Read Polar Opposites (In Aeternum Book 4) Online

Authors: Aliyah Burke

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Polar Opposites (In Aeternum Book 4) (33 page)

BOOK: Polar Opposites (In Aeternum Book 4)
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“I was near. I wasn’t in the room but I saw you within a few hours of your birth.”

“And you came around from time to time. I remember you there. I never wondered how you always managed to find us, but you did. You never visited the same house twice.”

“Nope, I didn’t.”

“Why did you come by?”

“I wanted them back. Neither wanted to live that life with you. Milly longed to be a mother who could bake with her child and help her with homework. Not dodge bullets and try to stop governmental coups.”

She dropped a spoon in each mug, the thunder outside echoing the clang. “So when they died you figured why not carry on the family tradition?”

“There’ll never be the right words I can utter which will earn your forgiveness, Bailey. I am aware of that.” He faced her. “My question is, will you be able to work with me? Or should I have you sent to work under Masters directly?”

“Good question.” How much distance did she truly want from him? Did she want it where he didn’t have a say in what assignments she was sent on and if he wanted to know how she was doing he would have to look it up? “I’ll have to think about that and see if I want to work directly for him as opposed to you.”


* * * *


Georgia, United States


“Merry Christmas, Ivan,” he muttered as he poured himself another cup of coffee. Once it was fixed how he liked it, he made his way to the couch and sat with a grunt. He had a small Christmas tree on his coffee table, the colored lights doing their best to bring cheer to his place.

He’d not been able to reach Bailey other than her message service. However, she’d not returned any of them. He stayed busy with teaching but since they were now on break he didn’t have it as a distraction.

Paul Richardson hadn’t been lying when he’d said Ross was smart. The boy knew his physics backwards and forwards. Problem was, he was under the impression he needed to get out of there on a football scholarship. So he didn’t put half the effort into class as he should. Not that he needed to put in more, for he was impressive now in class—still with the extra effort, he would be incredible.

Ivan hadn’t figured out how to approach his father about it either. At some point he needed to talk to the young man and let him know there were other options besides sports.

“But it’s Christmas. Why ruin his vacation with school talk?” Sure, most seniors already knew where they were going, yet Ross hadn’t heard back from the places he had applied to. Or so the rumors said.

He flipped through channels until that grew boring and he turned the entire thing off. Ivan was in the middle of cooking himself some food when a knock came on his door.

He opened it and drew back slightly in surprise. “Wasn’t expecting to see you, much less on this day. Come on in.”

McNeal brushed by him. “Wasn’t expecting to be here.”

“What do you need?”


His heart pounded at the mere mention of her. “She’s not here. Trust me, if she were I wouldn’t have answered the door.”

“I know she’s not here and I’m not even going to address that other comment.” McNeal paced. “She’s holed up on an island in the Pacific.”

“So, then given the fact you know where she is, perhaps if she is the one you need, you should be there getting her.”

McNeal glanced around the place before settling his body on one of the stools. “Do you remember I told you a bit about her past and how her parents had been killed in front of her?”

“Not something I would forget.” Unease began to creep in his blood. What was going on with her?

“She’s having nightmares and isn’t sleeping well. She looks to be a ghost of her former self. She won’t talk to me, well, not in a good way. I need you to go down and check on her. You’ll be able to get through to her.”

“I don’t know about that,” Ivan said with a shameful shake of his head.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means I was an ass the last time I talked to her. I may not be the best person to send. Doesn’t she have any close people that she works with?”

“Not close in that sense. Not like you are to her.”

Ivan shook his head but McNeal held up his hand.

“Son, don’t go there with me. I’m not in the mood. We both know the two of you have been having an intimate relationship for a good while now. Since she rescued you is my guess.”

“What’d you do to her?”

Dark eyes narrowed on his face. “Why do you assume I did something to her?”

“Because I know how much she respects you and if she’s not willing to talk to you, you’ve done something.” Protective instincts rushed over him, nearly taking him to his knees as he tried to wrap his head around this entire thing of her lack of sleeping and the nightmares. “So how about you cut the crap and just come out and tell me everything.”

“I’ll tell you on the plane.”

“Right, of course.” Ivan didn’t argue with how McNeal assumed he would be going, for if Bailey needed him, and it appeared she did, nothing would keep him from her side. “Give me a few to toss some clothes in a bag.”

They were out of the door in fifteen minutes. A black SUV sat illegally parked behind his company vehicle.

“Weren’t planning on staying long, I see,” he muttered sarcastically.


“I just need to stop off at the office on my way out.”

“Make it quick,” McNeal said when he pulled up outside the building.

Ivan hopped out without speaking to him. Inside, he found Ross and his father both there. They looked at him and smiled.

“Something you need, son?” Harold got to his feet.

“Not really, just that I’m on my way out until New Year’s. I’ll be back in time for school, but I have to go check on a sick friend. Anyway, I have some boxes coming, could you just keep them here until I return?”

“Sure thing, or Ross can take them to your place for you. Your call.”

“Whichever you prefer. Thanks.” He went to the door where he spun back. “Merry Christmas.” He dashed through the cold and slipped back into the passenger seat. “Let’s go.”


* * * *


“Plan on telling me where we’re going?” Ivan looked at the man sitting across from him in the cabin of the private jet they were on. “I’m going to go out on a limb and guess she’s not just in Australia, despite you saying that’s where we are going.”

McNeal had a scowl on his face. “I said that’s where we were going first, not that it is was the final destination. She is on a private island in French Polynesia.”

Of course she is. Although the mere idea of me alone with Bailey on a private island… Let’s just say I’m not sure I should be thinking these things while sitting next to this man.
“We’re on the plane, time for you to come clean.”

McNeal ordered a drink and downed it swiftly once it arrived. The flight attendant made herself scarce after taking the glass from him. “She remembered me from before, back when I wasn’t her boss but before that. Prior to her being in Theta Corps.”

Ivan adjusted the pillow behind his head and reclined his seat. “You knew her from before, you told me that. So she didn’t know?”

“Not until recently.”

He massaged his temple. “Look, cut to the chase here. I should probably hear this from her, so tell me what it is you need me to do, other than talk to her.” He reached for the blanket near him and unfolded it over him. “You say you need her, like, for work? Is she to where she doesn’t want to work for you anymore? Or do you need her back to being able to do the job? I don’t understand.”

“I need her back. I offered her to work under Masters if that’s what she needs to do. But”—he raked his hand over his head—“I need her back. This is hard to explain but it will all make sense the moment you see her.”

“I’ll do what I can but I have to be back by the time school starts. I told you, we didn’t exactly part on the best of terms either, so I’m not sure sending me in will be your best strategy.”

McNeal pinned him with his gaze. “Honestly, Ivan, I think it’s the only one. If anyone has a chance of reaching her it’s you. But it has to be done soon or we may just lose her forever.”

He hated the cryptic talk. “If she’s so bad off and you’re fearful of that outcome, why the fuck are you allowing her to remain on the island alone?”

“She’s not alone. I have a team out there, keeping an eye on her.”

He snorted. “I’m sure that’s being taken well.”

“It’s either that or I take her in.”

“You mean try.”

McNeal shrugged and Ivan let it go. He wasn’t sure what to do exactly, nor how he would be of any help, but he would do whatever he could. He shut his eyes and tried to get some rest.


* * * *


The boat pulled up to the long dock and slowed to a halt. “Here you go.”

Ivan hopped out and readjusted the shades on his face. “Thanks for the lift.”

“Sure is a busy island for a private one.” The driver waved his hand and pushed away before taking off.

Ivan grasped the handles of his duffle bag and with a deep breath began the trek up toward the large and inviting house. Hopefully the occupant would be feeling charitable and not put a bullet in his head even before he’d reached her.

The second his feet left wood and hit sand, he paused. “Bailey? Can you hear me? It’s me, Ivan, I’m coming up to the house.”

Had she heard him? Was she watching him through a scope on some sniper rifle? What about the others McNeal had said were here? They knew he was on their side, right? He shook his head and began walking again.
I have got to stop being so damn spooked that she is just going to shoot me without any reason.

At the front door, he knocked then tried the handle when he received no answer. It opened silently and he entered the large building. Beautiful décor. All the best amenities and yet it missed the warmth of what he was used to seeing in the places she typically inhabited.

Bedrooms were all empty and he dropped his bag in the master suite before walking to the back of the house. He opened the sliding glass door and stepped outside to the deck. Following it around, he slowed when he spied her.

Tall, empty bottles of alcohol lay scattered around her as she reclined on a double round chaise-longue. To her left was a sidearm and he gently cleared his throat.


Her name hadn’t even faded from the air and he found himself staring at the barrel of the pistol. Her face was drawn and she had large circles under her eyes. Eyes that were bloodshot. Saying she looked like shit would have been a compliment.

“I said to leave me alone, dammit. I want to be left alone!”

“I’m sorry, baby, I can’t do that. The only way that’s going to happen is if you pull that trigger and kill me, right here and right now. Otherwise I’m staying.”

“You think I can’t do it?”

“I know you can, the question is would you?”

The pistol never wavered and he held his breath.
Maybe I won’t be back to teach next year.
He remained still, hands out to his sides as he willed her to see him not as an enemy but as a friend. Lover. Someone she could trust.

Either that or kill me.


Chapter Twenty-Seven




What is he doing here? How did he find me?

Bailey stared through exhausted eyes at the image of Ivan. Hell, she wasn’t positive it wasn’t another daydream. She’d had them often enough on these binges. She bit the inside of her cheek. No, it wasn’t possible. He couldn’t be here, so it must be the dreams coming back, trying to fool her by taking his shape.

“Leave before I shoot you.”

“I’d really prefer you didn’t, baby.”

It sounded like him, even moved like him.
No, don’t let them close. Keep it away.
“Don’t move.”

Ivan stopped, hands before him. He gestured to a nearby chair. “May I sit down over there?”

“Sure.” Her stomach roiled and rebelled against everything she’d ingested today. She swallowed it back, needing to deal with this first before she let the sickness take over. “Slowly.”

He listened and perched on the edge of the seat. “You look tired, Bailey. Have you been sleeping?”

She narrowed her eyes. “You know I haven’t.”

“Have you been eating?”

“What do you care?”

“I care very much, Bailey. Surely you know that?”

“I know you look like Ivan but you dreams are crafty and sneaky. You’ll take any shape to get close to me in hopes I let my guard down.”

“Oh, baby.”

His two words were whispered so tenderly her hand shook. The demon dreams hadn’t cared before.
Perhaps he is real.


“I’m right here, Bailey. Right here.”

Her arm was too heavy to hold up the sidearm and it fell to the cushion, bouncing once before settling. He moved closer to her but she didn’t have the energy to protest. Ivan crouched beside her and slid the SIG to the other side of the lounger.

“What’s going on, baby? Talk to me.”

He gathered her close and tucked her into him. She closed her eyes and allowed his scent to wash over her. It was him, truly.

“It all went to hell, just to hell.”

“Baby, when was the last time you slept?”

“Can’t, the dreams are too bad.”

“You need to sleep. Close your eyes and let me take care of you.”

A small smile lifted the corners of her mouth. “Already closed.”

“Then sleep and I’ll keep the demons away.”

She was just so tired. “Yes. Can we stay here in the sun?”

“Whatever you want, just sleep.”

“Yes, sleep.” For the first time in many days, the arms of Morpheus welcomed her.


* * * *


A blanket settled over her, bringing her from the slumber. She stirred slightly and did her best to lift the heavy weight of her eyelids. It was a struggle but she managed to do this task and found a handsome man bending over her, love and tenderness in his eyes.

“What time is it?” Her mouth was dry and cottony.

“Shy of six. Are you hungry?”

Not really
. The thought of food was stomach turning. She shifted and looked beside the lounger. The first thing she noted was her weapon was no longer there. The second was that all the empty bottles she’d been gathering from her binge drinking were gone as well.

BOOK: Polar Opposites (In Aeternum Book 4)
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