Biker Billionaire #2: The Mile High Club (2 page)

BOOK: Biker Billionaire #2: The Mile High Club
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What the
had I agreed to?

Shane came in just then with tumblers of alcohol. I took the one he handed me, sniffed it, tasted it, and discovered a top-shelf gin and tonic.

"To new beginnings," he said, clinking my glass with his.

"To new beginnings." I took a long drink, grateful for the heady buzz that rushed through me almost immediately, starting in my belly.

Shane's eyes searched mine. "You're scared."

"Um, yeah," I said with a laugh. "Wouldn't you be? I'm leaving behind everything and everyone I know, with a man I just met. I don't own a single damned thing, except my bra. The clothes I'm wearing, the carry-on full of clothes and's all yours."

"Having second thoughts?" Shane sat down next to me on the bed, cross-legged.

"Second thoughts, like I'm regretting it? No, not really. It's an adventure, and I'm excited, but yeah, I'm scared. Especially since I know we're not exactly going on a vacation. We're going to a war zone."

Shane put his hand on my thigh and squeezed gently. "I'll keep you safe. You know that, right?"

I shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. "Sure. I mean, I wouldn't be here if I didn't trust you. Which is kind of the crazy part about all this. I
trust you, even though I barely know you. I shouldn't trust you. When you told me I was coming with you, I should have laughed in your face. I could have gone back to my parents' house. It would have been embarrassing and difficult, but they would've taken care of me until I could figure things out."

"I didn't
you, Leo. I asked you," Shane said.

I rolled my eyes. "You told me. Sure, you gave me an option, but you knew it wasn't much of one. Crawl back to dickhead of an ex, or go with you. Not much to think about there."

"Why do you trust me?"

I thought long and hard before answering; it was a fair question, and one I wanted to answer for myself. "It's a lot of things. You took care of me when I was in trouble. You didn't take advantage of me. I did, but not until after I made it clear I wanted you to." I flushed at the memory. "Who am I kidding? I threw myself at you."

Shane gave me a wicked grin. "Not arguing there, sweetheart."

"Shut up. I'm sure I'm not the first woman to throw herself at you, and I know I won't be the last."

Shane's eyes darkened. "You may not be the first, I'm not gonna lie about that. Women have thrown themselves at me my whole life, but it's always been as much about my name and my dad's money as for me, if not more." He pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me. "As for being the last? After being with you, Leo, I'm not so sure anyone else could ever measure up." He took a drink, and set it aside on a bedside table.

I flushed even redder and burrowed into him. "You're just saying that."

"Am not."

I looked up at him, frowning. "You made me feel things I didn't know were possible." I took a sip and feathered my fingers through his hair. "But me? I don't know anything. I've never done anything, never been anywhere...I've only been with John. I'm no virgin but I might as well be, for all I know about any kind of sex...stuff, other than plain old missionary."

Shane laughed, amused but not mocking. " you have any idea how you made
feel? Yeah, I've been with more people than you,'s not always about experience, or what you do or don't know. You
it. It's like you've never felt anything before, and you can't get enough. The way you react to everything I drives me wild."

"All this talk about sex is making me horny," I said.

"Me too, but you' know."

I could feel him growing hard underneath me. I wanted to touch him, feel him. We couldn't do exactly what I wanted, but there were other things. I set my tumbler aside next to his and rotated on his lap. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pressed my mouth to his and tasted the gin on his breath. I searched his mouth with my tongue, the icy breath of alcohol tingling my mouth. He tightened his grip on me, ran his palms up and down my back; his fingers traced the inch-wide gap between my shirt and jeans to touch my skin.

I moaned at the heat of his palms on my flesh, pressed my chest into his and ground my hips against him.

"What are you doing?" Shane whispered, trying to pull away. "You're teasing me."

I peeled my shirt off and unlatched my bra. "Teasing? Me? Never." I tossed the bra aside with a flourish.

Shane's eyes burned, and his hands slipped up my spine, tickled around my ribs and skated across my nipples. He was rock-hard beneath me, pressing against his zipper.

"Tease." Shane pinched my nipples between his fingers. "Making me want you when I can't have you."

"Can't have me?" I ran my tongue across my upper lip and scooted back off his lap. "You can have me, just not
. I'm sure you can figure something out, can't you?"

I pushed him onto his back and unbuttoned his pants, brushing his shirt up away from his torso. Shane drew the shirt off and set it aside, watching me. I unzipped him and tugged his jeans off, leaving him lying in only his underwear. His cock was pressing against the double opening of his boxer-briefs. I straddled him, leaning over him and planting kisses along his torso, each nipple, his sides, down the crevasses of his stomach to the V of muscle. I removed his boxers, touching his legs and hips with my lips as I did so. His back arched when I wrapped my fingers around him. My hair was loose and hung down to tickle his belly as I bent to touch the tip of my tongue to the groove running beneath his engorged head.

My breasts slipped and slid across his skin with every motion. I ran my tongue across his tip, licking the pearl of liquid oozing out of him; he moaned and rolled his hips. I grasped him at the root and spread my saliva across him, mixing it with his own leaking fluids, and then took him in my mouth, pressing my tongue against my lower teeth.

"What...what about you?" Shane gasped.

I looked up at him. "What about me?"

"You're doing this to me, but I can't—can't do the same to you..." he said. He was having trouble thinking, formulating sentences.

"Good thing we're not keeping score, then, huh?" I said, rubbing him with both hands. "Then you'd owe me, wouldn't you?"

He could only nod, then, as his hips began to buck and his back to arch. He was nearly there, I was about to take him into my mouth again when a thought struck me. He'd accused me of teasing him, so I decided to earn the accusation, a little.

I let go of him and gave him one final lick across his tip, and then blew cold air onto him. I moved up the length of his body, rubbing myself against him as I went, still wearing my pants. I kissed his shoulders when I reached them, then his chin, and then his mouth.

"Leo...god, you're making me crazy. I was about to—" he rocked his hips into mine, seeking release, "god, I was so close, please..."

I faked an innocent tone of voice. "Oh, you were? I shouldn't have stopped, then, huh? You want to me keep going, Shane?"

His eyes flew open and he glared at me. "Tease."

I smiled at him, giving a look that I hoped was wanton and lascivious. "Oh, I'm no tease. I'll take you there. Just...not yet."

I moved back down his body so his cock rested between my breasts, which gave me an idea. I took my tits in my hands and pressed them together around his hard, throbbing shaft and rocked myself down him so his tip squeezed out from between them. He groaned and said my name, spitting it in the same tone as he would a curse word. The tip speared upward and neared my face, so I tilted my chin down and took him into my mouth, sucked hard, and then withdrew once more.

"Do that again, please..." Shane's voice was ragged and his whole body was quivering beneath me.

I rocked my body up and down his, pushing him closer and closer to the edge, taking the leaking head of his cock into my mouth every time he pushed up out of the crevice made by my cleavage.

"Oh, god, I'm so close, please don't stop..." he gasped.

But I did stop, and he nearly lost it, growling with need. I slipped down and rested my cheek on his hip bone, licking his length and cupping his balls in my hands. I licked him and kissed him, worked my mouth along his entire cock, but never taking him inside, never letting him thrust.

He was jerking his hips wildly now, a silent plea to let him release.

"Tell me what you want, Shane."

"You...I want you."

I laughed, took him in my fist and pumped, an achingly slow descent of my hand along his slippery length. "You have me. I'm right here," I said. "Tell me what you
want. Say it. I want to hear you say it."

Shane gasped as he neared release, and I let go once more, just as he began to buck his hips into me.

"Goddamn it, Leo. You know what I want."

"Yes, I do. But I want to hear you say it." I was getting a thrill from this game, from drawing his pleasure out into almost-pain, from establishing some kind of power over him...the word flitted into my head and stuck there: dominance.

I lowered my head to him, tickled him with my hair, rubbed the tip of his cock against my breasts, one at a time, stimulating my nipples as I did so. I was getting wet myself doing this to him.

"You want me to beg?" Shane growled the last word.

"Uh huh." I dragged my tongue up his cock, took him into my mouth as deep as I could, and said it again, "mmm-hmmm."

The vibration of my voice against his sensitive member drove him wild, and he nearly came right then. He rocked his hips even harder then, and I spat him out and took him in my fists, pumping vigorously, getting him ready, nearly there. I felt him engorge even more as he neared orgasm, and I let him go just as he reached the edge, gasping.

"Fuck me, Leo," Shane groaned. "Want me to beg? I'll beg. Please, Leo. Let me come. Please."

"Was that so hard?" I said, moving my hands on him in a hand-over-hand motion.

"Yes. I don't beg. Not ever."

"Now you do."

"Only for you," Shane said. "Only you could...get away with that."

He was breathless now, bucking his hips into my hands. I felt him quiver, pulse, and then I locked my lips around him as he began to climax.

"Yes, yes, I'm there, I'm coming. Don't stop, please don't stop."

I didn't stop, this time. I felt his body clench and the veins in his cock throbbed against my mouth as he came, hard, spurting salty heat. He didn't roar or bellow this time, like he had in his house. He gasped on an inbreath, and then clenched his teeth and growled, a low rumble. I pumped harder, sucked and bobbed to match his hips' rhythm. He kept coming, shooting again and again, and I didn't let him down from the peak, taking my mouth off him but continuing the motion of my hands on him until his rocking subsided to shudders and he began to soften in my hands.

When he was still and gasping and limp in my hands, I crawled up to lay against him and his arm wrapped around me. His body shook with aftershocks, trembling against me.

"God, that was...fucking intense," Shane said.

"You came

He looked down at me, a welter of emotions in his eyes. "No one has ever done that to me before, made me wait like that."

"Made you wait?" I nipped his chest with my teeth. "I made you

Shane laughed. "Yeah, you did. You're pretty proud of that, aren't you?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, a little."

"Well, don't get used to it." He pushed me to my back and lowered his mouth to my breast, taking my nipple in his teeth. "And you'd better believe I'm gonna get you back."

Oh, wow, did he get me back. He toyed with my nipples, getting them hard and aching, putting a heat in my belly. He slipped his leg between mine, and I clamped my legs around him, grinding against his rock-hard thigh. He took both full breasts in his hands, kissed me hard enough to take my breath away, tweaking my nipples and rubbing his leg into me.

Just his mouth on mine, his hands on me, his leg between mine was enough to make me rise, to swell the pressure in my lower muscles, but however we grinded together, however he touched my tits and kissed them and nipped them, I couldn't cross the edge, not without direct stimulation.

And then, with an evil grin, Shane moved away from me and laid back in the bed, retrieving his tumbler of gin from the side table where he'd set it when I first began to touch him.

"No!" I crawled toward him.

"I told you I'd get you back."

I draped myself on top of him, wet and aching and tingling. "I thought you meant I did to you!" I rubbed myself on him, straddling him. "Please, not like this! We can't make love for days yet!"

Shane just chuckled. "It sure is gonna be an interesting trip, then, isn't it?"

* * *

We arrived in London's Heathrow airport, and I was a mess. I couldn't stop touching Shane, holding on to him, caressing him. I felt needy. Shane wasn't helping. He would touch me, toy with my breasts, kiss me until I was heaving, get me hot and bothered, and then stop, and nothing I could do would get him to keep going. He'd just laugh and tell me I'd earned it.

He showed me London from the back of a rented limo, taking me to his favorite watering holes and dive bars, to dinners with friends and business associates. Those dinners were by far the scariest thing I'd ever done, trying to be elegant and sophisticated for Shane's European business contacts with their exotic accents and manicured fingers and inquisitive gazes.

Shane took me to a clothier and had me measured and fitted, half a dozen custom dresses made for me, each one of which cost more than what would have been a month's salary. Shane never blinked at the cost, never asked for prices. I could tell he'd grown up in this world, where cost wasn't just not an object, but wasn't ever even considered in decision-making. Every price tag I saw had more zeros than anything I'd ever bought, and I kept expecting him to at least raise his eyebrow, but he never did. We spent three days in London, and I think it was for my benefit, more than anything. I could tell Shane was distracted, his mind already on the mission.

BOOK: Biker Billionaire #2: The Mile High Club
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