Biker Billionaire #2: The Mile High Club (7 page)

BOOK: Biker Billionaire #2: The Mile High Club
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He caressed the globes of my ass with his hands, then whisked his fingers around my hips to spread my thighs apart and covered my damp lower lips with his mouth. I gasped and my knees shook as he dipped his tongue into me, circling my hard, sensitive nub and then flicking it with the tip of his nimble, tireless tongue. He continued to lick my clit as he slipped a finger into me, one at first, grazing my entrance and gliding inside, curling around to touch my walls, then a second.

He probed and licked me until the trembling in my knees grew too much to bear, and then he caught me in his arms and lowered me to the ground. I tangled my fingers in his hair as he put his face back to me and drove me to the edge of orgasm.

I gasped when his finger, moistened with my juices, slipped out of my pussy and searched the stretch of skin behind it until he found my other opening, tight and hard. He brushed it at first, just a teasing touch, slicking it with my own moisture, and then he began to put subtle pressure on it, wiggling his finger until the opening stretched wider, little by little. I moaned at the sensation, feeling the orgasm bending and burgeoning in me. I planted my knees and lifted my hips, giving him better access.

"Do you want me, there?" I said, breathless. "Do you want to take me in the ass?"

Shane looked up at me, still working his finger deeper inside me, centimeter by centimeter. "Yes, but not yet. Not here, not now." He lifted an inquisitive eyebrow. "Do you want me to? Does this feel good?"

I could barely speak past the rising pressure inside me, but I managed to answer. "I like...I like what you're doing. But...I'm not...I'm not sure I could take you. You're so big..."

Shane chuckled as he put his mouth back to my pussy and licked again, slow upward swipes. "You could take me. Eventually. I'd be gentle, and careful."

"I know you would..." I gasped.

Just before the pressure ballooned open inside me, I took his face in my hands and pulled him up to me.

"I want you inside me," I told him. "I need you closer to me."

He lowered himself onto me, supporting himself on his forearms, kissing me. I found his cock with questing fingers and guided him in, savoring the tender slip and slide of his throbbing shaft. He breathed my name as he began a rhythm, pushing into me as slowly as he could. He was trembling with need, his body shaking above me as he controlled his strokes to be barest pressure inside me, infinitesimal nudges further into me and back out.

I held myself still as long as I could, watching him through heavy-lidded eyes. The pressure inside me was building again, having tapered off when I pulled him up to me, but now it rebuilt its momentum; Shane's strokes into me quickened as my breath came in ever more ragged gasps, and then my legs floated up of their own accord to wrap around his flexing buttocks and pull him closer, draw him into me, encouraging him to move deeper. He hadn't gone all the way in, yet, keeping himself shallow and slow.

"Harder now, Shane, please," I whispered to him, unable to summon the breath for louder speech.

"Oh, god, yes," he said, plunging deeper with each syllable, drawing the first vocalized moan from me.

He rolled with me, pulling me on top of him, circling his arms around me. I tried to sit up and lean back, but he thrust deeper every time I moved, going deeper and deeper, and I couldn't keep myself upright. All I could do was collapse my weight onto his chest and roll my hips with his, crush my core against him.

His bulk beneath me, his arms around me, his voice in my ear, speaking my name with something like reverence...I found the weight of fear retreating at his presence, the hard core of built-up terror softening.

I'd cried at the intensity of our lovemaking before, but this time it was different. My climax was a slow build, my tumble over the edge into wild abandon an inevitable fall into familiar comfort. It was like falling backward into a soft bed, the explosions within my body nurtured and furthered by Shane's relentless attention, his hands and teeth at my nipples, his lips on mine, his affection seeming to be everywhere at once and all over me as I came with him. I wept, then, when I felt him release inside me and my own rapture spiraled upward and onward, expanding into something more powerful than mere orgasm, mere physical release of hormones and contraction of muscles.

This was new, this upwelling of intensity within me, a feeling of panic growing inside me. It was all too much, too big. Even the explosion after Shane's teasing and the extended denial of orgasm wasn't like this. I couldn't contain it, couldn't hold it in. There was something spiritual in this, as if my soul had clenched and expanded and coruscated outward to find Shane's own essence and together they braided, tangled and twined into something other.

I felt Shane quaking beneath me, felt his every muscle spasm and his breath panting, felt his heart clamoring in his chest. I felt something else from him, an intangible knowledge that he'd experienced the same thing I had. He was shaken, as was I.

I was limp on top of him, his arms weighty bands across my back.

"Shane? Did you feel that too?"

He nodded his chin into my head. "I don't know what it was..."

The feeling of panic at the enormity of what I'd felt was still coursing through me. I held tight to Shane and breathed through it, but it didn't dissipate. His presence, his strength seemed to foster it, to grow it, even as he merely laid with me and recovered his breath.

I rolled off of him and into his arms, craned my neck to look at his face. His features were contorted in an effort to contain some powerful emotion.

"What is it?" I asked. "What's wrong?"

"It's not what's wrong, it's what's right." He crushed me against him, as if I might disappear and he was determined to prevent it. "I think what just happened, what we just felt, it's...that's what making love is supposed to feel like, but never has before, because it's always been just sex."

"You're scaring me." I didn't want to think about what he was suggesting. It was too much, too soon.

Great sex was one thing. And god, sex with Shane was mind-bending, earth-shaking. He'd given me sexual experiences that I hadn't known were possible, taken me to the farthest edges of ecstasy. That was awesome. And, if I was being totally honest with myself, it was part of the reason I'd come to Africa with him. I'd come because I enjoyed sex with him, and because I needed a change in my life, a drastic upheaval and this was a way to do it. I came because John would have flipped out, and because everyone I knew disapproved. I did it to rebel.

But now, Shane was implying something else, suggesting there was more to our relationship, and Rob had implied something similar. I wasn't commitment-phobic, wasn't afraid of my emotions, was unexpected. Not unwelcome, but surprising. I didn't know what to do with it or how to handle it. I didn't know Shane, not really. I'd only met him two weeks ago.

My emotions towards John hadn't been intense. He'd been familiar, recognizable. Being with John was comfortable. Even when we were arguing, it was familiar, a ritual we'd gone over and over dozens of times in the years we'd been together.

Shane...he was mysterious and powerful, and apparently wealthy in his own right as well as coming from a rich, influential family. He was sweet, and considerate, strong and attentive...

"Shane, I—"

I was cut off by a cell phone ringing. Shane cursed and grabbed his pants and searched his pockets until he came up with a big, blocky cell phone.

I couldn't help but laugh. "How the
do you get cellular service way out here? We're in the middle of Sudan, for god's sake."

He chuckled. "It's a satellite phone. I get service everywhere."

He sobered when he saw the number on the screen. He answered it. "Yeah? Shit. Okay, yeah. We're on the riverbank, a couple miles east of the village. We'll be ready. Bye."

He had paled, and looked shaken. He began dressing, swiftly and efficiently. He tossed my clothes at me and I began dressing too, worried by the expression on his face.

"What is it? Who was that?"

He gathered the supplies into the baskets and re-hung them on the donkey. I helped him when I was dressed.

"It was my uncle, Geoff. A helicopter is on the way to get us right now." I heard a distant thumping, confirming what he'd said. "My dad had a heart attack."

"Oh my god, he...did he—?"

"No, he's alive, but it's not good. They need me back in the States ASAP."

* * *

The helicopter brought us to an airport outside Khartoum where a jet was waiting for us. Shane's brothers were already on board, dressed in civilian clothes and looking sullen, scared, and worried.

I wasn't sure what was going to happen to me, and was worried to ask.

We rode in silence, no one speaking, no one moving.

We stopped in Hamburg, Germany to refuel and left again as soon as the tanks were full. It was the longest I'd ever sat in complete silence in my life. Eventually I fell into a restless sleep. We arrived at the JFK International airport in the dead of night. Shane's brothers gave us space when he pulled me aside and sat down with me in a waiting area outside the gate.

"So you have a decision to make, Leona." I caught his fingers in a death grip as he spoke. "You can come with us, or I can put you on a flight back to Detroit. We're headed to our parents' estate New York."

"There's nothing for me in Detroit," I said. "Nothing but my parents or to go crawling back to John."

"I don't know what's waiting for me in New York. Dad's in critical condition still." He seemed to be leading up to something, hesitating.

"What? Say it."

He closed his eyes briefly. "If...with my dad out of commission, leadership of his company falls to me. He's been wanting me to take over for years now, but I've always refused. I don't want to do it, never have. But...I can't refuse now."

I didn't understand what the big deal was. "So? You'll be a corporate CEO, then. I get it. If you don't want me with you...I mean, I know I'm not going to be much use in corporate boardroom, so if you're saying I can't really—"

He cut me off with a kiss. "No, Leo. That's not what I'm saying. The exact opposite, actually. If you come with me, you'd be basically part of the family." He had a pained look on his face. "Listen, I don't...I've never,
brought a girl home. In my family, in this kind society, you don't bring a girl home to meet the family unless it's serious. There's casual girlfriends, and then there's the girl you bring home. If you come with me, we're declaring to my family and everyone else what we are."

"Which is?"

"Something more." He sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly through his teeth. "I know it's fast, and unexpected, and a lot of pressure, but..."

I got up and paced away from him. What did I want?

I thought about getting on a plane back to the D, thought about begging for my old job back, sleeping in my parent's spare room where I'd grown up, seeing John to get my stuff...


I turned back to Shane and threaded our fingers together. "I'll go with you. I don't claim to know what I'm getting myself into anymore than I did when I agreed to come with you to Africa, but...I'm game. If you really want me there, if you think I'll fit, then I'll come. I don't know shit from shellfish when it comes to high society, or whatever, but...I'll do my best."

Shane seemed relieved. His shoulders slumped down as if he'd been preparing for a blow that he realized wasn't coming.

"You're sure? I'd understand if you're not."

I tugged his hand, pulling him to where his brothers waited with shocked expressions on their faces. "I'm sure."

He kissed the top of my head. "That's my little lion."

We joined his brothers, who were staring at me in something like awe.

"You're bringing her...home?" Luke asked.

Shane just nodded.

"Did he explain to you what that meant, in our family?" Rob asked me.

"Sort of. It's a big deal, I gather."

Jon chuckled. "A big deal. Yeah, you might say that."

Luke shook his head, bemused. "You've known Shane how long?"

"Two weeks, maybe?" I was playing it cool, but inside I was on fire, even more terrified than when bullets were flying past my head in Khartoum.

Luke looked at Shane, bumped him with his shoulder. "Your girl's got balls, Shane. Great big brass ones."

Shane nodded. "Yeah, that's why I—yeah, I know."

Another slip. Everyone caught it, no one addressed it, least of all me.

We climbed into a limousine. This one wasn't a rental. I didn't recognize it, but there was a fancy-looking 'B' embroidered into the leather upholstery.

Inside the limo was an elegant older woman, silver-gray hair loose around her face, piercing green eyes hard as jade and pinning me to my seat. The brothers each gave her a hug and kiss on each cheek.

I stuck out my hand and shook hers. "Leona Larkin, ma'am."

She looked from me to Shane, to his hand on my thigh.

When she addressed me, her voice was cold and high. "Virginia Sorrenson." She turned to Shane and spoke to him, as if I wasn't there. "Are you sure this is the best time for this?"

Shane's voice was hard. "There's no other time for it, Mother. I know what's expected of me, and I'll do it. But I'll do it my way."

Virginia Sorrenson examined me from head to toe. "Well, she's pretty enough. Clearly has enough manners to introduce herself properly." She glanced at Shane again. "Are you sure about this, Shane?"

"She was with us in Sudan. She's amazing."

The knowledge that I was with him in Khartoum seemed to impress her, if the lessening of the tight, hard lines around her mouth was any indication.

"Then she's not faint of heart." She looked at me, and took my hand in hers, leaning forward. "There's still time to go home, child. You needn't feel rushed."

I shook my head. "I'll be fine."

Virginia rolled her shoulders in a shrug of acquiescence. "Very well then." She glanced from me to Shane. "When's the wedding?"

BOOK: Biker Billionaire #2: The Mile High Club
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