Read SexontheBeach Online

Authors: Amber Skyze

SexontheBeach (5 page)

BOOK: SexontheBeach
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Allie made her way back to the bed and settled on top with
her best friend. She didn’t need a man—though one would’ve been nice—it wasn’t
a necessity when she had her blue dolphin friend. His nose would tickle her
clit while the body would pulse inside her pussy. It would give her enough
pleasure to satisfy the ache Tony had left when he bolted from her place.

Once she was comfortable she turned the vibrator on low and
widened her legs. She used her free hand to spread her lips. She swiped a
finger up and down her folds coating it with her juices. Juices Tony had
created. Thoughts of Tony’s hot breath on her caused her to shiver.

This was what she’d been waiting for. Screw Tony.

Allie guided her semi-charged friend into her waiting pussy.
The walls of her channel tingled. She closed her eyes and let the glorious
feelings take over. The dolphin nose hummed against her swollen bud.

She brought her other hand up to her nipple and pinched.
Electrical shocks soared from her breasts straight to her core. She bit her
lower lip as the orgasm grew inside her. She was going to come—hard.

To make sure it was intense she turned the knob with her
finger, increasing the speed.

The climax tore through her, sending rippling jolts over her
stomach, clit and pussy. She cried out as she rode out the multitude of
orgasms. Wave upon wave crashing against her skin, she bucked her hips against
the vibrator.

It pulsed inside her and then a cry startled her back to

Her head spun to the side of the bed where a golden
retriever sat staring at her. He cried again and tilted his head.

Allie didn’t move. She lay still, her battery-operated
friend still nestled between her legs buzzing away.

“Shoo,” Allie said, but the dog didn’t budge. “Are you
fucking serious?”

This really topped her day off. She slowly removed the
dolphin and turned it off. The dog watched every move. He continued whining
until she tossed the vibrator aside and climbed off the bed. Then he finally

“How did you get in here and where is your owner?” Another
thought struck Allie. What if his owner was close behind? What if he was in her

With the sheet wrapped tightly around her she stomped off to
the kitchen, only to find the door ajar.

“Great. That explains how you got in, but who do you belong
to and why are you in my house?”

She walked over to the opened door and stepped out on the
porch. The dog followed suit. He sat right by her side while she covered her
eyes to shield them from the sun. She peered across the beach hoping to find
his owner. She didn’t see anyone in sight, except Tony. He stood on his porch.
The car that had been in the driveway earlier was now gone. He looked almost

“Is this your dog?” she called.

“Nope, never seen him before.”

Humph. Odd.

“Did you leave my door opened when you left?”

He shrugged. “Don’t think so, but…”

But you left in such a hurry who knows.

“My new friend startled me.” She purposely left out the fact
that she was masturbating. Tony didn’t need to know what she was doing when
Fido here decided to make an appearance.

“You should probably put some clothes on.”

He pointed to her sheet, which had slipped down, exposing
part of her areola.

“Shit.” She turned on her heels and rushed back into the
house. She haphazardly put on her clothes and returned to her porch.

Tony was gone.


The dog whined.

“Looks like we’ve both been left.” She patted his head and
he offered her his paw.

“Thanks. Are you hungry big guy? Let me see what I have in
the fridge.”

She headed into the kitchen, the dog following. She rummaged
through the contents and decided cheese was the safest bet. She didn’t know the
dog or what the owner fed him, so she didn’t want to make him sick.

Allie gave her new friend a slice of cheese and went out to
sit on the deck. She contemplated walking the beach to find his owner, but
decided against it. She’d wait and see what the dog decided.

It seemed the dog had no desire to leave. He was enjoying
following Allie around, licking at her leg, hand or whatever his tongue could

“At least you aren’t looking to desert me.” She rubbed his
soft fur. He immediately dropped to the floor and rolled over so she could
scratch his belly. She giggled, but obliged. How could she resist such a

About twenty minutes passed when she heard a male voice
calling for Buddy. The dog’s ears perked up at the sound of the person growing

“Is that your name? Are you Buddy?”

The dog began turning in circles and bouncing up and down.

“Well, I’d say you’re Buddy.” Allie stood and walked to the
edge of the deck seeking the person calling the dog. It didn’t take her long to
discover the sun-kissed god walking through the sand. It was the guy from
earlier. She’d seen him walking along the beach when she’d gotten there.

He was a surfer, there was no doubt about it. His blond hair
was a bit long and wavy and the sun had lightened it. His washboard abs looked
like she could bounce a quarter off them or lick her way down to the trim on
his plaid bathing suit.

She shook her head to rid the thoughts filling her mind.
Tony was more than enough for her at this rate.

The guy called for Buddy once more and the dog bounded down
the stairs over to his owner.

“There you are.” He scratched the dog behind his ears. “I’ve
been looking all over for you.”

“I seem to be his new interest,” Allie said, approaching the
sun god. “Name’s Allie.”

“Paul. I appreciate you keeping him company. He doesn’t
normally take off on me. I’m surprised. I’ve had this massive headache that
won’t go away. I thought I’d lounge on a chair for a bit and when I opened my
eyes Buddy here was gone.”

“Yeah, well he surprised me too.” She would spare him the

“I’m sorry if he was a pain.”

“Not at all. I enjoyed spending time with him. Hey I have
these great pills for migraines. One pill and zap, no more pain. They’re
euphoric. I have some extra ones if you’d like to try them. It’ll get rid of
your headache in a flash.”

“Really?” He seemed genuinely surprised as he rubbed his
head. “If you don’t mind.”

“Not at all. Come on up and I’ll get you one.”

Allie led him up on the deck and offered him a seat.

“Sit in the shade and I’ll go grab them.”


Paul took the seat Tony had sat in earlier. Allie didn’t
want to think about Tony right now. She would help Paul out with his migraine
and send him on his way. Then she was going to relax with a good book.

She entered the house and rummaged through her pills looking
for the perfect one.

When she found them she grabbed a bottle of water and
returned to the deck.

“Here you go,” she said, handing him over the water and
little baggie. “These are a wonderful drug I swear by them.”

“I really appreciate the pills. How many do I take?”

“Just take the one now. If it returns take the other, though
I highly doubt you’ll be feeling any pain for awhile.” She winked. “Oh and
don’t worry there’s more where that came from.”

He removed one of the beige pills and popped it in his
mouth, chasing it down with the water.

“Are you new around here?” he asked.

“I’m a first timer, but it is beautiful.”

“I’m having a party tomorrow night with a group of friends.
We’re cooking out just down a ways. You’re more than welcome to join us. We
don’t bite.”

Allie thought about his offer all of thirty seconds.

“I appreciate it, but I’m still settling in.”

“Maybe another time.”

The hopeful look didn’t go undetected.


“Thanks for the relief.” He walked down the stairs and Allie
followed. Buddy stayed close to his owner.

“Stop by if you need more. I always have extra.”

“I appreciate that. If you change your mind about the party
we’re that yellow house way down there.” He pointed in the direction of the

“I see it. Thanks for the offer.” She knew it was highly
unlikely she’d change her mind, but there was always the possibility she’d
casually walk by at another time and see what they were up to. Paul was
certainly a hot specimen.

“I hope you change your mind.”

She threw him a smile and extended her hand.

“It was nice meeting you.”

Paul shook her hand again and there weren’t the sparks she
felt when Tony touched her. That’s when she knew there wasn’t a connection. Too
bad, because he was hot. She knew her mind was with Tony, even if he left her
high and dry.

Buddy tagged alongside Paul as they made their way back
home. Allie watched them for a bit and was about to head back inside her place
when Tony appeared out of nowhere.

“Sorry about earlier,” he mumbled.

“No big deal.” She tried maneuvering around him, but the
deep sand made it virtually impossible.

He placed his hand on her arm. “Seriously Allie. I didn’t
mean it. I don’t normally do things like that.”

“I understand really.” She didn’t but she wasn’t going to
admit that to him. He wasn’t going to get the best of her. No man would ever
get under her skin again. She wouldn’t allow it.

“Who were you talking to?”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but it was the owner of
the dog.”


He looked pained by her comment.

“Look, I don’t understand why you bailed in the middle of
sex and it really doesn’t matter. You keep to your place and I’ll keep to mine.
Okay.” She pushed his hand away.

“What if I don’t agree with your plan?”


This time he gripped both her arms.

“I don’t think you really want me to stay on my side of the

“Oh no.” She stood defiantly.

“No, I think if I offered to slide my hard cock into your
hot juices you’d jump at the offer.”

“Ha. That’s how much you know.”

She prayed he didn’t offer because she knew she couldn’t
deny him. She wanted him more than she’d wanted anything in a long time. Even
though she’d just had a satisfying orgasm it couldn’t compare to what Tony was
offering. She wasn’t so stupid as to believe otherwise.

“Are you denying you want me inside you? Or what about that

She swallowed twice fighting back the urge to fall into his
strong embrace.

“Just giving you something to think about.” He released her.

“I don’t need anything to think about. I have a
battery-operated toy that will do all that and more. Now if you’ll excuse me.”

“I wish I could, but I can’t. Allie you’re under arrest for
the suspicion of trafficking illegal drugs.”

The cuffs came out of nowhere and were fastened around her

“What the fuck are you doing? What are you talking about

“You have the right to remain silent, anything you say…”

“Are you insane? This is some kind of sick joke right? You
can’t possibly be arresting me for drugs.”

“Allie my advice to you is to remain quiet.”

“Well fuck you. I’m not going quietly. I didn’t do anything
wrong.” He tugged on the cuffs and forced her into her place.

“Show me where the rest of the baggies are.”

“You are crazy.” She turned her head away from him. What was
wrong with him? This had to be a prank. He was using these cuffs and pretending
as part of a sex game. That had to be it.

“Allie, I’m not joking. Where are all those bags of pills?”

The stern look on his face told her this wasn’t a joke. He
was dead serious. She was being arrested.

“In the bathroom, top drawer on the right.”

Tony left her standing in the kitchen handcuffed.

“What do you want with my pills? I need those, if I don’t
take them every day I get sick.”

“I’ll bet you do,” he called from the bathroom.

She heard him rummaging through the drawers.

“Tony, seriously. It’s a matter of life and death.” Never
had she imagined having to explain this to him. She never planned to explain
this to any guy for that matter.

“I believe you Allie, but I’m really advising you to remain
quiet. It’s for your own good.”

Ha. Allie didn’t believe anyone when they said it was for
her own good.

“I need those pills,” she said to Tony when he returned with
them bundled in his arms.

“I realize that.”

“No, I don’t think you do.”

“We’ll discuss it at the station. For the last time I’m
warning you to remain silent.”

“Fuck you.”

“I wish I had.”

“When pigs fly.”

Tony guided her back outside and over to his car. When he
opened the door and told her to get inside she shook her head no. For a moment
she stood planted in the sand. She didn’t know if she should run as fast as she
could or challenge him. In the end she put her head down and climbed in the
car. He would outrun her and with the handcuffs she had nowhere to go. It wasn’t
like she had the key to take them off. She was at his mercy.


Tony wanted to let her go without so much as a fight, but he
had a job to do. He wanted to wrestle her to the sand and fuck her like there
was no tomorrow, regardless of the scratches their skin would likely endure. In
the end he knew he couldn’t.

Dale had reminded him once again that getting sexually
involved with her was not a smart move. Not if he was to arrest her in the
future. Tony and Dale had a pissing match over Dale spying on him while he was
at Allie’s. The nerve of Dale coming into his place and watching while he and
Allie were getting busy. Dale argued that it wasn’t just Tony’s place, it was
his too. They were set up in the house to use it as a place to spy on possible
drug dealers, so technically Dale wasn’t doing anything wrong, Tony was.

BOOK: SexontheBeach
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