Read A Pack Family Online

Authors: Shannon Duane

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters

A Pack Family (9 page)

BOOK: A Pack Family
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Chapter 13


Paul called 911 emergency, and requested an ambulance. At the same time he saw Decker phone Dante and tell him what had happened. “I don’t know if she’ll be fine but we called an ambulance and I’ll take care of her like she’s pack. Find Allen.”

Dante hung up the phone and informed the pack of what had happened.
Jake was the one who spoke. “Dante, where does that hallway exit? We need to end this.”

Dante motioned them over to the other side of the ceremony room.
“Leave someone at the entrance here and we’ll go weed out the rat.”

sent Katie and Shana back to the cars to lock themselves in to keep their pregnant selves safe. “Conner, stay here and call me if you see Allen.”

Dante was the first one in the hallway.
He could smell Allen faintly and informed Jake. “This place was built with several hidden corners so go slow and don’t get hurt.”

Same to you.”

They proceeded down the hall, running into
Allen, who was frantically trying to get into a connecting door that had been bolted years ago. Dante could smell his sister and her blood on Allen. It took every ounce of self-control to restrain himself from killing the man. This had to be done properly though.

Allen, I challenge you as Alpha of this pack. We fight to the death, now.”

slowly went over to an anxious Allen and pulled him up by the back of his shirt. “Shall we get this over with so Dante can tend to his injured sister?”

winced. “I do not accept your challenge. You have no honor, challenging an old man.”

Dante got in his face.
“We’ll see old man. I think it’s you who have no honor, kidnapping pups and assaulting innocent female shifters. I’ll show you today how honorable I am, by taking control of this pack. Making it thrive.”

picked up a struggling Allen and carried him to the ceremony room where the challenge would be taking place. “I would save my strength if I were you.”

threw him down on the floor in the ceremony room. When Allen stood, he saw the looks of scorn on his pack mates faces. They had formed a circle around Dante and himself. “Are you going to let this happen? I am your Alpha. I demand you force Dante to back down.”

I informed the pack of my intentions upon arriving today. I’ve explained to them that my mother will be banished for kidnapping pups from a mated couple. And I will challenge you for the title of Alpha-to the death.”

began. “As American Canyon pack Alpha, I ask if anyone is willing to defend their Alpha?” There was silence. “Is there anyone who objects to Dante’s challenge?” Further silence, “The challenge is within pack rule and will commence now.”

Jake’s words Allen charged as Dante side stepped him. When Allen lost his momentum he stumbled a bit and Dante gave him a minute to get to his feet. Allen charged again, this time he held a shining object in his hands and swung it at Dante. Allen was fast, but Dante was equally fast. Dante pulled back and felt a small pinch to his shoulder where the knife had made a small cut. Dante smiled. “Bad form old man.”

bellowed. “Allen, you’ve broken pack rule by bringing a weapon to a challenge. If you, by chance, win I will challenge you. I don’t anticipate that you’ll survive the first challenge.”

lunged again, his right arm extended. Dante grabbed his wrist and bent it while twisting. He felt the satisfying pop of bone as Allen howled in pain, dropping the knife. Dante, while still holding Allen’s wrist kneed him in his ribcage, once again, hearing the pop of bone. Allen’s color became ashen.

Dante yelled over the crowd.
“I think the tradition of murdering the old pack Alpha is barbaric. Why don’t we make it a new tradition; he can simply step down and abdicate the position to the strongest wolf?”

There were cheers; this pack had seen enough violence and force under this Alpha’s reign.
Dante heard several things all happening at once. He could hear Jake’s booming voice. “Your new Alpha Dante.” It was followed by a swooshing sound to his left. Dante turned in time to see Allen swinging the blade he must have picked up at Dante’s back.

Dante didn’t think, he reacted by swinging around and using Allen’s momentum grabbing his hand, and following his imbalance due to his broken arm, plunging the knife in his chest.
Allen gurgled, but promptly fell face forward, impaling himself further on the knife. Dante crouched down beside him and rolled him over frantically dialing 911 on his phone.

took his phone closing it while turning Dante around to face the pack, he would now lead. The pack stood with mouths open gaping at them. Dante wanted to speak but the words were stuck in his throat.

An older gentleman stepped forward.
“We all saw the lack of honor Allen just showed. We thank you for taking the pack. We hope you’ll lead us properly.” The man, Harold, must have been eighty, went down on his knee and bowed his head in respect. “If you will lead, I will follow.”

Harold’s words the rest of the pack went down on one knee and made the same pledge. “If you lead, I will follow.” Dante was humbled. Some of his pack had tears in their eyes and he was feeling emotional as well.

Dante’s voice projected.
“I’ll lead. Together we will restore this pack to greatness.” Dante’s phone rang.

Dante, it’s Tara, the pups are fine. Bailey’s on her way to the hospital. The paramedics said she needed stitches on her neck and she has a collapsed lung. She’s in pretty bad shape. Paul went with her in the ambulance; she wasn’t conscious.”

Dante is
Bailey’s twin and they’ve always able to pick up each others emotions. He tapped into the connection he has with her and went to his knees in pain. He severed the connection and went to talk to Jake. “Bailey my twin sister is hurt. I hate to leave right now but I need to go to her. Can you handle clean up here?”

placed his hand on Dante’s shoulder. “I’m proud of you. You’ll be a great Alpha and I consider you a friend. Please, go tend your sister. Do I have your permission to take Tara and the pup’s home when they’re ready?”

Dante cocked his head.
“Of course, take them home. Keep them safe and away from my mother.”

winced. “About your mother. Uh, another ambulance took her to the hospital. Decker hit her. She broke her jaw; to be fair she shot him in the chest.” At Dante’s raised brows Jake added. “And Paul broke some of her ribs so she couldn’t shoot anyone else, sorry.”

Dante closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Can’t say she didn’t deserve it. I guess I’ll bring her meals with a straw for a while. When she’s out of the hospital she’s got to go. I don’t care where but far away from me, my family, and pack.”

smiled. “You’ll soon learn that they are one in the same. Pack is family. Take care and go to your sister.”




Dante pulled up to the hospital and went to the emergency department. “Excuse me, can you tell me where Bailey O’Shea is, she came in on an ambulance.”

She’s in trauma room 14. There’s already someone in with her so I’ll ask y’all to switch off. The team needs room to work. Give me just a minute.” The nurse walked over to a police officer who promptly looked at Dante. What now?

The police officer approached Dante, scenting of wolf.
“I have to clear all of the visitors because she was assaulted. How do you know Ms. O’Shea?”

I’m her twin brother and she was assaulted by our old pack Alpha…”

The officer stiffened.
“What do you mean
Pack Alpha? Where is he?”

Dante decided now was as good a time as any for the pack members that missed the show.
“I’m the new Pack Alpha in Sacramento. I will be fair and honorable…” The police officer went down on one knee. “For God’s sake man, get up.”

The officer hoisted his large frame back up and Dante could see the tears in his eyes.
“I’m sorry Alpha. I thank you for freeing us from him. I have found my mate and he’s refused me to contact her. He said we had many available bitches in our own pack that needed mates.”

Dante winced.
“I’m sorry. Things will change. I can’t wait to bless your mating.” Dante was shocked when the police officer picked him up in a bear hug. “Uh, down please. I really would like to see my sister.”

Follow me. I’ll take you to her Alpha.”

Dante walked into the trauma room to find
Paul at an unconscious Bailey’s neck smelling her. When his tongue darted out to lick the uninjured side of her neck he yelled. “What the fuck?” and launched himself at Paul.




Paul stayed closely by Bailey’s side. Apparently, she was Dante’s twin sister. She’s hot stuff; smelling like sweet cotton candy and she’s brave. She’d protected Dante’s pups like their mother and he was proud of her. If he could just get a little closer to her, he needed to take her scent deep into his lungs. Get rid of the cloying scent of hospital disinfectant.

When they arrived at the hospital the staff tried to kick him out.
So not happening, he growled his displeasure and explained the circumstances of her assault. He stood in the corner and silently observed. They cut Bailey’s clothes away putting a gown over her. They took blood, x-rays, put her on oxygen and placed an IV. She was also connected to a monitor that continued to beep annoyingly.

About twenty minutes later the doctor came back in telling him that her labs were okay, except a mild drop in her blood count.
Her x-ray showed a collapsed lung which is what the paramedics suspected. The doctor said he’d send in the nurse to prep the room and the procedure would take place in about fifteen minutes.

’s response. “Why is she still knocked out? Shouldn’t she wake up?”

She opens her eyes to painful stimulus but we’ve medicated her pretty heavily for the pain. After we place the chest tube, which is a painful procedure, we’ll come back and suture her neck. It’s a pretty bad laceration and needs to be cleaned thoroughly before the stitches.”

The doctor left the room and, once again, it was only him and
Bailey. That was a nice name, Bailey, and she smelled good. Maybe he could take a look at her wounds and…help. Yeah he could help. He found himself unknowingly approaching her bedside. He placed his hand on her hair, stroking it to soothe her.

She opened her eyes.

looked down at her. “Are you feeling okay Bailey? I’m Paul, a friend of Dante’s.” Well, he’d met Dante, but he wouldn’t necessarily put him in the category of friend.

She blinked slowly and slurred.
“Paul, iz a perteey. Gooooody.”

Okay, she was high.
“I’ll stay with you. I’ll protect you.” He continued to stroke her silky hair. Soon her breathing evened out to a steady pace and she was lightly snoring. Cute, he thought.

He bent down to get a lungful of sweet heaven.
She smelled so dang good; he wondered how she would taste. Without thinking his tongue darted out of his mouth and he lightly licked her neck. Yep, perfection.

The room exploded in chaos.
The next second he heard someone yelling and he was hit from behind, knocked off his feet. He elbowed the intruder in the ribs and threw his head back into the face of the threat. He needed to protect her. He turned and what he saw confused him.

A large uniformed officer was helping a bleeding Dante to his feet.
When the officer had moved Dante to the side he came toward Paul again. “Whoa buddy, I’m not a threat. I’m American Canyon pack and police officer. I didn’t know it was Dante, I was just trying to protect Bailey.”

Dante yelled while holding his bleeding nose.
“By licking her? How noble, your parents must be so proud that you take such good care of defenseless women. Get out! Never come back. I don’t ever want to see you sniffing around my sister again.”

tried to defend himself. “But Dante I think…”

I don’t give a flying fuck about what you think. I am Alpha here and you will listen, or suffer the consequences.”

grudgingly bowed his head and walked to the door. He took one last look at the sweet smelling goddess who had twisted him into knots, and walked out.




2 months later


Decker was standing at the end of the same aisle where he’d met his mate. His best man was, none other than, his future wife’s baby daddy Dante. By the way, he really didn’t like to be called that. His other groomsmen Jake, Conner, and Paul; the same men that helped get him through the trials of mating and helped to save his pups. It looked like there was some serious tension between Paul and Dante. They kept shooting each other dirty looks, but they’d agreed to squash it for a few hours.

The wedding music started and
Trevor walked down the aisle with a set of rings to stand beside Jake. Next, a healed Bailey in a strapless silver floor length gown, a blue tie at the waist and blue wrap around her shoulders glided down the aisle. Quinn, Shana and Katie in the same ensemble, hot on her heels.

could feel eyes on her making her self-conscious about the scar at her neck being exposed. Poor Tara allowed all of the bridesmaids to wear the wrap so that Bailey would be comfortable enough to participate, scar hidden. Bailey apologized to Tara about the inconvenience.

’s response was to expose Bailey’s scar and run the tip of her index finger along the jagged edge. “This is a mark of bravery to me and will always remind me of your dedication and honor to your family, never be ashamed. You’re a hero.”

had hugged Bailey tight and they both cried until their tears ran dry. Then they laughed and drank a bottle of wine with ice cream. Bonded forever.

was uncomfortable, looking over to her brother who always calmed her, not today. This time when she looked at Dante he was scowling at one of the other groomsmen, a sexy hot man who looked vaguely familiar. She needed Dante’s support so she opened up their link and sent out a signal of sorts. A look over here sign. Dante turned to his sister and smiled, mouthing the word beautiful. Bailey took her position and unconsciously turned her body so that her scar was even more hidden.

When all of the women were in line the music changed and a gorgeous
Tara make her way down the aisle to her drooling mate. Bailey wanted that, someone who would drool for her, run into enemy territory to protect her and her cubs. She knew now though that it would never happen. Her scars ran too deep.

reached the end of the aisle and winked at Decker before giving Bailey the bouquet. Both Decker and Tara turned to their friends and family that had gathered, weird.

heard Decker’s deep baritone voice booming over the crowd. “Tara and I would like to give special thanks to a very special woman here tonight. A woman who is loyal, supportive, and all around amazing. A lot of you might not know Bailey; she’s from the Sacramento pack. She put herself in harm’s way, several times, to keep Abby and Brady safe. There are no words to describe our love and deep appreciation of Bailey.” Decker had started to openly cry in front of the crowd. He turned and pulled Bailey into a soft and gentle hug.

’s timid voice was now strong and firm when she addressed the crowd. “I am the first to admit that the old Sacramento pack was broken. Under Dante’s leadership they are now thriving.” She turned to give him a slight bow. “Even with the threat of death, Bailey stood in the way of danger to protect cubs that were not of her womb, or pack. I consider her a sister and will forever be in debt to her. She gave us a truly wonderful gift; our family’s health and safety. When we could not protect and care for our young she was there. We love you Bailey.”

was shocked and had a tortured look on her face. The crowd all got to their feet and went down on one knee in front of Bailey, who had been pushed to the front of the crowd.

looked uncomfortable so Decker and Tara led her back to her place and kissed her cheeks. She was tolerating the attention but she appeared close to bolting.

Decker and
Tara said their vows in front of all gathered. When it came time to kiss the bride Decker swept Tara in his arms and kissed her long and hard while walking down the aisle, lips locked. He took her straight to the room she had given birth in 3 months ago. He set her on her feet and locked the door.

What do you think you’re doing Mr. Decker?”

He gave her a wolfish smile and replied.
“I plan on ravaging Mrs. Decker.” He proceeded to lift her poofy dress and pushed her up against the wall. “I can’t wait, watching your beautiful self, smelling your peppermint scent. I’m already so close.” He looked at her to see if she felt it too.

I know how you feel, let’s make love.” Decker went to pick her up and she pushed him away. “No, right here. Up against the wall, and make it good mate.”

Oooohhhh, he made it very good.
They both were boneless and sated a short ten minutes later.




The wedding party walked into the great room where the reception was taking place. It was cocktail hour and the bridal party was supposed to take pictures but he bride and groom were…missing. Twenty minutes later they returned and began pictures while suspiciously flushed.

The pictures were almost over and
Bailey couldn’t wait to leave.

Hi, I’m Paul. Do you remember me?”

turned and saw the sexy wolf in the tux her brother was glaring at. “I’m Bailey…but you probably knew that. I remember you were there when Tara and Decker came to get the pups.” It happened faster than it normally did. She began to panic. She could feel her breathing increase as well as her heart rate. “I’m sorry but I have to be going.”

turned to run out on the wedding and everyone here. She felt a hand clamp down on her upper arm at the same time her brother growled. She ripped her arm away and ran, and ran, and ran.




Paul watched Decker and Tara dance to Toby Keith’s song ‘You Shouldn’t Kiss Me Like This’ while pondering his odd connection to the scared woman named Bailey. He couldn’t stop thinking about her.



BOOK: A Pack Family
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