Read Soul Chance Online

Authors: Nichelle Gregory

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Soul Chance (3 page)

BOOK: Soul Chance
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“I decided to come out here and enjoy my margarita.” Ari lifted her glass. “Would you like one?”

“Please.” Ryder followed her back into the stuffy beach house, wishing he were in swim trunks. “Is the air conditioner not working?”

“It’s working fine.” Ari moved into the kitchen. She set her half-empty glass on the countertop and Ryder noticed the sheerness of her swimsuit in the light. “I like natural air unless it’s sweltering hot and humid.”

“Ari, it’s hot as hell in here.” Ryder leaned against the door as Ari emptied the margarita mix into the blender.

“It’s not that bad.” Ari glanced at him before bending over and opening the freezer. “Besides, you won’t mind the heat once you have your drink.”

Ryder’s cock stiffened as he watched Ari grab some ice. His gaze moved over her legs up to the delectable roundness of her ass. Flashbacks of her, naked and breathless in Sin City, sent more blood surging to Ryder’s dick. He adjusted his hard-on as Ari turned on the blender and he noticed the Taser on the counter. He walked over and picked it up. “Are you concerned about your safety here?”

“What?” Ari turned off the blender and glanced at the weapon. “Oh, that. Am I concerned? No.”

Ryder frowned, thinking of the gambling thugs that would love to teach him and Ari a lesson for getting the cops involved in Sin City. “Has anyone around here made you feel unsafe?”

“No.” Ari sighed. “I just feel better having one.”

“I’m glad you have one too.”

“I never want to be unprepared or unable to handle myself again.” Ari poured the icy drink into another glass tumbler. “Don’t worry. I don’t plan on getting into anymore situations like that one in Vegas.”

“Glad to hear it.”

Ari turned and offered Ryder the margarita. “Here you go.”

Ryder caught sight of her hard, dark nipples pressed against the white fabric of her outfit and realized it would be more difficult than he’d anticipated to resist touching her. “Thank you, Ari.” Ryder took his drink from her, noting Ari’s intake of breath when his fingers brushed hers. It pleased him to know his touch still affected her.

“You’re welcome.”

Ryder took a sip then nodded. “It’s good.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

“Let’s go back on the porch. It’s at least five degrees cooler out there.”

Ari gave him a wry look. “Fine.”

Ryder turned and headed for the terrace, aware of Ari walking behind him. He held open the screen door, letting her pass before joining her outside. Ryder sat in one of the wicker chairs facing the beach, enjoying his margarita and the balmy breeze washing over the pretty patio, which was subtly illuminated by light coming from the kitchen window. He glanced at Ari, still standing by the front door, when she sighed. “What is it, Ari?”

“I hate small talk. I
you do. So what’s up?” Ari placed her glass on the rail next to her then leaned against it. “What did you come here to tell me?”

Ryder sat back in his chair. “You’re right. I don’t like small talk.” He paused a beat, holding back from adding
especially with you
. “I also don’t like being lied to.” His words came out sharper than he’d wanted, frustration and desire fueling his fervor.

Ari’s eyes widened. “W-What are you talking about?”

“I got here in time to see the last ten minutes of your set, only you weren’t up on stage performing.” Ryder set his drink on the deck before rising.

“Really, Ryder?” Ari scoffed as she crossed her arms beneath her breasts. “I stopped
minutes early, not ten.”

“I don’t care if it was
minutes. We had a deal, Ari.” Ryder stepped in front of Ari when she averted her face. “I know you didn’t want to come to The Cove, but
agreed that working here was the best way to pay back the money I loaned you in Vegas. Is it really that difficult to show up for practice on time and sing your full set when it’s your night to entertain the guests?”

“Who told you I wasn’t? Liza?” Ari shook her head. “No. Probably Ben when he wasn’t falling asleep at the keys.”

“This has nothing to do with either one of them.” Ryder ignored the fire in Ari’s eyes as she looked at him, frustrated by her careless tone. “Ben happens to be a dear friend of mine. He may not be the gutsiest piano player, but he can get the job done if you do yours as I expect you to. One year, Ari. You agreed to perform here for that length of time, after which I would consider your fifty thousand dollar loan paid in full. Missed practices, shortened sets? Well, surely you can see how that doesn’t add up to the arrangement we discussed. So, I want to know… Have you changed your mind? Do you have another way to pay off your debt?”

The tears glistening in Ari’s brown eyes almost made Ryder regret his stern tone, but she needed to know he wouldn’t put up with her lackadaisical attitude. She was used to men being swayed by her beauty and charm. Ryder imagined she enjoyed bending guys to her will. Hell, hadn’t he been swayed by giving her the cash to get out of the fucked jam she’d gotten him, her brother and Shannon involved with? He still didn’t think Ari appreciated how dangerous that situation had been. “Ari?”


Ari lifted her chin as she blinked back the tears threatening to fall. “I won’t miss any more practices or shorten my sets. Satisfied?” She straightened her spine, embarrassed by Ryder’s sharp reprimand and the guilt accompanying it. He was so distant, so business-like with her—which she probably deserved after everything that had happened.

“I’m hardly satisfied. I wish I could say I believe you’ll do as you say.”

“Dammit, Ryder. I
. Okay? You’ll see.”

She was unsure which hurt worse…his cool behavior or his curt words. Both were such a sharp departure from how he’d been with her before. Ari wanted him to touch her. She longed to see the heated look of yearning in his mesmerizing gray eyes right before he kissed her. Disappointment was all Ari saw in him at the present moment and it pained her more than she wanted to admit to herself.

Ryder stared at her for a moment. “I’m going to be here for the next few weeks. So, I will see if you can hold up your end of the deal.”

Silence stretched between them for a few seconds as Ari tried to breathe through her unjustified anger. “Wait. What do you mean?” She gestured around the ranch. “You don’t mean
…here, do you?”

“That’s exactly what I mean.”

Ari’s pulse leaped at the thought of Ryder in such close proximity. She spent all her nights alone. Ari bit the inside of her cheek to keep from speaking. She’d show Ryder her commitment to her job, apologize properly for everything and—

“Don’t look like that, Ari. This place is plenty big enough for both of us with two bedrooms and bathrooms.” Ryder gave her a dry look. “I have no intentions of taking you to bed again. I’ll be working, and hopefully, so will you.”

Ari dropped her arms to her side and balled her hands into fists. She turned her back to Ryder, distressed by his frank declaration. How could she stay—
—in the same space as him? It would be pure torture. Her craving him while knowing he only wanted to babysit her.
He doesn’t trust me and he sure as hell doesn’t want me
. The thought brought more tears to Ari’s eyes.

“Damn, Ari. If it bothers you
much, I’ll stay somewhere else.”

Ari whirled around. “Oh,
. It’s
own this place.
should stay here.
should be the one to leave.” With little money saved, moving anywhere right now would prove a challenge. Ari let out a hysterical giggle, troubled by the realization and her wayward emotions. “For all intents and purposes, you own
. Don’t you?”

“Ari, stop it.”

“What? It’s true.” Ari gave him a bright smile, ignoring the storm brewing in Ryder’s eyes. “Message received,
.” She lifted her hand and saluted him then reached for her drink, knocking her glass over instead. The tumbler crashed and shattered around her bare feet and Ari gasped as droplets of the icy mixture slid down her legs.

“Dammit, Ari.”

Ari lifted her face from the broken glass, yelping in surprise when Ryder lifted her up onto the railing. She took hold of the banister with both hands, shivering from his touch and the glittering anger evident in the steady gaze he leveled on her.

“Stay still.”

Ari remained silent as Ryder turned and went back inside the cottage. Her heart was racing from her hot-headed rant. She’d wanted to get things back on track between them. Ari sighed as she watched a lightning bug fly by. She never would have imagined the tension between her and Ryder was possible when they’d always been so comfortable around one another in the past.

The front door opened and Ryder came out with a broom and dustpan, a towel over his shoulder. Ari opened her mouth to speak then closed it as Ryder swept up the debris. He dumped the trash into the receptacle near the stairs then came to her side without saying a word. Ari cleared her throat as Ryder took the towel off his shoulder then crouched in front her. Her heart raced when he wrapped his hand around her calf and wiped the spilled drink off her skin. “I-I can clean myself.”

Ryder briefly glanced up at her as he patted her legs. “I know, but I am.”

Ari struggled not to wiggle beneath his touch. She wanted the easy camaraderie they’d had before everything had gone nuts in Vegas. Ari stared down at Ryder, resisting the urge to push her fingers through his thick hair. She missed his hands on her, all over her body, and how hard he could make her come. Ryder was a skilled lover, the only man to have brought her to orgasm twice in one night.

Ari gripped the railing tighter as memories of that evening flooded her mind. She drew in a sharp breath, trying not to think about the time Ryder had kissed her thighs and pleasured her with his mouth until she’d begged for his cock. The erotic flashback made her wet as Ryder stood.

“Thank you.”

Ryder tossed the towel onto the chair behind him then looked at her. “No problem.”

“Ryder…” Ari exhaled, faltering over what was the right thing to say.


“I’m sorry. Forgive me?”

Ryder moved closer to her, forcing Ari to lift her chin to meet his eyes. “What are you sorry for, Ari?”

Ari dug her nails into the railing, distracted by the heady scent of Ryder’s cologne wafting over her in the gentle wind swirling around them. “I’m sorry for shortening a few of my sets and skipping some practices with Ben.”

“You’re apologizing for a
shortened sets and
skipped practices, which means you’re not sorry at all. You don’t get it.”

Fresh tears pricked Ari’s eyes as Ryder shook his head. “I get it.”

“No, you don’t.”

, I do. I’m sorry for
to you, okay? I told you in Vegas I would do this job to the best of my ability. I took my frustration out on you about a situation
created instead of thanking you for the opportunity to sing at The Cove. You were trying to help me.”

“I just wanted you safe.”

Ari placed her hand on Ryder’s arm. “I know, and this is long overdue but…thank you for this gig.”

“You’re welcome.”

“And I don’t have a problem with you staying here. There’s lots of room, as you said.”

“All right.” Ryder’s gaze was wary as he glanced at her fingers.

Ari removed her hand from Ryder with a heavy sigh. “I don’t like this tension between us.”

“Neither do I.”

“So can we move past this? Please, Ryder? I-I…” Words failed Ari as Ryder studied her.

“You what?” His voice had deepened to the seductive tone Ari often heard in her dreams of late.

“I miss you.”
I want you.
Ari refrained from saying the words on the tip of her tongue as she looked at him. It had been difficult enough to say the first three.

Heat swirled through Ari. She shifted on the wooden rail, becoming more flustered by the second in the wake of Ryder’s continued silence.

“What do you miss?”

“I miss your kiss.” Butterflies fluttered in Ari’s stomach when Ryder glanced at her mouth. Her pulse quickened when Ryder skated his fingers over the top of her thighs.

“Do you?”

Ari involuntary parted her legs. “Yes. Ryder, please…” She smiled when Ryder moved between them, encouraged by his action, despite not being able to read his expression.

Ryder grabbed hold of her waist and scooted her closer to him. “The trouble with you, Ari, is that you are used to getting your way.”

Ari barely registered the edge in Ryder’s voice as he lowered his head and claimed her lips. She put her arms around his neck with a low whimper, welcoming his punishing kiss. Ari moaned with need as Ryder slipped his fingers into her long twists. He deepened the kiss as he tightened his hold on her tresses. He wanted her. The knowledge delighted Ari, made her feel more in control as she wrapped her legs around Ryder’s torso.

Ryder pulled back, ending the kiss with his fingers still entangled in her hair. “Everything is a game to you, Ari.”

The displeasure laced in Ryder’s gruff tone bothered Ari and she brushed her lips against his chin. “Not everything.” Ari pressed her hand to Ryder’s chest. She wanted another taste of the hard muscles beneath his tee. “Ryder…”

Ryder released his hold on her twists with a low grow, and Ari question whether he’d only kissed her because she’d practically begged him to. Ari didn’t want to believe that was true as she raked her nails over his T-shirt.

“Damn my good intentions.” Ryder bent his head and kissed her again, softer this time.

Ari moaned against his lips as he cupped her breasts. She trembled as Ryder rubbed his thumbs over her hard nipples.

“So used to getting your way, aren’t you?” Ryder tweaked her nipples and Ari bit her lip to keep from crying out.

His gruff question filled Ari with apprehension and made her wetter. Her eyes widened as he reached up and untied the back of her suit. “
” Ari glanced around the porch to the surrounding beach to see if they were alone.

BOOK: Soul Chance
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