Deep Blue Hold (Deep Blue Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Deep Blue Hold (Deep Blue Series)
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I call Sam and I give my best friend of the last 10 years a rundown of the last week.  I
t seems so weird that the man that knows everything about me is just now learning about the woman I am going to spend the rest of my life with.  I tell him everything knowing I can trust him with my life, and now with Aubrey's life.

"Shit man, I guess the first thing we need to do is
find Jim Olsen," Sam says not missing a beat.

, and when you find him, I'm going to kill him," I grate into the phone, so glad that I have Sam on my side.  He is one bad mother fucker. We have been best friends and brothers since we were in the Special Forces together.  Devil Dogs is what they called us, we specialized in reconnaissance missions.  Sam is one of the best snipers to come out of the Marines.  We’ve been through a lot together.  One thing I know for sure, is the man will always have my back, and I will always have his.

"I know this won't be fun, but you need to get confirmation of the tape.  Make sure they have it
, and what exactly is on it," Sam says into the phone, already I'm seriously dreading it.  Not only do I not want to see what might be on that tape, I also don't want anyone else to see it either. The thought of those creeps Matt and Tandi seeing what could possibly be on it is enough to make me want to burn their eyes out of their heads. 

"And i
f it is what we think it is, if it is an assault and a rape, I don't think those idiots realize what kind of trouble they could get in for even having it," Sam says. I am glad I called him because he is thinking much clearer than me right now.  He tells me he is on it and will update me in a couple of hours.  We hang up when there is a knock on the door.  I look at the clock and see it is past ten. 
Oh fucking fantastic , sexy Rexy's here

On the other side
of the door is none other than Rex Olsen, looking sullen and brooding standing there staring at me.  He looks like hell and I can see the fear in his eyes also.  He is scared to death at what might be on that tape.  I can tell all of this before he even says a word.

"You must be Ian."  He
says walking past me not waiting for an invite. "Where is she?" He is looking around the room his shoulders sunk down. This is not the same cocky son of a bitch that I see on TV, this is a man that is broken.

"She's sleeping,
" I answer him, and he turns to me as if he is wondering how much I know.  "She told me everything," I answer his unasked question.

"Well shit, s
o you're the one," he says stepping behind the bar and grabbing a bottle of whiskey.  He pours himself a glass then holds up the bottle to offer me a glass.  I nod and take a seat on one of the barstools.

"Excuse me,
" I say taking a sip of the whiskey, as Rex leans his elbows on the bar. 

"We swore to each other that we would never tell anyone our story unless they were the one we planned to
spend the rest of our life with," he says, taking a large drink of his whiskey.  "I've never told anybody, I always thought Aubrey was that one for me."
Back off BUB she's mine
.  I don't say it because I almost pity him. I can't imagine what he is fighting with right now.  If it was me, I wouldn't be able to live with myself, and it looks like Rex Olsen is struggling with that same fact.

"I love her and I
will do anything to protect her," I say almost as a warning to let him know that she is mine.

, well I love her, too, but she has never loved me the way I love her." He sounds so pathetic I can't even get mad.

"Have you seen your dad?  D
o you know what's on the tape?"  What was a pathetic hurt man turns into a very pissed off man.

no! When I see him again I'm going to finish what I should've finished six years ago!" He roars and stands to attention. "And I have no idea what is on that tape.  Fuck, if it's what......" He's trembling now, his fist clenched like he wants to punch something.

"Our first step is to find out if there even is a tape
, and what is on it," I tell him now at attention too.  If he's going to start swinging I want to be ready.  I have no doubt I could take him.  He's strong, but I was in the Special Forces.  I can take down the largest of men easily. 

"Fuck, fuck, fuck....
.who's going to watch it?" He is a mess of emotions as his eyes dart around the room, like he doesn't know which way is up.
Oh buddy do I know how you're feeling

"Neither of you,
" Aubrey's soft voice comes from the doorway of the bedroom.  She is standing there wearing my t-shirt. It's so big on her that it almost reaches her knees. 
Thank fuck for that!  She's mine Rex, and you don't get to see her like that anymore

"Baby girl,
" Rex chokes and walks over to her.  With one hand around her waist, he lifts her into a huge bear hug. She returns his hug, but not like she hugs me.  She is hugging him like he's her big brother.  Her eyes meet mine over his shoulder. She has tears in her eyes and Rex is sobbing not letting her down. 

"Rex, I'm're crushing me
," she chokes out.  He finally lets her down, but now has her face in his hands.  I go to them and wait patiently as he studies her to makes sure she is okay.  She assures him she's fine then steps to my side. I pull her to me, my arm around her waist. 
God I love her so much
.  That simple gesture shows me she loves me, too, and she will say it when she's ready. Rex is brooding at the sight of us, turning with a huff to go pour himself another whiskey.

"If there is a tape, I will be the only one wa
tching it," she says firmly. She takes the glass of whiskey from my hand and downs the rest of the golden liquid. "Thirsty." She smiles up at me and it is the sweetest sight.

"You're probably dehydrated, you need some water."
I run and grab her a bottle from the fridge as she curls up on the couch throwing a blanket over her bare legs.  Rex sits in the arm chair next to the couch, his elbows on his knees.

"Baby girl, I'm sorry.  When I find him I will take care of it
, I promise," Rex says watching her every move. 
Goddamn, do I hate it when he calls her baby girl

"I have my team looking for your dad right now, and tomorrow we will go to the house
. We'll demand to see confirmation."  I tell them, and they both nod without a question.  Aubrey trusts me, and by her letting me do this she is telling me that.  Her cheeks are pink, and she is flushed as she takes sips of the water.  She still doesn't feel well, and that's apparent, but she is still the most beautiful sight in the world to me. 

I get a text from Sam that he hasn't found anything ye
t.  Rex goes to the guest room and I pick up my girl carrying her into the bedroom.  Laying her down on the bed I kiss her gently on the lips.  I don't want to push her, but I need her right now, and by the way she returns my kiss it is obvious she needs me too.

Our tongues are purposeful
, exploring each other's mouths thoroughly.  I bite her lower lip gently and she moans into my mouth, which is all the go ahead I need.

I make love to her; s
weet, slow, sexy love to her.  When we are lying in each other's arms breathing heavy from the mind blowing orgasm's we just had, she whispers three words to me that makes my heart swell.

"I love you."








apter 2




I awake wrapped in Ian's arms and feel so safe I can hardly believe the nightmare that was yesterday happened.  I told him my horrible secret, and what I feared would happen, didn't.  He still loved me. I knew I loved him, too, and didn't want to tell him my horrible story, but I had to know if he could handle it because if I got too much deeper into Ian Brady I don't think I could handle him leaving me.

But he didn't
run.  He is still here, and if it is possible, I love him even more.  The thought of him seeing what might be on that tape frightens the hell out of me.  I don't want to see it either, but no way in hell is Ian or Rex watching it.  I roll over so that I am facing him and breathe in his scent. Kissing his chest he starts to stir.  His muscles ripple under my hands and I hold on tight.

"Good morning, baby."
He gives me his dimple smile and his deep blues sleepily search my face.  My insides tighten at the sight. I snuggle into him tighter and he kisses my forehead. I reach up and bring his lips to mine. He kisses me so passionately and deeply I feel like I can handle anything with him at my side. 

"I love you,
" I whisper against his lips and he groans.

"You have no idea how much I love hearing those wor
ds come from your gorgeous lips," he says taking my lips again and swallowing my moan as his hand travels down my back and cups my ass.  "Beautiful baby, you are so damn beautiful," he growls pulling the covers off of me revealing my naked body to him. 

"We need to get ready.
Would you like to take a shower with me?" I flutter my eyelashes at him and hop off the bed escaping his grip.  Swinging my hips as I walk into the bathroom I hear a low guttural moan, and turn around to see him staring at me with very hungry eyes.  It doesn't take long for him to be behind me pressing his erection into the small of my back. 

Ian washes me with so much attention and thoroughness that I just let him do what he wants.

I give myself completely to him and obey every command. He cups my ass and pulls me into his rock hard erection.  Kissing my neck he then moves his lips to my breasts.  He licks and sucks on my nipple as he kneads my ass with his hands.  Gyrating his hips as he pulls me into him. 

He has me up against the shower wall
, my legs hooked into the crook of his strong arms as the head of his cock is teasing my entrance.  He slowly moves in and out at first before he impales me.

"Oh God, Ian!
" I shout at the invasion that is mind numbing pleasure.  I lean my head back and moan as he thrusts in and out over and over.  My insides tighten and pulse around his hardness.

"Eyes" he barks,
"I need your eyes baby."

My eyes go to his deep blue
s and I come as he looks at me so intent and purposeful.  He comes so deep inside of me I feel everything he gives me with every pulse. .

baby, you feel so good," he growls and buries his face in my neck kissing and licking me just below the ear.

While I was getting ready at the
mirror, I heard Ian on the phone. I love his voice, so strong and commanding.   I am brushing powder on my cheeks when my cell buzzes and I notice it's Aunt Kate.  "Hey," I answer and she greets me back.

"Hi sweetheart," she says and I can tell instantly by the sound of her voice that there is something wrong.

"What's wrong?"

"There was a box delivered today, and inside there's a large envelope and it'
s addressed to....." She stops mid sentence and the sound in her voice is chilling.

I turn to find Ian who is standing at the doorway
.  When he sees my face he is right next to me. 

?" he mouths.

"Kate I'm go
ing to put you on speaker phone. Ian is here," I tell her.  She had called a few days ago before Ian had come to New York.  I told her about him, and along with Mags, was very encouraging on letting myself have some fun.

"Hi Kate, what's going
on?" Ian addresses the phone.  She tells him the same thing she just told me about the box.

"It is
addressed to Miss Cunt Jackson," she says and my belly does an instant flop as I stare up at Ian. 

"Is there a return address?" Ian asks.

"Yeah it says screw you. What do you want me to do with it?" Kate says, and she knows that Ian is in security because I had already told her everything I knew about him.  She sounds frantic on the other line. "Is everything ok, love?" She asks.

, just dealing with some things.  Nothing for you to worry about." I try to sound calm, but I'm sure she is hearing right through it. 

, I want you to overnight it in an IPS envelope to New York.  Can you do that?" Ian orders and as usual sounds so in control.

"Yeah I can, what's going on?"

"I'll explain later, sorry you had to see that.  Everything is fine, just someone trying to get some money out of me.  Ian is already working on it." I am trying to assure her.  She knows very little about what happened to me.  She knew I was pregnant, and had a miscarriage.  It was hard to hide that from her when I had to stay in the hospital overnight, but she didn't know about the assault.  When I left for London I assured her that I just wanted to explore the world.  She didn't know I was running away.   

BOOK: Deep Blue Hold (Deep Blue Series)
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