Read Flag On The Play Online

Authors: Lolah Lace

Flag On The Play (2 page)

BOOK: Flag On The Play
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“I love you
. That’s exactly why I can’t let you go.” I couldn’t get any other words together. He was too close, staring at me, down on me, in my face, close enough to kiss.

pushed my head back into the pillow. I just laid there. I felt a tear leave the corner of my eye. Mason’s tongue left his mouth and licked my tear before it ran into my hairline. He inhaled the side of my face like a sniffing dog. He slowly moved back to staring at me.

“You’re afraid of
me?” He raised one guarded eyebrow.


“Are you really?” He grinned, sincerely doubting my words.

I glanced over and up at the handcuff then back at Mason.

“Are you sure?”
He pressed annoyingly.

What? I said yes
. Is he trying to trick me? Why is he asking me this? Now I’m questioning that yes. He’s confusing me. “I’m scared of you.” Crazy fool, anybody with an ounce of sense would be.

“Are you sure you’re not afraid of us?”

What does that mean? “What the fuck are you talking about?” I reached up with my free hand and grabbed his cheek. I dug my fingernails into his flawless skin. “I don’t have time for riddles.”

slowly closed his eyes. “Don’t do it Kari.” He opened his eyes to threaten me with his pained blue orbs.

“Let me go or I will peel the skin off your face.”
I unclenched my teeth after I realized I was gritting them.

“You’re going to make me bleed?

“I don’t care. Get this
fuckin’ handcuff off me right now!” Hatred, confusion and fury filled my lungs. Mason blinked a few times. I had his face locked in my death claw.

This is your plan, to make me mad?”

“I will pull your face apart. Mason d
on’t play with me.”

“Please don’t scratch my face.
Please don’t pull my face apart.” He rolled his icy eyes. He wasn’t taking me seriously. There was a glint of coolness in his eyes that was intimidating.

“I will
do it.” I tightened my grip. I think I drew blood. My fingernails had found a home imbedded in his smooth peachy skin. His face was turning candy apple red.

“Okay let’s make a deal.”


“I will
uncuff you and let you go if your hot tasty pussy is dry.”

Hot tasty.
“What?” I ugly frowned. He was really crazy. What the hell is he talking about?

“Kari, you heard me.”

“I’m not turned on by you. You disgust me.”

“Let my
face go and we’ll see if your pussy is wet or dry.”

“Believe me I’m
Canada Dry. Swear on your kids’ lives that you’ll let me go.”

“I swear on my
kids’ lives. I will let you go if your pussy is dry.”

“Fine.” I knew I wasn’t even thinking about sex. I was too damn shocked and scared.
I only worried that he would renege on his word. He’s a liar.

“Kari, l
et go of my face.” I let his reddened cheek go and placed my hand on my chest. Mason grabbed the waistband of my sweatpants.

“No, No. I can do it.”
I squirmed and reached for my pants.

“No way.” He pushed my hand away.
Mason pulled my sweatpants all the way off. He was too quick.

“You asshole, you
didn’t have to take them all the way off.”

I was wearing a blue thong. It was the something blue out of the something borrowed something blue wedding tradition.
A reminder of this messed up situation I’m in.

I reached do
wn and covered my crotch with my one free hand.

“Move your hand.” He grumbled.
“We made a deal.”

I was dry. My vagina was on vacation so I prayed he would stop these games and keep his word. Mason grabbed my wrist and twisted it because I didn’t remove my hand.

“Ughhh!!!” I cried out in pain. My legs lifted and twisted with the forceful twist of my wrist and Mason was grounded right in-between my legs. 

I felt his hand as he shoved it down the front of my thong. He pierced me with one thick finger and I was too mad to cry. My fists were balled, the one in the handcuff and the one in his hand. He quickly pulled his finger out my pussy and shoved it in my face.

Oh no! His finger was coated with my wetness. It was all over from the tip and down to his knuckle. Mason sme
ared my juice on my lips as I tried to turn my lips away. I struggled on the bed but he quickly held me down.

“You’re wet. I control your pussy.
So my darling that is exactly what makes you mine. I can smell your pussy when it’s wet. I can smell your wet pussy through your clothes. Can Jack do that? I am in tune with your entire body. I know you better than any man, that’s inside and out. I’m in your blood. Marrying Jack doesn’t change that. I’m not the crazy one. You are the crazy one. I know that you are made for me, only me. I have to convince you that I was made for you.”

Huh? Mason backed up and get off the bed. He was gone before I could catch my breath. He left me alone in the room. I heard the door lock behind him. I looked over at the handcuff. I sat up in the bed and noticed a bottle of Fiji water on the bedside table. My stomach was upset. I grabbed the water and took a drink.

I realized and remembered that I didn’t have any pants on. He must have tossed my sweats somewhere out of reach. Mason hadn’t fixed my thong so my bare hairless pussy was sticking out the side of it. I repositioned my thong to cover my two-timing pussy. I took my hand and quickly covered my crotch. I felt exposed, like I had been put on blast.

Why does Mason do these things to me?
I’ve resorted back to using profanity and it’s all his fault. This is not a game. This is my life.

I want to go home. I don’t understand why he just didn’t tell me he still had feelings. Why go through all this trouble. Why commit a felony?
Can he really smell when I’m wet through my clothes? How did he know I was wet when I didn’t even know? What does he want? Does he mean my love? I gave him all my love before and he always kicked me to the curb with one bullshit excuse after another.

Mason is crazy. He cannot be trusted. He lies. I’
m not sure he won’t kill me. His temper is off the chain. Why did my body betray me? Why was I so wet? Why am I still so wet?






The digital clock moved or should I say time was passing. I was chained to the bed like I was a wild animal. Mason, my captor had a hissy fit and left me alone. I guessed I pissed him off or something. I had no idea when he would be back. I knew he would be back eventually but when?

It was
artic cold in this room. I was starting to get the chills. I desperately wanted to yell out to Mason but I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing I needed him. This was definitely not the time to be prideful but I was stubborn to a fault. Fuck Mason! He could kiss my black ass but he would probably want to kiss my black ass. Fuckin’ perv.

I covered my body with the little thin bed sheet. I needed a blanket
or a down comforter but I had to make do with the bed sheet. I took this time to inventory my meek surroundings. There was more in this room then I noticed before. There were two doors but not two ways out that I could see. The white door, the one Mason left out of and another one that was slightly ajar. It probably led to a bathroom but I couldn’t see inside.

There was a small college sized refrigerator near the far wall with a small microwave on
top of it. There was no table and only one chair in the room although it was big enough to house the extra furniture. I think I was in a finished basement but the smooth walls and the boarded windows were somewhat misleading. It seemed too nice to be someone’s basement but this was the kind of work Mason does. He was good at building anything, house, office building, school. His masterful work was outside as well as inside of many dwellings.

The clock read 6:44.
I heard the door locks rattle. Mason was unlocking the door from the outside. Damn, I was really locked in this room. The doorknob twisted and he was back. He walked over to the bed like he owned the place. I’m sure he did. He took a seat next to me, facing me. I sat up straight. I wanted to look him dead on, gage his attitude and body language. His anger seems to have dissipated. His face was full of worry.

“Oh God, are you cold?” Mason rubbed my arms up and down. I had to admit it felt good. His hands were warm and strong and I wanted him to stop touching me but I couldn’t get my mouth to agree with my brain.

Mason popped up and rushed out the room. I tried to peak out the door but I could only see stairs leading up. Yeah this is the basement.

Mason soon came back with a huge comforter neatly folded and tucked under h
is arm. My eyes tuned into his biceps. Why was I looking at his muscular arms? It’s not like I hadn’t seen them before. Mason sat on the edge of the bed beside me and opened the folded comforter. He tossed it around my shoulders. He began to worriedly rub me while I was wrapped in the warmth of the comforter. He pulled me in close. He embraced me and rubbed my back. I held in a sigh. No! No! No! This fool kidnapped you. 

Mason pulled back and looked into my eyes.
“Kari, I know you don’t believe me but I’m sorry about all of this.”

“Mason, enough is enough. Let me go.”
I was pouting.

“I’m not going to do that.”
He was telling the truth. I had misread so much but his eyes registered as truthful. He wasn’t going to let me go.

“Why not?”
I asked hoping he would give me a straight answer.

“Many reasons but you were going on a two week honeymoon vacation s
o that is two weeks that you would have been gone.”

“You are
seriously trying to keep me for two weeks?”

“I know you got your marriage license a week ago.”

“Yeah so?”

“The marr
iage license only lasts for sixty days. The longer you’re away from him the better for me. I want your time to run out but I can’t keep you for sixty days.”

“Mason you are a conniving bastard.”

“Well no one’s perfect.” He smirked and pushed a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.

“Do you think this is a joke?”

“No, I take this very serious. I’m risking my freedom for you.”

“I never asked you too.”

“If you turn me in to the cops, I could go to jail.”

you will go to jail. So why are you doing this?”

“You are worth the
risk. No matter where I am on this planet I will always love you. I can love you from the Will County jail.”

Pause, what did this fool just say?
“This is low, the lowest most desperate thing you have ever done. You kidnapped me. This is fuckin’,” I was searching for a proper descriptor. “Outlandish. You’re not thinking rationally.”

“You’re right. I’m not
but I don’t care. I just love you.”

“Stop saying that
you love me. You are a lunatic.”

“I’m not a lunatic
. I’m a man in love. You are all there is for me. How can I live a life where you are not mine?”

Oh Mason I don’t belong to you.”

We belong to each other. I have searched for some other possibilities but I can’t find anything that will make me not love you. So this is where we are.”

“You can love me and let me go. You can love me and just be

Mason took my hand in his and I didn’t do anything to stop him.
“You’re not listening. I cannot be cool. I don’t know how to do that. Please Kari Lynn, I’m open to any suggestions. Do you think I want to be such a jag-off, such a lovesick bastard? Tell me how to stop loving you. I’ve tried and nothing seems to work.”

“Mason all the words you say are lies.”

“You know that isn’t true. I love you. I breathe you. Tell me you don’t love me. Tell me you just turned that shit off.”

“It doesn’t matter what I s
ay. You don’t care how I feel.” I snatched my hand from his.

sweetheart you don’t care how I feel. You sat in my face and talked about your wedding plans. You talked about your future with Jack. That killed me. You broke my heart.”

“You never left your wife. You broke my heart.”

“So we’re even.”

“Hell to the naw.
It was okay for you to pretend that you were happy for me? I really thought you were happy for me. You are a snake.”

“Yeah, I’m a snake and you’re a mouse.
I will eat you, swallow you whole. Do you want me to eat you?”

No, no, he was trying to make this sexual.
That was something my old lover Mason would say. My friend Mason never said things like that to me. Mason was such a good actor. I’m not ever having sex with his crazy ass. Time to change the subject, you can’t eat me. No touching, no kissing, no sex at all. None. He better keep his hands and all the rest of his body parts to himself.

BOOK: Flag On The Play
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