Read Seducing Celestine Online

Authors: Amarinda Jones

Seducing Celestine (2 page)

BOOK: Seducing Celestine
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“It’s been six months or so.” Nick’s eyes locked with hers. “I’m not removing my fingers because you’re nice and tight and wet and I like being inside you.”

Was that a compliment
If so how did one respond
? “
By all means then stay inside

“You being inside me is not the point.”

“What is?”

Celestine could feel the hot, hard point of him against her thigh. She pulled his hand out from between her legs, instantly feeling a strange emptiness.
she was clearly a borderline slut

“Tess is now engaged. What would you have done if I was her?”

“Depends what she wanted me to do, baby.”

Celestine was speechless for a moment. She had never met such a confident, sexy man before. She wasn’t offended, she was just stunned, aroused and wondering about going for a ride in the moonlight with him.

“You’re a…” She stopped and searched for the appropriate word to describe this strange man. “What is the male equivalent to slut?”

“Gigolo,” Nick supplied with a husky chuckle.

“No, that makes you sound interesting and exciting but you’re not.” This was a big lie of course but one more on her rap sheet would not mean much.

“Don’t you find this exciting?” Nick ran his hand up the soft swell of her body, feeling her shiver at his touch. That she had not run screaming from the bedroom in terror made him aware she was as turned on as he was.

“No.” Another lie. She so knew that she would be having to defend her actions big time if she made it to heaven’s gates.
you see he was there and I was there and it just seemed like a good idea at the time so I thought why not

Nick knew she was excited. He could feel it in her response. Lips could lie but bodies did not.

“Why do you sleep naked? Were you waiting for someone?”

“None of your business.” How could she be embarrassed and so turned on at the same time?

“Oh but it’s going to be.” Nick rolled over and lay back within the cradle of her thighs. “I’m Nick Swan.”

“Well, Nick Swan, get off me!” Celestine was pinned to the bed under him and she liked it. Common sense told her to scream and to struggle but common sense sucked when you had hot sexy man between your legs.

“You don’t mean that.” Nick grabbed her hips and pulled her forward against his cock.

“But I do. You weigh a ton!” And most of that weight was in the cock that had unerringly stationed itself at the gateway of her pussy, impatiently awaiting entrance.

“Don’t fight it. You want me. You’re wet with wanting.” Nick placed a wet, sucking kiss on her midriff. He smiled as he felt the shiver run through her body. “Tell me your name.”

Celestine had to refrain from automatically locking her legs around the hard male body above her. It felt weirdly natural to have this man so close and hot, having him inside her seemed a logical progression.

“Does my name really matter to you?”

“Yes,” Nick murmured as he dropped his head and licked one taut pink nipple slowly. “It mattered a lot,” he nearly said. This one was different.

Celestine had never been able to concentrate when anyone touched her breasts. And this man’s mouth was driving her wild.

“Celestine…” she hissed out softly, her hands pulling his head back to her breasts.

Nick looked at the woman in his arms. He vaguely remembered Tess mentioning a “Celestine” but he never pictured a woman like this and that name together.

“What sort of a name is Celestine? It sounds like it belongs to a maiden aunt.” Nick grinned down at her.

Celestine pushed him away again. This man was both disturbingly sexy and annoyingly arrogant.

“Well, what sort of a name is ‘Nick’? It sounds like a verb.” His laughter would have been nice if Celestine hadn’t felt so out of kilter with everything that she was feeling and sensing. “You know, like ‘nick yourself shaving’.”

Nick leaned forward and kissed Celestine’s nose playfully.

“Or saved in the nick of time.”

“Or why don’t you nick off.”

“You’re cute.” Nick placed soft wet kisses down the curves of her face.

“Yes and I am sure you say that to all available women you’re lying on top of hoping to fuck.” She felt his cock side slowly back and forward over the entrance of her vagina. Pure liquid heat ran through her body. “Stop that,” Celestine moaned.


“That.” She grabbed his cock to push it away.

Nick growled hungrily as her soft hand latched onto the one part of him he had no real rational control over.

“Push me away then or take me inside, it’s up to you, baby.”

Celestine knew she should have let go of his cock as soon as she had grabbed it but it was so hard and long and it made a girl wonder…

“Other than your name and that you make a habit of creeping into women’s bedrooms at night… I don’t know you.” Somewhere, in some old-fashioned place within her, Celestine needed to justify what she knew she was about to do. That or have some logical reason come into her mind that indicated why she could not have sex with this stranger. It would not necessarily be a reason she would actually follow but it would make her feel better later on when she thought about this man.

“Well, let’s get to know each other.” Nick’s mouth descended hotly on hers.

“I…” Celestine pushed him away momentarily. “This is way too fast,” said the woman who still held the stranger’s cock in her other hand.

“Come on, baby, you know we’d be good together.”

“I don’t.” But she did. Some things you just knew. She reluctantly let go of his cock. There was no way she could look or sound convincing about not having sex if she still held on.

“So if I put my head between your legs right now and licked you, you would feel nothing?”

Celestine stiffened at his words. Wild excitement coursed through her at the thought of complete stranger doing that to her. It was like a fantasy coming to life.

“You’re not going to do that…” Dual personalities fought over wanting him to do that. The bad girl was “
yes please
” and the good girl was like “
Do you think you should
?” The bad girl snapped back. “
Shut up and go back to your knitting
good girl
.” The pushy bad girl won.

“Dare me, baby…”

Could she? Should she? Would she? Hell, yes…

“I dare you…” Celestine whispered. Who was she kidding? She wanted this man, dream or no dream. He was hot, she was hot. It was a done deal they were going to burn together.

Nick moved back and threw her legs up onto his shoulders, exposing her wet, hot core to his mouth.

The minute his tongue touched her clit, Celestine screamed. There was no way she could have kept that in. No one had ever licked her like this. She had wanted them to, hoped they would but she had never asked. Now this man, a stranger, was licking the cleft between her legs with a gentle, yet determined ruthlessness just because he wanted to give her pleasure. It was a moment to die for.

“So you want my cock inside you?” Nick stopped licking her and looked the writhing woman in the eye. He was going to enjoy this one. She was made to be fucked.

“Yes…God, yes…” Celestine moaned, no longer caring what happened to her as long as this stranger was inside her.

“Say it.” Nick wanted her complete submission.

“Shove your big fat cock inside me now!” Celestine was completely out of her mind and she liked it. She clutched at the man before her.

Nick threw back his head and laughed. He could not have waited much longer. He grabbed her hips and pulled them up against his thighs and penetrated her in one long stroke.

“God, you are so tight!”

Celestine yelled. He was so large she could feel him hot and hard up into her stomach. She groaned as he pulled out and pushed into her at a steady pace, never quite letting the head of his cock leave her body. It was a completely different sensation from any she had felt before.

“Oh, Nick…” Celestine whimpered softly as intense pleasure tore through her body. She clasped Nick to her and held on as he drove them both on to a wild climax. Celestine screamed and Nick groaned out loud and fell forward into Celestine arms.

“Bloody hell…” Celestine panted softly as she tried to catch her breath. She had never felt an orgasm like that before. Wild sex with this stranger was definitely worth any possible damnation to hell.

“You are beautiful, baby.” Nick smiled down at the woman under him. They were both hot and sweaty and he had never felt more alive in his life. He sighed heavily. “I can’t stay.” Nick rolled onto his back.

“What?” A minute after earth-shattering sex and he was announcing he was leaving. Okay, she wasn’t expecting a wedding ring but this seemed kind of hasty after what they had just done. And yeah, maybe she had hoped for more.

Nick leaned over and kissed Celestine with a thoroughness that they both enjoyed.

“I just came for the ride.” He slid out of bed and started pulling on the clothes he had discarded earlier.

Celestine sat up and watched him. What a fascinating yet irritating tease of a man. It seemed kind of sad she would not see him again. Sad and frustrating also that she would never had sex like that again. Bloody typical…nothing good ever lasted.

“I see, now it’s over, you’re like Zorro or something. You have to leave and fight evildoers or have sex with another woman.”

“I only want you now,” Nick almost said. There was something about this woman that made him want to do that. That was not what he had planned when he had climbed onto this bedroom.

“Next time I’ll bring a condom.” It was completely unlike him to be unprepared for a moonlight ride but then he hadn’t been prepared for Celestine.

“Ain’t going to be a next time, moonlight man.”

Nick laughed softly and left through the window.

Now Celestine understood why the villagers in all those B movies asked “Who was the masked man?” as he swept through a village, saving the day and riding off without a word. Although she could see his eyes, she knew Nick Swan was wearing a mask. But then, most people did. She also knew she should be mortified at her actions. It was wrong and bad and she would probably go to hell in a handbasket but damn it was good.

Chapter Two

“You know I can’t hide out at your place forever, Tess,” Celestine said as she handed her best friend a piece of tape to secure the cascade of silver ribbons from the large dining table in the middle of the lounge room. When Tess Mackenzie decided to have her engagement party on the Australia Day weekend she went all out. No expense was spared. But then she was marrying into money and that made a hell of a difference. Her doting fiancé Brad was more than happy to place his credit card at Tess’ disposal. And Tess, in turn, had run around decking out her Brisbane home, turning it into a showplace of love, commitment and the benefits of marrying into money. But Celestine couldn’t fault Tess. A man loved her and wanted to share his fortune with her. That did not happen every day. Hell, she would cut loose as well.

“I need you here to help me with the engagement party preparations.” Tess tugged at the ribbons so they fell exactly as she wanted them.

The theme was silver and white. Why? Just because that was what Tess wanted. If the engagement party was such a production, Celestine wondered what was planned for the wedding. Maybe a pumpkin carriage with doves being set free while an orchestra played on as the bride made very other woman there look like crap, as was the bride’s right.

“I need to find a job.” It was Celestine’s current mantra in life. Find job, get money and de-stress.

“That can wait. I need you here.”

“No, you don’t. You insisted I stay to give me a break from my own dingy home and all the problems that go with it.” Tess was a good friend and Celestine appreciated it. She would have been lying if she said she had not enjoyed staying in a home that had a full fridge of food and more than a couple of bits of furniture.

“No, you’re right but I want you here, Cellie. Every time I think about what Julia Bailey did to you I want to hunt her down and throttle her.”

“Well, stand in line.” Celestine had dibs on any possible throttling when it came to their mutual ex-friend Julia who had stolen Celestine’s money and credit cards, and sold all her household goods then scarpered, leaving Celestine with nothing but bills and credit problems up to her ears.

“Were you comfortable last night?”

Celestine stiffened at her friend’s innocent words. Up until this moment she had decided to write last night and Nick Swan off as a dream, a very real dream but still a dream. Though the pleasant ache between her legs was hard to ignore.

“I…ah…was very comfortable.” She toyed with the idea of mentioning her “moonlight ride” with Tess. After all the man had come to see her. “About your bedroom…” Celestine stopped as she heard footsteps coming toward them. She did not want the prospective groom to hear of his intended’s past nighttime liaisons.

“Nicky!” Tess shouted and ran forward as Nick Swan came into the room with her fiancé Brad Williams.

Bloody hell! Nick Swan! What was he doing here? Celestine looked at him critically in the bright sunlight. He was all that and everything that she remembered from the night before. His blue eyes locked with hers as he hugged Tess to him.

“Cellie, I don’t believe you’ve ever met Nick Swan.”

“I…ah…” What did she say? “I met him, I fucked him and liked it so much that I would not be adverse to having him inside me again. Please leave the room so we can have wild sex again.” Probably not appropriate to go with those words. “Um…” Yes, “um” seemed like the better alternative to go with as it was an “um” moment. Celestine had an overwhelming urge to look in the direction of Nick Swan’s groin just to see if he was as large as she believed he was from last night. But that wasn’t a ladylike thing to do or explain away so she kept her eyes on his. After all, it was just sex they had. She could be sophisticated enough to look calm even if she did not feel it.

Nick smiled at Celestine as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. He caught her hand in his as Tess introduced them.

BOOK: Seducing Celestine
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