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Authors: Bethany Bazile

Tags: #Fighter

Fight for Me (9 page)

BOOK: Fight for Me
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He settled in between my thighs, rocking his erection against the wet crotch of my panties. He moved his mouth to my neck, his tongue caressing the sensitive skin there. Tingles surged through my body, and I knew it wouldn’t take long for me to come. He shifted his weight, giving himself some room to maneuver his hand down my belly and into my panties. I wanted him like I’d never wanted any man.

He slid two strong fingers over my wet flesh, while his thumb gently caressed my clit. He rotated his finger in a slow circle against the sensitive bud, and I gasped for air. His lust-filled eyes locked onto mine, and he trapped me in a sensual stare-down. His expression was serious and his face tense. The muscles in his jaw twitched, and I knew it was costing him a lot not to devour me the way he wanted to.

Every muscle in my body tightened as one slick finger slipped inside me. I was panting, and my eyelids were so heavy I wanted to shut them and enjoy the feel of Ryder exploring my body, but I couldn’t break away from his gaze.

He slipped a second finger into me, and I reached up and held on to his shoulders. I writhed beneath him as he manipulated his fingers so they hit my G-spot. My legs began to tremble, and my nipples hardened as every inch of my body ached for release.

He licked the shell of my ear and whispered, “Damn, I love that sound you’re making.”

I hadn’t even realized I’d been moaning so incessantly, but it was uncontrollable. His mouth moved over my body until he was sucking on my nipple. In an instant, everything went black as the force of my orgasm blinded me. I shuddered and cried out as his fingers continued their sweet torture inside my clenching body.

When he finally slipped his fingers out, he kissed me softly and looked into my eyes. I wasn’t prepared for the emotions I saw when our gazes met. I wished I could close my eyes and pretend what we just shared was purely physical, because I knew he wouldn’t give me more, despite what he felt. But in reality, I knew what I felt for Ryder would have me yearning for more of him.

More importantly,
more with him

He leaned his head on my shoulder, panting softly. His heavy erection pushed against my thigh. With a gentle shift of his hip, he could take me, fill me the way I needed him to. And I’d let him. But as I pushed up against him, he tensed. I caressed his hair and kissed him on his shoulder, but it only made him freeze up more. He pulled away so quickly, I was assaulted by the coldness of the room without his presence over me.

“Ryder?” He looked over his shoulder at me, then turned back toward the bathroom.

“We shouldn’t have done this. I have to go down to the gym.” He closed the door behind him, and seconds later, I heard the shower running.

just happened?

I had been ready. I’d been beyond ready. Even with the great orgasm I’d had, my body knew it missed out on the grand finale. I still felt the thick head of his cock pushing against my thigh. I imagined it stretching me and making me crave more of everything he had to offer.

I knew he wanted me. That wasn’t the problem. Ryder didn’t come across as a man who didn’t take a woman when he wanted her, so I couldn’t figure out why he’d turned so cold on me.

The shower shut off, and I jumped out of bed and started rummaging through my bag. I didn’t want him to think I was lying in his bed, moping because he rejected me. I didn’t need Ryder Hayes stomping through my life and leaving me more fucked up than I was before him, anyway.

Ryder walked out in a towel. I stared at him as he walked to his closet. So much for not needing him. The minute he walked in, I was watching his every move. He dropped his towel, and I gasped.

Shit, I hope he didn’t hear that.

But he was manly perfection. Even his ass was sexy. He pulled on his briefs, then a pair of shorts. He threw a T-shirt over his shoulder and made to leave without saying a word to me. As though he didn’t spend the last ten minutes wringing the best orgasm I’d ever had out of my body.

“What am I supposed to do up here all day?”

He paused halfway across the room but didn’t look back. “Job offer’s still open,” he said and walked out. I threw myself back onto his bed and screamed into the pillow to ease my frustration. Ryder was a dick, but I couldn’t stay away. We straight women always had problems staying away from dicks. It was an irreversible condition.


I took a shower. I made myself at home in his kitchen, fixing myself breakfast with the last two eggs in his fridge. I cleaned the mess I made in the kitchen, fixed his bed, and tried to watch TV.

I was beyond bored, and though it had only been two hours, I wanted to see Ryder. I didn’t care if he glared at me from across the room. I just wanted to be where he was, even though it made me pretty pathetic. It had been less than a week since he’d come back into my life, and I was leaning toward obsessive already. It was similar to the way I’d been when I was thirteen. Any time David brought him along, I’d stay near him.

I pulled on a pair of black leggings and a purple tank top and took the elevator down. I strolled into the gym with my head high like I wasn’t vibrating with nerves inside. My gaze was drawn to Ryder immediately. He was in the far left corner, jumping rope. His eyes narrowed as he watched me cross the room.

There were two men sparring in a cage in the middle of the large room. The only other woman in sight was a fierce blonde who was lifting more weight than I’d ever seen a woman lift. Judging by her fierce expression and the size of her biceps, she probably fought professionally.

I went straight to the treadmills, because running was pretty much the extent of my usual exercise regimen. As I entered my weight, height, and other random questions the machine was asking me, a man walked up and leaned against it. He was cute with dirty-blond hair that was almost shoulder length. Sexy crooked smile with a crooked nose to match. He must have broken his nose at some point, but it didn’t take away from his looks.

“If you’re going to be here every day, I might start showing up early,” he said.

“You probably won’t catch me in here early. I’m a late riser.”

“My kind of girl. If I slept next to you at night, I’d hate to get out of bed in the morning. I’m Jacob, by the way.”

“I’m Lexi.”

“Girls like you don’t usually work out in boxing gyms.”

“I’m Ryder’s stepsister.” I felt Ryder’s gaze boring down on us without even looking behind me. I was so sure he was staring at me, it felt like he was breathing against the back of my neck.

“Really.” His smile widened, and just as he was about to continue, Ryder shouted his name from across the room.

“Jacob, you come here to spar or what?” Ryder asked.

Jacob patted me on the shoulder and said, “See you later, Lexi.” He winked at me and walked off. Even though he was good looking, he didn’t incite the same feelings Ryder did.

Ryder walked up and stood in the spot Jacob vacated. “Did you come down here to distract the fighters?”

A laugh escaped me, and then I realized he was serious. “What’s the matter, Ryder, worried I might let someone else finish up what you started this morning?”

His mouth twisted slightly, and he shook his head at me. “You really want to talk about this now? Is that why you came down here flirting with Jacob? Are you trying to make me jealous, Alexis?”

“I wasn’t flirting with Jacob.”

“I hope not, because I won’t let you be with him.” I watched him walk away, wrap his hands up, and then get into the cage.

does he think he is, telling me who he’ll allow me to be with?

I paced myself on the treadmill, pretending to be engrossed in my workout when I was really watching him. He went at Jacob like an animal. I flinched at several of the punches and kicks he landed on Jacob’s ribs and shoulder. This looked like more than a sparring exercise. He had no right to be angry at Jacob for flirting with me. I was his hours ago. He’d had his chance, and he walked away.



The minute I tasted her skin, I knew I was in too deep. If I had sunk my cock into her warmth, I would’ve never let her leave. I would’ve claimed her as mine and made her tell me every secret she had. I would’ve fucked her until she surrendered every piece of herself to me. I wanted to make her mine.
, I needed to make her mine. I shouldn’t, but it was an old craving that hadn’t dimmed at all.

I needed to slow down, take a step back. Moving too fast with Alexis could be disastrous to both of us. I didn’t want to make the wrong move and lose my chance with her, but I wasn’t good at this shit. I knew I’d fuck it up.

Jacob grumbled under his breath as we left the cage. I knew I was hard on him, but if he wanted to be a pussy about it, he shouldn’t be an MMA fighter. Granted, I was above his weight class, and usually I was a lot less aggressive when we trained, but I hated watching him flirt with Alexis. He was lucky I didn’t pound his face into the mat.

Alexis finished her run, walked toward the locker room doors, and Jacob followed close behind. I trailed them because I wouldn’t leave him alone with her.

“There’s this new bar down the street. Let me buy you a drink tonight,” Jacob said.

Alexis was pressed against the wall and Jacob leaned in toward her with one arm above her head.

“Are you even old enough to drink?”

Jacob smiled sheepishly. “Almost.”

“Almost? Like you’re twenty?”


She shook her head at him.

“But I never get carded. Look at me, I’m huge. How’d you know I wasn’t twenty-one?”

She shrugged. “Just an instinct.”

“So will you come?”

“You’re too young.”

“Come on. How old are you?”


He cocked his head and flashed her his dimple. Chicks always fell for that shit. “I like older women.” She shook her head, refusing again.

“We’ll go as friends.”

“She can’t go,” I answered for her as I stopped beside them. She glared at me.

She looked me in the eyes and smiled defiantly when she said, “I’ll be there, Jacob.”

I growled at her as she looked back at Jacob with a flirty smile. I hated the insane range of emotions she brought out of me. I went from happy to horny to frustrated and ended up pissed off. I slammed my palm against the door on my way back into the gym. I didn’t need to do anything stupid over Alexis. If she wanted to have drinks with Jacob, I’d make sure I was there to drag her home before she offered the kid something that would get him killed.



I came out of the bathroom, dressed to impress. Ryder was lying on the couch, watching a football game and completely ignoring me. His temperamental attitude continued throughout the day and into the night. I thought my efforts to make him jealous were for nothing. He didn’t even bother to look my way as I walked across the room.

I was dressed in a gold halter-top, tiny black shorts that looked painted on, sheer black pantyhose, and my gold ankle boots. Was it an appropriate outfit for the fall-like weather? No, but I didn’t care. I wanted to make Ryder crazy. I needed to make him pay for building me up and letting me down. Most of all, I wanted his attention. I wasn’t going to fool myself into thinking he couldn’t have any woman he wanted. I knew a man as ruggedly beautiful and powerful as Ryder had his pick of women wherever he went, but tonight I wanted to be the one he watched. I wanted him to need me the way I did him. If I were honest, it was what I’d always wanted.

It was too late to change my mind about going to the bar without being obvious, so I grabbed my purse and left him in the apartment. I was waiting for the elevator when I heard the door behind me open, followed by footsteps and the rattle of the chain connected to Ryder’s belt.

I stepped into the elevator, and Ryder followed me, standing on the opposite side. The sleeves of his leather jacket stretched as he crossed his arms and took in my outfit. He laughed, shook his head, and then looked away.

“What’s so funny?”

“You’re trying to make me jealous.” He looked back at me.

“Why would I do that?”

“You want my attention, Lexi? You have it. Now why don’t we go back upstairs, order dinner, and watch a movie?”

“No, thanks.” The doors slid open, and I walked toward the exit. He pulled my arm and spun me around.

“Don’t push me, Alexis. You might not like what happens.”

I yanked my arm away from him. “This isn’t about you, Ryder.” It was always about him since the moment I laid eyes on him, but I’d never admit that.

The walk was less than a block, and Ryder lagged behind me with his hands in his pockets and his head to the ground. The small bar had a stuffy club feel. It was Thursday night, and we were close to the local college, so the place was packed. Jacob was at the bar, and I pretended to be excited to see him. The man he was talking with vacated his seat, and I took it.

Ryder sat at the far end of the bar, in direct view of Jacob and me. Glaring at

“So, Lexi, do you have a boyfriend?” Jacob interrupted my stare-down with Ryder. I turned to him and picked up my drink.

“Shouldn’t you have asked before inviting me here?”

He smiled. That smile probably got him a lot of women, but it was doing nothing for me.

“Friends can go out for drinks.”
Good answer.
I was glad he realized this would stay in the friend zone tonight.

“So do I get an answer to my question?”

“It’s complicated.”

“Complicated is code for involved.”

Maybe he was right. Ryder and I were involved in something. I just didn’t know what it was. I wanted a lot less of the animosity that was bouncing between us and more of the heat that sparked in his bed that morning.

“Let’s dance.” Jacob pulled lightly on my hand, and I followed him to the dance floor.

“Maybe I can uncomplicated your situation,” he said as he pressed up against me from behind. The song was up-tempo, and Jacob had no qualms with getting into my space. His hand rested on my hip; his body swayed rhythmically to the music. I was enjoying myself with Jacob for all of two minutes.

BOOK: Fight for Me
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