Deep Blue Hold (Deep Blue Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Deep Blue Hold (Deep Blue Series)
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"Let's go
, we're supposed to pick up Sam and Miry, like now," she says heading for the door. She waits for me by it with a look of well-are-you-coming. 
Fuck shit fuck, I don't like this


Sam escorts Miry and Aubrey into the hall where the ceremony is going to take place as I stand on the sidelines with the other groomsmen.  Sam looks extremely happy with Miry on one arm and Aubrey on the other.  It is plain to see that the girls bought their dresses together, because Miry is wearing almost the exact replica of Aubrey's dress in a baby blue.  Sam sits between them, stretching his arms around the backs of both girls' chairs.  He sends me a wink and a wicked grin, but turns his head away before I can shoot him the warning look of the impending death he might be facing.

the ceremony Chelsea stares at me.  When Troy says his vows, I find Aubrey's eyes focusing on her through the words.  Her cheeks flush that beautiful rosy pink, and I have always known that Aubrey Jackson was going to be my blushing bride one day. As I stare into her stunning green eyes, I decide then and there that that day would be sooner rather than later.




Chapter 8




Even though I'm having fun with Sam and Miry, I am extremely annoyed by the blonde that Ian has been partnered with for the night.  He keeps finding my eyes, but the bimbo keeps trying to get his attention.  She keeps putting her hand on his arm and flipping her hair. She's shamelessly  flirting with my man.  Frustrated, there is nothing I can do about it.  He is not returning her advances at all, but when they get up for the couple's dance it is more than I can take.

I excuse myself to the bathroom
.  I decide I've wasted enough time while I wash my hands.  Surely the dance is over by now.  When the bathroom door opens, a tall blonde enters shutting the door behind her and holds it shut with one hand.  I try to go around her, but she stops me.

"You might as well give up,
" the girl says.  I glance behind me to see if she is talking to someone else.  "Now that Ian knows Chelsea is free, he's going to drop you and go back to her," she says staring at me with over made up eyes.

"Excuse me
." I stand to attention.

"Chelsea and Ian used to be an item
, but he moved way too fast for her.  She dumped him. Broke his heart, you know.  But now she's ready to commit and he knows it, so you might as well go back to where you came from."  Is she threatening me? I can't tell, but she's about to get her eyes scratched out of her head.

"Thanks for the advice,"
I say trying to keep my calm, making a gesture for her to move out of my way.  She ignores my attempt to leave.

"You're pretty enough
, I guess."  She looks me up and down, "you'll find someone else with money."

"You think I'm with Ian for his money?"
I'm flabbergasted, and can't help but laugh.

"Yeah, I can spot a gold digger a mile away.  I m
ean it makes it easy that Ian is not hard on the eyes though," she says like she has it all figured out.  

"Again, thanks for the advice."
This time I don't wait for her to move, I push through and swing the door open as she moves out of the way with a huff. 

As I walk out the door I hear her mumble
, "Bitch." But I ignore it, heading into the reception hall, brooding and pissed.  It would have been nice to know that Ian had dated this girl that has been attached to him all night.  I see the dance is done as I head back to Sam and Miry. Ian is frantically searching the room standing at his table.  The blonde bimbo I now know as Chelsea is talking his ear off again trying to get his attention. 

His deep
blues find me. I can see him breathe a sigh a relief. I sit down and look away, not wanting to see her fawn all over him. 

"Thank god you
're back, I think Ian was about to have a heart attack.  What took you so long?" Miry asks.

"I ran into one of my fans.
Apparently, I am just after Ian for his money. He's going to leave me for blondie over there," I tell them, and Miry turns to see the girl coming out of the bathroom.

"That's Chelsea's best friend, she's an idiot.  You didn't believe anything she said did you?"  She looks concerned that maybe I'm about to bolt when I feel my phone vibrate in my clutch.
It's a text from Ian.

I need you
r eyes now. Please.

I turn and meet his deep blue
s.  Everything I need to know is spelled out in them.  The love he has for me.  He is able to tell me with just his eyes, and it's all I need to make me relax.  I give him a wink, he returns it with his best dimple smile.   

Chatty Chelsea turns her head to see where Ian's attention is
, and I get daggers shooting at me.  She turns back to Ian with more determination placing her hand on his forearm to get his attention.  He moves his arm away like she just stuck him with a red hot poker, and my smile widens.

, I didn't believe a word she said," I tell Miry still not taking my eyes off of my man. 


The ceremonies are about over, finally. The last part is for all the couples in the bridal party to go out lighting Chinese lanterns on the beach.  Once that is over I can have Ian back to enjoy the rest of the night with. 

As Sam, Miry
, and I watch from the beach path, I feel a hand touch the small of my back.  I turn abruptly to a tall man standing next to me smiling down at me. 

"I haven't been able to keep my eyes off
of you all night.  Will you save me a dance later?" He asks trying to be smooth and flirty. 

"Sorry, I'm taken."
I move to get his hand off of me.

"By who?
If you were my girl I would never leave your side."

"By me
," Miry says putting her arm around my waist.  Before I know it, she is kissing me with her tongue in my mouth.  I don't know if it's all the wine, or the pure satisfaction of the point she is making, but I let her do it.

When she finally lets go of my lips I'm so stunned I don't know what to say.  Sam is behind us now putting his arms around both of us.

"Beat it," he warns the guy, who gives Sam a look of total admiration like I've never seen then walks away.

"Fuck Miry
," I say as she drops her hand from my waist, and runs her finger over her lips. 

"Sorry love, but I couldn't resist.
I'm just glad Ian didn't see it," she says giving me a wink. 

"I guarantee if Ian
had seen it, he would be as hard as me right now," Sam says, "and trust me, that is an image that won't be leaving me anytime soon." He growls and kisses Miry's temple as she rolls her eyes.


As we wait for Ian to finish up shaking hands with all the guests that are greeting the wedding party, Miry grabs us some wine from a passing waiter. 

I am
taking a sip when I feel hands slide around my waist and splay out on my stomach. Warm lips kiss the nape of my neck. 

"God, I have
wanted my hands on you all night," Ian whispers in my ear as I melt against him. I turn my head into his nuzzle. 

"What you really want right now mate
, is for someone to hit on your girl," Sam says all excited, like a little kid with a story to tell. 

"Umm no, pretty sure I don't want that
," Ian grates behind me holding me tighter.

, trust me you do." Sam giggles like a little girl and is waiting for Ian to ask why. He pushes up and down on his tip toes like he has to pee or something.

"Ok Sam, spill it
. Why in the world would I want that?" Ian says tired of the game already.

"Because......"  H
e stops a moment like he is waiting for the big reveal, "you would get to see my wife shove her tongue down your girl's throat."  The smile on Sam's face is so comical I can't help but laugh.  Miry rolls her eyes and slaps Sam on the chest, Ian is speechless. His mouth hanging open in shock, and what he says surprises us all.

"Did you get it on video?"

"No man, once I rolled my tongue back in my mouth it was over." He laughs at Ian's reaction.  "And I would watch out, because your girl here wasn't fighting her off." 

Ian gazes at me raising
his eyebrows.

"It was
a cause and effect thing.  It worked and the guy left with his mouth hanging open."  I shrug at his expression, now he's brooding.  "What?"

"I'm crazy jealous that some random
guy got to see it," he says pouting.

We are interrupted by blonde bimbo Chelsea coming up beside Ian
, putting her filthy hand on his arm again. Like a good boy he moves away from her and puts his arm around my waist pulling me to him.

"Ian, why haven't yo
u introduced me to your date?" Chelsea says looking me up and down.

"I'm Aubrey Jackson, but don't worry honey
, I'm only with him for his money," I say calmly and hear Sam and Miry chuckle beside me. Ian's head turns to me abruptly.

"Excuse me?
" He says. I feel his eyes boring a hole in my head.

"Yeah, didn't you know?
" I say glancing at him before I turn back to blondie. "Your ex-girlfriend here had her friend corner me in the bathroom, and after she told me that you would be leaving me soon for Chelsea, she also told me I was only after your money." I don't take my eyes off blondie and she is instantly searching Ian's face for his reaction.

head goes back, he lets out the deepest throatiest laugh I've ever heard come out of him.

"Well that is funny," he says still chuckling.  He turns to me
, giving me one of his loving passionate kisses that seems to last an hour before he lets me go. "Aubrey is the love of my life, the only reason I live.  You, my beauty, can have all my money as long as I have you," he says with his dimple smile and a panty dropping wink.  This does the trick, because Chelsea turns with a huff and stomps away.







Chapter 9




The deejay had started playing dance music and Miry tak
es Aubrey on the dance floor.  They start dancing with each other in a way that I can only explain as drop dead sexy and hot as hell.

Sam and I watch from the sidelines
, but it doesn't take long for us to flank them on the dance floor as the men start to get a little too close.  I'm always in utter amazement of my girl.  Not only did she handle the Chelsea situation perfectly, but she is dirty dancing with my best friend's wife. 

God what I wouldn't have done to see the little show they put on earlier when I was otherwise engaged. 

I am extremely happy that her and Miry have hit if off so well.  Miry hasn't made too many friends since she moved here, and Sam is very happy that they hit it off too.  I shrug off my jacket and start dancing with my girl. I've been told that I have moves, and by the way Aubrey is looking at me right now, I think she approves. 

Aubrey backs into me rubbing her sweet ass up and down my crotch in time with the music
, turning around to dirty dance with my thigh. That's when I give Sam the look he's waiting for. 
It's time to go
.  Our girls are drunk, horny, and we need to get them home. 

I drive like a mad man
dropping off Sam and Miry first, before pulling up to our house. 

efore I can even put the car in park, Aubrey is climbing onto my lap and kissing me like there is no tomorrow. Her tongue claims my mouth darting with the rhythm of her hips that are gyrating against me.  I tug at her skirt, and with the slit going up the thigh it doesn't take much to have it around her waist. I fist the material at her hips.  She moves her lips down my jaw lightly biting, licking, and sucking as she reaches my ear.

"I can't wait
, Ian, I need you now."  She breathes in my ear, and is struggling with my buckle.  "Ian, now," she says again, and I take that as a command to help her. 
More than happy, baby, just letting you run your show

I free my very hard erection and reach to her sex to
move her thong to the side.  Instead, I wrap the material in my fingers and rip it off of her.  I feel her wetness on my hand as she gasps at my touch.

baby, you are so wet," I growl into her mouth.  She places her hands on my shoulders, using them to lift herself up and impale me deep inside her. 

We both groan at the sa
me time from the feeling.  She starts moving her hips up and down.  My hand is on her ass helping her, but she is doing most of the work.  She is frantic, dropping herself on me harder and harder trying to get me deeper and deeper.  She raises her hands and plants them on the ceiling of the car giving me access to move the two thin sheets of silk that cover her breasts.  Her nipples are hard and arch into me when I cup them.  Biting gently on one, she whimpers.

BOOK: Deep Blue Hold (Deep Blue Series)
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