Read Merry Christmas, Paige Online

Authors: MacKenzie McKade

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Fiction

Merry Christmas, Paige (6 page)

BOOK: Merry Christmas, Paige
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When she climaxed, the boat’s damn horn had blared for at least five minutes.

“How ’bout we recreate that moment, but with a twist.”

“A twist,” she repeated, not sure she liked the dark sensuality in his voice.

He nodded slowly. He stared at her with such intensity it was almost scary.

“Instead of me taking you here…” he caressed the wet slit of her pussy, “…I’ll take you here.” His fingertips nudged the tight skin of her anus. She knew he was waiting for a reaction and he got it.

She couldn’t hide her surprise, even if she tried. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. In fact, she trembled. The forbidden thought sent her senses whirling. “I don’t know. Will it hurt?”

Will it hurt? Duh. She was a doctor. Yes, there would be discomfort, but then again the sensitive nerves in that region could make for an incredible experience if done right.

“Not if you’re prepared properly,” he replied.

That meant lots of lube, and she meant a lot. She dragged in a taut breath. “Okay.”

One of those animalistic growls rumbled in his chest. “You’re amazing.” He pulled her the rest of the way up his body and captured her mouth with his. She tasted his hunger, his excitement.

If they were starting anew, why not explore their desires with something fresh and erotic? She just hoped in the end she wouldn’t regret it.

Paige anticipated his touch to be amorous and wild, but instead he held her tenderly while he nibbled on her bottom lip. Slanting his mouth, he moved leisurely over hers as he sipped from her lips. His fingers slipped between their bodies to find the spot that ached for his touch. When he caressed her clit, shivers slithered up her back. With long strokes he began to rub back and forth.

The heat in her body soared. Moisture released between her thighs. He pushed between her folds to stoke the flame even higher. Slick with her juices, he slid his fingers across her puckered skin, nudged gently with his knuckle.

Her brows rose.

He smiled reassuringly as he played around the sensitive area. Over and over, he withdrew his touch to enhance her anticipation and then returned, increasing the pressure each time to make her gasp and, yes, long for more.

“Oh God.” She didn’t expect to have such a reaction, but damned if her pussy didn’t clench and release another flood of moisture. She wasn’t aware of what his other hand was doing until it joined the party, and cool gel took the place of his knuckle.

Was the lube hidden beneath his pillow? What a rat. He’d had this planned all along.

She didn’t have time to ponder the thought as a well-oiled finger breached her anus. Air pushed from her lungs. A little sting, but not the pain she had expected. Carefully, he worked the digit in and out, allowing her body to adjust. He withdrew and there was an emptiness she hadn’t expected. He added another application of gel before inserting two fingers this time.

Words could not describe the fullness she felt or the thrill pulsing through her core. With each thrust she found herself moving against him, wanting more—needing to have his cock fill her the way his fingers did.

The scissoring effect he made with his fingers stretched her even more. When he inserted another finger, she welcomed his hand, needing to feel him deep inside her.

“I think you’re ready.” He reached beneath his pillow and exposed the tube of lube. She was too aroused to care. “Shall we adjourn to the deck?”

Her legs felt like rubber as he helped her from the bed and led her outside. All she could think of was easing the throb that vibrated between her thighs.

He positioned her a foot away from the wrought-iron fencing looking over the crystal blue ocean. White caps formed and disappeared as others took their places. Another storm approached, or was it the tempest threatening to sweep through her that made her heart beat faster?

He moved up behind her and her pulse started to race. “Lean over and take hold of the railing.”

The wrought iron was cool as she wrapped her fingers around it. The reality that she couldn’t see what he was doing was beyond arousing. When a boat moved into her view, chills slithered up her spine. Not again. “Nathan?”

“They can’t see us.” But he’d made that promise once before.

She was about to object when he bent his knees and thrust. His cock slid easily between the moist lips of her pussy. Her back arched and he pushed all the way in. The breeze that tossed the palm fronds and leaves of an orchid tree caressed her nipples and blew her hair around her shoulders and face.

He withdrew and then plunged forward again and again, each time a little firmer, a little deeper. As he stepped back, he withdrew completely.

“No. Please.” Her plea was a mere whimper.

“Patience, baby. I just need to add more lube.”

Her pussy clenched at the thought of the cool gel, of his cock parting her cheeks and delving deep.

“I can’t wait to feel that sweet, sweet ass of yours.”


One more coat of gel on his cock and Nathan moved up behind her. He had never seen anything as sexy as Paige grasping the railing, waiting for him to take her. The sweet curves of her ass made his erection jerk, his balls draw up tight.

She flinched when he touched her hip. Her uneasiness was obvious, but there was also excitement. It was in the way she rode his hand as he had fingered her. In fact, her actions had begged for more.

He placed his dick at the entrance of her pink, puckered skin and eased just the head inside. Her taut hole was well greased and she took him without resistance.

His heart drummed. He couldn’t believe she would allow him to do this, but he thanked God that she did. It was something he had dreamt of—claiming every inch of her.

With one hand he grasped her hip. The fingers of his free hand wrapped around his shaft. Slowly he worked the head of his cock in and out of the tight space, careful not to go too far, too fast. He pushed a little deeper.

A hoarse sound vibrated in her throat. “Oh,” she breathed.

“Easy, baby. Relax. This won’t work if you don’t relax.” What was he saying? He was as tense as a virgin boy. Then again, this was new territory for both of them. “As I push in you’re supposed to press out to me.” He’d read that somewhere. “If you struggle, it will hurt.” He released her hip and applied more lube. They’d have a slippery mess before he was done, but he was bound and determined not to hurt her.

“I’m okay.” She said one thing, but her shaky arms revealed something entirely different. “Just do it. That boat is coming closer.”

He would have chuckled, but he was so friggin’ hot it was all he could do to move cautiously. “Breathe in, baby.” He parted her cheeks and aligned himself. “Now breathe out.” When she did he pushed forward, this time breaching the first ring of resistance.

She released a startled cry and whimpered softly.

Lord, please don’t let her cop out on him now. His teeth clenched. He didn’t know if he could stop.

He waited until her body stopped shaking before he moved deeper, felt the resistance and pushed forward. Goddamn. She was tight. Not to mention, he had never experienced anything as erotic as watching his cock disappear between her ass cheeks, one agonizing inch at a time. Every muscle in his body strained to hold back, take it slow, while his mind demanded more, faster.

“Fuck.” A strangled cry ripped from her diaphragm. She jerked and he thought she was calling it quits. Instead of pulling away, she pressed back against him, shoving his erection a little deeper. “Now. Nathan. Fuck me now.”

Red-hot excitement sizzled through his veins. He never realized how exciting it was to hear her swear. His balls jerked, fire raced up his spine and he thrust the rest of the way in. Multiple sensations exploded throughout his body.

For a moment he couldn’t move. Hell. What was he saying? He couldn’t breathe. His chest tightened, the pressure so intense he thought he might be having a heart attack.

“Yes.” This time her scream was a blend of pleasure and pain. She panted, short choppy breaths. Her back was bowed. Her hair covered her face so he couldn’t see her expression. When she threw back her head and turned to look at him, he saw pure ecstasy in her eyes. “So thick. Hard. Please more.”

More? Oh fuck yes. More he could give her.

He gave a deep, throaty growl and dug his fingers into her hips. Breathless, he withdrew and slammed into her. His balls slapped her flesh, music to his ears. He eased back one more time and thrust hard and fast, again and again, fucking her in earnest.

When the muscles in her ass clamped down, she moaned. That was all the catalyst he needed to send him spiraling through space with no parachute. Heat licked down his dick, sending a shiver through him. His entire body jerked with each pump of come.

He collapsed against her back, his hand finding the ache between her thighs. The minute he touched the bundle of nerves she lit up like the Fourth of July. Her body jerked. She cried out in unison with the loud blare of the boat’s horn.

Neither of them immediately reacted. Their energy spent, it took a couple more seconds to even care that they had been caught once again. When she found her voice, the cutest giggle he had ever heard slipped from her mouth.

“Sweet Jesus.” Her laughter was breathy. “You’ve done it to me again.”

Extracting himself from her beautiful body, he spun her around to press his lips to hers. The sultry kiss was the only way he could express everything he was feeling at the moment.

He loved this woman.

When the caress ended, he wrapped his arms around her. The horn was still blowing. The occupants of the watercraft were jumping up and down in celebration. “We must have given them quite a show.”

Through sated eyes half-shuttered, she looked up at him. “Yes, I believe we did.”

“Shall we?” he said with a chuckle and a wink.

“Why not.”

At the same time they turned and waved to those watching, and then like two naughty children they ran into the bedroom laughing. They fell upon the bed in each other’s arms, Paige on her back, while his chest half covered hers. He brushed the hair from her eyes. “I love you.”

Her chortling died. She touched her fingertips to his face and traced the line of his jaw. “I love you too.”

Wrapping her in his arms, he held her close. Kissed her like a man in love.

The tender sigh she released filled his chest with happiness. “Do you want to shower or eat first?”

“Shower.” She pushed from his arms and off the bed to stand. Blowing him a kiss over her shoulder, she crossed the room.

He rolled to his side, propped a hand beneath his head and watched her sweet ass disappear into the bathroom. Crawling out of bed, he stood to follow. No way was she showering without him.

He headed toward the armoire that held the television and grabbed the remote to switch it on.

“Another storm is anticipated, arriving on the heels of the last. It should hit the islands by seven this evening,” the weatherman announced.

He shook his head. “Dammit.” They hadn’t had this much rain in a while. He turned down the volume before walking to the desk and picking up the telephone. The phone beeped with each number he punched.

“Cross residence. This is Naomi.”

“Hi, Mom. How’s the girls?” The shower started and he looked toward the bathroom door. “And Cami’s foot?”

“Safe and sound and she’s doing fine.”

“Janis is giving her the medicine?”

“Yes, Nathan. When will you be joining us? The Christmas celebration will be starting soon.”

“Uh. Mom. I wanted to talk to you about that.”

“Why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like this?”

“Paige is in town.”

There was a pregnant pause on the other end.

“Nathan Daniel. Do you know what you’re doing?” She never called him by his first and middle name unless she was upset with him or the situation was serious.

“Mom, I love her. Five years didn’t change that.”

“And what about her? You know, sweetheart, people change.”

“Not Paige.” He found himself smiling. Yes, physically she had changed—time does that—but she was still the woman he had fallen in love with that summer.

“Just be careful. Will she be joining us for Christmas?”

“I hope so.”

“Give her my love and we’ll see both of you no later than Christmas Eve.” Her voice held no room for discussion. No one argued with Naomi Cross, including him. He hung up the telephone and headed toward the bathroom.

The mirrors were cloudy with condensation. How could he forget she liked her water really hot? The shower was a wraparound, so he just walked in. She squeezed her hair and glanced over her shoulder. Her drop-dead smile pulled him to a stop.

How could one woman be so beautiful?

Water beaded off her skin and rolled to the marble floor to swirl around the drain and disappear. The delicate arch of her back, full breasts and an ass to die for didn’t even compare to the beauty within. His parents had loved her immediately. Cami and Janis would too.

“Are you going to stand there staring at me?” she asked.

“Maybe.” He joined her beneath the warm water—no make that hot. He didn’t know how she enjoyed this.

“I need to go to town. I have no clothes and no money.”

“Neither are issues.” He pressed his wet body against her back. “I plan to keep you naked and dependent upon me.”

She chuckled, wiggling her ass to breathe new life into his cock. He slid his palms upward to cup her breasts.

“No, really. I left my purse on the airplane. Both it and my luggage are enjoying themselves in Fiji with Mom and Susan.”

He gave her nipples a pinch and then released them. So she wasn’t meeting someone special in Fiji. He breathed a sigh of relief. “We better hurry then, because there’s another storm heading in. But first…” he smoothed his hand down her abdomen, “…I think I’ll wash you.” Any reason to touch her again he’d take.

Chapter Six

Paige didn’t remember Kauai being so windy. The palms swayed in the haughty breeze that snatched a hat from a tourist. He grabbed, but missed. What a sight watching him run down the street after it.

As they continued to drive through town she noted that none of the stores had goods on the sidewalks like they usually did. The town was missing the warm inviting atmosphere she remembered. Nathan had chosen to take her to Kukui Grove Shopping Center, the Garden Isle’s largest and only regional mall.

“I promise the mall has everything a woman could want in a shopping experience. At least that’s according to Cami and Janis. It’s one-stop shopping. There are even two banks for you to choose from.” It was the first time he had really spoken about his daughter.

“How is Cami doing?” Paige approached the subject cautiously.

“Good. She had a great doctor.” He smiled and winked.

There were so many questions she wanted to ask, but she remained silent. Hidden away in the cottage, just the two of them, one could easily forget the real world. Soon they would have to face their conflicts and quit hiding beneath the covers, pretending their problems didn’t exist. Still her body was deliciously sore.

He glanced over at her as he steered the Hummer into a parking place and stopped. “What’s that grin for?”


“That’s what I like to hear.” He pulled her into his arms. “Did I happen to mention how amazing you were this morning?”

She gave him a quick peck on the lips. “About a million times.” In reality, amazing didn’t even begin to describe their time together. It had been explosive. She could still feel the effects of their loving every time she moved.

A gust of wind nearly drove her sideways as she and Nathan stepped out of the Hummer simultaneously. The breeze whipped around them, tugging at their hair and clothes as they dashed toward the mall. He opened the door and she ducked inside.

Once again she wore her sandals, jeans and T-shirt. It was that or the bathing suit or scrubs she’d found in the bag she had received from the hospital.

She looked outside the window at the thunderclouds that had choked out the sun. “It looks to be a bad storm.”

“Yep. Looks like we will have to hunker down in the cottage.”

She liked the sound of that.

“I talked to Mom today. She expects to see us Christmas Eve.”


“Yes. Us.” He kissed her lips. “You know Mom, so it’s fruitless to argue with her.”

Paige laid her cheek against his chest. All she had ever dreamt of was right before her. Did she dare grab it with both hands?

“Where to first?” he asked.

She pulled out of his embrace. “Bank.”

“This way.”

The list of things she needed seemed to grow as they strolled hand in hand. She had cancelled her credit cards over the telephone. The thousand dollars in her wallet could probably be kissed goodbye. Did the flight attendant still have her medical ID?

They entered the bank and a brassy-looking blonde yelled, “Nathan.” She didn’t waste any time coming to his side. She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. Her cherry-red lipstick left a mark. “What brings you out in weather like this?” Her appraising gaze slid up and down Paige.

“The usual.” He hesitated for only a moment. “Yolanda McDavid, this is Dr. Paige Weston.”

“Doctor?” Yolanda’s eyes brightened with awareness. “Oh my. You must be the one all the local chatter is about.”

Paige wasn’t sure she wanted to know what that meant, so she didn’t comment. Still, she extended her hand to Yolanda. She doubted the woman had worked a real job in her life, judging by her silky-smooth hand, stylish dress and gold jewelry.

Yolanda scanned the immediate area. “Is Sylvia here?”

Nathan’s backbone stiffened. “No. She’s spending the holiday in New York, remember?”

“Oh. Of course, what a shame. I know Cami misses her mother terribly.” The concern that spread across Yolanda’s face appeared as artificial as the woman’s busty chest. She released a heavy sigh. “Well, I must be off.” This time when she pressed her lips to Nathan’s cheek, leaving yet another print, Paige could have sworn she lingered longer than necessary. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Weston.”

“Likewise.” Paige didn’t miss Nathan’s frown as Yolanda walked away. He shook his head. “Just a guess.” She took a tissue out of her pocket. “Friend of Sylvia’s?” She dabbed at the lipstick on both his cheeks. The marks smeared, but she was able to wipe all traces of the other woman from his face.

“She’s trouble,” was all he would say.

Yolanda disappeared into the midst of shoppers attempting to cram their final purchases into the remaining three days before Christmas.

“Nathan, there’s no need for you to hang around if you have more shopping to do.”

“I think I’ll stay here with you. Keep an eye on you from that chair over there.” He gave her a kiss before turning and walking toward the seat, while Paige headed for an open teller. In no time she had more cash and traveler’s checks then she could carry in her pocket.

It was time to shop.

Nathan joined her. “Get everything you needed?”


“Where to now?” he asked.

“Macy’s.” On the way a toyshop caught her attention. If she were to spend Christmas with the Crosses, she would need gifts. “What do you think I could get your daughter for Christmas?”

His eyes brightened. “That child has everything, but she does like dolls. It seems she can’t get enough of them.”

They strolled into the toyshop, and Nathan led her straight to the section with rows and rows of dolls. He picked up a porcelain doll with a velvet red dress. “She doesn’t have this one.”

Paige couldn’t hide her surprise. “You know what dolls Cami owns?”

“Yes, and I make a badass cup of make-believe tea too.”

She burst into laughter. His ability to not take himself too seriously was one of the things she had fallen in love with that summer. She’d lay a bet that he was a terrific father.

She instantly grew quiet. So much had transpired over the last five years. What if she and Nathan had changed so much that their life together wouldn’t work out? She had established herself in Denver. She lived comfortably for the first time in her life. A single parent’s paycheck never stretched far enough with two kids. Yet, all in all they had done okay after her father had abandoned them.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Yes.” She forced a smile. Now wasn’t the time to embellish on her concerns.

He carried the doll to the register, while she lagged behind, attempting to find her game face. She had to be back at work a week after New Year’s. There were people and patients who depended on her, but that meant leaving Nathan behind. Her eyes watered as she paid for the doll.

Nathan shot a glance in her direction. His forehead furrowed, but he didn’t speak. Instead he moved closer, snaking an arm around her shoulders. He only released her when the cashier handed the wrapped present to him.

Without a word they headed for Macy’s.

The first thing Paige saw when she walked through the doors was the purses. She had plenty, but she did need something to carry her money. Of course, another purse never hurt anyone and she could use it when she got back home. The thought came so naturally. Home. The million-dollar question remained. When her time here ended would she return to her old life?

“Baby.” He eased up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “We’ll work through this.”

“Can we? Nathan, there’s a whole body of water between us and that’s just the miles between us. What about all the other things? You can’t travel back and forth, and I’ve never made a badass cup of make-believe tea.”

Nathan would have chuckled if the subject wasn’t so serious. Paige was right. “Let’s get what you need and go back home.”

“But that’s the point, Nathan. This isn’t home, not for me.” She lowered her voice. “It’s a place were we left our memories five years ago.” Her eyes grew misty. “We’ve just taken a short trip from reality to relive them.” When she put it that way, the situation did have a bad ring to it.

Before he let her go, he placed his mouth next to her ear. “I won’t let you go—I can’t.”

The doubt in her eyes was hard to miss. It nearly broke his heart. How would Cami feel about moving to Denver? Would Sylvia attempt to block the move? And what about his parents?

She snatched up a random purse and matching wallet. Without another word she walked straight to the checkout counter and plopped them on top. “I’ll take these.”

Neither of them spoke as she sought out the lingerie department. He had to admit feeling a little awkward surrounded by women’s intimate wear. Yet when Paige began to make several bra and panty selections, he started to imagine what she would look like in them.

As they approached the nightwear, he chose a short see-through baby doll with a matching thong. He continued to walk along the racks, when a long slinky black satin gown caught his eye. The picture of it sliding over her curves, down her silky legs to pool on the floor made his cock firm. He quickly grabbed the lingerie before moving on. His final selection was a lacy little cover-up.

“Are you finished?” Did he detect a chuckle in her voice?

He took the items she held in her hands and piled them with his on the counter. “I think this will do.” When she tried to pay for them, he brushed her hand away. “This is on me.”

Next stop was women’s wear where he became a human hanger. He had never gone shopping with Sylvia and now he knew why. Paige tossed several T-shirts and spaghetti-strap tanks into his arms and even picked up a sexy little bikini and wrap for herself and one for Janis. Next were Christmas presents for his mother and father.

“What can I get you for Christmas?” she asked.

“Seeing you in that black nightgown on Christmas morning will be enough for me.”

“No, really.”

He would have taken her in his arms, but they were laden with packages and boxes as they walked through the aisles. “Paige, you’re all I want. You’re all I’ve ever wanted.”

She gave him a weak smile. “Here, let me take some of those.” He offloaded a couple light bags and they headed for the exit.

From the window he could see the storm had gotten worse. The sky was almost black. The wind hadn’t died down, bending the trees like they were made of rubber. With little effort the door swung wide. The mall would be closing the stores down soon and that meant the restaurants as well.

“Would you like to pick something up for dinner or eat at home?” Like fingers, the breeze snatched at the packages he held. One bag ripped, but he kept everything intact as they hurried toward the car.

She didn’t answer him until they were securely in the vehicle. “Either is fine.” Her cheeks were pink, her hair windblown.

With a twist of the key, the engine roared to life. Just before she turned away and stared out the window, worry shone in her eyes.

Damn. He hated her insecurity, but who could blame her? He was asking her to leave her life behind to join him and Cami in Kauai. And there was still that trust issue they couldn’t shake.

The wind was so bad he had to fight to keep the Hummer on the road.

“I know the cottage isn’t home, Paige. The resort was an investment to my parents, but to me it was a little piece of our time together. I gave up my dream of a career to hold on to what we had.” He placed a palm on her knee. “I still remember that first day I saw you. You were stretched out upon the beach, your bikini top undone as you sunbathed. I prayed that you’d roll over.”

Did she smile?

Paige had just finished medical school. He had gone through a bad breakup with Sylvia.

“That night when you and your friends joined Bob and me at the cottage, I knew I’d found the woman of my dreams. Do you remember that evening? The stars. The moon. It was magical.”

The tears in her eyes said that she remembered. “What happened, Nathan? I mean between you and Sylvia?”

He shrugged. “We were oil and water. You know I never loved her. Cami was the link between us. I’d do anything for her.”

“You have full custody?”

He flinched. “Are you kidding? You think Sylvia would give up the leash she has around my neck?”

Paige’s face hardened.

“Early in the marriage there was a part of me that wished I could love Sylvia and give Cami what she wanted most of all—a mother and a father. But you were always in the back of my mind.” He released a heavy sigh.

“Why didn’t you call, let me know what was happening?” Paige asked.

His laughter held no amusement. “You said you never wanted to see me again. You refused my calls. Hell, you changed your telephone number, even moved your practice.” His gaze darted to her and then back to the road. “Didn’t stop me. I googled you.”

She chuckled. It was the first happy sound since their discussion had turned serious.

“Why haven’t you married?” The question was bittersweet as he briefly dragged his sight back to the road. The thought of another man holding her had given him more than one night of restless slumber.

It was her turn to shrug. “Never found the right man.”

“Is that the only reason?” he probed.

“No.” She paused. “I never stopped loving you.”

The knot developing in his throat grew to the size of a baseball. He steered the Hummer off the road and left the engine running. “Come here, baby.”

She leaned over the console and he embraced her. “It’s our time,” he whispered. “Nothing will come between us this time.” As he held her, big fat raindrops plopped on the windshield. It started slowly at first, steadily increasing until it ricocheted off the glass. “We’d better get going.”

Driving was tough. Visibility was almost nonexistent. By the time they reached the cottage the weather had morphed into a torrential downpour. He had never seen it rain so fiercely in December.

“This is unbelievable,” she said. “There’s no way to get inside without getting drenched.”

“True.” He handed her the key to the cottage. Reaching into the backseat, he gathered up the bags, leaving the gift-wrapped presents behind. “Careful, the ground is slick.”

BOOK: Merry Christmas, Paige
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