Hell's Bells: Lucifer's Tale (Welcome to Hell Book 6) (3 page)

BOOK: Hell's Bells: Lucifer's Tale (Welcome to Hell Book 6)
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Found out my fiancé has a heart. #someonegetmeastake

talking from the medieval chamber
, Gaia tried to come to grips with the revelation that Lucifer had a living, beating heart in his chest.


He couldn’t have a heart, and not just because the lord of the pit was supposed to be a heartless bastard. He didn’t have one because he’d hidden it millennia ago. She knew this for a fact. Heck, she didn’t have one either and for the same reasons as Lucifer.

One, no one was truly immortal. Everyone sported a certain Achilles heel.

The damned ones, the souls that came to Hell upon death on the mortal plane, had the Pit. The abyss at the center of the nine circles of Hell acted as a recycler for souls. Damned one jumped in, and somewhere, a baby born got a new, clean soul.

Demons could die by numerous means in Hell—but in a strange twist those same wounds on the mortal realm just sent them back to the nine circles for shaming by their brethren.

The Lord of Sin was practically invincible, except for one fragile thing. His heart. Decapitate Lucifer while he wore it in his body and the Dark Lord could perish—if the person knew to incinerate it in the furnace that warmed Hell. Knowing this weakness, Lucifer had removed that pesky organ from his chest a long time ago and hidden it. Not too many people knew that secret.

Gaia did.

She also knew where the damned thing was hidden. And it was hidden well.

Which meant that
beating in Lucifer’s chest didn’t belong to him. Ursula had infected him with someone else’s heart. A good heart. One untainted by Hell and its sins.

Absolutely catastrophic. It needed to be removed at once! Problem was, how did one remove the heart from a demon who probably wouldn’t lie still while they cracked his chest open?

Gaia sighed as she leaned against the rock in the garden Lucifer had specially made for her in the middle of his castle. So sweet, even if he blustered and denied his intention.

“You made me a garden.”

“No I didn’t. It’s just a useless space with rocks and shit that you can use if you like. Or not. I don’t really care.”

But he had enjoyed the reward. The memory warmed and saddened.

Would he ever take her over a rock in this garden again?

Her head drooped. She couldn’t give in to defeat. She and Luc had gone through too much for her to give up on him yet.

I need to change my focus and concentrate on what is surrounding me.

The rock garden didn’t have the lush greenery of her Eden. It lacked the soft, susurrations and chatter of her plants or the sweet babble of a brook, but the whispery silence of shifting ash and stoic rocks had its own kind of soothing effect.

A whisper of a footstep let her know she was no longer alone.

“I unleashed the Lord,” Neffie said, breaking the calming quiet.

“Did he go on a murderous rampage?” she asked, hopeful.

“He did not.”

Hope dashed. “Was he at least mad about the exam we forced on him?” Gaia asked.

The sorceress snorted. “I wish. He thanked me for my concern and praised my work.”

Dragging her fingers down the rough surface of the boulder, Gaia held in a sigh. “Nothing seems to bother him.”

“He is a man at peace with himself and the world. A man no longer concerned with getting revenge.”

“He’s not concerned with anything anymore.” Not even making Gaia feel like the most important woman in the universe.

Sure, Luc said all the right things and currently planned a lavish wedding to publicly declare himself as her one and only mate, but that man wasn’t the one she’d fallen in love with.

Who are you kidding?
The Lucifer I used to know dragged me kicking and screaming into love—and often to the bedroom.

“Put me down,” she squealed as she pounded at his back.

His callused hand, hard from centuries of sword work, and golf, dragged the length of her leg, pushing her skirts over her rump. “Not until we find a bed, wench,” he declared in his most villainous pirate voice.

“Since when do we need a bed?”

Good times followed. Many of them, as a matter of fact. Enough that she couldn’t help but fall in love. Even if she never wanted to.

People said she was obviously polluted to even think of marrying the rascally, foul-mouthed bastard, but there was something about Luc. Something about the way he made her feel…

He makes me feel young and beautiful and important and…

Not makes. Made. The man who inspired all those things was gone. In his place, a perfect gentleman. A perfect bore. She couldn’t stand that man.

I want the old Lucifer back.

“So when should we rip that fake heart out of his chest and get him back to normal?”

A grimace twisted Nefertiti’s features. “I wish the solution were so simple. I would have cracked open his chest, yanked that beating imposter from his chest, and devoured it right then and there if I thought it would fix him.”


“But I fear doing so will kill the Dark Lord.”

A world without her dark lover? The very suggestion made the chlorophyll in her veins run cold. Gaia straightened. “What do you mean kill him? How would removing it be a problem? He survived without a heart before. Why not now?”

“Because right now his body needs it. A person can’t just tear out the organ without preparation and spells and contingencies. Spells, I might add, that only
can perform. Something about that whole free will thing the universe forces on us. I almost guarantee, with the mood Lucifer is in, there’s no way he’ll be willing to tear that sucker out.”

No, this weak imitation probably wouldn’t. “So am I supposed to leave him like that? That’s just cruel. Xaphan is right. He’d be better off dead. The Luc I know would hate to see what he’s turned into.” The Luc she knew would beat up the Luc he’d become. And she’d cheer him on!

“There is another option,” Nefertiti offered in a slow, drawn-out tone.

“There is?” Gaia felt hope fluttering in her breast, a slender stalk trying to burst free from a seed.

“We need to replace his new heart with his old one.”

“Use his old one? You do realize I don’t have it.”

“But you know where to get it.”

Gaia did. “What you’re talking about is pretty much impossible. I mean, there are layers of protection guarding it that are meant to stump even the most skilled of thieves.” She should know. She’d helped designed some of them, and in return, Lucifer helped design some of the spells protecting her hidden heart. Between the pair of them, no one could get through.

“No one person could hope to survive, but what if you took a specialized team? A team of minions who’d do anything to free him?”

What if indeed…

* * *


Once again, Gaia and all of Lucifer’s most trusted minions—and family—gathered around the table in the Garden of Eden.

She didn’t waste time. “Lucifer needs his heart.”

“Funny because I thought the problem was he had too much heart,” Felipe countered.

“But it’s not
heart.” Gaia explained their discovery to everyone. “So, Nefertiti thinks if we can replace the imposter organ with his true one then he might go back to normal.”

“What do you mean might?” Muriel queried. “Will this work or not?”

At this, Gaia could only shrug. “Since we don’t know if it’s ever been done before, we can only assume.”

“No. Not that word,” Katie shrieked. “Because when you assume you”—everyone joined in—“make an ass out of you and me.”

The ribald laughter, despite the serious situation, made Gaia smile. If anyone could help, then these nutjobs could.

But they deserved to know the whole truth of the mission. “I’m going to need volunteers. However, I feel I must warn that where we need to go is fraught with peril.” Hands shot up. “Possible death.” None of the hands wavered. “A chance you might never return home.”

Not a single one of them changed their minds. Their loyalty for Lucifer would have made the new version beam and sniffle. The old one would have gagged.

As for Gaia, she could have hugged them all in that moment, but then they’d think she was afflicted like Lucifer and would probably lynch her. She wasn’t as well liked as her fiancé. Probably better to go with a flat, “I guess you lot will do. Except for Muriel.”

“What do you mean not Muriel?” Her daughter slapped her hands on the table, and she stood, eyes glowing, the flames of Hell reflected in them.

“You can’t go because you’re needed here in Hell. You can’t expect us all to go traipsing off. Or did you want to explain to your father how you lost his kingdom because you wanted to play heroine?”

Shoulders drooped as Muriel sank back in her chair. “I hate you.”

“I know. Now get over it and stop being a drama queen.”

“It’s prissy princess. And I will never get over it.”

Muriel had abandonment issues. Justifiable ones, but that was a whole other story.

“So where are we going anyhow?” Valaska asked, the stalwart Amazonian always keen for battle.

“Dante’s Inferno.”

“The theme park in the seventh circle?” Mictain asked.

“More than a theme park,” Gaia informed them. “That dangerous, never-ending roller coaster ride is the hiding place for Lucifer’s dark heart. The treasure at the end of the quest.”

“There’s a treasure?” Katie straightened. “I like pretty treasures.”

“Are you sure about that? According to Amazon legend, no one’s ever made it to the end of the ride,” Aella interjected. “And not for lack of trying.”

Indeed the Amazon warriors had tried—and failed. It was considered a rite of passage to attempt Dante’s Inferno with badges of honor dependent on how far they managed to go.

None ever made it to the end, but then again, none ever had the advantage of Mother Earth on their side.



A male must be strong and resist the impulses of the flesh. I know I can do it. #delivermefromtemptation

. Lucifer. Where are you?”

Sweet Gaia’s voice called out from the other room, but Lucifer dared not answer. He couldn’t let her find him.

I think she should see what you’re doing.
His inner voice, with his deviled horns, somehow took enough control to make him utter an, “Over here.”

He slapped his hand over his mouth. Too late. She’d heard.

Appearing quite lovely in a diaphanous green gown, Gaia stood in the doorway. Shock stretched her features. “What are you doing?”

At her query, Lucifer sank lower in the frothy bubbles of his bath. “I am having a private moment.”

“Tell me you’re whacking off in there,” she muttered.

“Most certainly not. Simply relaxing with soothing music and fragrant bath salts. I had a busy day with the caterers.”

“The Lord of Sin does not take baths.”

“Of course he does.”

Only if there’s a naked woman in it.

Before Lucifer knew what happened, he’d reached out and yanked Gaia into the tub with him.

She uttered a squeal and landed with a splash—atop him.

Utterly appalled at his own actions, he sputtered, “Sorry. So sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

Laughter bubbled from her, a giggle like he hadn’t heard since their engagement dinner. She looped her arms around his neck. “This is more like the Luc I know.” She rubbed her nose against his, and he returned the gesture. Nothing wrong with a little cuddling. They were, after all, engaged to be married in a few days.

That’s it, buddy boy. Justify a little wink-wink-nudge-nudge.

Uh-oh, if his inner voice approved, then that meant he should deny the pleasure. He meant to set her away from him, but the small confines of the tub made it impossible, and her latch on him wouldn’t relent.

The proximity did things to his body. Conjured carnal thoughts. For distraction, he tried counting duckies, smiling ones with little halos to remind him to be good.

She rested her forehead against his. “Do you remember the last time we were in a bath together?”

“No.” Lie. The image came to him in living color.

Wearing only a robe, loosely belted, he sneaked into the bathroom, the one he’d had made for her with the massive Roman tub. He stood for a moment staring at the vision of loveliness. Gaia lay in the almost pool-sized tub, head tilted back, eyes closed, a layer of bubbles hiding the naked flesh of her body.

The robe fluttered to the floor as he shouted “Cannonball” and flopped into the water. He didn’t care that waves sloshed over the side. And neither did she. Her lips clung to his, and her wet legs wrapped around his waist.

“You do remember,” she whispered.

He closed his eyes against her piercing gaze as the memories flowed over him, but he could do nothing to quell the erection that pushed between their bodies.

Please don’t let her notice it

She squirmed. “Well, hello there, big boy.”

Feel free to say hello with your lips, wench. Remember that thing she does with her tongue?

He did. So did a certain part of him, and it didn’t care about respect or propriety.

Must resist. Lucifer pushed at Gaia, managing to roll her to the side enough that he could scramble out of the water, cheeks blushing as he flashed her his man bits. Even when he tucked the towel around his loins, he felt heat flushing his skin.

It didn’t help that Gaia lay in the tub, skin dewy, lips tilted in a smile. “Hey, good-looking, why don’t you drop that towel and come back in here?” She trailed a finger in the water. “It’s still warm.”

“I will resist temptation.” He chanted the words aloud as he fled the bathroom. Not an easy flight and he couldn’t even blame the voice in his head. It watched his flustered actions with a pleased smirk. It knew he’d almost given in to sin. It approved.

Come on. Indulge a little. I promise you’ll enjoy it.

Ignoring the insidious whisper, he hurried to pull on his underpants—plain white cotton briefs, the kind respectable men wore. He’d managed to get his arms and head through the holes of his shirt when
appeared in the doorway of the washroom.

Gaia leaned against the jamb, dripping water on his floor, still wearing that pleased little smile. “Oh dear. Someone got me
.” Her gaze caught his. “Whatever shall I do?” She pulled at the first button of her dress, popping it through the soaked fabric, a fabric that clung to her every curve.

He swallowed.

“I really should get out of these wet things.” Another button. Then another, enough that the fabric parted, revealing the side and swell of her full breasts.

He couldn’t look away.

A roll of her shoulder and the sopping dress slid off, baring more skin. More buttons were set free, and the dress began to drag downward, pulled by the same gravity that graced the mortal realm.

Frozen in place, he could only stare.

The wet frock hit the floor with a plop, but instead of worrying about the mess, he found himself riveted by the shape at the vee of her thighs.

She noted his inappropriate observation and remarked. “Do you like it? I’ve been having my attendants prune it in the shape of a heart. For you.
All for you.
” She practically purred the words, and for some reason, his knees wobbled.

He sank to the floor in slow motion, still bereft of voice.

With hips that undulated with every step, she approached and stopped before him. His eyes were level with her midriff, but that didn’t prevent the scent of her from surrounding him.

Cinnamon and apples.
It made his taste buds water.

Taste her.

How he wanted to, and for a moment, he forgot himself. Forgot his vows.

He moved in closer and breathed deeply then blew out hotly. A shudder went through her, and her fingers threaded through his hair.

Our thick and lush hair.

The vain reminder snapped him awake, and Lucifer recoiled as if burned.

He scrambled from her. “Sorry. I don’t know what came over me,” he apologized.

“I can tell you what didn’t come,” Gaia grumbled.

“Here. Let me get you a robe before you catch a chill.” He grabbed one from the hook within the closet and tossed it at her.

He didn’t check to see if she caught it, but hurried to layer himself in armor, er, he meant clothes, before facing her again.

When he did, he realized the robe sat at her feet and she still stood naked.



He flipped himself around to look the other way. “You really will have to forgive me. I don’t mean to be so disrespectful.”

A heavy sigh met his apology. She sounded so disappointed. He couldn’t blame her. He was disappointed in himself. She deserved better than a fiancé who behaved like a lecher and stared.

“We’re going on a trip,” she announced in the silence.

“When?” he asked, staring at a corner of fabric peeking from a drawer. Were those duckies on those boxers? He thought he’d gotten rid of all of them.

You can’t get rid of my duckies for they are legion.

He ignored the evil laughter in his head in favor of Gaia’s next words.

“We’re leaving tonight.”

“What? We can’t go anywhere tonight.” He whirled around, forgetting her nakedness. Lucky for him, she’d thoughtfully covered up.

All the better to peel off her later.

“We are leaving tonight. Within the next hour actually. So you might want to rethink the outfit you have on.”

He peered down at his pressed ivory slacks and teal button-down shirt. “What’s wrong with my outfit?”

“It will get ruined where we’re going. Which, on second thought, is probably a good thing so keep it. But put on some comfortable climbing shoes.”

Nothing she said made sense. “I’m sorry, cherry blossom, but while I appreciate your wanting some alone time with me, I’m afraid it will have to wait until after the wedding. So many things to plan. So many things still yet to do for our perfect-perfect day.”

For a moment, her lips pursed and her eyes flashed with green fire. Then her expression smoothed, and she batted her lashes as her lower lip jutted in a pout. “But you have to come, Luc. It was supposed to be a surprise, but I can’t keep a secret from you. Our friends have planned a marvelous Jack and Jill for us. You wouldn’t want to disappoint them, would you?” She smiled, and for some reason, something about that grin made the noisy voice in his head chuckle and say,
Devious wench.

Of course Lucifer didn’t want to disappoint his friends. A Jack and Jill to celebrate his upcoming wedding. How thoughtful of them.

Bloody bastards cheated me out of a stripper bachelor party,
whined the voice in his head.

Stuff it. A man about to get married had no need to see women removing their garments.

There is always a need to see jiggling titties.

In a few more days, the only breasts he would respectfully admire would belong to his wife.

Ack. Argh. Choke. The horror.

The whining lasted the entire trip and only cut short when Gaia removed the blindfold from his eyes. As his closest friends and family shouted surprise, Lucifer couldn’t help but stare.

This was their idea of a Jack and Jill? An amusement park?

Welcome to Dante’s Inferno
flashed in red, blue, and orange neon while also shooting purple sparks that fizzled in the air. The ominous hole into the mountain brought a shiver, especially when the metal cars came rattling up the track and stopped, waiting for them to climb aboard.

“Why don’t you all go ahead, and I’ll wait for you at the exit?” he said.


How about not in the mood to maim himself so close to the wedding.

Yanking on his arm, Gaia dragged him to the cart shaped to look like a swan—a twisted black metal swan with a flashing red eye.

“I just love roller coaster rides, especially ones with a little extra adventure, don’t you?” Gaia asked. She shoved him through the small opening before she wedged herself onto the bench seat beside him.

The bar came down, much like the metal jaws of a trap.

With a jerk, the carts started to move forward to the exuberant yells of his friends.

They prefer the term minions. Evil minions to be precise.

The arched opening in the mountain loomed and then swallowed them.



BOOK: Hell's Bells: Lucifer's Tale (Welcome to Hell Book 6)
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