Read Repented Online

Authors: Sophie Monroe

Tags: #Romance, #Music

Repented (14 page)

BOOK: Repented
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With Madison, it was like a zero to sixty, full speed ahead,
balls to the wall
kind of romance. Only this kind didn't crash and burn in the end. Even our silences were comfortable. Neither of put on any act, we were who we were, and that was good enough.




I'd been waiting all week for Friday. It was only my second week at the firm; I was pretty much bombarded with case files that the partners didn't have time for. Kevin came and brought me lunch three of the days and the other two I had to skip it all together. I used my fifteen minute break to call my Mom while I went to grab a coffee. If I didn't, the chances of me falling asleep at my desk were extremely high at this point.

"Hey sweetie, how's the jungle?"

My Mom, Mary was the sweetest. She was fifty-one and looked forty. I could only hope that I was as genetically blessed as she was. Her honey blonde hair was always in place, and I inherited her big, green eyes.

"The jungle is just that," I sighed. "I'm picking up on everything though. They're all very nice and don't look at me with utter annoyance when I have a question, so that's nice."

"How's thing's with Kevin?" I could just picture her on cloud nine at the moment. All her friends were marrying off their children, and many of them already had grandchildren. She had the bug. Big time.

"Honestly Mom, he makes me feel like no one else ever has. He's everything I could ever want in a partner. Is it crazy to think I'm in love after a week?"

"Sweetie, the moment I met your dad, I knew. Sometimes it's not evident right away, other times it hits you head on. I think you should just listen to your heart and your gut. It's been a long road getting here, but you have good instincts. Daddy and I can't wait to meet him." She paused. "Speaking of, if you're not busy tomorrow we'd love to have you for dinner. It would be just the four of us. It would give us the chance to get to know each other."

As much as I wanted to keep him all to myself, I wanted to introduce him to my parents. They were a huge part of my life, and their opinion mattered to me. "That should be fine, let me just run it by him and I'll text you."

"Perfect. Love you!" She chimed, sweetly.

"Love you, too. Bye, mom."

Hitting the end call button, I opened the door to Starbucks and ordered a Venti Americano with a double shot. Yes, I was that desperate for a caffeine fix. Coffee in hand, I texted Kevin about our tentative plans for dinner tomorrow night, and his reply was perfect.

I would love nothing more than to see who helped raise this amazing girl that I'm head over heels for. xx

My stomach did a happy flip, and I let my mom know that we would be there.

The rest of the day flew by, and I managed to stay awake. Instead of our normal five o'clock, when four-thirty rolled around they let us go. I got in my car and headed straight to Kevin's after leaving the office. We planned to have a pizza night in, which was perfect since I was spent. I packed a bag last night to be on the safe side and was grateful we'd have the place to ourselves.

Somehow Austin convinced Bri to go snow tubing with him for the weekend. How, I'll never know. She was overly cautious about everything and everyone, but with Austin she came out of her shell. They were a whole new match of crazy, but somehow it may just work for them. They were in the "let's be friends" get to know each other stage. Unlike Kevin and I, we were at the crazy in lust, possibly even love stage. My emotions for him were so strong already, it scared me. You read about it, watch it in movies, but in real life it's completely different. He swept me completely off my feet with everything he did.

We'd already slept together, and I mean sleep. It was taking all of my self-restraint not to let it go to the next level, but tonight I was ready. I needed to know what our connection would be like. Would it solidify what I already felt?

Hitting the code for the gate, they swung open to the huge circular driveway that showcased the grand main house where Jake and Aubrey lived. The guesthouse wasn't exactly shabby either. I parked next to Kevin's SUV and cut the engine. Grabbing my bags from the passenger seat, I walked up the paver driveway to the front door. There was a note taped to the door,

In case you get here before I'm out, I'm in the shower. Let yourself in and make yourself at home. xx

Pushing down the handle, I opened the door into the vast, open floor plan of the downstairs. It was obvious they spared no expense with this build. The high ceilings, chef's kitchen and furnishings. I was obsessed with the driftwood looking flooring. If I ever had the opportunity to do a build, it would end up looking a lot similar. I only met Aubrey briefly the other night when they had a band dinner, but loved her style. She was such an easy going person to be around that I could see us becoming friends. I made my way up the stairs to Kevin's room and sat my bags down on the chaise lounge. Just as I was debating being brave and hopping in the shower with him, the water shut off.

He appeared from behind the door, standing there with his defined chest glistening. His perfectly defined V was noticeable through the towel wrapped low around his waist. He took care of his body, and it showed.

"C'mere, babe." He beckoned. I was already excited with the anticipation of what was hopefully coming.

Standing, I strode over trying my best at looking seductive. Part of me couldn't believe this was happening.
Could this really be my life now?
His lips crashed into mine in a commanding, yet tender way. It was as if he already knew how to own my body. He took my inhibitions and tossed them out the window. He has since the first night. It was as if anything before him was merely a dream. When in reality it was a nightmare. In Kevin's case, he had to break to put his pieces back together and become who he was always intended to be. Mine.

"Fuck," he growled into my mouth.

Picking me up from under my ass, his impressive length nudged at my core. Just being in his vicinity made me wanton. He carried me over to the bedroom and sat me on the edge of the bed. Without instruction, I stripped down to nothing except my panties. I was ready. My body burned with need.

Kevin moved the comforter and climbed into bed, patting the spot next to him. I followed, lying on my stomach and taking in his handsome features. His strong, angular nose, chiseled jaw, pouty lips and striking blue eyes.

"I've got everything I could ever want, all I need is you. Are you sure you're ready?" He eyed me cautiously, looking for any form of hesitation. There was none. Zilch. Nada. "We can wait, Mads."

I imagined my eyes sparkling with need as they met his. "I'm beyond ready." 

His slightly calloused hands traced his name along my spine. He moved closer, his eyes never leaving mine as his hands drifted lower gently moving up and down my ass. It was like he was memorizing my curves. Parting my legs slightly in an invitation, he gently slid two calloused fingers inside my already wet core. He started slowly, giving my body a chance to acclimate before picking up pace. Every nerve felt like a live wire, as he moved in and out with reckless abandon. His strong, determined hands hit the spot deep inside me that could send me over the edge stronger than anyone I've ever been with in the past.

"Let go, princess," he commanded. And I did.

My body felt like jello. I didn't think I could move if I wanted to. It was only then that I realized he put me into such a trance-like state that I hadn't even reached over and touched him. The towel was still wrapped around his waist. His erection was begging to break free. I slid my fingers across his toned mid-section and pulled the towel off. He was pure perfection. A drop of pre-cum commanded to be licked off. Darting my tongue out, I ran it over the thick head of his perfect cock. He gently moved my hair out of my eyes, so that he could peer at my face.

Taking one of my hands, I began pumping him in a firm, steady motion while taking him in my mouth. The way he looked adoringly at me while pleasuring him only made me want to try harder. My only focus was making it the best possible. I needed to feel him as he entered me for the first time, feeling us move together. As if he sensed it, he pulled away and moved me onto my back.

Dropping his head he took one rosy nipple in his mouth, teasing it with his teeth before taking the other and giving the same treatment. We had already had "the talk" last weekend. We were both clean. I was on the pill and took it like clockwork. We both agreed that we wanted no barriers our first time.

"Are you sure?" He paused. "I want you so fucking much right now, but I'm willing to wait. I can wait as long as you need me to."

Again, without hesitation, I nodded. "I'm yours." I panted. "Make me yours."

Leaning down he kissed me before pulling back and locking eyes.

"Please don't think I'm crazy, or that I'm just saying this because of what's about to happen, because I've honestly felt it since the moment we locked eyes. Madison Elizabeth Hale, something that's been missing from my life got pieced together the day I met you, and I'll never be the same without you. You keep me grounded. I just wanted you to know."

"If you're crazy, then it must mean I am too because I feel the same way. Kevin Marcus Johnson. You're my missing puzzle piece, and I'm ready to be complete."

He shook his head and laughed at my pun before kissing me again. "To you, my heart I surrender."

Now that the air was clear, it was even more electric. Our intentions and feelings were all out in the open. My hand reached down and found his length. Wrapping my fingers around him, I ran his thick head up my slit before lining him up with my entrance. He moved deliberately slow, savoring the moment worshipping me and letting my body adjust. Inch by delicious inch, he filled me.

Sitting up on my elbows, I watched in awe as our connection formed. Seeing him covered in my juices was one of the most intimate, sensual experiences I've ever had. The way his muscles clenched and rippled with each thrust.

"Fuck princess, you're so goddamn wet for me."

I let out a moan, as my orgasm continued to build until it was about to peak. He grabbed hold of my hand and brought it to my clit. With his hand on top of mine, I readied for the assault that was about to detonate within me.

Picking up on my body language, he picked up his pace. Grabbing my hips,  he hit
spot with each thrust. My back arching into the mattress, he sent me over the edge. I shattered, every part of me feeling pure euphoria. It was almost an out of body experience, and hands down the best sex I've ever had. Which wasn't saying a lot because I hadn't had tons, but enough to know that this was something magnificent. He followed and lowered himself on top of me, rolling me onto his chest. I laid there listening to his heart hammering behind his chest.

So this






When I called Kennedy mid-week, mildly freaking out about my strong feelings, she reassured me that I should just go with the flow and let things play out. It alleviated me slightly to know she didn't think it was crazy.

"Kev, some people will argue that love at first doesn't exist. Just like some people don't believe in soul mates. But hey, I'm still waiting for my rainbow unicorn. On a serious note, I truly believe there is someone out there for everyone. If your gut is telling you that she's the one you've been missing, then stick with it and fuck everyone else. It took me a long time to learn what love is. I think you can sympathize because you were the same way. A lot of people probably never find their true soul mate, Kev. From what you've told me, she seems great, and I can't wait to meet her. The most important thing for me is that you're back to being your old self. An improved version, but you're finally back to the guy I remember. I have to go get Sky to bed, but let's catch up tomorrow if you're around. Love ya!"

"Sounds good, thanks, Kennedy. Love you, too."

I knew what love was. I knew what connection was. I thought I had both, until a few months ago. But this was
This felt like when we met, a piece of her attached itself to my soul. Like all of the gray in my life turned to vivid color. The way I wanted to be her everything and anything. She was quickly becoming my gravity. My anchor. I now knew what Jake felt when he met Aubrey. That
balls to the wall
feeling of being head over heels.

Last night was hands down the best sex I've ever had. We just connected. We didn't need to speak; our bodies did the talking. It was beyond intense. I was hoping that by being open about my feelings, she wouldn't shut down or get scared. There was no way I could have anticipated her saying she felt the same way. I couldn't wait until we exchanged "I love you" and the way it would sound leaving her lips.

Here, tangled up with her, I felt whole.

Madison was
the one.
If I thought I had any doubts or reservations they were gone. She was smart, carefree, experimental, and everything I never thought I could have. She was the ying to my yang, the Elliot to my ET, the other half to my whole, and it was undeniable.

Our hands laced together, her back to my front."Is it always like this?" She asked. Her body was perfect. She was slender, but not a stick figure and had amazing curves.

"It will always be like this for us," I vowed. Everything that I'd been through up until this point led me to her. "We'll grow together every day."

Her stomach growled and as much as I hated the thought of leaving the comfort of the bed, I needed to keep her fed. I kissed the back of her head and pulled the sheet over her. Grabbing a pair of boxer briefs from my dresser, I pulled them on.

"I'm going to make you an omelet, then I thought we could take a bath and relax for the day until dinner."

She sighed. "Sounds incredible."

I started singing her Three Days Grace's,
Lost in You
as I made my way down to the kitchen. She could cook, very well I might add, but something about making her breakfast made my day that much better.

I took a frying pan and placed it on the stove before opening the fridge and taking out the ingredients. I cut up peppers and onions, tossed them in, whisked eggs and made a fluffy omelet with a side of toast and sausage. Pouring two glasses of orange juice and grabbing utensils, I placed everything onto the tray and carried it back up to my princess.

Her face lit up when she saw me.

"I decided you're my anchor," she professed with a small smile.

Placing the tray down, I leaned down and kissed her. "I dig it."

Turning on the television, it was some pointless, brainless show, but I didn't plan on watching it anyway. I handed Madison her plate and placed our glasses on the end table before digging into my own. It wasn't until I was cooking that I realized how hungry I was.

She ate silently. Yet, it seemed like she had something she wanted to say.

Eyeing her skeptically. "Everything okay?" I asked.

She stared at me hesitatingly, "I may or not have a crazy idea."

"Princess, I hate to break it to you, but nothing about us is ordinary."

"Well...remember how I called you my anchor? I was thinking I may want to get it tattooed."

Shaking my head, I couldn't help but laugh. "Well as it happens, I know a few very talented tattoo artists that would be more than happy to do it when you're ready."

She smirked. "No time like the present right? Besides tomorrow isn't guaranteed, and I never want to forget this feeling."

"I'll take you after we finish eating and get dressed if you're serious." A smile formed on her face, and she nodded yes.

There was no arguing with that. I took our dishes downstairs and loaded them into the dishwasher. I figured I'd give her some privacy, not that she needed it. Since the temperature had dropped, I also used it as an opportunity to start my car.

Once back upstairs, I grabbed a pair of dark jeans, a tee, and a black hoodie and quickly dressed. She was in skinny jeans and a white thermal, looking every bit delectable. I grabbed her hand and headed for the door, before the option of leaving the house was no longer an option. 

We got into the now warm car, and I broke into song again, I started singing Stevie Ray Vaughn's,
Pride and Joy.
As a kid, that guy was my idol. He was probably one of the hands down best guitar players, period. My dad was a big 70's rock guy and hearing Stevie play was one of the reasons that I wanted to become a musician. From the time that I got my first guitar, I would sit and play until my fingers bled. I worked on perfecting my sound. I'll never be Stevie level, but I have my own appreciation for his sound. Occasionally at practice, I break into one of his songs.

When I finished, Madison clapped cheerfully, and I did a bow. Blake and I usually did the backup vocals, but Jake had range. He had more range than most other singers. He could sing almost anything. Blues, country, even rap a little, but rock was his genre. Everyone always said they got a piece of his soul when they heard him sing; it wasn't even an exaggeration. He poured all of his emotions into every lyric, every word. When we wrote songs for the albums, it was like sitting down and bleeding on paper. Life experiences, heartbreak, love, lust, sin. We did it all.

We turned onto Main Street. It was already decorated for the upcoming holidays. Garland was strung around the lamp posts with big red bows tied around the top. The stores all had holiday themed window displays. Frozen seemed to be the theme of choice this year. After some searching, I managed to find a spot close to PureInk.

Piper was working today. She started working every other Saturday since having Waverly. If there was anyone I trusted putting a needle into Madison's perfectly, soft, milky skin, it was her.

Cutting the engine, I rushed to open the passenger door, taking her hand. She met Aubrey briefly during the week but hadn't met Piper yet. I didn't worry though because Piper was just as easy going. Pulling the handle, I led her inside to where black and red walls showcased colorful and black and white art, sketches and designs.

Peyton sat at the front desk looking bored. "Hey, Kev."

"Hey Peyton, is Piper in her room?" I asked.

"Yep. You can just go on back."

Tugging on Madison's hand, "you're sure you want to do this? We can leave and go window shop instead."

Without any hesitation, "I'm sure. Stop trying to talk me out of it, ass."

The hallway of the tattoo shop was lined with black glass frames of many of the tattoos that they had done over the years. Piper's work had been showcased in several magazines, and she's even tatted some celebrities.

I knocked on the door trim, causing Piper's head to whip and see who was there. "Hey love bird," she teased.

"Hey to you too. Piper I'd like to introduce you to my lovely girlfriend, Madison. Madison, this is Blake's wife, Piper. There's no one I feel more confident putting needles into your skin."

"Gee, thanks," Piper said with an eye roll. "It's nice to meet you. Did you have something particular you wanted?"

Madison seemed to take to her right away. She took a step toward Piper. "I was thinking about an anchor on my inner wrist."

Piper held out her hand taking Madison's a turning it over. "You have tiny wrists and over the years it could get closer together, so we can make it smaller scale, but it may need to be bigger than what you envisioned. I can sketch a couple things up quick. We can play with placement and make any changes until it's exactly what you want."

She went to work grabbing her sketch book. Within minutes, she had a design on paper. It was an intricate anchor with a rope wrapped around it with a few flowers placed throughout.

"What do you think? I want it to be significant, yet feminine."

Madison grinned. A full, light up the room, grin. "I think you're a genius. Yes. That's it. It's perfect."

"Awesome. Have a seat. I'll get you the paperwork you need to fill out. Then, I'll start stenciling, and we can make any changes before we get started."

Making her way to the front of the shop, Piper left us alone. "Are you nervous?"

"A little, but only that it's going to hurt. Sometimes the best things in life are painful. Look at childbirth." She laughed.

"Can't argue with that."

The thought of Madison pregnant popped into my head. A little part of us growing.
Hit the brakes, Kev.
I told myself.

Papers were signed, wrists were stenciled, and I sat there as I watched the needle graze her skin. She chewed on her full lower lip. She looked more uncomfortable than in pain. Piper was like an artist using skin as canvas and ink as paint. Her attention to the littlest details made her work stand out compared to others. She somehow made them look realistic. Almost three dimensional.

I just had to hope that Madison made the right decision. Tattoos were becoming more mainstream. CEO's had them, executives had them, but there was still a stigma in some professions. I didn't want her being held back, or looked down on in the law profession because she sported some ink.

Almost two hours later, Madison's forearm showcased an impressive anchor with pink and pale green and blue flowers. It fit her personality and the fact that she thought I was her anchor made it even more special. I took my wallet out to pay Piper.

"Put that away. Your money is no good here, and I'm always happy to pop cherries." A cheesy grin formed at her mouth.

"Perv," I teased.

Sticking her tongue out at me, "takes on to know one."

I pulled her into a side hug. "Touché. Thank you, Pipe. It's wicked."

"Yes, thank you so much." Madison hugged her. "It's stunning. I can't wait to show it off."

"It will be a few hours before you can show it off, I have to bandage it up before you go."

After applying some ointment and wrapping it, we were on our way home. It was still early enough in the day that we had a little time to kill before heading to her parent's house. I personally was looking forward to bath time. Keeping her wrist dry, of course.

After getting back on the road, my shuffle came on, and
by the Foo Fighters started playing. It seemed like the perfect song for the moment; I felt like I waited for her ever long. 

BOOK: Repented
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