Read Fight for Me Online

Authors: Bethany Bazile

Tags: #Fighter

Fight for Me (5 page)

BOOK: Fight for Me
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I knew I should’ve turned away and ignored his presence, but I couldn’t seem to stop my gaze from traveling over his body. His faded gray T-shirt couldn’t contain his muscled chest and arms. His black jeans were fitted just enough to showcase his thighs and tight ass, and black boots and a leather jacket finished off his badass look.

Shelby turned her head to see what caused my loss of attention span, and her mouth dropped open.

“Whoa,” she whispered. Her eyes swung back to me, and she smiled excitedly. “Holy shit, I think every woman in the room just had an orgasmic experience.”

She was right, and I knew because I’d finally stopped staring at him long enough to realize the warmth between my legs was a direct result of watching Ryder. I felt all fluttery inside, and I hadn’t felt that way in years. I turned back to the bar as he took a seat on the stool closest to our table. He was less than fifteen feet away from me, and my heart began to race.

“I’m going to go talk to him,” I said.

“What? No. I don’t think that’s a good idea, Lexi. You spent years pushing most men away. Don’t change now. I mean look at him. He’s the kind of guy who will break your heart and have you crawling back for more.”

“I can see what he is, Shelby, but there’s no need for the warnings. That’s Ryder.”

She looked over her shoulder at him, then back to me. “Ryder? David’s son Ryder?”


“What! You never mentioned your stepbrother looked like that.” She hunched over the table, giving me an incredulous look. I shrugged at her and pretended Ryder’s devilish good looks didn’t faze me.

He hadn’t glanced my way, but he knew I was there. David sent him to watch over me. I didn’t know how David convinced him, but it was a shock to see Ryder doing David a favor. I got up and placed a kiss on Shelby’s forehead.

“I’ll be back, Shells.” She smiled at my use of the nickname Alec used to call her. She shook her head as I walked toward the bar.

My eyes traced the shape of his broad back as I approached, stopping at the fuzzy hair at his nape. His hair was wild and rumpled at the top. I imagined my hands gripping it while he…

Stop it, Lexi.




It was dark, loud, and stuffy in the jam-packed bar where Ty asked me to meet him. The bartender quickly placed two shot glasses in front of us, then walked away. Ty picked his up and lifted an eyebrow at me. I picked up the shot glass and let the amber liquid dull my irritation.

Ty was my trainer and my best friend since we were twelve. No one knew as much about my life and had been there through so many bad times as Ty. When my uncle Drew fell ill, Ty put his plans on hold to become my trainer/manager. Neither of us thought it would be long term, but Ty was a great trainer. He spent years training with me when we were younger.

Ty’s ability to push me brought me out of a really bad place and led me to my second championship. With Drew gone, our only obstacle was getting David to give us the gym.

Uncle Drew raised us there. Trained us there. I would’ve been lost without that place, so whatever it took, I needed to get David to sell me his half.

“Find yourself a woman. You need to get laid.” Ty patted me on the shoulder before he got up and went to the dance floor with the woman he’d been chatting up before I arrived. His seat was quickly taken by a long-legged blonde with too much cleavage bursting out of her tight dress.

“Are you
The Hawk
?” Her excited expression told me she already knew the answer to that question, so I remained quiet. She giggled and placed a hand on my bicep.

“I knew it was you. I’ve watched you fight for years. You’re amazing.”

“Thanks.” I signaled to the bartender to bring me another shot as she slipped off her stool and sidled up next to me.

“You want to dance?” She rested her hand on my knee, sliding her fingers up my thigh.

“I don’t dance.” I did, but I wasn’t interested in dancing with her.

She flicked her tongue lightly across my skin and said, “You want to get out of here?”

I’d grown tired of fucking random chicks. It was the main reason I wanted to stay away from the bar scene tonight. Just as I was about to turn her down, she cupped me in her hand and moaned sexily.

Fuck it
. It had been weeks since I’d buried myself in someone soft and warm. Thoughts of Alexis kept me up all night, and I needed some distraction. I got up, grabbed her hand, and ran right into the hazel-eyed beauty I’d purposely been avoiding.

She’d been so close to my stool she had to brace her hands against my chest to keep from falling backward. I reflexively wrapped an arm around her waist to keep her steady.

Her soft body pressed against mine, and my body reacted instantly. If I didn’t push her off me soon, she was going to figure out what I wanted to do to her. She gasped and her lips parted just slightly, but enough to make me want to press my lips against hers and find out what she tasted like.

God, I need to let her
go. But she smells so

She felt amazing pressed against me. When she pushed against my chest, I took the hint, releasing her from my hold. She made an effort to straighten the little red shirt she was trying to pass off as a dress and smiled at me awkwardly.

She was nervous. Good. At least I wasn’t the only one feeling that way.

“Sorry, uhh… what are you doing here?”

The blonde leaned in and put her arm around me, staking her territory. I didn’t know why I was tempted to distance myself, but I didn’t like it. I didn’t owe Alexis anything. I’d barely talked to her in years. She definitely didn’t have a claim on my dick and who I stuck it in.

“I’m having a drink. That’s what people usually do at a bar.”

“I know David told you to keep an eye on me, but I don’t need you following me around and babysitting me.” She pointed her finger at me accusingly.

Damn, she’s fucking hot when she’s pissed.

The way she tilted her head made me want to suck on that soft spot on her neck she’d exposed. “I’m not babysitting you. I told David I wouldn’t do it. I’m just having a drink.”

She looked at me like she didn’t believe me. I didn’t give a fuck if she did or not, but seeing her suddenly brought on the urge to stick around.

“Fine,” she finally said, looking at the woman attached to my hip. A small grimace formed on her face before she continued. “Have a good… whatever.” She shook her head in disapproval as she retreated to the other side of the club. So she didn’t approve of my choice of company for tonight.

“I’m going to have to take a rain check,” I said, watching Lexi as she walked away.

“Why?” the blonde pouted as she tried to push up even closer. “It will be amazing.”

“Sorry.” I peeled her off me and took a seat at the far end of the bar, where I hid from aggressive women and kept an eye on Alexis.

I watched as one of the bartenders followed her and cornered her near a hallway. She looked nervous, uncomfortable even. His hat was pulled low over his head so I couldn’t make out his face, but if he tried anything, I was ready to…

Shit. I didn’t know when I became her protector again, but my instincts told me the guy was bad news. I was about to get up and intervene, but she broke away and headed to a table a few feet away from me. She looked flustered as she sat down and started talking to a redheaded woman in a booth.

In the following hour, she downed four more drinks before heading to the dance floor with her friend. If I had thoughts of leaving before then, it wasn’t possible any longer. Judging by the way they stumbled to the dance floor, she was a couple drinks past her limit.



I felt alive.

Like I was flying free as Shelby and I danced around to a high intensity club mix. Empowered, even. I saw quick glimpses of grinding bodies as the flashing lights strobed the sexual images into my mind. The buzz of excitement traveling through the room was as intoxicating as the drinks flowing from the bar.

I couldn’t explain the change I felt when Ryder came up behind me, but it was instant and undeniable. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, goose bumps spread over my skin, and sexual awareness reached its peak.

I felt his heat behind me, but I didn’t turn. The sound of my heartbeat pounded in my head, louder than the music pumping through the speakers. Shelby grabbed my arm as we danced, but the look on her face as she gazed over my shoulder confirmed my instinct. Ryder Hayes was standing behind me, and it was my opportunity to get my hands on him.

I spun around and bumped into him. He was standing really close. The music changed to some song about feeling alive. With all the liquid courage I drank before coming to the dance floor flowing through my blood, I boldly brushed my body against his. I leaned in and asked, “I thought you didn’t dance?” Or at least that’s what he told the woman at the bar.

“Not with her.” The tension in his body tightened as I rubbed my breasts against his hard chest. I placed my hands on his tight abdomen and let them travel over the rigid contours of his body. He flinched but didn’t attempt to stop me. I looked into those blue eyes. Damn, I have a serious weakness for blue eyes. I got braver when I saw the desire in his gaze.

He wants me as much as I want him.

I spun around so my back was to him, closed my eyes, and melted into him. The music throbbed, his tense frame pressed closer, and then he finally gave in and put a hand gently on my hip and swayed to the beat. I reached behind me and ran my hand up his thigh.

Is the man
made of all muscles?

I moaned involuntarily as his unmistakable erection pressed against my back. He leaned in and I was anticipating his next move. “You’ve had too much to drink. Time to get you home.”


No. I was having too much fun. I’d only dreamt of touching him this way. I spun to face him and stumbled as the room continued spinning when I thought I’d stopped. His arm laced around my waist like an iron band, steadying me.

“I told you I didn’t need a babysitter.”

“Just let me take you home.”

“To your place?” I smiled at him, boldly wrapping my arms around his neck.

He sighed and then nodded.

“If you wanted to take me home, all you had to do was ask.”

“Nothing is going to happen, Alexis. Tell your friend goodnight because I'm going to put you to bed.” I pouted at him, but he just stared at me, waiting for me to follow his orders.

Shelby was really into her new dance partner, so I grabbed her arm and pulled her over. “Ryder’s taking me home, Shells.”

“Do you think that’s a good idea? You’ve had a lot to drink, and if something happens to you…”

“Nothing’s going to happen to her,” Ryder told Shelby, but she looked at him suspiciously.

“Nothing better happen or I’ll come after you.” Shelby pointed a finger at him, and he chuckled at her attempt to be intimidating.

“I’ll remember that.” He put a hand around my waist and led me to the exit.

“Bye, Shells,” I screamed to her as we left her behind. Just as we pushed our way through the crowd and were within a foot of the exit, Logan appeared in front of us.

“Where are you going, Lexi?”

“Not now, Logan.” I was a lot bolder with a huge fighter next to me than I usually was. Logan still thought he owned me. If I told him I was going to take Ryder home and fuck him, a battle would’ve ensued. Not that I thought Ryder would let me have my way with him.

He squared off in front of Ryder despite Ryder being bigger and taller than he was. “I can’t let you leave with her. She’s had too much to drink. If you think you’re going to take her home, you got to get through me.”

“Yeah, and how do you plan on stopping me?” Ryder stepped closer, but Logan didn’t back up.

“If he wants to take me home, it’s none of your business.” God, I really needed to know when to stop drinking. I couldn’t seem to shut my mouth.

“Lexi, I swear to God, if you let him…” He pulled my arm roughly, and Ryder grabbed him by the collar and pushed him away with one arm.

“Don’t touch her again.”

Logan calmed down when he saw the dangerous look on Ryder’s face but still glared at Ryder through narrowed eyelids, clearly suspicious. “Who the fuck do you think you are?”

“He’s my stepbrother, babysitter, protector, savior—he’s fucking Superman.” He was everything but what I wanted him to be. My lover, my boyfriend… anything that allowed us to be intimate.

“Oh, you’re David’s son,” Logan said, and Ryder shrugged.

“Let’s go, Alexis.” He pulled me out of the club. I was surprised Logan let us leave so easily, but I was glad to be away from him. He probably thought I was safe with my stepbrother. I guessed he had no idea how much I wanted Ryder and what I’d let him do to me.

The warm breeze hit my sensitized skin, and I shivered as he led me across the parking lot. He stopped in front of a sleek, modern motorcycle, and my stomach tightened. The last time I’d been on the back of a bike, I’d been lost in love with Logan. After we broke up, I vowed to stay away from men with bikes, despite how much I enjoyed them. He glanced back at me and handed me a helmet. He took in my tense expression and reached out to caress my face.

“Never been on a bike? Don’t worry, the body looks big and dangerous, but the ride is exhilarating.” The smirk he gave me told me he was talking about more than the bike. I smiled back at him, then slipped the helmet over my head. He jumped on the bike, and the engine roared to life, startling me.

“Climb on,” he ordered. I hesitated, then resigned to breaking my vow for just tonight and swung my leg over the bike and straddled his hips. I attempted to pull my dress down, but my effort was futile. It rode up to an indecent level, and the curve of the seat pushed me forward until the moist crotch of my panties was against him.

Jesus, I hope he can’t feel how hot
he’s making me.

BOOK: Fight for Me
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