Ascend (Wolf in Exile Part 3): Werewolf Shifter/Vampire Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Ascend (Wolf in Exile Part 3): Werewolf Shifter/Vampire Paranormal Romance
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Ascend (Wolf in Exile)
Part 3
Amber Ella Monroe




The Protector


Wolf’s Haven

Wolf’s Promise

Wolf’s Touch

Caedmon Wolves Volume One (3-book bundle) - Includes Books 1-3

Wolf’s Desire

Wolf’s Strength

Wolf's Honor

Caedmon Wolves Volume Two (3-book bundle) - Includes Books 4-6






Part 1: Captured

Part 2: Unchained

Part 3: Ascend

Part 4: Reclaimed

Part 4.5: Bound


Shifter Untamed


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Wolf in Exile Part 3

After Thane’s breakout from Area S2, he ascends as Alpha of the ShadowRock Pack once again. His first priority is to stop the spread of an illegal drug connected to the Silex name. Discovery of its existence could shatter a thousand-year-old blood truce between wolf shifters and an ancient race of vampires.

The attraction between Thane and Kalena continues to burn even when they are apart. Thane has made it clear that she holds a special place in his heart. But while they are learning to love each other, trouble continues to brew…

When it comes time for Kalena to expose information about Silex and the harmful drug, she’s more than prepared to do it—especially when it will help dozens of others like her. What she doesn’t realize is that her willingness to help will lead to a revelation so shocking that her union with Thane will be jeopardized.


ASCEND is the third installment in the serialized paranormal romantic suspense story,
Wolf in Exile




Part 3: ASCEND


Part 4.5: BOUND


alena lifted
her gaze to the sky and shielded her eyes from the morning sunrays. Helicopter blades sliced through the humid air and the engine roared overhead. As the pilot descended, tree branches swayed back and forth. Leaves and brambles scattered across the forest floor. Her heart beat frantically in her chest as the wind whipped across her face.

She was hopeful that when she got on the helicopter, her life would somehow be normal once more. On the other hand, she knew in her heart that after meeting Thane, learning about Silex and what kind of company she had been working for that she’d never make decisions lightly again.

Over an hour had passed since Kalena and David had fled Thane’s hut at his request. Already she wondered what had become of Thane. Was he okay? In trouble? Would she see him again soon?

David placed his hand on her shoulder and shouted above the noise. “Are you all right?”

“I think so,” she shouted back, but the helicopter engine swallowed up her voice. Instead, she nodded to reassure him.

The ground quaked around them, and the surface of the water rippled as the helicopter balanced right above a clearing several meters away.

Kalena brought a hand up to shield her face as grass and straw flew at her. She didn’t remove her makeshift shield until the rotors stopped spinning. When she opened her eyes again, two men had exited the helicopter and jogged toward them.

David stiffened beside her and took several steps forward, then brought a leveled hand over his eyebrows to block the rays of the sun as he looked out at the approaching men.

They appeared as big as wrestlers as they came into full view. They halted a couple of feet in front of her and David.

“Kalena Jackson? David McCarthy?” The one with the green eyes looked sternly between the two. His nostrils flared when his gaze came to finally rest on her.

She shifted her weight and averted her attention to the helicopter behind him when she recalled the statement Thane had made about how his Pack members would recognize his scent on her. Kalena wondered if the men were able to detect what she’d done to carry Thane’s scent.

“That’s us,” David answered. “I’m a friend of Thane’s. I’m supposed to see that Kalena gets on that chopper safely.”

“I’m Brant. Beta to Thane Silex—Alpha of the ShadowRock Pack.”

This introduction came from the man with the majestic green eyes that had spoken initially.

Kalena’s mouth parted to speak, but before she could ask her question, Brant spoke again.

“Come with us.” Brant extended his arm out toward the waiting helicopter.

David said, startled. “I’m stayin’ behind to go back and help Thane.”

“There’s no need. The welfare of our Alpha has been taken care of. There has been a change of plans, and these are Thane’s most recent orders. He will board a second helicopter. Follow us now,” Brant commanded.
“Both of you.”

He spun around without another word. The second man that accompanied Brant followed suit and headed toward the helicopter, as well.

Truthfully, she and David had no other desirable choice but to follow. She didn’t know about David, but she wasn’t going to spend the rest of her life—or even the rest of this day—here.

A black and red crest was painted on the body of the chopper. Silex Pharmaceuticals owned several helicopters. She’d seen at least one parked on the top level of the parking garage that was adjacent to the main building where she’d worked. But the insignia on the one here wasn’t done in the red and gold colors of the aircraft belonging to the company she had worked for. The etchings on this one almost resembled a family crest.

She followed the men. Not long after, David fell in step beside her. With considerable help, they boarded the helicopter via a rope ladder. Her stomach recoiled and grumbled as she made the ascent, reminding her that she wasn’t all that fond of heights. Even her balance was a little shaky. But was that a side effect of the drug, Thane’s shifter DNA, or her fear of falling?

As Brant hastily fastened them securely inside the helicopter, she glanced up at the cockpit to see the pilot and co-pilot manning the controls.

The co-pilot turned around and narrowed his steely dark gaze at both of them. He was completely bald and his very appearance sent chills straight down her spine. The undertones of his flesh were dark and earthy, but the color of his skin appeared dull, almost pale. Something was odd about him. He seemed…lifeless somehow.

She shook her head and tried not to stare, but her curiosity lured her again.

His mouth was set in such a taut line that she made out the sharp tips of fangs pressing against his bottom lip. He certainly wasn’t human, but he didn’t resemble Thane or the man who’d just introduced himself as Thane’s Beta, either.

Suddenly, his depthless gaze flickered over to Brant. “We’ll speed it up this go ‘round. It’s almost past my dinner time.” The fangs were gone when he shifted his gaze over to her once more before turning his attention back to the controls.

She took a deep breath, noting how the small, claustrophobic space was filled with the various scents of each of the men. Smells that she probably wouldn’t have noticed before were now magnified. She even picked up the faint remnants of laundry detergent on their clothing.

David, who was right next to her, smelled of grass and peat moss. Brant, who was on the other side of her, smelled of sweat and animal and something else wild she couldn’t pinpoint. From the cockpit, she could differentiate the smells of the two pilots. Their smells reminded her of some type of iron or metal…and blood.

When she swallowed to alleviate her dry throat, her thoughts suddenly shifted to Thane. She craved his company. She could feel the changes in her system. But was she just sick, or was her body responding to the cure that Thane had passed to her?

A headache rose up against her temples. To combat the nauseating smells, she ducked her mouth and nose into the collar of her shirt and settled back in the chopper’s seat. She closed her eyes as the helicopter lifted from the ground.

She couldn’t—and wouldn’t—turn back now. Her life was entwined with Thane’s, even after they were no longer confined to Area S2 together.


verything in Thane’s
quarters was just as he had left it over six months ago when he had last slept here. Of course, remnants of the scents from a couple of the different maids employed at his estate lingered in every corner of the room.

They’d kept his linens clean, the Calamander wood floors shined, and the surfaces dusted in his absence. It was almost as if they’d known he would return, even when the chances of him being killed at Area S2 were high. Proof of his death would’ve given his Pack the go-ahead to secure another Alpha. But they hadn’t. He respected their loyalty to him.

When an Alpha went missing, was presumed dead, or abandoned his Pack, it wasn’t odd for everyone who once ran with him to join other Packs or disband under weak interim leadership. But the ShadowRock Wolf Pack was not made up of weak leaders, or Pack members for that matter. Most of the credit for keeping the Pack morale high enough to prevent them from splitting up went to his Beta, Brant Cedona. Cedona could have easily ascended to Pack Alpha and claimed the title in Thane’s six-month absence. But he hadn’t.

Thane had lost six months of his life to Area S2 because of Gavril’s attempts to play God. Of course, he would do it again in a heartbeat if it was what it took to unravel the mess that Gavril started.

Thane took a seat in a leather side chair near the windows. Dusk was beginning to set, and the amber-colored sky reminded him of the highlights in Kalena’s hair. Her lovely scent was all over him, and not one moment passed that he didn’t think about how soft her body felt against his.

He wanted to go to her…he’d go to her soon…

Would she still accept him for who he was, or take the first opportunity to vanish from his world into obscurity?

He was supposed to be gathering his thoughts—business and Pack matters. Yet he simply couldn’t concentrate on much of anything except Kalena and how much he wanted her company. But business matters were pressing. He had returned to ShadowRock as his Pack’s Alpha, had immediately settled once more into the role. He had a duty to his people to uphold.

He’d earned the Alpha title by working his way up over the decades. He’d started in the lowest cast of wolves and ascended, until finally, coming to be named Pack Beta by the previous Alpha, who happened to be his late uncle, Houston Silex. Houston never played favorites, and aside from Thane’s birth father, Harold, Houston always gave the best advice. Thane had approached the man more than a dozen times to gain his wisdom on personal matters. He’d never expected Houston to choose him as successor. Heck, Thane had favored being Pack Beta more than any other position he’d held in the past. But before his death, Houston had handed the ShadowRock Wolf Pack down to Thane. He’d accepted without question.

Now, both his father and his uncle were gone. The only living relatives bearing the Silex name and genes besides him were his twin brother, Gavril, and Danika. None of them were mated nor had they borne any offspring. Bearing children wasn’t easy among their kind, which was the main reason so few carrying the Silex gene still lived.

There had been times when Thane had thought about taking several mates as many Alphas of neighboring Packs had done to keep the bloodline going, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Now he wondered if this were in the family’s best interest.

Gavril had shady ulterior motives. His brother would never bear wolf pups since he didn’t carry the shifting gene. That fool seemed more infatuated with creating drugs like D996 so that he could play God than ensuring his legacy lived on.

Danika, although promised to another by their father through a betrothal, was not of breeding age. Another decade could pass before she would produce any Silex pups, if at all.

That left him…

In that moment, Thane thought of Kalena and how she had awakened the mating urge inside of him. Not just for reasons of procreation and breeding, but because she actually warmed his heart and called to his wolf, who responded in kind.

But he couldn’t use Kalena for his own purposes and gains. He wanted to keep her near but knew he’d have to allow her to make her own choice sooner or later. But first, he planned to eliminate any threats—present or future—to her life.

Thane wrung his hands together, thinking of what he would say to her tonight. She was only one floor above him in the mansion. If he gave her space for a few hours, even a couple of days, maybe she’d realize that what they’d shared in the hut in Area S2, although beautiful, would come with a price.

There were too many Gavrils in the world that could harm her.
And there were far greater enemies than Gavril out there.

If she stayed with him, she’d be subject to whatever scrutiny and threats he faced. Had that been why he’d been so hesitant to take a mate all this time? The uncertainty of a future where shared pain and suffering could last for decades if he bonded with a woman?

Thane swallowed down his rising fears just as there was a loud knock at the door. He lifted his nose and scented Brant and two unknown female wolves.

Thane cleared his throat. “Come in.”

The shifter women Thane had scented filed into the room first, one after the other, and then stood to the side as Brant entered.

“I came to tell you that all the Alphas scheduled to arrive today are here to discuss your plans for Gavril. Those that could not attend have sent their regards by messenger.”

“Thank you, Brant. Any word on when Danika may arrive?”

“She’ll be here sometime tomorrow. She refused to board the private jet, so her guards have rented a vehicle to transport her cross country.”

Thane shook his head and closed his eyes for a few seconds. He’d never known a teenager more spoiled than Danika. It wouldn’t have been so bad if it weren’t for the fact that most of her decisions got her into trouble. “She and I will have a talk when she gets here. What about Kalena? How is she?”

“The treatment you gave her while you were in exile is holding up well,” Brant said. “One of the maids has been checking on her periodically to see what she needs, as you requested. Tracy O’Neill is on her way here as we speak.”

“And David?”

“After speaking with him, he’s still undecided about whether he wants the DNA or not.”

Thane nodded and stood. “Give him more time. The choice is his to make whether it’s today, tomorrow, or next year. Thanks for bringing me the news. As for the guests, have my staff accommodate all of them and make sure they have rooms on the premises for the night. If they wish.”

“That’s already been done, Alpha.”

“Good, then,” Thane said. “I’ve had enough time to finalize my plans. After all, I spent six months thinking of how I would twist Gavril’s thick neck before it snapped.” Before saying anything else, he quickly noted the two women who remained in the room with him and Brant but had yet to excuse themselves like most of the maids had done. He asked firmly, “What do we have here?”

“The Alpha of the Black Crescent Pack sent two of his best girls for you.” Brant cleared his throat. “As an early homecoming gift. He thought you could use some relief after your prolonged exile without…um…” Brant shuffled uncomfortably. He unfolded his arm and gestured toward the two women standing in Thane’s room. “He wanted you to know that they are…

Thane frowned and looked back and forth between the women. He hadn’t noticed before, or maybe he’d just ignored the fact that they were wearing flimsy, see-through gowns that left very little to the imagination. One had long blonde hair cascading down her back, and the other had a black pixie cut. They were shifters—young, ripe, and of breeding age.

“Nice to meet you, Thane Silex, Alpha of the ShadowRock Pack.” The older of the two with the pixie haircut stepped forward and bowed slightly. “My name is Tina, and this is my friend, Tiara. We’ve been sent to serve you any way you’d like. We’re both trained masseuses. Our specialties are usually performed by the bath or the bedside. We’re good at relieving stress, and we won’t ask for anything in return.” She licked her lips and her gaze flitted down to his cock. “If you’ll have us, we’ll be good to you.”

The younger one looked at Thane once and blushed.

Other than a slight stirring behind his zipper, Thane felt nothing.

The situation was a good example of why Thane needed a mate of his choosing, not someone chosen for him.

When you had the title of Alpha, your Pack expected you to take a mate. It was customary. Traditionally, other Pack Alphas would send their best girls along in hopes that a needy Alpha would mate one of them, making a stronger alliance between the two Packs. Word had probably reached far and wide of Thane’s break from Area S2 and subsequent wolf hunt ordered on Gavril.

As a wolf who could not shift, Gavril could not rightfully hold the title of Alpha, which was why he’d been given the mantle of CEO of Silex Pharmaceuticals until the rightful owner, Danika Silex, reached adulthood. But Gavril still had power. He could strip titles, disband Packs, and claim territory. Gavril had achieved all of the above already, in addition to other crimes and treachery against his kind. Where Gavril lacked the strength of a wolf, he possessed the persuasiveness of a career politician. And if any man or wolf could stop Gavril in his tracks, it was Thane. There were not many Alphas that wanted to get in the way of a debacle such as this.

Thane took another quick glance at the beautiful virgins standing before him and made a quick decision that they weren’t what he wanted. He didn’t make alliances by accepting every gift sent or taking every woman offered up by neighboring Packs to bed, and he certainly wouldn’t start now.

“No, thank you,” he told the women, and then turned to Brant. “You can send them back
.” He pulled his shirt over his head, threw the garment across a chair, and headed toward the bathroom. “I’ll be down in half an hour after my shower.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

BOOK: Ascend (Wolf in Exile Part 3): Werewolf Shifter/Vampire Paranormal Romance
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