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Authors: Amarinda Jones

Seducing Celestine (8 page)

BOOK: Seducing Celestine
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Nick knew Celestine had promised the police she would stay with friends. But Nick had a feeling she had no intention of moving out. He could see the stubborn gleam in her blue eyes.

“You have a sister in St Lucia?” he said, repeating the words as he looked into her clear blue eyes. He suspected she was lying but he could not be sure. He had discovered she was very good at hiding her feelings. “Do you get on well with her?”

“I can honestly say that Grace and I have deep, unchanging feelings for each other.” Celestine knew their dislike of each other was deep and unchanging. They had never understood each other and she doubted whether that would ever change. She could just imagine Grace’s carefully made-up face if she arrived looking to stay with her. Grace would never turn her away but it would be damned uncomfortable for both of them.

“So you’ll be okay?”

“Sure.” False bravado was always the way to go.

Nick shook his head and smiled.


“You don’t know me enough to call me out.”

“I know more than enough.” Nick looked at her significantly “I’m here if you need me, baby.”

She needed him now but she was too damn stubborn to admit that. She would, as usual, draw on her own resources. It was less painful that way.

“I don’t need anyone and I don’t want sex right now.” That was a lie on both counts. But lies for self-survival were acceptable in these circumstances.

“I’m not just offering my body for sex.” Nick held out his arms to Celestine, willing her to walk into them.

It would be so comforting to walk into his arms and collapse against his strong chest. But where would that get her? She needed… What the hell did she need? She needed him to leave before she became all soppy over him.

“You should go.” Celestine watched as Nick dropped his arms. He did not look surprised at her request. She had the eerie feeling that he did indeed know more about her that she thought he did. That was dangerous.

“I’m available anytime for you, baby.”

If she knew nothing else, Celestine knew this was one man who would swim the raging sea and climb the highest mountain if she asked. But was she courageous enough to ask? The answer was no. She would muddle on and get by as she always did.

“You’re not going to ask for help, are you?”


“Are you going to stay with your sister?”


“And do you love me?”

“You have to be quicker than that to catch me out, moonlight man.”

Chapter Five

Celestine screamed as the man came through her window. She jumped out of her bed and grabbed the cricket bat beside her old chest of drawers, ready to knock this intruder’s block off. She was no weak-kneed victim and he would be made to both see and feel this. Celestine lifted the bat above her head and took aim in the dim light of her bedroom.

“I knew you would still be here.” Nick’s voice came out of the darkness. “You told me you would stay at your sister’s place. You are such a bloody liar, Celestine Holt.”

“Goddamn it!” Celestine yelled at him as she swung the cricket bat away from Nick. She had come awfully close to whacking him in the head. She was on edge already because of the shooting and she did not need Nick Swan appearing out of the night to scare her silly. She had been prepared to beat the crap out of her intruder. The shooting had scared her more than she cared to admit. And the more she thought about the carjacking, the more she knew that was no coincidence either. But again, why her? And why was Nick climbing through her window? Hadn’t she made it abundantly clear to him that she did not want him? What more did she was to do? An interpretive song and dance act?

“You have crap security here.” Nick saw Celestine standing naked in a shaft of moonlight and he was entranced.

Celestine snorted indignantly at his words.

“Well, you shouldn’t be breaking in. Normal people don’t climb into people’s windows unannounced. They ring the doorbell and ask to be invited in.”

Nick grinned at her charmingly.

“I’m not normal.”

“Really, Nick? I am so shocked to hear you say that,” Celestine responded cynically.

“Anyway, would you have invited me in?”

“At the moment I would have ignored the doorbell.”

“Hence the reason I used the window.” Nick started stripping off his clothes. He had most definite plans with Celestine. “I wanted to see you, baby.” He unzipped his jeans and shucked them off. “And here you are naked and holding a cricket bat…very sexy.”

Celestine looked at the now-naked Nick. What was it with this man? His cock always seemed to be in a constant state of arousal. Was that normal? Already it was jumping up hard and thick against his stomach. Her pussy became wet just looking at his cock. She threw the bat to the floor.

“It’s hot and it’s my bedroom so I can be naked if I want.” Celestine licked her lips as she looked at his cock. In a lot of ways it was quite fascinating this man had a cock that was always ready to go. “Do you always have a permanent hard-on?”

“Firstly, I have absolutely no objection to you being naked, in fact I insist in it,” Nick answered as he prowled toward her. “And secondly, just seeing you makes me hard.”

Okay, Celestine had to admit that was sweet and flattering and the correct answer. However, she suspected this man would probably turn on like a light bulb at the thought of sex with any woman. Though admittedly she was better that just any woman.

“I am so not in the mood for one of your midnight rides.” Another lie to contend with on judgment day.

Nick stopped before her and placed gentle hands on her tense shoulders.

“I can get you in the mood.”

Celestine did not doubt that for a second. The warm, massaging action of his hands and the hot rod of his cock against her stomach made her certain he was right about his ability to put her in the mood.

“I don’t need this, Nick.” She did and badly. But was this all she had with Nick? Sex? She thought she was falling into love with him but was it just the sex that made her think that? How did other people have relationships and not get all screwed up? And why was she even thinking a couple of tumbles with Nick constituted a relationship?

“You don’t know what you need.” Nick’s hands gently caressed the swollen mounds of her breasts. He smiled as Celestine moaned softly. He knew what her weaknesses were. “You’re confused and in danger. You’re also being stubborn and perverse as hell staying in the one place the cops said you shouldn’t. You are a pain in the butt to deal with, Celestine Holt.”

“If you are trying to sweet-talk me, Nick Swan, you suck at it.” Celestine pushed her hands against his chest. She wanted him. How on earth had she become so needy?

Nick picked Celestine up in his arms and dropped her on the bed. He looked around him in the dim light.

“What are you doing?” Celestine snapped on a nearby bedside light to watch him. A naked Nick Swan was a fascinating thing.

“I’m looking for sometime to tie you up with.” There wasn’t much in her bedroom. Like the rest of the house her furniture was sparse. He grabbed a nearby bra and sock that were draped over a chair.

Celestine sat up in shock. Tie her up? Was he kidding? And if he was just joking why did she suddenly feel disappointed at the thought?

“You are not going to tie me up!” She tried to scramble off the bed. Okay, Celestine had fantasized about someone tying her up and having sex with her but the fantasy wasn’t as scary as the reality. She wanted Nick to do it but the loss of control scared her.

“You’ll enjoy it, baby.” Nick joined her on the bed. A struggle ensued. In the end Nick sat astride Celestine and held her down as he looped the bra over one of her wildly flailing hands. “Punch me and I won’t make you come.”

Celestine knew she was going to be tied up regardless of any struggle she put up. Nick was bigger and stronger than her. However, the struggle with Nick sitting astride her and leaning over her to tie her up was wildly exciting. His body rubbed back and forth against hers, making her squirm in anticipation of what he was going to do to her. The thought of that cock inside her making her come made her hesitate momentarily before lashing out again. She didn’t want him thinking she was that easy to tame.

“I don’t want this!” One of her hands was tied above her head to the wooden vertical slat in her bed headboard.

“Yeah, you do.” Nick looped the sock around her other hand. “Don’t tell me you’ve never fantasized a man doing this to you.” He secured her other hand above her head.

Yes, Celestine had but she never actually dreamed it would come true. She secretly liked the idea of being totally unable to stop anything this man may do to her. Only her legs remained free.

“You tell me I am supposedly confused and in danger and yet here you are tying me up?”

“It’s for your own good.” Nick lay down beside her, stroking his hand up the inside her leg. He felt the shiver that that ran through her body.

“How is that?” Nick’s hands were so strong and yet soft as he caressed her. Maybe it was for her own good.

“You need to relax.” Nick’s hands reached the place he was aiming for. He stroked the wet curls between her legs softly.

Celestine licked her lips hungrily.

“How can I relax when you’re touching me like that?” Her legs opened wider of their own accord.

“How am I touching you?” Nick asked huskily as his fingers pushed through the curls to the slick folds within.

“You know…” Celestine moaned.

“Do you like it?”

“Yes…” She liked anything this man did to her. Nick’s hands slid up her body massaging softly. “Go back!” She wanted his fingers on her clit and inside her. She was aching for him.

Nick chuckled at the desperation in her voice.

“Oh, I’ll be going back, baby.” His hands moved up over the soft skin of her rib cage. “What do you want me to do to you?”

“Anything…” Celestine cried out softly. The fact that she had no control and could not touch him with her hands only heightened her pleasure.

Nick grinned as Celestine writhed beneath his hands.

“Do you trust me?” His eyes locked on hers.

Celestine could see the answer was as important to Nick as it was to her.

“Yes.” The smile he gave her was worth the response. It was the kind of smile that made her want to do anything for Nick.

“Good.” Nick’s fingers started up the slope of her breast.

“Suck me…” Celestine needed his mouth on her now.


“Anywhere…” It did not matter as long as his mouth as he was on her.

Nick leaned over and licked one pink nipple.

“Oh, Nick…” Celestine gasped as he sucked on her breast. She loved it when he sucked her like that.

Nick continued sucking as he rolled over between her open legs.

Celestine pulled her legs up with her knees bent and wide apart to allow him full access.

“I want you so much, baby.” Nick rubbed his body slowly up and down against hers as he licked her nipples.

Celestine wanted that cock inside her now.

“Please take me, Nick…”

“You want me to fuck you?”

“Yes please…I want your cock inside me now,” Celestine panted under the onslaught of his tongue on her breasts.

“Right now, baby?”


“I think I need a drink of water…” Nick removed himself from between her legs.

“You what!” Celestine shrieked. This was not the plan. The plan was for him to be inside her now. She needed him now, damn it!

“You can wait a bit, can’t you?” Nick walked out of the room.

“Bastard!” Celestine squirmed in frustration. She couldn’t even touch her clit to alleviate the aching need as her hands were tied. And after the one yoga lesson she had attended with Tess, there was no way she could was supple enough to put her toes to any good use. But then the man knew that. He had left her wanting. But if she was wanting, so was he. “Nick! Get in here!” she yelled but there was no answer. Celestine yelled again.

Nick appeared. He smiled at her.

“A little tense, are we?”

“By the look of your cock I would say I’m not the only one.” His cock stood out club-like against his stomach. She looked at the bottle in his hand. “What have you got there?”

“I had hoped you had whipped cream in the fridge but alas you didn’t.” Nick climbed onto the bed beside her. “So I decided if I could not lick cream off your body then I would massage it in.” Nick flicked the lid of her frangipani-smelling body lotion and squirted a large dollop on her stomach.

The cool cream made Celestine jump. The hands that spread the cream made her moan softly. Nick slowly massaged the cream into her stomach. Instead of continuing on up to her breasts, Nick detoured south and started massaging the cream into her feet and legs.

“Are you trying to kill me?”

“No, I’m trying to make you love me.”

Too late, she was already there. Nick spread the cream on the insides of her thighs and Celestine let them fall apart in invitation. Yet Nick avoided the area that needed his urgent attention. He did, however, skip up to her breasts, spending a long time massaging the mounds until Celestine felt like she was boneless. She was incredibly relaxed on one hand and intensely aroused and ready to explode on the other.

“Please, Nick…” If Celestine had to beg she would. She wanted him. No pretense, no games, just Nick inside her, how it was meant to be.

Nick reached up and untied her hands. As soon as Celestine was free she pulled him down to kiss him. When her tongue touched his she knew this wasn’t just sex. This was making love. Her body shook at the emotional intensity of it.

Nick pulled her legs over his shoulders and his cock slowly entered Celestine’s body. They both watched as it sank in to the hilt.

“Make love to me.” Celestine saw the swift look of realization in Nick’s eyes. She knew instinctively what he was going to say. It was the same thing she felt and wanted to say. It was “I love you”. Celestine put one finger to Nick’s lips and the other to the tattoo over his heart. “Don’t say it.” It was too soon, too quick and too scary. She needed to feel it fully before she said or heard the words again.

BOOK: Seducing Celestine
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