future without him. A pain that was already piercing her chest.

“Jeremy, would you be so kind as to tell Mr. Donovan that I went back to my room for a bit? I’ll touch base with him a little later.” Escape seemed her best option. Staying here, watching the other women flirt and tease, wondering who he’d choose after she was gone, was definitely not an option. At least not while Jessa felt the need to bitch slap every last one of them.

“Yes, of course.” Jeremy’s sympathetic frown tore at her as he walked away to deliver her message.

She needed a drink. A shot of something to warm her belly and soothe her nerves. She kept her eyes on her sandals on the way back to her room. She was in no mood for idol elevator chitchat.

Jessa pulled her phone from her pocket and started a new text. If she knew Garrett, he’d find a way to work himself free to check on her. She quickly typed a message and hit send, satisfied he’d think she’d forgotten some work that she’d needed to finish. She’d bought herself thirty minutes. Maybe an hour. Long enough to get some liquid courage in her so she could face his goodbye.

God, she was pathetic.

Jessa walked into her suite and went straight to the bar. There were so many bottles to choose from. Clear or amber? Red or blue? For the first time in her life, she almost wished she’d drank more. She’d enjoyed the fruity drinks she’d had with Joanna and Amy, but there was no way she could throw together a drink like that.

Whiskey. Garrett drank a glass after dinner a few times. He’d never had more than one, but if he liked it, it couldn’t be that bad. She sloshed the amber liquid into a glass and brought it to her lips. She fought back a sneeze as the woodsy smell invaded her nose.

Best to drink it down fast.

She took a steady breath and opened her throat. The fiery liquid singed a path from her esophagus to her stomach. She choked, coughed, and slapped her fist against her chest a few times, to what end she didn’t know. No amount of slapping would help the burn of the alcohol or the pain of what was to come.

“Jessa.” The deep, familiar voice came from behind her. “You’ve got some explaining to do.”

Jessa screamed, her glass shattering as it dropped to the granite countertop. She whirled, heart in her throat, and stared back at the one person she didn’t want to see right now.

* * *

Where the fuck was she going?

Garrett frowned at the young man approach
ing. He bent his head as the host spoke in hushed tones, relaying Jessa’s message about the same time his cell phone buzzed in his pocket.

Garrett stared at his phone, knowing her excuse about work was a ruse. His little princess had the worst poker face he’d ever seen. Pain, confusion, regret. That’s what he’d seen in her expression. His gut clenched in anger, knowing she was upset and feeling that somehow, he’d been the cause.

“It sounds like you’re on your own,” the woman standing next to him said. What was her name? Lisa? Lindsey? He was pretty sure it started with an L.

“Only temporarily, ma’am.”

She giggled and Garrett bit back a cringe. God, did he ever think that was cute?

Only when Jessa did it. When he tickled her and she laughed with childlike glee it warmed his heart. But this woman, with her bleach blonde hair and fake nails, this woman struck his nerves. As though she’d pulled her manicured fingernails down a chalkboard.

“That’s right, sugar,” she cooed. “’Cause Lila is here to keep you company.” Like a snake, she wound an arm around his, coiling and pulling him against her.

Lila! He knew it started with an L.

Garrett shifted and raised his arm, effectively disengaging the annoying woman. What was it with these women thinking his body was their personal property? He wasn’t a damned animal to be petted at their whim.

They were like leeches and he was getting damned tired of pulling them off every time he turned around.

All he’d wanted was a quiet dinner with Jessa to discuss their future. He should have known better than to expect they’d find privacy outside their room.

He chuckled. He’d been to his own room once in the last forty-eight hours, but not to sleep. Not without Jessa. She’d invited him into her bed and he wasn’t going anywhere. Not tonight. If he had his way, not ever. Sharing a bed, feeling Jessa’s naked flesh against his as they slept, holding her. He was addicted, plain and simple.

His dick pulsed as he remembered the sight of Jessa bent over the couch, her ass pink and warm from his hand. Her cries of pleasure at each blow, her pussy hot and wet for him. She’d liked it. The slight bite of pain, the wickedness of it all. He’d given her the space to let go of her inhibitions, to free herself from social constructs and enjoy the pleasures of her body, and his.

And she’d been glorious.

Well, wasn’t this just fucktastic. Rock-hard pecker and the cause was nowhere in sight. Lila would probably think she’d been the one that made him hard. Christ. He’d never get rid of her then.

He shifted toward the bar, hiding the obvious bulge in his jeans.


Garrett narrowed his eyes on Lila. “Name’s Garrett, ma’am.” He shook with the effort to remain polite, his Southern manners ingrained deep. The media in the room also helped to keep his temper in check. Reminded him he was here to do a job. Gave him the focus he needed to hide his irritation behind a smile. “I’m flattered by the attention, and I’d be happy to buy you a drink.” He maintained eye contact. “But that’s where it ends. You won’t get what you’re looking for from me. My girl has been delayed, but I promise you, I’ll be spending my evening with her.”

Just as soon as he could break away from this madness.

Garrett had learned that women appreciated honesty, even if it was at their own expense. Better to keep it real than to have Lila believing she had a chance in hell of getting Garrett in bed. Or, God forbid, that he’d invite her to join him and Jessa. Fuck that. If Lila was looking to get laid, she’d better move on.

There was only one women Garrett wanted.

Running, was she? He’d just see about that. The more he’d thought about it, the more he knew they could make it work.

He’d been over it in his head a hundred times today. Studying it from every angle, working it out with each swing of his bat, each race to the bag as he ran through his drills.

He’d convince Jessa and then he’d convince her dad. TJ was a reasonable man. Garrett would make him see how much Jessa had come to mean to him. Sure, it was fast, but there were some things a person just knew.

And Garrett knew he wouldn’t let Jessa go without a fight.

So, let her run. She couldn’t, wouldn’t go far enough for him not to catch up. And when he did, they were going to get a few things straight.

Starting with who she belonged to.

BOOK: Spring Training
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