Hell's Bells: Lucifer's Tale (Welcome to Hell Book 6) (7 page)

BOOK: Hell's Bells: Lucifer's Tale (Welcome to Hell Book 6)
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But that rivalry was nothing compared to what had happened when Gaia dumped Elyon for Luc. A tad her fault for dating the wrong brother first. But then again, the brotherly rivalry proved kind of hot when they went on a holy crusade against each other.

She didn’t see any signs of a holy war brewing with their quiet game of Scrabble.

“I know that before things between me and Lucifer were kind of tense. But that was before. My brother has changed.” Elyon clasped his hands and raised his eyes to Heaven, his home.

“You think?” she said in her most sarcastic lilt. Wasted breath.

“I rather like this new version of him. He kind of reminds me of myself.”

She made a moue as she shoved Elyon back in his chair. “And that’s the problem. There’s a reason I dumped your ass for Lucifer.”

“Because you couldn’t handle my glory?” He smiled beatifically at her.

She dropped her gaze to his lap. “I prefer something that needs two handles and knows how to take charge.”

Even with all the sin he’d seen and passed judgment on, Elyon still had the ability to blush like a schoolgirl.

“I don’t know what my brother sees in you.”

Gaia sometimes wondered as well, and yet, for all their volatile dating in the past, they couldn’t seem to stay away from each other for more than a few decades at a time.

“You need to help me fix Lucifer.”

Elyon shook his head, his long white locks flying. “Why would we do that? I quite like him as he is now.”

“Because, you short-sighted idiot, his whole goody-two-shoes bit has upset the balance of good and evil in the world.”

“The forces of light are seeing the scales tip in our favor. I’d say that’s a good thing for everyone.” Scary part was God truly believed it.

“No, it’s not a good thing. All things require balance. It’s how nature works. If something skews too much one way, the whole ecosystem collapses. Same thing with Heaven, Hell, and the mortal realm. We need a Lord of Sin.”

“I thought my niece had taken over his job?”

“She did, but she doesn’t have the special brand of evil needed to lead the army of darkness.” But Muriel did try. Unfortunately, she’d succumbed to the pressure a few times and decimated a portion of the army.

“Surely you can find another sociopath to help out your progeny.”

“You don’t get it. You can’t just replace Lucifer. He is one of a kind.”

Dishes hit the ground with a clatter and crashing of porcelain. She whipped around in a froth of green skirts to see Lucifer staring at her.

His eyes shone. His arms opened wide. The smile on his face practically split his head in two. “Pookiekins, that is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever said. I think you’re one of a kind too. Come here and give me a big smoochie.”

She found herself propelled forward, Lucifer’s beckoning fingers drawing her much like a magnet did with metal. A moment later, his arms wrapped around her in a gentle hug. No more rib crushing from him. The kiss he bestowed was soft and gentle too. No passionate plunder of her lips. No sinuous foray by his wickedly long tongue.

It was also short-lived, a tease of an embrace, and then he set her away from him.

With a snap of his fingers, the tray he’d dropped reformed and balanced on his palm. With a whistle and a swagger that needed more bad to make those pants work, Lucifer rejoined his brother.

Looking at the two of them conversing, she was reminded of something Nefertiti had told her many years ago over a different round of drinks.

“Jealousy is a magic all its own. If properly set, it can prompt men to do just about anything.”

The pictures she’d posted hadn’t worked, possibly because no one had showed him.

Or he doesn’t care.

She refused to believe that. She had to find a way to draw her evil overlord from where he hid inside because she knew Lucifer was still in there somewhere. She kept catching glimpses, despite the purity of his false heart.

If only she could coax that side of him to the surface. Surely if anyone could possess his own body, it was her Dark Lord.

Give him the right incentive.

In person, not via social media. Time to ignite the fuse that would turn on the tap for his covetous side.

“Do you mind I join you boys?” she asked brightly.

“Of course, lovely lady. Have my seat,” Elyon graciously offered.

Looking utterly startled that his brother had stood first, Lucifer followed, but she’d already turned a smile onto Elyon. “Thank you. That is so kind of you.”

What wasn’t so kind was her intentional trip and fall into the heavenly deity. She hit him and clutched at his white robe. His hands steadied her. She remained close and peered into the visage of her bearded ex-boyfriend. But not lover. Elyon respected her too much for defilement.

“Oops. Clumsy me,” she said with a giggle.

“No harm done,” he said, clearing his throat with a small cough.

“I hope I didn’t damage your robe.” As she smoothed her hand down the fabric, she caught a whiff of smoke.

She bit her inner lip, lest she giggle. It was working.

“Robe is fine,” Elyon managed to say in a strangled voice.

Tented, too, and Gaia made sure to whirl away in such a way that Lucifer noted it too.

A quick glance showed that smoke curled from Lucifer’s ears and nose, but just in case he needed a little more nudging, she bent over right in front of Elyon.

“I should check my shoes. Maybe it was a loose lace tripping me.”

Not very subtle as ass waggles went, but it resulted in Luc, in a tight tone, reminding, “You are wearing sandals.”

“Goodness me, I am.” Titter. She straightened. “You know what, instead of me stealing your seat, why don’t we share it? Luc says sharing is caring.” She shoved Elyon into the chair, the back of it hitting his knees and buckling them. He sat down hard, and she plopped onto his lap before turning a beaming grin on Lucifer. “Why don’t you boys keep playing your game? You won’t even know I’m here.”

Lucifer certainly did know she was there, and smoke literally billowed from his ears. “I think Elyon and I were done. Didn’t you need to return to your heavenly abode? It’s getting late.”

A hesitant hand came to rest on her hip, and Gaia didn’t slap it away, not when its appearance turned Luc’s face such an interesting shade of red.

“No rush to leave. I can stay a little while longer.”

“Luc is right. It is getting late, and I really should get to bed.” She fluttered her lashes so strongly a kaleidoscope of butterflies on the mortal realm took wing. She stood, but didn’t move away from Elyon. His hand remained on her hip.

Lucifer’s gaze watched it with burning intensity. But no laser beams yet.

“If you’re leaving, then why don’t I, um, escort you?” As Elyon stood, he finally removed his hand so he could offer the crook of his arm. She never did manage to grasp it.

Luc vaulted over the table and grabbed Elyon’s arm. He propelled him in a quick forced march to the door.

“No need for you to put yourself out, brother. I’ll take
of Gaia.”

Damned straight he would.

And when Lucifer whirled around, she showed him how she wanted that care to work.



Just over a day until the wedding. #mightnotlivethatlong #ballsaresoblue

or once
, the sight of Gaia’s nudity didn’t send him fleeing or covering his eyes.

Gaze wide open, Lucifer drank her in. Drank in every curve and nuance of her shape, a shape that undulated.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

Isn’t it obvious?
His inner voice snickered.
There’s a reason why we’re sporting wood, bucko. She’s doing it on purpose.

Surely she wouldn’t?

Gaia stretched, arms over her head, arching her back and thrusting out her breasts. She pointed the toes of her feet and raised her leg. Up. Up. Until her toes pointed at the ceiling.

Damn that woman is flexible. Remember that time in her garden on the swing?

“You’re doing it on purpose to seduce me,” he blurted out.

“A prize to the devil who finally figured it out.”

“You shouldn’t be doing that. The wedding is—”

She cut him off. “I don’t give a fuck about when the wedding is. I. Am. Horny.” She stalked toward him, hips undulating, and he couldn’t glance away. The movement proved hypnotic. Alluring.


She stopped before him, the scent of her, cinnamon and apples, swirling around him in a heady mix.

Her hand shot out, and she grasped hold of his hair, a tight grip that she used to yank him close.

“Hello, lover,” she whispered against his lips. “Long time, no see.”

“What do you mean? We haven’t been apart that long. Just a few hours.” His heart hammered in his chest, and his breath stuttered.

Meanwhile, in his head, a certain voice crooned an old Madonna song.

“Silly devil. I mean been so long since I’ve seen your cock.”

“Gaia!” He couldn’t help a sharp exclamation of her name. Yet, he did nothing to move away. Nothing to remove himself from the sensual temptation she posed.

“L-u-c.” She sang his name softly. “How much do you love me?”

“More than anything,” Lucifer replied.

“Then prove it. Show me. Get to your knees.”

Ordering us around? Don’t allow it. Tell our wench to drop to her knees. Show her who is boss.

At her shove, he dropped, his knees hitting the floor hard, his face level with her tender parts. The heart shape of her pubes teased him, but not as much as her scent.

His mouth watered.

His fingers itched.

His scalp burned as she pulled on his hair and in a low growl said, “Lick me.”

He would later justify his actions as something he had to do for his woman’s wellbeing. She needed him, and even if it went against some of his principles, he couldn’t say no.

But the truth? The truth was he wanted to taste her. Lick her and touch her.

He grabbed a hold of her thighs and parted them. He pushed his face between her legs, and his tongue eagerly sought her sex.

The tip of him touched those trembling nether lips and tasted the ambrosia of her arousal. So familiar on a certain level, and yet at the same time, it felt brand-new and exotic.

He explored her, his tongue slipping between the folds of her soft flesh. Probing her pulsing channel.

The sweetness of her arousal burst onto his tongue, exciting him. He spent a moment just tasting, reveling in her flavor.

While his body throbbed with urgency, he nevertheless took his time, even as her hands dug deep into his scalp and urged him closer. Pushed him. Begged him.

“More.” The word kept coming from her in between pants and moans.

He gave her more. With the use of magic, he held her aloft as he slid her thighs over his shoulders. This exposed her even more to his hungry mouth.

The plushness of her ass filled the palms of his hands as he cupped it. He kneaded the flesh as he sucked at her sex.

When he finally left off tonguing her channel, she whimpered, “Don’t stop.”

He didn’t intend to. He’d just changed focus. Gaia cried out as his deft tongue found her clit.

Rub. Tug. Lick and nibble. He played with her love button, feeling it swell as her cries grew in pitch. The scent of her drove him wild, and his cock ached. Oh how it ached and strained.

But he would resist that ultimate temptation. This erotic moment he reserved for his woman.

Her pleasure is everything.

“Make me come.” Her gasped plea let him know she’d reached that brink. As if he needed a clue, he could tell in the tautness of her body, the swollenness of her flesh.

The forked edges of his tongue came in useful as they split. While part of his tongue continued to flick her clit, teasing that sensitive nubbin, the other part jabbed into her sex, giving her throbbing channel something to grip.

And wow did she grip tight. She rode his mouth, a bucking goddess looking for nirvana, and he gave it to her.

Come for me, wench.

He felt it the moment she hit her peak, her whole body undulating while her satisfied cry echoed in the chamber.

In that moment, all his doubts and fears melted. This woman was his.


Of course she would marry him. And now that he’d eased her sexual tension, she would smile again. Just like he would spend the next day smiling because, despite his throbbing cock, he felt such luck this woman wanted him above all others.

That kind of commitment deserved something from him. Something he never used to say before. “I love you.”


BOOK: Hell's Bells: Lucifer's Tale (Welcome to Hell Book 6)
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