Read Polar Opposites (In Aeternum Book 4) Online

Authors: Aliyah Burke

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Polar Opposites (In Aeternum Book 4) (35 page)

BOOK: Polar Opposites (In Aeternum Book 4)
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“It is.”

She yawned and snuggled back into him. “Okay then. When do we leave?”

Ivan was thrilled he had gotten her to agree to leave with him. “Soon.” He closed his eyes and held her tight. “Soon but not right now.”


Chapter Twenty-Eight




Ivan walked to the door and opened it to admit McNeal. Past him, he could see the boat moored to the dock. Two armed men waited down by it but McNeal stood alone.

“She’s in the backyard.” He closed the door after him.

“Good work.” McNeal brushed by him and Ivan ground his teeth. “Glad you could get her to stop whatever it was she was doing.”

He ground his teeth. “McNeal.”

The man turned back to him. “Yes?”

Ivan delivered a right hook to his jaw, baring his teeth in satisfaction when McNeal stumbled backwards. Shaking off the sting, he glared at the man who’d regained his balance. “You hurt her again, McNeal, and it will be you and me. The kid gloves will be off. She can poison or shoot you but I can liquefy your bones, organs and skin, making it so there is no trace of you left for a single person to find.” He walked off to lead the way outside.

Bailey waited on the double lounge and Ivan went to join her. She didn’t get up to meet McNeal, instead she curved into Ivan as he draped his arm around her shoulders. He brushed a kiss over her head as McNeal took a seat.

“You wanted to talk, McNeal.” Bailey still maintained an edge to her voice. “What happened to your face? It looks like someone finally got the best of you.”

“Your boyfriend there decked me.”

Bailey looked up at him before reaching for his hands. “Did you hurt yourself, Ivan?”

“Have you made a decision, Bailey?” McNeal asked.

“I’m going with Ivan to Georgia for a while. No jobs until I figure out if I want to work for you or Masters.”

The expression on McNeal’s face was priceless. He didn’t like this at all but he didn’t argue.

“Anything else?”

“I don’t need anything from you.” She shifted on the lounge. “We’ll be ready to go tomorrow. We want the jet as well. You can show yourself out.”

“Are we going to talk about—?”

“Goodbye, McNeal,” she said with no room for argument.

Ivan waited to see if he would resist. McNeal did not. The man rubbed his jaw, his fingertips touching the spot Ivan’s fist had connected with when he had slugged McNeal. Then he rose and walked back through the house, no words of farewell or anything of the sort. One moment there, the next gone.

Silence reigned between them for a moment before she rose up slightly and stared at him, her left eyebrow raised. “You punched him?”

Ivan shrugged unrepentantly. “He deserved it. Besides, he is lucky that’s all I did to him.”

“But… He’s McNeal.”

“You threatened him.”

“I kill people for a living. You work in a lab.”

“Still a man.”

She nodded. “Yes, you are.” Bailey settled her head back upon his chest. “Yes, you are.”


* * * *


They were alone on the flight back to Georgia—not even McNeal was with them. Ivan didn’t give him another thought—he would find his way back how and when he did, it was no longer his concern.

Now they’d gotten a vehicle, one that had somehow been in the long-term parking lot. Who’d put it there he hadn’t a clue, but it was a Ford Edge. He drove as Bailey reclined in the passenger seat.

She’d slept most of the way, waking to partake in some real food. There had been moments of anger and some of withdrawal. She constantly remained amazed that he hadn’t left her somewhere or pushed her out over the ocean. Ivan realized he couldn’t explain it to her but the understanding why he was supporting her and being there for her would have to come in its own time.

When they slept together, it was wrapped tightly in one another’s arms. Since being back with each other they’d not had sex and he wanted that level of intimacy with her again but as with the rest of her recovery, it would come in time.

He gazed askance at her. She had her head against the window and toyed with the seatbelt across her lap.

“You okay?”

“You weren’t lying when you said small town, were you?”

“Nope. It’s nice, though. The apartment manager is a very nice man whose son is in my class.”

“He’s the one you’re supposed to recruit.”

She said it so casually he was taken a bit by surprise.

“Why would you say that?”

“I know how they work. You think it’s a coincidence they put you up there in that place only to find he works where you do as well as lives where you live and his son is in the class you happen to be taking over for until the end of the year?”

Bitterness leaked free. Ivan put his attention back on driving as they continued down the two-lane road.

“No, I know it wasn’t. I was just wondering why you thought that?”

“I listen and I hear things. Plus, given how it went down with my parents, I wouldn’t be surprised if somewhere in the grand Theta Corps scheme they have a plan for me to be here with you. If it wasn’t planned out then they have a contingency for it.”

He didn’t begrudge her the doubt spilling from her. They had earned her distrust.

“Well, I for one am glad you’re here with me.”

“Is there anything to do around here?”

He slowed as they entered the town. “Athens isn’t too far away. There’s a lot to do there.”

Ivan let it go that she’d not once responded to him saying he loved her. Or just now how she’d brushed it off he was glad she was there with him. He knew she had feelings for him, felt it deep within him. But it would be something different to hear her actually say it.

“Athens.” She sat up a bit. “I know Athens.”

He wasn’t sure what to make of that. “Wonderful.” Ivan slowed and turned into the apartment complex and stopped at the office. “I’ll be right back, need to see if I have any packages.”

“Okay,” she said, settling back against the door.

Ivan hurried in, bracing against the cold wind. Ross was behind the counter and he stood when Ivan walked through.

“Hi, Doc,” he called out.

“Ross, any packages for me?”

“Nothing recently. I put all the others in your place. Good to see you back.”

“Ready for class?”

“I think so. Looking forward to the last part of my senior year. I just wish I knew if I’d been accepted by a college or not.”

“You know,” he said, seizing the opening, “there are other options.”

“Not really. You don’t understand how important it is to my father that I go to and finish college. I’ll be the first one in the family to do so.”

“I do understand. Maybe you and your father can come by and I can talk to you about what I mean. I don’t want to do anything behind his back.”

“I’ll let him know. Thanks, Doc.” He tipped his head to the side. “New vehicle?”

“Girlfriend’s. She’s staying with me for a while.”

“Oh, Doc’s got a honey. She a teacher too?”


He flashed a grin. “Can’t wait to meet her.”

Ivan chuckled and waved while he headed out. As he shut the door behind him, he paused, catching a glimpse of Bailey. The late afternoon sun shined through the glass, surrounding her with a golden halo. It caressed her skin like a lover. In that moment, she looked at peace and he wanted nothing more than to keep it on her.

“No packages? I was just about to come in and see if you needed help carrying them out.” She rolled her head on the rest to watch him as he slipped behind the wheel.

“He’s already taken them to my place.” He cleared his throat. “Our place.”

“Them. How much stuff did you order?”

“Some things for class that the school didn’t have.” He started the engine and got them headed toward his apartment. Ivan parked in the closest free spot that he found and cut off the engine. “Here we are.”

She unbuckled her belt and opened the door. Bailey climbed out, her backpack in hand, and looked around at her new place of residence. At least for however long she wanted to stay with him.

He wrapped his arm around her waist, leading her to the door.

“First floor. How’s the crime around here?”

“Crime isn’t horrid here. First floor is okay. We’ll be fine.”

Her smile was brief. “Sorry, habit.”

“You’re not working, Bailey. Resting and recouping.”

She held up her hands, shrugging. “Sure thing.”

He unlocked the door and gestured her inside, trailing her. Off to his left sat the boxes holding the items he’d ordered for the school. Bailey turned to face him.


“Where am I sleeping?”

“Hopefully with me, but if you’d like to be in the other room, we can get you a bed.”

The corners of her lips twitched. “Not going to demand I share your bed?”

“As if it would do me any good. No, I am not going to demand you do that. I don’t own you, Bailey. No matter how possessive I feel toward you.” He lightly brushed his knuckles over her cheek. “And I’m seriously fucking possessive toward you.”

“I’m sure I’ll like your bed just fine.” She whirled back around and sauntered off, hips swaying enticingly.

Maybe I’m getting the Bailey back who lights up my world with her smile.

He allowed her to go explore and he left his bag by the door, opting to check out the boxes. Ivan had just put the fourth one on the table when she reappeared. He looked briefly then his head snapped back toward her so fast it spun. She wore nothing. Absolutely nothing.

His cock responded instantly, rising to the occasion with no hesitation.

“Bailey?” Christ, his voice sounded more like a frog croak than a human question.

“You might not be demanding, but I’m feeling more than a bit. You. Naked. Now. I want you inside me.” A sly smile. “Unless you’re too busy.”

He dropped the knife and stepped toward her. “Too busy? Not even close.”


Bailey watched him approach. Ivan moved like a predator. He wasn’t like some of the men she knew who at times were over the top in their alpha tendencies. He wasn’t anyone’s bitch, that was for sure, but he also didn’t need to shove his masculinity in someone’s face.

As he neared, he tugged his shirt free from the waistband of his jeans, lifting it off over his head. When it fell, she never took her gaze from him, allowing herself the pleasure of seeing his tanned, cut physique. The deltoids, abdominals, obliques, pectorals and more, each working in harmonious tandem with the others, creating the visual feast for her to enjoy. The six-pack she’d enjoyed licking caramel off when they’d been in his apartment called to her now.

She’d not been feeling particularly sexy as of late, more like a loser. But here she’d felt stirrings and had decided ‘what the hell’ and was going with them. From the looks of his fierce expression, he was on board.

Longing shot through her. Her nipples tightened and a low throbbing began in her clit before it spread up and throughout the rest of her body. His long fingers tackled the button on his jeans even as he toed off his shoes, not bothering to untie them.

Bailey paused in the middle of his bedroom and watched him, waiting for that moment he would be bared to her, completely. He shoved off his pants and continued approaching her, kicking free of his jeans as he moved. His boxer briefs were black and she zoned in on his groin. The defined ridge there had her whimpering in desire and he’d not even touched her yet.

Primal need flared, adding an almost eerie look to his gaze. It burned her, branded her, possessed her. She didn’t care. Deep down, Bailey knew the truth, whether it was voiced or not, whether she wanted to acknowledge it or not—she belonged to this man.

There was no one else for her who would understand her like he did. Who wouldn’t feel intimidated by what she did for a living. Who would take her good with her bad as he did. He loved her for what and who she was on the inside.

She reached for him and stopped when he shucked his final article of clothing. He’d removed his socks at some point, she wasn’t sure when.
Don’t really give a damn either.
His cock was long and thick, rising proudly.

Her tongue snuck out and dampened her lips as she fixated on his length as he walked toward her, not stopping until the velvet-over-iron length was snug in her hand. He flexed his hips, rubbing himself along her skin. She tightened her grip, allowing her thumb to smear the pearly drops of pre-cum over the bulbous head.

His guttural moan was unidentifiable to her but it still warmed her. Fire licked at her veins and skin. Searching. Seeking. Feeding.

Ivan cupped her breasts, rolling and tugging on her nipples. He moved down her body, fanning the flames as he went. Her legs shook as she worked his cock faster. Along her hips and over her belly, he smoothed his palms.

She swallowed hard when he moved behind her and dropped to the floor. His warm breath fanned along the small of her back. He nipped at her skin and she jumped, trying to turn toward him. He refused to allow it.

Long, slow licks along her skin had her dropping her head back in pleasure and scrunching her fingers into fists as she tried to remain upright. He nudged her legs wider apart and slid an arm through, so his palm rested against the flat of her belly.

His right hand gripped at her hips as he continued his loving ministrations and his left dug into her flesh surrounding her belly button. He used his strength to keep her up, for her legs were trembling like matchsticks in a storm.

Higher and higher he pushed her need. She rocked along his arm, seeking any type of friction she could get from him. He didn’t stop what he was doing, in fact, if anything he went slower. Longer, more languid laps along her heated skin. Grazes of his teeth that had her mewling, begging for release.

She dug her nails into her palms, unsure what else to do with her hands. Her world spun nearly out of control as the passion overwhelmed her. She teetered on the precipice but he wouldn’t let her go over. He knew her and would back off when she neared, leading her back down. Then he would start all over again.

Her words wouldn’t come in any semblance of order and it took her a while to realize she was speaking French. Switching back to English, she begged, “Please, Ivan.”

BOOK: Polar Opposites (In Aeternum Book 4)
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