Raines, Elizabeth - Covert [Wicked Missions 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (14 page)

BOOK: Raines, Elizabeth - Covert [Wicked Missions 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“That’s a story for another time,” Betinsa replied. Her glare suggested the topic should be dropped.

Tanner brought them all back to the problem at hand. “What are we going to do to stop Sisson from hurting the vice president?”

Alayna couldn’t believe he had to ask. “We’re going to keep Chelisa Garner as far away from the guy as we can.”

Surprisingly, Betinsa shook her head. “We have another plan.”

* * * *

“I still don’t like this,” Alayna whispered loud enough the men could catch her words through their earpieces. Both flanked the vice president while Will kept vigil over Drake. “Nope. Don’t like this one damned bit. Someone’s going to recognize us.”

“You worry too much,” Will whispered back. “Gotta give Betinsa credit though. She looks just like Garner. That shape-shifting stuff is creepy. Glad you couldn’t do that when you were Fraiquan, Alayna.”

She wasn’t going to let him charm her out of her fear. “If there’s anyone here from Consenki Chemical, they’ll recognize one of us, even if we’re not blue anymore. They’d still recognize our faces. I just know it.”

Tanner winked at her. “Relax, baby. No one will know it’s us. They’re all looking at Betinsa or Sisson.”

Drake narrowed his eyes enough to make her realize he was getting tired of their chatter. She was extra nervous since her guys were putting themselves in the line of fire again. While Betinsa’s assurances helped Alayna no longer blame herself for Earl Bruner’s death, she couldn’t help but worry about Tanner and Will. Yes, this risk was for a damned good reason, but she hated it nonetheless. Once this was done and they sent Priam Sisson to prison or hell, her husbands were retiring. No arguments. No debate. No long talks. They were going to do something less dangerous and settle down.

And that was that.

Priam Sisson joined them on the dais, smiling and waving to the large crowd that had gathered for the historic treaty. A sea of blue faces was broken by only a few other colors. There had to be at least five thousand Fraiquans there to celebrate this joining of Earth and Fraiquan cultures. It took every bit of Alayna’s self-control not to draw her pulse pistol and shoot the Dracorian so this whole nightmare was over.

“Don’t even think about it.” Will’s voice buzzed in her earpiece.

“How would you know what I’m thinking?”

“You keep running your fingers over the butt of your pistol. Stop it. Now.”

Giving him a curt nod, she let her gaze fall on Sisson. He seemed to be milking this appearance for all it was worth, like some celebrity.

Fucking Dracorian
. She almost reached for her pistol again until Tanner shot her a glare.

Sisson stepped up to the podium and waved again. “Thank you! Thank you!”

“Asshole,” Alayna muttered.

“Shh…” The admonishment came from Betinsa, so Alayna obeyed.

“My friends,” Sisson said, “thanks to all my hard work, we have come here to celebrate a new era and a new relationship with a planet that is not only going to be supplying us with their natural resources, but purchasing our products.” He waited for the applause and shouts to die down again. “Thank you. Thank you. I am here to sign the treaty with the vice president of Earth’s United Continents.” His arm swept out to indicate the fake Chelisa Garner. “Please welcome this wonderful lady as she visits our…beautiful planet for the first time.”

The way he choked on “beautiful” only added weight to Alayna’s suspicions. To a Dracorian, Fraiqua was about as beautiful as barren Charos, the planet from hell. All they wanted was to rape the place for its natural resources.

Betinsa stepped up to the podium as Sisson moved to the side. “Thank you, Minister Sisson, for the warm welcome.” Her words were spoken in perfect Fraiquan, which made Alayna smile. The crowd had to think she’d spent hours learning their difficult language. “I hope in signing this trade agreement, the United Continents has helped establish a lasting peace and friendship between our two peoples.” Stepping back, she took the ceremonial pen offered by Drake.

Betinsa signed the agreement with a flourish, and then she handed the pen to Sisson, who grabbed it with his enormous hands, fumbling to keep it in his grasp. Betinsa’s smug grin belied the dangerous nature of the mission. That grin grew into a full-blown smirk when Sisson dropped the pen. But he didn’t bend over to try to pick it up. Instead, he hit the ground.

All hell broke loose as a shot came from the left of the crowd. Alayna instinctively threw herself in front of Betinsa, accepting the shot against her protective chest plate. Although she didn’t take the burn of the pulse, the force of the blast pushed her back. She sprawled on her ass on top of Tanner, who’d also moved to protect Betinsa.

Sisson crawled over, a small version of a stun-stick in his hand. The damned thing was charged, and he aimed it right at Betinsa. Drake kicked it away as Will held off four Fraiquans—all of whom had huge hands and gloves just like Sisson—as they rushed the stage with their weapons drawn. His shots took down two of them, but the other two jumped over their fallen comrades, clearly heading toward the woman they thought was U.C.’s vice president.

Right before they reached her, Betinsa leapt, fangs bared as she morphed back into her own shape. She ripped out one of their throats before the other fell to a good shot Tanner fired from where he lay on the ground.

Everything was over as quickly as it had begun. The crowd watched in stunned silence as Drake signaled the Fraiquan police who had been standing to the side of the dais. Betinsa was the one to step up to the microphone, and Alayna watched in awe as every Fraiquan in the crowd bowed when she raised her hand.

“She’s considered an Oracle,” Drake said. “The Fraiquan people revere her because she saved their planet a few years ago.”

That news didn’t surprise Alayna one bit. She’d quickly recognized Betinsa’s strength and intelligence. If her husband said Betinsa had saved Fraiqua, Alayna wouldn’t doubt him. “She’ll have to tell me that story sometime.”

Drake and Tanner dragged a now-docile Priam Sisson to stand close to the podium. Not a surprise because Dracorians turned into nothing but sniveling pussies once they lost their advantage.

“My friends,” she said, “I am sorry for the deception. It was done because of my love for this land. This man”—she pointed to Sisson—“isn’t what he appears to be.” She nodded toward the man Tanner liked to call Dr. Frankenstein. He stepped up onto the stage, carrying an enormous hypo-spray.

“We’re here to reveal his deception,” Betinsa said as the doctor stepped up to Sisson. Drake and Tanner had to hold the Dracorian still while the doctor jabbed the hypo-spray against his neck.

In a matter of moments, Sisson began to change. While the injection was only a small step toward changing him back, it would be enough to show the Fraiquans what he truly was. His skin faded from the brilliant blue to a puke green and then a dark yellow. Not the vivid Dracorian yellow, but once his nose morphed from two nostrils to four and his blue eyes changed to red, the crowd seemed to understand. The angry shouts began, growing louder and louder until Betinsa raised her hand again, forcing them back to silence.

“Now that we are aware of the ability for races to change, I call for a universal treaty to never allow this type of genetic manipulation. Although agents from the Interplanetary Drug Enforcement Agency have also used this technique to uncover this plot against our beloved home, we believe the problems that can occur, the deceptions that can result, are not worth the benefits. So now, I ask all the planets in the Prime Sector to send delegates to Fraiqua to forge a new era of cooperation as we come to an agreement that genetic manipulation be banned for the good of us all.”

* * * *

“God, what a day,” Tanner said as he tossed his chest plate on the floor. “Are you okay, baby?” He’d worried about how Alayna had fared from the moment that shot had hit her. The chest plates were a fairly new invention, and although they’d been tested, they’d never been used in a real-life situation. He sure as hell hadn’t wanted Alayna to be the first one to take a pulse-pistol shot directly to the chest.

“I’m fine.” She rolled her shoulders before she started unlacing the ties holding the armor against her body. “Just a little sore.”

Tanner brushed her hands aside to help her remove it. The damn thing practically smashed her breasts flat since they hadn’t had time to make one molded to her curvy shape. She’d surely be glad to get it off. “Lift your arms, Alayna.” She obeyed, and he swept it over her head. Bruises had already formed on both her collarbones, close to the rings of scars left when he and Will had claimed her as their mate. “Oh, baby…” Leaning in, he pressed a kiss just above each purple mark. “Do they hurt?”

“Not really.” When her hands went to the waistband of his pants, he believed her.

The door opened, making both of the jump. “Hey! You started without me.” Will strode into the room, shutting and locking the door behind him. As he turned back to face them, he frowned. “Oh, love. You’re hurt.”

“I’m not hurt. I’m horny. Don’t you guys get as worked up as I do after a scene like that? I feel like I’m on some kind of adrenaline high. I need you two to fuck me. Now.” She shoved Tanner’s pants over his hips. His cock sprang free. “Damn, it’s even better looking pink than blue.” With a salacious smile, she dropped to her knees and took his dick into her mouth. So surprised he could barely breathe, Tanner laced his fingers through her short hair and let his love for her wash over him as he enjoyed each lick and suck she so lovingly gave him.

Will, who’d dropped his clothes faster than should have been possible, joined them. Holding his dick, he smiled at Tanner. “How can I get in on this party?”

Without a hesitation, Tanner wrapped his fingers around Will’s cock and started pumping, savoring the groan Will gave him. After only a few strokes, Will thrust his hips against Tanner’s hand. “Fuck, that feels good.”

Tanner could only take so much provocation, and between Alayna’s sweet mouth and the feel of Will’s rock-hard cock against his hand, he knew he wouldn’t last long. Since this was the first time the three of them would come together now that they were restored to their humanity, he wanted it to be special. Coming in her mouth wasn’t exactly what he had planned. “Enough.”

Alayna stared up at him, and he loved how her eyes were glazed with desire. “Didn’t like it?”

“I like it
much. C’mon. Let’s get in bed. I want to make love to you two.” He grabbed her under the arms and pulled her to her feet. Capturing her mouth for a long, wet kiss, he gasped when Will’s hand cupped his balls. “You two are going to kill me.”

“Yeah,” Will said, giving the testicles a squeeze before releasing them, “but you’ll die happy.”

Tanner swept Alayna into his arms and carried her to the bed. Will followed right behind, giving Tanner’s ass a couple of slaps that made his cock twitch. His two mates could get him so damned hot so fast. At that moment, all he could think about was sinking his dick into one of them—didn’t matter which. “Who do I get to fuck first?”

“You’re both fucking me. End of story,” Alayna said as he dropped her on the mattress. She bounced once before crawling over and patting the comforter. “Will, you’re still sore. Lie down and let me ride you.” Then she flashed Tanner a heart-stopping smile. “And you know what to do. Right?”

“I get to fuck your ass, don’t I, baby?”

Alayna laughed, so happy her men knew exactly what she wanted and weren’t afraid to talk dirty to her. “Damn right. Be a good husband and get the lube.”

“Yes, ma’am!”

While Tanner fetched the bottle from the nightstand, Alayna straddled Will’s hips. “Are you ready for me?” she asked as she rubbed her cunt against his cock.

Instead of answering, he growled and grabbed her hips.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” As he held his dick, she settled over him, taking him inside her pussy slowly, trying to drive him out of his mind.

Will was clearly past teasing when he thrust his hips up, filling her completely. She rode him slow, trying to make the moment last and waited while Tanner squeezed out some lube and quickly spread it over his erection.

He moved behind her, running his hand down her spine as he pushed her forward. Will greeted her with a tongue-dueling kiss while Tanner swirled his wet fingers around her tight hole. She squeezed her inner muscles as she pushed back against Tanner’s hand, anticipating the pleasure that came with two hard cocks deep inside her.

“I don’t want to hurt you, Alayna.”

Tearing her mouth away, she practically shouted, “Fuck me! Now!”

BOOK: Raines, Elizabeth - Covert [Wicked Missions 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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