Read Merry Christmas, Paige Online

Authors: MacKenzie McKade

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Fiction

Merry Christmas, Paige (5 page)

BOOK: Merry Christmas, Paige
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“Watching you. Did you know you snore?”

She huffed. “I do not.”

“Do too. And you talk in your sleep.”

She had never talked in her sleep. “Oh yeah? What did I say?”

Dressed in a white robe that matched hers, he strolled sensually to the bed and picked up her hand. He pressed his lips against her wrist. “You said you love me.” He gave her hand a gentle pull until she stood before him. He reached past her to retrieve her robe and held it out for her to slip her arms through. “Hungry?”

“A little.”

“Good.” He secured her sash.

“Is this what life together will be like, you waiting on me?” she teased.

“If I have any say about it, yes.” He winked, making her heart flutter. “Now eat.”

Baked potato, steak and a medley of vegetables made her mouth water. Her knife sliced through the meat like it was butter. She couldn’t wait to taste it as she forked a piece and placed it in her mouth. “Oh my God. This is almost orgasmic.”

He laughed. “Orgasmic? I think I’ve been insulted.”

She sliced another piece of steak and ate it without pause.

“You know my family owns this cottage.” He took a sip of his wine. “I manage the resort now.”

Her fork stopped midway to her mouth. “Really?” She set the utensil on the table. “What about your dreams of designing buildings?” It had been all he talked about when they were together. He’d wanted nothing to do with the family business. In fact, they had agreed to make it on their own without his inheritance.

“I encouraged Mom and Dad to purchase the resort after we—” He looked down at his plate, before raising his gaze to meet hers. “I mean, after we, um—”

“Split up,” she finished his sentence. Yes, it hurt, but it was what it was.

“I had to have something that was ours.”

Was that the real reason or had Sylvia demanded it? Paige was sure the simple lifestyle that she and Nathan had sought wouldn’t measure up to his ex’s standards. It hurt to think he might be lying to her.

For the next couple of minutes they ate in silence.


She looked up from the vegetables she pushed around her plate. “Yes?” The pause that followed put her on edge.

Nathan swallowed hard. “I owe it to my parents to continue managing this property. Not to mention it’s the only home Cami has ever known.”

Paige wasn’t quite sure where this conversation was going, but it didn’t have a good feel to it. “Nathan, what are you trying to say?”

“Would you be willing to relocate your practice to Kauai or one of the other islands nearby? I can’t let my parents down. They’re counting on me.”

Oh Lord. Everything had happened so quickly she hadn’t even given thought to their living arrangements. Did he have any idea of the time and effort she had dedicated to building her business? Her life in Denver?


She glanced up at him, unaware she had even looked away. The vein in his forehead bulged, revealing his unease as he awaited an answer she didn’t have. “I don’t know.”

“What does that mean?” he asked.

The weight on her chest returned with a vengeance. Nothing came without a price. Was her independence, her life in Denver, the practice she had nurtured from infancy, the price she would pay to be with Nathan? What guarantees were there that he wouldn’t walk out on her again if the road got rocky? What would happen if Cami and she didn’t hit it off? Would Nathan cast her aside for his daughter?

“Maybe.” Self-doubt made her hesitate. “We’ve moved too fast.” Paige couldn’t believe her own words.

He shot up from his chair and came around to pull her off her chair and into his arms. “Don’t say that.” He pressed their bodies together. “We’ll find a compromise. Just promise me you won’t pull away from me.”

“I can’t make that promise,” spilled from her mouth, shocking even her.

“Dammit, Paige.” He gave her a little shake. “I can’t live without you. Please don’t ask me to.” Anxiety rose in his voice.

The choice to move and join Nathan should have been easy. He was all she had ever wanted, but she had lost in this game of love before. She had to be wise, guard her heart and take it slow. Didn’t she?

All thoughts of taking it slow vanished when his lips met hers. She tasted his despair that quickly changed into sexual hunger when he unfastened her robe. As the soft material slid off her body she prayed she wasn’t falling into the flames.

“Let me take you to bed and make love to you,” he whispered against her lips.

“Sex won’t solve our problems. We should talk before we go any further.” She spoke the right words, though her body began to simmer with the warmth of his hands on her waist.

“Not tonight, Paige. I don’t want to deal with this now. I can’t. I need you. Now.”

It was stupid. She knew it was stupid, but when he said it that way there was no way she could refuse him. Nor did she want to face the possibility of losing him once again. Besides, he was right. There would be another time to address their issues, but not now. She pressed her mouth to his. Tonight was for loving.

Chapter Five

Dressed in a tank top and a pair of board shorts, Nathan stepped onto the balcony and inhaled. “There’s a break in the weather.”

From where she lay on the bed she could see the gray sky, but patches of blue and the sun shone through. The scent of rain was gone, allowing the exotic aroma of the island to sweep in and caress her. She pushed into a sitting position, and the sheet slid down to expose her breasts.

Between lovemaking they had talked some more, but never came to an agreement. She truly understood where he was coming from with the promise he had made to his parents and Cami, but he had also made a promise to her. Try as she might she couldn’t shake free of the insecurity or the need to hold on to the only thing that made her feel safe—her career and her home.

Swinging her feet over the edge of the bed, she stood and strolled toward him. She weaved her arms around his waist and pressed her body to his to rest her cheek on his back. The gentle hum of his breathing lulled her into a false sense of security almost as much as the waves rolling against the shore.

He glanced over a shoulder. His crooked smile made her heart skip a beat. “You’re beautiful in the morning.”

“And you’re full of crap.”

He turned in her arms and his head lowered. She placed a palm between their lips to evade his kiss. “Morning breath.” In fact, her mouth tasted as if an army had marched through it. The most delightful chuckle met her frown as she lowered her hand.

“Go brush your teeth.” He popped her on the ass and she yipped. “I thought breakfast on the balcony would be nice.” While he stepped back into the bedroom to retrieve the tray, she remained behind to enjoy the gorgeous panorama.

Dammit. She had missed the sunrise as it kissed the horizon. No place on earth compared to Hawaii’s beautiful sunrises and sunsets. In the nearby fronds of a palm tree she heard the sweet melody of a native songbird. It seemed to keep time with the waves below.

She sighed. “There’s something magical about this place.”

“There’s something magical about you.”

She pivoted to see him watching her. There was no denying the love that reflected back at her, which set off butterfly wings in her belly.

“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are naked with the ocean and blue skies as your backdrop?”

Goose bumps rose across her arms and legs. What did a girl say to words as lovely as his? “It would be an even better picture if you were naked beside me.”

Deep, sexy laughter spilled from his lips. “You just want me to fuck you again.”

She cocked her head to one side. “The thought did cross my mind.” Her nipples beaded, the small change not going unnoticed as his gaze darkened.

His chin lowered. He curled an index finger, beckoning her to him.

Playing hard to get never entered her mind. No hesitation existed in her footsteps as she closed the distance between them and walked into his opened arms. She rubbed against him teasingly.

“Did I ever tell you how sensual your hard nipples feel against my chest?” he whispered close to her ear.

“No.” She slid her body along his once more.

Oh yeah. That did feel good—real good. Her peaks tightened, breasts heavy with desire.

His hand smoothed down to rest in the small of her back, and a finger slid between the crest of her cheeks. He moved lower and a shiver raced up her spine. She liked where this was going, but first things first.

A step backwards and she pulled from his arms. “Be right back.”

She dashed into the bathroom. It took only a couple of minutes for her to freshen up. She ran her tongue across the front of her teeth, tasting the minty flavor, before she walked back to the bedroom.

To her surprise and pleasure Nathan was stark-ass naked and sprawled across the bed. His hands rested behind his head, legs slightly parted. His impressive cock arched, hard and erect, toward his bellybutton. The picture of him lying there in wait could be featured in a centerfold, he looked so damn delicious. Five years had honed his body. Every line was defined, power and strength in each muscle.

“I thought maybe breakfast could wait.” His smoky voice was all she needed to ignite the flame inside.

With each step that familiar drawing sensation splintered at her nipples and stung unmercifully. Moisture dampened her thighs. Adding to the excitement were the open glass doors. The voyeur aspect came in to play, making her desire heighten and her body burn. Just the thought of someone watching was exhilarating. One knee rested on the bed as she looked into his dreamy eyes, and then she paused.

What the hell was she doing? One more day with Nathan and she would sell her soul to be with him forever.

“Don’t pull away from me.”

She closed her eyes for a moment to gather her composure. “I’m scared,” she admitted without shame. Truth was she couldn’t let go of her independence. Five years ago she had had stars in her eyes. Today she was older, wiser. She couldn’t just throw her life away, even for Nathan.

“I’m scared too, baby.” He approached.

An outstretched hand kept him at bay. “Please don’t.” If he touched her she would lose control. She had never been able to resist his caress. “Why can’t you and Cami come live with me? I’m sure your parents would understand.” A tremor shook her voice.

“Think of what you’re asking of me. Kauai is Cami’s home—my home. She loves it here. Paige, I made a promise to my folks to help run the family business. This is my life now. Our life. Together.”

“What I’m asking of
?” Paige shook with disbelief. Her hands balled into fists to contain her anger. “What happened to you, Nathan? Your dreams of becoming an architect?” She released a huff of dismay. “Even our agreement to not use your family ties or money has fallen by the wayside.” Had that request been an unrealistic goal or had he slipped into whatever was easy once she was out of his life?

He looked away. “Things change, Paige.”

The air in her lungs rushed out. “That’s exactly my point. Everything has changed. You. Me. Our situations.” She wrung her hands. “We’re fooling ourselves to think we can pick up where we left off. There are too many differences between us.”

He ran his fingers through his wavy dark hair. “Don’t do this to us.” He eased off the bed, stood and began to move toward her.

“Me?” She choked on the word. None of this had been her doing. Paige wanted nothing more in this world than to be with him forever. The sting of tears followed a wave of heat that burned across her face. “I’m so upset with you,” she growled, the gravelly sound pushed from deep in her diaphragm. “I could just slap the shit out of you. This isn’t my fault.” She wasn’t a violent person, but at the moment she felt like hitting something or someone, preferably Nathan.

He reached for her.

She pulled back her hand and released.


Relief and guilt slammed into her, stealing her breath. Her palm stung as her eyes widened in surprise. “Oh my God.” She covered her mouth with her hands. What had she done?

He rubbed his reddened cheek. “Feel better?”

Yes. No. Fuck.

Paige didn’t know what she felt or for that matter how to feel. With the back of her hand she wiped at tears that sprung from out of nowhere. She had never hurt another human being, especially one she loved, and she did love Nathan with all her heart. Time and distance hadn’t changed their connection. It was asinine to admit anything different, but she wasn’t a fool. How could things work out between them?

He seesawed his jaw. “That’s quite a right you have.” His crooked smile rose.

Her hand fell to her side. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

“It’s okay.” His warm palms slid up her bare arms. “Baby, I deserved it.”

Yes, he did, but it didn’t take away her self-reproach. She had hit him. A shudder shook her entire body.

“I know we have unanswered questions, but give us this holiday to work things out.”

Paige knew she should get her clothes on and walk out the door, but her heart kept her rooted before him. “Nathan, I won’t survive losing you again if we can’t come to an agreement.” There was no shame in her avowal, only the truth.

He dipped a finger beneath her chin. Their gazes met. “I’ll never leave you. Maybe I can fly back and forth between Denver and Kauai.” Even as he offered the suggestion she could see doubt in his worried expression. “I don’t know what the answer is, but give me this holiday to work things out.” He pulled her close.

Skin to skin, it felt so right in his embrace. She looked up at him, and he captured her lips in a tender kiss. Before she realized what she was doing, she slid her arms around his neck and tilted her head to deepen the caress. She had been wrong, she
a fool. But who could blame her? His sensual kiss was hard to resist.

Nathan moved his mouth over hers, so feather-light her lips tingled. “Is that a yes?” His arms tightened around her as if he had no plans to release her regardless of her response.

Talk about playing with fire. What he requested of her, she was helpless to oppose, even if she tried to fight it tooth and nail. Paige knew she couldn’t walk away and it was tearing her up inside. The fact was both of them knew that with the break in the weather the airport had opened, perhaps not to Fiji, but she could return home.

“You’ll stay throughout the holiday?” A hopeful note rose in his voice.

A small utterance in the back of her mind urged her to leave before it was too late. Still, she found herself nodding in agreement.

The biggest grin spread across his face. “Baby, I’m going to love you so thoroughly you’ll never want to leave me.”

Without a doubt she knew he could accomplish just that. They had never had a problem in that department—it was all the other outside influences. Like Cami. What would his daughter say about a new woman in their lives?

The troubled thought flew out of Paige’s head when his palms slid down her back and he cupped her ass, pulling her cheeks apart. He nibbled on her neck. She leaned her head to the right to give him more access.

He eased back so their gazes met again. “You taste so good I could eat you.” The fire that flickered in the depths of his eyes was bewitching.

Damn him. The man had a way of taking her from cool to blazing hot with just a look. Her breasts ached with desire, heavy and needy. Moisture dampened her naked thighs, setting off a throb she couldn’t ignore. When his hips moved against hers, she glanced at his rigid cock and her mouth began to water. The memory of the first time she went down on him materialized in her head. He had lost control, screamed her name. Would his reaction be the same if she took him now?

Pleasuring him was the only thing on her mind. She guided him backwards to the bed. With a gentle shove, he fell upon the crumpled sheets and scooted toward the pillows. Resting back on his elbows, he flashed a glimmer of male satisfaction that she found incredibly sensual. Moisture dampened the apex of her sex. Slowly, she crawled upon the bed. He spread his legs wider. She licked her lips and he inhaled sharply. When she slipped between his thighs, lowering her body so that her chest touched the cool linens, a chill raced across her skin. She smiled up at him and blew warm air over his erection.

His hand speared through her hair. With a gentle nudge, he dragged her head down until her lips touched his engorged flesh. “Oh yeah, baby. Fuck me with that pretty mouth.”

She cupped his balls and massaged them through her fingers, loving the feel of them sliding back and forth in their sac. Again she blew a warm stream of air on his genitals. The raging hunger in his eyes was all the encouragement she needed to part her lips.

As she drew her tongue up his shaft, he threw back his head. “Dear God!” His fingers curled, lightly pulling her hair.

Like a lollipop she tongued him, up one side, down the other, and finally made a swirling motion around the crown. He thrust and several inches of his thick erection filled her mouth. She lapped at the salty precome, running her tongue over the small slit.

He tasted so good.

Releasing his balls, she circled the base of his erection with her fingers and squeezed. A groan surfaced from somewhere deep in his throat.

“Your mouth is so hot.” He raised his hips and another inch disappeared between her lips. His gaze was fixed on the place where they came together. “Fucking hot.” The words were forced through clenched teeth.

Alternating from slow to fast to slow again, she worked her mouth over him, sometimes using her tongue, other times skimming his flesh lightly with her teeth. At times she simply focused on stroking the sensitive little spot just beneath the head of his cock. He seemed to really enjoy that.

“Sonofabitch, that’s incredible.”

She ignored his curse while she licked and sucked. In unison, she slowly slid her hand up and down his shaft. The terse sounds he made drawing air through clenched teeth only made her want to pleasure him more. A stream of semen bathed the back of her throat. He jerked as she swallowed.

“Paige. No.” He eased back, withdrawing his hips. A little pop sounded as his cock exited her mouth.

Confused, she gazed up at him. Her tongue slid between her lips, savoring his taste.

He plopped his head down on the pillow and inhaled a ragged breath. “Oh sweet Jesus, don’t do that.” Beneath her hands, she felt the shiver that raced through him.

She moved over his body to blanket his hips with hers. He gripped her waist, holding her still. His hardness jerked against his belly. “Something wrong?”

“No.” He pulled her down so they were chest to chest, hip to hip. “I don’t want it to end so soon.”

A quiet moment elapsed between them. Both of their hearts were pounding, their skin moist with perspiration.

“Remember that boat?” A mischievous grin rose across his face.

Heat flared across hers. How could she forget?

“Such a pretty blush.” He stroked her ass. “You do remember.”

Oh yeah. She remembered. He had told her the boat was too far away for its occupants to see as he took her against the railing on the balcony.

BOOK: Merry Christmas, Paige
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