Read Soul Chance Online

Authors: Nichelle Gregory

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Soul Chance (4 page)

BOOK: Soul Chance
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“No one’s around, Ari.” Ryder pushed the front of her suit down, exposing her breasts. “Answer my question.”

Ari gasped as Ryder flicked her nipples, twice in quick succession. “What question?”

“Are you used to getting your way?”

Ari hesitated in answering, distracted by his knowing touch.

“Be honest.” Ryder rubbed his palms over the sensitive flesh he’d just toyed with.

“M-maybe.” Ari arched her back, offering him more, knowing he would give her what she wanted, despite his frustration. She wriggled on the wood beneath her as Ryder leaned in to lick her nipples. Ari moaned his name as he teased her breasts with his tongue, leaving her breathless when he pulled back. “Are you going to give me what I want?” Ari quivered beneath Ryder’s steady appraisal in the dim light.

Ryder stripped out of his tee. “And then some.”

Relieved, Ari reached out and touched his muscles, eager to have his hard body pressed against hers once more. She wanted to feel his forgiveness. Ari yelped when he lifted her off the railing and carried her to the front door. She locked her legs behind Ryder’s back as he opened it.

The mugginess in the beach house made Ari regret not turning on the air conditioner earlier. Her heart thudded against her chest as Ryder strode through the living room to the first bedroom in the hallway. She released her legs from around his waist when they were next to the bed and she stood up on the comforter. Ari started to lie down when Ryder grabbed her hand.

“Don’t move.”

Ari nodded, not trusting herself to speak as Ryder went over to the lamp on the nightstand table and turned it on. The stylishly decorated room was bathed in soft light and Ari caught sight of her scandalous reflection in the mirror on the wall. Her breasts and belly were exposed, her scrunched tankini around her waist.

With Ryder being over six feet, standing on the bed gave Ari only a few inches over him when he stepped back in front of her.

He looked up and down then shook his head. “So sexy.”

“Thank you.” Ari’s breath hitched in her throat as Ryder slid his thumbs beneath the thin strip of fabric on her hips and lowered her bottoms. He’d seen her naked before, but it seemed different this time.

“You’re welcome.”

Ari stepped free of the garment, feeling more exposed and ultra-conscious of her damp suit now in Ryder’s hand.

“So wet. I’ve missed how slick you get for me.”

“Mmm.” Ari lifted her hands to touch her nipples then gasped when Ryder smacked her fingers away. “Hey—” She gasped again when Ryder tugged on her already tender flesh. “Ryder! What the he—?” Ari winced, pulse racing, when Ryder released his hold on her.

“Turn around, Ari.” Ryder tossed the tankini bottoms onto the comforter.

Ari stared at him for a moment, trying to ignore her aching nipples. She was surprised by his actions and lack of concern at her outbursts. They’d slept together six times in Vegas. Ryder had always taken control, no matter who had initiated sex, but he’d never touched or looked at her the way he was now.

For the briefest of moments, Ari considered telling Ryder where he could go with his über-authoritative manner. Aroused or not, following terse commands—in the bedroom or out—wasn’t her thing. Ari dropped her gaze from Ryder’s as he unbuttoned then unzipped his jeans. Rising desire overrode her last thought as he pushed them down, along with his briefs, revealing his stiff cock. Ari offered a bored sigh, ignoring the flutters of longing threatening her balance on the mattress.

“Is that supposed to persuade me?”

Ryder stroked his dick with a mocking grin. “Doesn’t it? You said you missed my kiss. I
you’ve missed how hard I can make you come. So

He was right, the arrogant bastard, but Ari still glared at him. She slowly spun around, biting her tongue to stop a sharp retort as Ryder laughed. Her annoyance faded the moment he pressed his lips to her hip. She decided to forgive Ryder’s abrupt tone when he trailed his hands up the length of her thighs before palming her derrière. Ari spread her legs a little to keep from falling on the covers as Ryder squeezed both cheeks.

“Such a beautiful ass.”

Ari smiled, pleased by his familiar compliment. She glanced at him over her shoulder. “You always say that.”

“It’s always true.” Ryder swatted her left cheek and Ari squealed. “Now bend over.”

“Dammit, Ryder.” Ari rubbed the tingly skin he’d smacked, but complied. She placed her hands above her knees, trying to keep her balance. She was supremely conscious of the Ryder’s uninhibited view as he slid his hand over her ass. Ari moaned as Ryder thrust a finger into her. She wavered on the bed when he added another finger and quickened his pace.

Ari mewled in protest when Ryder removed his hand from between her legs. Seconds later she sighed with bliss again as he pressed his face into her. Ari widened her stance, welcoming his questing tongue, wanting to feel the heat of his mouth all over her ass and pussy. Ryder didn’t disappoint, licking and kissing her until her legs trembled with the effort it took to hold the position he’d asked of her. He pulled back just as Ari started to beg for more.

“Get on your hands and knees.”

Ari dropped onto the bed, listening to Ryder’s jeans rustle as she got on all fours. She glanced at Ryder, wriggling her ass as he extracted a condom from his pocket. Ryder dropped his pants to the floor, ripped the foil packet open with his teeth and came back to her.

Ryder smoothed his hand over Ari’s lower back and she faced the head of the bed. She lowered onto her forearms, ready for him to take her. The warmth of his touch was nothing compared to the white-hot fire igniting within her as he took hold of her hip. Ari moaned in delicious anticipation when Ryder tapped his cock against her bottom then guided it to the entrance of her pussy.

”—Ryder thrust forward, filling her—“disappointed me, Ari.”

Ari gasped, stunned by Ryder’s rough possession and tone. He gave her no time to adjust to the feel of him so deep inside her, moving in and out of her wetness with ease. Ari closed her eyes as the erotic sensations flooding through her intensified. She acknowledged that, on some level, being with Ryder was different this time.

Ari felt Ryder’s disappointment with each punishing stroke he gave her. She clenched the comforter with both hands, whimpering with pleasure as Ryder rocked her body. She pressed her face into the duvet, muting her uncontrollable moans as Ryder increased his already relentless pace. Ari turned her head to the side, panting as Ryder dug his fingers into her hips. “R-Ryder, I’m…I—”

” Ryder punctuated his question with another deep thrust.


Her wavering apology seemed to unleash something within Ryder. Ari grunted as he pumped into her. She was close to climaxing, unable to speak. Ari managed only unintelligible sounds as she surrendered to the building storm of ecstasy winding faster and faster within her. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut as Ryder’s movements became disjointed. Ari sensed he was near orgasm too and she tightened her walls around his cock, seeking her own release when his hoarse groan echoed in the room.

Sweaty and unsated, Ari opened her eyes as he pulled from her body. She wanted to wail in frustration as she collapsed on the bed. Winded, Ari shifted herself to look at Ryder as he disposed of the condom. She smiled as her gaze drifted over him. She loved seeing him in his clothes—Ryder made everything look good—but he was sexy as hell in the buff.

Ari sighed as Ryder turned to face her. She’d wanted to come with him inside her but she’d enjoyed him getting her off with his mouth almost as much. “I didn’t come.”

“I know.” Ryder grabbed his jeans off the floor then proceeded to put them on.

Ari frowned as he gathered his shirt and underwear. She sat up in the bed as Ryder leveled his gray eyes with hers.

“You won’t get your way with me anymore, Ari.”

Ari’s eyes widened as Ryder pivoted and left her bedroom. She stared in shock after him for a few seconds then curled into a ball as her eyes filled with tears. She’d been wrong to assume Ryder had forgiven her.


Chapter Three




Ryder blew out a breath as he hung up the phone. He’d spent the majority of his day going through paperwork and taking estimates from various contractors concerning repairs needed around the resort. Thank goodness there were no major foundation issues, but what he’d learned today was bothersome. His father had suggested a few updates for The Cove but Ryder hadn’t been happy to discover how much those changes were going to cost.

“Damn.” Ryder shook his head as he added up all the necessary expenditures required to ensure the safety and comfort of the guests staying at The Cove. His father had truly let some things slip. Like the roof. Why hadn’t he had it replaced?

A soft knock on his office door drew Ryder’s attention from the invoice in hand. “Come in.” He glanced up from his desk to see Liza entering. “Hi, Liza. What’s up?”

Liza gave him a warm smile. “You didn’t come down for lunch and nothing was ordered in. Hungry? Tonight’s dinner special is one of my favorites. I love Nelson’s pan-seared scallops.”

“Sounds delicious.”

“Could I bring you up a plate?”

“How thoughtful of you.” Ryder sat back in his chair. “On second thought, I think I’ll come down and grab something. I wanted to meet and greet some of our guests, speak to them personally about their stay here.”

Liza nodded. “This will be the perfect chance to get feedback. The dining area is already filled this evening. People arrive early to get a seat for Ms. Dax’s performances.”

“That’s good.” Ryder set the paper he’d been reading down at the mention of Ari’s name. She’d been on his mind more than he would’ve liked.

“She’s good, a great addition to The Cove.”

Ryder smiled. “I’ll be sure to tell her.”

“No need.” Liza waved her hand at him when he raised an eyebrow. “I already did. I’d better go before it gets too busy at the bar.”

“I’ll see you down there shortly. Thanks, Liza.”

The bartender grinned. “No problem.”

Ryder stood once his door had clicked closed. He glanced around his new office, picturing the space decorated to his tastes and not his dad’s. His gaze lingered on the black and white photograph of him sitting at the piano, too little for his feet to touch the pedals. His father hadn’t changed much in the office since acquiring the resort.

Ryder walked over to the window overlooking the lit terrace below, thinking about Ari. She’d still been asleep when he’d left the beach house at the crack of dawn. He hadn’t been able to resist peeking in on her. Ryder tightened his jaw as he recalled how soft and desirable she’d looked nestled beneath the covers, hugging a pillow. The hurt in her eyes when he’d left her in her bed sweaty and needy had been a source of distraction all day.

Why the hell had he opened her door? The entire morning he’d been plagued with a semi hard-on whenever he imagined sinking balls deep into her slick, wet heat again and making her come. He loved the feel of her curves against him, the way she’d surrendered to him in bed. It had taken all of his self-control not to give her exactly what she wanted. Hell, what
wanted to give her.

Ryder turned away from the window, annoyed. His attempt to teach Ari a lesson had backfired. With a dark expletive, Ryder strode over to the half bathroom in his office. He turned on the light, grabbed his suit jacket and put it on. After checking his appearance in the mirror, he washed his hands. Ryder exited the lavatory, picked up his phone off his desk and locked up the office.

Your office.

Ryder shook his head as he turned away from the door. It still felt weird calling it that. Hell, being back home felt strange, period. Ryder walked past the exercise room and sauna to the elevator, deep in thought. He’d been shocked when his dad had suggested he take over running The Cove. The private resort had always been his father’s prized investment.

Acquiring The Cove bogged Ryder down with more responsibility, but he hadn’t liked the idea of it being run by someone else. He planned to oversee the renovations needed and hire the appropriate staff to ensure the place continued to run smoothly when other work commitments came up.

Ryder frowned as he pushed the button for the elevator. He still wasn’t clear on why his father had decided to turn over the resort to him, especially when The Cove turned a profit every quarter. It didn’t make sense. Ryder checked his phone for new messages as he waited and found none of them were from Ari.

Did you really expect her to text you after last night?

Ryder put the device back in his pocket as the elevator doors opened. He stepped inside, pushed the button for the lobby and glanced at his watch. It was almost time for Ari’s set to begin. He expected her to be on time and ready to perform. Truth be told, he was looking forward to hearing her sing again. He missed playing the piano with her too. Something magical happened whenever they performed together, and after they finished?


Flashbacks of Ari moaning beneath him after they’d performed in Vegas sent a surge of blood to Ryder’s cock. They were good together—when it came to music and sex.

The elevator doors opened and Ryder blinked in surprise when he saw the woman waiting to enter. “

Cassie lifted her face from her cell, her hazel eyes widening. “Oh, my God.

Ryder stared at his high-school sweetheart, who was obviously as caught off guard as he was to have run into each other. “Wow.” He stepped out of the elevator to talk to the first and last woman to ever break his heart. “It’s been what…twenty years?”

“At least.” Cassie smoothed a hand over her purple sundress and Ryder noticed she wasn’t wearing a wedding ring.

Back in the day, Ryder had thought having a big wedding and kids was what she’d wanted the most…just not with him. He was surprised to see she wasn’t married. Besides her shorter locks, she looked the same. Softer maybe, with womanly curves now filling out her once willowy frame.

BOOK: Soul Chance
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