Read SexontheBeach Online

Authors: Amber Skyze

SexontheBeach (3 page)

BOOK: SexontheBeach
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As his seed spilled from him, he grunted. His toes curled
and his legs stiffened. Semen covered his hand, but he didn’t care. His only
thought was being inside Allie.

Tony quickly cleaned off and dressed again. Masturbating
didn’t ease the tension in his groin. His satisfaction was short-lived.

He had no choice, he had to call Dale. He’d delayed the call
long enough. Dale would decide how they would proceed.

“Dude you’re not going to believe this.”

“What’s up man?”

“A hot little number just moved in next door.”

“And you want to get laid?”

The thought had crossed his mind way too many times, but
that wasn’t why he was calling. He cleared his throat.

“Listen man, it’s not like that. She might be the dealer
we’re looking for.”

“No fucking way.”

“Way dude. I heard her scream earlier, so I went over to
check it out. When I got there she looked a bit guilty. She had a pile of pills
sitting on her countertop. She covered them with paper towels. I got the
impression she was trying to hide them from my view. Only problem is I did see
them and now I have a million questions.”

Dale whistled.

“This could be the big break we’ve been waiting for,” Dale

Tony sensed the wheels in motion, while Dale’s mind
considered the possibilities this situation could represent for them. If they
cracked this drug ring they could get a huge promotion.

“That’s not all. After I came back to my place I spied on my
new neighbor and you’re not going to believe what I saw.”

“You weren’t watching her in the shower were you?”

“Come on man, you know I’m not that much of a jerk.” So he
was, but he wasn’t about to admit it to Dale. He might not have watched her in
the shower, but he’d watched her on her bed. He hadn’t been able to tear his
eyes away while she had a vibe nestled inside her pussy lips.

The thought of her in the shower did appeal to Tony. To see
Allie naked and covered in soapy suds, her hands caressing her perky breasts,
renewed his arousal. Damn, his cock grew hard again, just when he’d finally
gotten it under control.

“All right man, I’m just fucking with you. What did you

Tony paced the living room floor, adjusting his dick as he

“I saw her bagging the pills. She was putting them into
those little baggies all the dealers use.”

“Shit we have ourselves a serious situation here. When’s the
last time we had to bust a woman?”

Tony couldn’t remember a time when he’d arrested a woman
dealer. Yes, he’d caught women purchasing drugs, but they’d never been the
dealer. This was new territory for him.

“That’s my issue. I thought about charging in and taking her
down, but wasn’t sure if that was a good idea.”

“No, you don’t want to be accused of excessive force or
anything like that. You’ll want to take it slow with this one.”

“Slow?” There was no fucking way Tony could move slowly with
Ms. Hot Cheeks. Not if he wanted to keep his sanity.

“We have to be careful with her. We want to do this right.
We can’t afford any fuck-ups.”

Dale was right, but it didn’t make the situation any better.

“So how do you think we should proceed?”

“I’m thinking you need to get to know your new neighbor
better. Wine and dine her.”
And sixty-nine her
? He wanted to add, but
knew what Dale’s answer would be to that. No fucking way.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Dale.”

“Why’s that, Tony?”

“You haven’t seen her.”

“I don’t need to see her to know she’s affecting you. Do you
want me to take over the stakeout? I could move in and keep an eye on her.”

“No,” Tony said, a little too harshly.

“Do I sense a bit of marked territory there, man?”

Tony slammed his fist on the counter. This was the last
thing he needed. When he called Dale he’d hoped he’d tell him to rush over and
take her in for questioning. Instead he told Tony to get to know her better.
Woo her. Fuck.

“No, dude. I’ll get closer to my new neighbor.”
Dear God
just let me make it through this sting operation without a severe case of blue

“That’s my man. If you need any help just give me a call.
I’ll be there in a heartbeat.”

Yeah, that’s what Tony was afraid of.

Chapter Two


Allie swore while she finished plopping the pills in the
baggies. Luckily for her Pam had the little plastic pouches. She didn’t know
what she would’ve done without them. She’d noticed the shocked look on Tony’s
face when he witnessed all the pills. He was probably wondering what kind of
freak she was to be on so much medication. Wouldn’t he be surprised to find
out? That’s why she’d rushed him out the door. That and the fact he heated up
her body with a single touch of his hand.

Her new neighbor was a distraction she didn’t need. Though
the idea of having sex with him for the few weeks she was here appealed to her.
A little sun, sand and sex with the Italian Stallion, now that would be the
perfect vacation.

Once she finished packaging the tablets she hid them in the
bathroom vanity drawer.

The morning flew by without any more incidents. Allie
settled in nicely to the beach house and by noontime she’d already walked two
miles along the waterline to see the other houses.

She’d passed kids at play and mothers who looked content
sitting in their chairs soaking up the rays while their children built

It was on her return trip that she ran into Tony.

“Hey there. How’s the unpacking going?” He was all sweaty
from jogging.

Allie wanted to ask him if he wanted to go for a swim and
maybe cool off. Her heart raced and she could feel the heat radiate through her

“I’m all done.”

“That was quick.”

“I don’t waste time. I want to enjoy the next few weeks
while I’m here.”

“Can’t say I blame you.” He slowed his jogging in place to
marching. He blew out a few breaths.

“I don’t want to keep you from your run.”

“Not at all. I could use the distraction.”

Hmm, “How about a sexual distraction,” she wanted to offer.

“Lunch?” Where the hell had that come from? She’d asked him
to lunch?

He smiled. “Lunch is good. I eat lunch.”

“I could make us some sandwiches or grill a few burgers if
you’d like.”

“A woman who grills. Wow. You’re my kinda lady.”

She blushed under her sun-kissed cheeks.

“I can do a lot more than grill.” She winked and watched him
groan inwardly.

So she had the same effect on him as he had on her. That could
be dangerous yet it had the potential to be a whole lot of fun.

“I’ll bet you do,” he said. “I’m gonna finish my jog and
then I’ll meet you at your place in say an hour.”


Tony picked up his pace and took off. Allie turned to check
out his sexy ass as it bounced up and down in his tight shorts. His huge bulge
didn’t go unnoticed either. She continued gazing at him for another minute and
then she headed back to her place. She had some burgers to prepare.

Allie thought about giving Pam a call and see if she had any
information on Tony. Even though she wasn’t looking for a full-blown
relationship Allie didn’t want to deal with a beach bunny player either. Tony
was sexy enough to have all the women in a twenty-mile radius pining over him.
Allie didn’t want to be another notch on his belt, though she’d like to rip his
clothes off and have her way with him.

In the long run she decided against calling Pam. She’d
figure things out on her own. If Tony was a player it’d show by the scores of
women coming in and out of his place. So far she hadn’t witnessed anyone coming
or going, though it
early and she’d only been there a few hours.

She tossed a garden salad to go with the burgers. She’d just
fired up the grill on the deck when Tony arrived looking freshly showered and
devilishly handsome in his cargo shorts and dark tank. His hair was still wet,
but it wouldn’t be long before the sun dried it.

“Need any help?” he offered.

Help? Yes, she needed help of a different kind. One that
required putting out the fire inside her body.

“No, I’ve got things under control.”

“I have some cold beers over at my place if you’d like. I
was going to bring them but wasn’t sure if it was cool.”

“Sure, go grab them.” Just what she needed, to add alcohol
to her raging libido.

“I’ll be right back.”

Allie admired his rippling muscles as he walked back to his

She was a goner. Before the day was over she knew she’d bed

Tony returned carrying a six-pack of beer.

“Make yourself comfortable. I’ll cook up these burgers and
we’ll be good to go.”

The sound of a cap being twisted off a beer bottle filled
her ears. Tony stood beside her and offered her one.

“Thanks.” She accepted the cold bottle and took a swig of
the heady brew.

“Are you sure you don’t need a hand? I wouldn’t mind doing
the grilling.”

“Afraid I don’t know what I’m doing?” Allie pointed the long
steel spatula at him.

He stepped back and raised his hands defensively.

“Not at all. I’m sure you know exactly what you’re doing.”

“You could go grab the buns off the counter for me.”

He nodded and left her flipping the burgers. She smiled. It
felt good relaxing and enjoying a beer with a man. She’d been single for so
long. She’d given up any thoughts of being with another guy. In the long run
she wasn’t looking for a relationship. Allie wouldn’t subject anyone to her
issues, but a sexual fling was definitely something to consider.

The thought of Tony gazing into her eyes from his position
between her legs, had her pussy dripping. Allie yearned to watch as his mouth
hovered over her clit, blowing bursts of hot air against the tiny nub. He’d
inch closer until the tip of his tongue darted out and caressed her swollen
bud. She’d writhe under this touch and just when she didn’t think she could
stand it another second he’d wrap his lips around her and drag her clit into
his warm, waiting mouth.

“Do you like your buns toasted?”

“Huh?” Allie turned to find Tony had returned with the

“Do you like your hamburger buns toasted?”

“Oh yes.” Dear God, she’d thought he meant her ass. Like a
good old-fashioned spanked butt. She really needed to get her mind out of the
gutter and back to the present.

She placed the spatula down and took the rolls from him.


“Is everything okay?” She glanced at him sideways and he
looked truly concerned.

With all the conviction she could muster she said,

To prove her point she pulled the buns from the package and
placed them carefully on the top rack, so they wouldn’t burn. Then she flipped
the burgers one last time.



This time she didn’t ask him to fetch it, she went into the
house. She had to put some distance between her and the heat of Tony’s body
along with the flames from the grill.

She opened the refrigerator door and let the cool air hit
her skin. Temptation to stick her head in the freezer grew with every passing
second. She wouldn’t. She found the cheese and hurried back to the grill in
hopes the food wasn’t charring away.

Tony had taken over the spatula and moved the burgers to the
top rack alongside the buns. He hummed in between swigging his beer.

“There you are. I hope you don’t mind. They were looking
like they might burn so I moved them up.”

“Not at all. Thanks.” Allie knew she’d taken longer than she
should have. It was easier to stay in the safety of her kitchen than to return
to the fire raging outside on the deck.

She handed him the pieces of cheese and he covered the
burgers. While he finished with the food Allie raised the umbrella so it
covered the table from the scorching sun.

They fell into an easy rapport as they ate. Allie learned
Tony was the youngest of four. His parents thought they were done with babies
when he arrived. His brother and two sisters were much older than him. There
was an age gap of almost twenty years between him and his sister. Technically
he grew up as an only child. By the time he reached college his siblings had
families of their own and school-aged children.

Allie told him she was an only child. Pam was the closest
she had to a sister. It was a lonely life growing up. People always thought
only children were spoiled. Not her. She did get tons of things at Christmas,
but the rest of the year, forget it. Her parents struggled to make ends meet.
Sometimes she wondered if they really ever wanted a child. They hardly did
anything with her growing up. She spent most of the time playing pretend or
hanging with the other kids on the block.

Now that her parents had moved she rarely saw them, which
was just as well. There was a disconnect between them that couldn’t be denied.

Not like the connection she felt with Tony. The undeniable
truth was she longed for him in every way, shape and form. She wanted to run
her hand through his hair and trace her finger down along his strong cheekbone.
Eventually she’d kiss her way down to the bulge that strained against his

Because no matter how hard Tony tried to hide it from her,
she could see his throbbing cock persistently pushing, trying to break free
from its confines. When he moved it was obvious it pained him.

“Do you have a boyfriend back home?”

The question took her by surprise. She wasn’t sure why, but
she hadn’t expected it.

“No. You?”

“No, no boyfriend.”

She chuckled. She liked his sense of humor.

“Any girlfriends who might get jealous that I’m feeding

He looked over both shoulders and whispered, “You have to
watch out for stalker lady.”

BOOK: SexontheBeach
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