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Authors: Lolah Lace

Flag On The Play (8 page)

BOOK: Flag On The Play
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“Yes mam I am.”

“I thought so.” Kari faked a smile. I faked one right back at her.

“Is this you being nice?”

“I will be really nice to you tonight.”

“I will remember you said that.”

Kari went over and preheated the oven. “It’s not that cold up here.”

I took a seat at the table. I pulled out my cell phone and pretended to be engrossed in it. I didn’t want to stare at her. I missed being with her like this. I felt a rush of endorphins just like when we first started hanging out. It was like when we would meet at Leamington Lakes Park. It was like we were starting out fresh. I was on the edge of my seat wondering what she would say next, what she would do next. I liked this feeling of unpredictability. Kari kept me on my toes. She made life sexy, exciting and impulsive.

“You know what I like about you?”

“I can think of one thing.” She turned to me and smiled.

“I love that
…but I also love that you are unpredictable. I know you so well in so many ways but then again you always surprise me.”

“So you love that I’m capricious.”

“Yes, if that means unpredictable. I’ve said this before and I know this sounds bad but I wish I would have met you first. I love my kids to death I just wish I had them with you.”

You know I don’t think that way. You know I believe that everything that has happened was meant to be.”

“So you were essentially supposed to miss your wedding?”

o, yes, no.”

“You can’t use the logic when you see fit. I was supposed to stop you from marrying him.
What I did was exactly the way God intended. You can’t backtrack now. You got to keep it one thousand.”

“You can’t keep it one thousand. You got to keep it one hundred. On
e thousand is just going to far.”

“I can keep it one million if I want to. I’m Mason Lorenzo Rizza. When you fuck with me, you fucking with the best.” I did my Al Pacino
impersonation for the hundredth time.

“You know what your problem is?” She put her hand on her hip.

“No sweetheart, tell me. I can’t wait to hear this.”

“You don’t got nothing to do with your life.” I realized in the instant that she was quoting Tony Montana in
. My lips drew into a smile at her choppy Cuban accent. “Why don’t you get a job? Work with lepers. Blind kids. Anything’s gotta be better than lying around all day waiting for me to fuck you.”

I was at a loss for words. I stood and started clapping. Shit that was impressive. “Bravo! Bravo!”

Kari took a bow and did a little curtsy. “Thank you very much. I studied with the best, Denzel, James Earl and Samuel L.”

“I love you.”
That slipped out again.

There was this awkward silence while we eat dinner. Kari would delicately chew her food and steal little glances at me from across the table.
I love the way she chews. She switches sides when she chews her food. I bet she doesn’t even know she’s doing this.

“This is
really good.” I spoke to end the silence.

“I’m sorry if it’s too salty. I always overdo it with the salt.”

“No, it’s perfect.” I bit a piece of hen off the bone.

“How was work?”

“Boring, I thought about you half the time.” More like seventy percent of the time.

“I thought about you too.”

“Good things or bad things?”


“How can I make you think good things only?”

“I don’t know.”

“I will think of something. I will surprise you.”

“I don’t think I like your surprises.”

“Why would you say that?”

“One minute hair and nails, next minute handcuffed to a bed. Your surprises are not the norm.”

“I promise the next surprise will be one you really like. If not I will keep surprising you until I do it right.”

“Do you want more wine?”
She asked.

“Are you trying to get me drunk?”
She didn’t answer. She just winked at me. That’s one of my moves.

After dinner Kari started piling the dishes into the sink.
She rinsed them before she placed them in the dishwasher.

I decided to
go to the restroom. I’m not sure why the tacky ass German wine was running right through me. I need to introduce Kari to Italian wines.

I left the kitchen and
took a quick whiz in the guest bathroom. I washed in hands and ventured back to my Kari. I entered the kitchen. Kari wasn’t at the sink. My eyes jumped to the table. She wasn’t there either.

Kari was unlocking to back door. Well she was trying to.
She turned back and saw me noticing her. She started hurriedly trying to unlock and open the door. I ran across the room and as soon as the door opened I slammed my body into Kari knocking the door close. It was much harder than I intended.

I eased off of her body and she turned around and started attacking me. I was stunned as her fist
s hit my chest. She was punching me. I grabbed her wrists and wrestled her down to the kitchen floor.

I waited for her to calm down before I released her wrists. That’s when she tried to hit me with her closed fist right in my face. My reflexes were superb. She hadn’t figured that out by now? I caught her fist in my hand and roughly pushed it down into her lap. Her fist slapped her thigh hard and fast.

“You’re trying to hurt me, punch me.” I couldn’t hide my downright outrage. “Where did all this violence come from?”

“This is how I’ve always been.”
She was heated.

“Bullshit, you were a sweet little nympho. No
w you’re a ball-busting witch.”

“I’ve never been kidnapped before.”

“You’re not going to be satisfied until there’s an Amber Alert and a warrant out for my arrest. Please give it a rest.”


“Fuck fine. I should paddle your ass until you bleed.”

“I don’t care what you do to me.”

“You care sweetheart.”

“No, fuck you.”

“Who are you?” I asked.

“Who are you?” She glared.

“You’re acting like a two year old. I know you care.”

, I care. Look I will give it a rest if you--” Kari went from angry, to whiny and now she was smiling at me. Talk about multiple personality disorder but she calls me crazy. “If you--”

If I what? Today please, before I start getting a senior citizens discount.”

She took in a breath.
“If you shorten my sentence.”

“That went over my head

“You said you were keeping me for two weeks, right?”

“Uno, dos, yes that’s what I said.”

“Well how about I get a week off for good behavior.”

“A week, you’re behavior sucks ass. You are acting like a spoiled brat. If any other man had you he would give you back. He would throw you in a ditch. He would lock you in a cage with both of those Siegfried and Roy tigers.”

“Whatever. I will cooperate with you completely if you let me go after seven whole days.” Kari
ran her fingertips over my chest. The cotton t-shirt barrier was a godsend but not enough to stop me from getting aroused. She tenderly kissed me on my neck. She’s not playing fair.

I shouldn’t even be considering this.
I’m a fucking sucker. “What do you mean by cooperate completely?”

“Mason whatever you want to do to me? Whatever you want me to do to you.”


“Yes Coach, you want a slave. I will be your slave.

I don’t want a slave. I want my Kari back. I can’t say that.
“Are you sure you can handle it?”

“I can handle you, all day every day.
” She winked.

She could
handle my cock. We were a perfect match in that department but I’m a beast. I can’t be tamed. I can’t be trained. I will never be house broken.

“Kari, you are going to willingly stay
here with me until Saturday?”

“Yes, I swear to God.”

“Okay, I trust you. I will let you roam free. I will give you back your cell but this is my time. You can’t contact him.”

“This is your time.” She leaned in and kissed me on the lips. “I won’t contact Jack.”

“Okay, let’s do this.” I raised my hand. Kari took it. We shook on it. That was pretty strange. She just said okay I’m in. Is this a trick?

“I want to see the
upstairs bedroom. I want to see where you sleep.”

“There’s nothing in it. I’ve been sleeping in the basement with you.” Her eye
s didn’t seem to believe me. “I can show you the master bedroom but there’s nothing to see. It’s not furnished. There’s an air mattress on the floor and a few boxes of clothes.

“Let me see.”

I stood and took her hand. I pulled Kari off the kitchen floor. She grabbed the bottle of wine off the table and I guided her out of the kitchen up the back stairs and into the master bedroom.

Kari took a look around the bedroom. “This room is huge.” She raced over to the balcony and looked out the
French doors. “This view is great. I don’t see any neighbors, just trees. Do you own all of this land?”

“Yeah maybe, I don’t know where the property lines are.” I did of course but I didn’t want to woe her with the bells and whistles. I just wanted her to love me back. Kari wasn’t a materialistic woman but I wanted her to be with me because of love not because of this fancy house that I bought for one fourth the price its worth.

Kari turned to me and smiled like she knew I was lying. “Well it’s beautiful. It’s secluded as hell but beautiful. Where are we, what town?”

“Naperton right on the outskirts of Bolingcreek.”

“Where’s your furniture?”

“Ah, I haven’t had time to look for anything, busy at work.” I hoped she would furnish it. This house is for her. This is where we will spend the rest of our lives together.
This is the house our kids are going to grow up in. I can’t say that. It might scare her away. 

Kari frowned. “
You could do a lot with this.”

“When I have time.”

She turned the bottle of wine up to her lips and guzzled it down. “I’m sorry I tried to leave. I had a chance and I went for it. I couldn’t help it. It’s who I am.”

“Yeah you like to run. That’s how we got close, running on that track.”

“I do run.”

“Literally and figuratively. What are you running from?”

“I don’t know.”

“Let’s go down to bed.”

“Sounds good, I’ve had a lot to drink.” She slurred and giggled.

“I can see that.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s cool. You only have to be present and accounted for. I’ve got this under control.”

I led Kari down the stairs through the kitchen. I then guided her down the next flight of stairs to the basement.

“Take off all your clothes.”

“Can I take a bath first?”

“No, I like you dirty.”

Kari started with her shorts, well my boxer shorts. She removed the t-shirt and then the socks. Her body was a bit slimmer. She must have loss weight to fit into her wedding dress. It didn’t matter to me her dangerous curves were embedded in her DNA.

My cock was
doing the humpty dance inside my denim jeans. I walked over to the bedside table and grabbed the handcuffs. I held the handcuffs out for her to see.

“Kari baby I have to punish you.”


You tried to escape. Just for a few minutes. Give me your wrists.”

Kari looked deep into my eyes. She was working some things out
in her head. She slowly placed her hands out in front of her. I cuffed one of her wrists and lead her to the bed.

“Kari, get on your knees and crawl to the headboard.” She did as I instructed. I took the cuffs and looped them over the top bar on the center of the headboard so her hands were directly in front of her head. I cuffed her other hand. She was stuck there with her hands stretched in front of her face.

Vengeance would be mind. I sat on the day and stared her in her eyes. “Stay here and think about how you have treated me. I am the man. I am the Coach. I call the plays. If you wanted to run the show you should have been born with a cock. You can’t be the man in this relationship. Do you understand this?”

“Yes, I understand.”

“I don’t believe you. You keep defying me.”

“I won’t. I promise.”

“I will come back when I think you’re sincere.” I stood. I felt good about my little speech.

“No Mason. Please don’t leave me.”

With that I strolled away from the bed. I jogged up the stairs. Kari needed some alone time. She was really trying my patience with her stubbornness. She had too much wine and I know how wine makes her horny. It will only take a few minutes before her pussy throbs in pain. Without me she can’t release the sexual tension. She can’t masturbate because her hands are not at her disposal. When I return I have more than guaranteed she will beg me to fuck her.

I went into the
master bedroom and showered. I didn’t bother to venture back into the basement until a half hour later. First I picked up my secret weapon from the kitchen drawer. I needed this prop to help get my point across.

I was only wearing my
bath towel when I entered. Kari was resting her head on her cuffed hands on top of the headboard. She was sitting on her knees. She looked tired and sleepy…poor baby.

I removed my towel
. I laid my kitchen weapon on the bed out of sight. I walked over to the head of the bed. Kari sluggishly opened her eyes when I placed my knee on the bed. I moved close to her side. I stoked her smooth back with the palm of my hand.

“Hey baby, are you good? Are you tired?” Kari shook her head yes
. She didn’t bother to raise her head from its makeshift resting place. “You want to lie down?”

“Yeah.” Kari mumbled.

I looked in her eyes as my hand roamed down the curve of her ass and landed in between her thighs. Kari closed her eyes as I parted her sex lips and plunged my longest finger inside her.

“Oh Mason I’m tired.”

“Oh Kari I have my middle finger inside you so you know what that means?”

“No, what?”

“Fuck you.” I jammed my finger deeper inside her wet hole.


I pulled my finger from inside her. I slapped her on her ass. I quickly moved behind her and pulled her body so her wrists would be stretched far in front of her. I propped her up on her knees, my torturous version of doggystyle.

Her ass was calling my evil twin’s tongue. I took a bite out of both her
delectable ass cheeks before I painted my saliva over them. I licked my way to her asshole. I mashed my face in the center of her butt cheeks. My tongue swam deep inside her nastiest realm. I pulled back after I realized she was loving it too much. “You want this?”

“Yes please.”

Of course you want me to eat your ass out. “You can’t have it. I’m in charge.”

“Mason I want to cum.”

“You want me to make you cum?” I knew the answer.

BOOK: Flag On The Play
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