Read A Pack Family Online

Authors: Shannon Duane

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters

A Pack Family (5 page)

BOOK: A Pack Family
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Chapter 6


Decker walked into the American Canyon police station and filled out the rest of his hiring paperwork. He collected his badge and gun which left him feeling at ease. He needed the badge so he could punish the bad guys, and protect the innocent. He’d left a message for Tara to call him after the twin’s check up with the midwife, who apparently was a pack healer as well. She had yet to call, which wasn’t surprising.

Decker drove by a few of the houses that he’d seen online that looked interesting, but he didn’t find them appealing.
He liked Conner and Katie’s home, quiet and secluded. He also liked the Pack house, which was way too big for his needs. He might just have to buckle down and have a house built to suit him. He made a mental note to ask Jake about any available land.




The midwife/healer told Tara that she needed to supplement the pup’s diet with formula. Either an ounce with each feeding, or two to three ounces at night. Tara knew she needed to supplement them but was stubbornly holding out. She wanted her babies to need her, since clearly no one else needed or wanted her. That wasn’t entirely true since Decker made it clear he wanted something from her. But she wasn’t sure what.

She picked up her cell
phone to call Decker and let him know how the exam went, but it began to ring in her hand. Thinking it was Decker she picked up without looking at caller ID. “Hello.”

Tara, thank God I’ve gotten a hold of you. It’s Dante, how are you feeling? Are the babies okay?”

Shit, she didn’t want to do this right now.
“Hi Dante, Yes everything is well. The pups are healthy. They’re about a month old now.”

He sighed and she could hear a hitch in his breathing.
“I know what happened between us was…unfortunate. But I’d like to see our pups. I’m in town, and have been for a while, expecting to see them.” Pause, “I’m really sorry, I had no idea there were females that were forced during the moon run. If I’d have known I wouldn’t have participated. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

felt like a horrible person. She knew he was being truthful. He had no idea that she wasn’t willing at the time, but she didn’t know how she would feel seeing him again. “I’m sorry I’ve kept you away from them and I’d like you to meet them. But I’d like Jake here if that’s okay.”

Do you mind if I bring my mother? She’d like to meet her grandkids too.”

winced, she hated his mother. His mother was the meanest lady she’d ever met but she didn’t feel right about keeping her kids away from their grandmother. Unless, she was horrible in front of them. “Sure, I’d like that.”
Liar liar!
“I’ve got to go. I’ll call you when I set up a time with Jake. He’ll be happy to see you.”

I hope so. When I stopped by yesterday he didn’t seem at all happy. He chewed me out. I only want to see the twins, bond with them.”

I understand and it’s my fault you were kept away, I apologize. See you later.” She disconnected and sat in her room staring at the wall, for what seemed like an endless amount of time, before she snapped out of it.

She dialed
Jake’s number and he answered on the third ring. “Hey Jake, I talked to Dante and he’d like to see the twins. I told him he could come over, as long as you were here. Is that okay?”

Yeah, it’s a great idea. What time is best for you? I’m at the station now helping to get Decker familiarized with the new staff and pack politics.”

She smiled knowing that
Jake was bringing Decker up to see if anything had changed between them. “Great. About eleven o’clock today would be best for us. He can help to give them their bottles.”

You’re putting them on formula? That’s great because we can all help more.” Jake wondered if she was going to mention Decker at all.

I’ve gotta run. Would you please make sure Decker’s kept busy? Dante’s mother is coming over too and she is not very fond of me. I don’t want him to witness our interaction.”

groaned. “Why is she coming? That woman is evil. Shouldn’t Dante see the kids first, without his mother? I have a feeling she’s going to cause a fight.”

I agree, but I don’t want Dante to feel uncomfortable. We’ve both been put in a bad situation. Its time I let it go and grew up.”

was proud of her. “Good job Tara. I’ve never been more proud of you. I’ll get back to the house around ten thirty, are you going to tell Dante, or should I?”

I’ll text him, thanks.” Tara thought about Decker and was sad to know that he’d probably be hurt that she intentionally kept him away. She didn’t want Dante’s bitch of a mother to influence Decker’s opinion of her.




At ten o’clock Tara was wound so tight that she wasn’t sure she could go through with the meeting. She’d taken the basinet from Decker’s room and placed it in the living room with her sleeping children snuggled inside. They were so precious and she wouldn’t let them be taken from her. She needed to set things straight with her old pack. The pups were hers. She would welcome Dante to see them whenever he wanted, but not the others.

Jake came into the sitting room with a plate of food,
“Eat, you’ll need your strength. You look like you’re going to swoon at any moment. Will you be able to hold it together?”

took the plate of food and began to shovel it into her mouth “I’ll be fine, Dante is a great guy. His pack politics are what’s concerning me.”

I won’t let them take the twins.” At Tara’s look of outrage he clarified, “Or you, simmer down.”

She’d eaten everything that
Jake had brought, but tasted nothing. Even now, she had a sinking feeling in her gut and the food she’d just consumed threatened to come back up. “Is Decker finding his way around okay?” Where had that come from? She didn’t even realize she was thinking about him.

grinned. “Yeah, he’s a good honest guy. He’ll be a benefit to the force, and the pack, when you choose to accept him.”

’s eyebrows rose. “He doesn’t need someone weighing him down and that’s what the twins and I would be. Weights.”

’s look became stern. “Do you think that is how I look at my mate and her son?” He made sure to put the emphasis on Trevor being Shana’s child, because he wanted Tara to see that he wasn’t his biological father, but he treated him like a son. “I have accepted her and precious Trevor into my life. I wouldn’t have it any other way. You are blind if you can’t see the love Decker has for those Kids. I saw him last night at two in the morning walking with, and singing, to Abby. He’s a great mate and father even when you haven’t accepted him. He deserves more, Tara.”

She met his eyes with defiance.
“He will get more if, and when, I am able to give it or he will leave. I am not like some of the men around here who cannot hold my urges.”

growled in her face and she backed down. “We are done talking. We will wait in silence. You will never, ever speak of your pack in a negative way, or you will find yourself looking for another.”

She began to apologize when
Jake roared. “I said silence!” And then the doorbell rang.

stood and went to the door. He took a deep calming breath and Tara swore she saw him counting to ten. The door opened and Victoria, Dante’s mother, stood on the porch.

Dante is parking the car. Where are my grandbabies?” She pushed past a growling Jake.

Do not attempt to use that tone with me Jake. I am quite some years your elder and you will respect me.”

was a piece of work.

grabbed her upper arm in a punishing grip. “I am not some untried pup who will take your lip. You will refer to me as Alpha Jake, which I am due as my station, and you will never enter my home without express permission from me. Are we clear?”

Crystal.” Came her clipped reply. Not a good start.

Just then Dante came walking up.
“Good afternoon Alpha Jake. Once again, thank you for caring for Tara and my offspring. May I enter and see them?” He looked excited to finally be meeting his kids.

nodded and replied. “You may.”

Dante walked into the house and gave
Tara a small hug before walking to the basinet. He had tears in his eyes. “They are the most beautiful children I have ever seen. They have my dark hair. What did you name them?”

His mother approached the basinet.
“Yes, they are lovely. When were they born, they look quite old.”

gave him a hesitant smile. “Your daughter Abby and your son Brady. They’re a month old, the delivery went well.”

looked down her nose at Tara. “He should have been here for their births. What kind of mother keeps the father of her children away?”

growled but Dante said. “Mother, please. I’d like to bond with my pups and we can simply forget about that.”

harrumphed clearly unhappy.

May I hold them?”

She’d never seen Dante looking so unsure.
“Of course. I’ve prepared their first bottle of formula, if you’d like to feed them. Brady has been a little fussy so he’ll eat first if that’s okay?”

mumbled under her breath. “Cannot even feed her young the natural way. You have no milk? That is a sign of poor breeding.”

They all acted as if they couldn’t hear her.

Dante sat in the nearest recliner and Tara brought him his son. He needed no instruction he cradled him and fed him like a champ. Dante’s head came up and he looked at Tara. “He smells like another man.”

blushed while Victoria went off the deep end. “You cannot stay in our pack and whore yourself out. But you can come to this pack pregnant, with my son’s children, and start whoring. A shame really, you have a viable uterus and you take it to another pack, along with my sons offspring. You are just as I thought. A disgraceful whore. You’re not good enough for my son and these babies. I will be petitioning the council on having them removed from your custody, immediately.”

Dante flushed and then paled at his mother speech.
Just when he was going to open his mouth to correct his mother, another deeper voice sounded in the doorway.

You need to leave. No one speaks of my mate that way. You will not come back to this house. I will not have your foul mouth influencing the innocent ears in the room.”

Decker looked fit to be tied.
His face was flushed an angry red, and before Tara could speak he continued. “I have assisted Tara with these pups, so it is my scent they carry, and I will not have you looking down on her. She is not a whore and you should be ashamed of yourself for speaking such in front of your grandchildren.”

’s grin practically split his face.

Dante rose to leave when Decker looked at him.
“You are the children’s father and we will not deny you access to your pups, but she is not welcome.”

Dante nodded his head and sat back down.
He watched as Jake grabbed his mother’s upper arm and threw her out of his home. Dante couldn’t blame him. “I’m so sorry for my mother.” He turned to Tara noticing the tears about to spill over onto her pink cheeks “I’m sorry.”

She inclined her head and remained seated.
Abby began to cry and Decker, without thought, went to her. He picked her up and began to sooth her.

Dante looked questioningly to
Tara, “you have found your chosen mate, that’s wonderful. Why have you not claimed him?”

Decker stiffened with embarrassment.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, letting the calming scent of Abby comfort him. It didn’t work. He twisted around and walked to Tara placing a now calm Abby into her arms, and walked away.


Chapter 7


The meeting with Dante went better than expected, with the exception of his whack-a-do mother. If Tara never saw Victoria again it would be too soon. Tara took pictures of Dante with the children using his camera, so that he would be able to look back at their first meeting. Dante didn’t seem to mind that Decker was helping to raise the pups, but he did put in his two cents in regards to her not claiming her mate.

was confused. She loved Decker. Wait, did she love Decker? When did that happen? Oh well, she was woman enough to admit that she was in love with her mate, but ashamed that he wasn’t the father of her children. She wanted to claim him but she also didn’t want him to have any regrets. She was blind, obviously, because he had been her rock. Making it clear he wasn’t going anywhere.

She had made a decision.
Tara was going to claim Decker tonight. She’d talked to Shana who said she would watch the babies. She was going to get her happily ever after.

took a shower, dressed in her skin tight jeans and a button down blouse that showed quite a bit of cleavage. She walked next door to find her prince charming-gone. He’d left a note.


Dear Tara,

I’m sorry but I have to leave for a while. It’s painful to have your rejection, but even more so in front of others. I’ll come back in a few days, I need time to think. Shana
said she’d help you with Abby and Brady for the next few nights.



Shana knew he’d left too. Unacceptable, she knew he was hurt earlier, they could all smell it, but he’d left. He said he wouldn’t leave her, that friends stick around. He’d lied.

went into the kitchen and grabbed a pint of ice cream and a spoon. She went into the sitting room and ate every last bite of the ice cream. She stayed there, staring out the window, and thinking about what to do next.

came in the room and observed her.

I don’t need you saying ‘I told you so.’”

What are you talking about? Shana said you were planning on claiming Decker tonight. That’s why my room is overrun with crying children and dirty diapers.”

Sorry, I’ll go get them.”

That’s not what I meant. What happened?” Jake looked concerned and she couldn’t stop the tears that leaked out.

Decker left. He wrote a note saying it was fine if I’d rejected him, but he couldn’t standby and be rejected in front of others. He needs time to think.”

laughed and could smell Tara’s anger.

What the hell is so funny?”

You’re mad at him for leaving, he’s mad at you for rejecting him.” He stopped laughing for a moment. “You both want the same thing. You can’t seriously be upset with him for walking away. He’s been a saint, and you haven’t been nice.”

She cried harder.
“You have no idea how I feel. If I’d have run away before the moon run, I would have met him without bringing two kids into the mix. Now, he not only has to deal with me, but two newborn kids.”

’s voice softened. “I understand Tara, but have you heard him complain? He came here, by choice. He helped you, by choice. And he defended you, by choice. If he wanted to be somewhere else he could have been. He chose you, and your children, out of numerous other options. I know you don’t see it but he chose you.”

She suddenly understood.
“Oh God, I’m a bitch. I get it now.” She started crying harder. “What do I do now? I’m so broken.”

moved closer and patted her back. “I know where he’s staying. Maybe you could…fix things.”

She looked up at him with hope.
“Thank you.”




Tara walked up to Decker’s hotel room and knocked softly on the door. Decker swung open the door wearing pajama bottoms with his chest naked. Her mouth dropped open and she knew she was drooling. His chest was perfection, and she couldn’t help anticipating following that trail of hair going into his jammies.
She would definitely claim him tonight.

forced her eyes away from his chest. Meeting his eyes she was able to pick up on the naked longing she’d been feeling. His scent was without a doubt confused, and he smelled faintly of alcohol.

What’s wrong? Are the kids okay? I told you to call if you needed help.” He stepped into the hallway and did a quick scan. “Where are the twins?”

I’m here for us, not the twins. They’re with Shana and Jake, having a sleepover.” She licked her lips. “And I think it’s time we have a sleepover too.” She felt self-conscious so she added. “If that’s okay?”

Uh…sure.” He stepped back and gestured her into the room. “Come on in.”

walked into his hotel room with a bit more swing in her hips. “I think we should talk.”

Yeah, I guess it’s time.” He closed and locked the door behind him. “Dante seems like a nice guy.”

was momentarily knocked for a loop. “Yes, he’s a nice guy. However, he’s not the reason I’m here tonight.”

His eyebrows rose.
“Why are you here?”

I need to talk to you about…us. If there is an us.”

I don’t understand. I told you I’d be back. I just need time to adjust.” He needed time to get over his urges for her. He was having a hard time refraining himself from jumping her every time she looked at him. She was vulnerable. She tried to hide it by treating him with contempt or indifference.

I’m not upset you left. I’m actually glad you did. It forced me to see that I don’t want to lose you. I need to talk with you about shifter mating. I want to see if you’d be interested in mating with me. I know I’ve been standoffish, but it’s only because I wanted you to have a good life and I didn’t think it could be with me. I think I was wrong.”

His eyes lit up.
“You want to have sex with me?”

She became mildly offended.
“I know you heard what Victoria said but let me be clear; I’m not a whore. I’ve only ever been with Dante and that was during the moon run, while in wolf form. I don’t sleep around, so if you’re thinking we’ll only fuck and then you can leave, you’re wrong. I don’t work like that.”

Decker saw that she was breathing hard and clearly she was angry.
“Maybe you could just sit down and explain to me what’s going on. Why you seem to have changed your mind.”

sat in a chair in the corner when Decker clarified. “No, you need to stop distancing yourself. If we’re going to talk about this, I’m done with being pushed to the side. I don’t want to be your daycare.”

winced because she couldn’t deny that she was, indeed, treating him like daycare. Tonight she would change their relationship and link their future permanently, if he was willing.

She stood up and walked over to the bed placing a small amount of distance between them.
“I’ve told you that you’re my mate. I never intended to mate you until my children were older, and if you were still available. I didn’t want you to have to deal with the twins and their care because I felt like they were my responsibility, no one else’s. I was wrong. Jake helped me to see that you have been doing the responsibilities of a mate, with none of the…benefits.” Oh crap, she could feel herself blushing.

Decker remained quiet not letting her see how her words affected him.
“I do thank you for all of your help and I’m wondering if it’s possible that you continue your support but consider being my mate.”

He was surprised, she could smell it, but she wasn’t going to be deterred.
She was going to say her peace and he could accept or reject her. “If you were to become my mate we would be together forever, there could be no other.”

Decker nodded his understanding but she continued.
“No, I don’t think you understand. If we were to mate you would not be able to be, uh, physical with anyone, other than me or risk becoming violently ill.”

Decker laughed.
“I understand more than you realize. I was Katie’s best friend and partner during her mating with Conner. I saw her get ill, and I helped her to accept his bond. I know what a commitment it. You should know that I’ve never been unfaithful to anyone, and I will never be. I don’t need a lecture about that. The only part I am unfamiliar with is the actual claiming. I didn’t talk to Katie much about that. She’s like a sister and that’s just-gross. Is it just sex that completes a bond?”

didn’t know how to proceed, best to just be blunt. “It’s sex with a bite.”

I bite you? That doesn’t sound too bad, I’m game.” He leaned in to kiss her when he felt her warm palm on his naked chest. It felt like a bolt of electricity.

No, Decker, I bite you. With my fangs. And when the bond is complete you’ll have some of my magic. Your senses will be heightened.”

He thought about it only a moment before saying.
“Okay, I’m ready. I’ll be able to help raise the twins? And you’ll stop pushing me away? Will I turn into a shifter?”

Yes, yes and no.”

He smiled and leaned toward her.

became uneasy even though she was yearning for him, she pulled back. “I haven’t…umm, ya know. I’ve never-”

I know Tara, I’ll be gentle. I’m pretty eager, but I can restrain myself and make sure this is good for you. I promise.” Decker leaned forward and his lips touched Tara’s.

It was magic.
Her lips were full and soft. She unconsciously moved toward him and he pulled her even closer melding her body to his. They were still fully clothed. When her thigh grazed his groin he almost exploded in release. Decker had to slow this down.

He pulled his lips from Tara’s and ran his hands down her upper arms then to her abdomen where he ducked his hands under her shirt to make contact with the smooth skin of her belly.
Tara moaned and he felt comfortable enough to raise her shirt further and snake his hands around her body to unsnap her bra. He went slowly so she had time to protest if she didn’t like what was going on.

He unhooked her bra and stopped with his hands on the bare skin on her back.
He rubbed up and down her back hoping to comfort her and slow himself down. Tara was arching her back unconsciously requesting him to speed up.

didn’t know what was going on. Her breasts were heavy and her nipples tightened, she could feel them tingling. She needed more but she didn’t know what. She felt wanton and for a moment was ashamed remembering Victoria’s cruel words from earlier...

Don’t ever be ashamed of what we share, and how you respond to me. I love it.” His voice sounded scratchy and raw.

She must have said something out loud. She’d intended to come here and seduce him, but she was caught up in the lust swirling between them both. She needed this to be done, fast. She wanted the comfort of her mate. To be able to read his feelings better, she knew love would come later.

Decker held
Tara close and wasn’t sure how to proceed. He didn’t want to scare her, or make her uncomfortable. He’d seen her breast while she fed her pups, but this was different. He decided to just go for it. He reached down to the hem of her shirt and pulled it up and over head, taking her bra with it. She didn’t attempt to cover her naked chest but she was sitting rigid with her eyes tightly closed.

Decker began to hum in her ear, leaning her back on the bed and running his hands all over her body.
He was thinking of Toby Keith’s country song, ‘You Shouldn’t Kiss Me Like This’ when without knowing it he began whisper the words to the song in her ear. “I got a funny feeling, the moment that your lips touched mine, something shot right through me, my heart skipped a beat in time,” more humming “You shouldn’t kiss me like this, unless you mean it like that, ‘cuz I’ll just close my eyes, and I won’t know where I’m at. We’ll get lost on this dance floor, spinning around, and around and around and around.”

She was in heaven, her mate was singing the sweetest song in her ear and he was making her tingle in places she had no idea existed.
Her panties were wet, was that normal? She couldn’t think, let alone be expected to move. His clever tactic was working, she was boneless. He was rubbing his cheek against her jaw, placing small kisses to her face and neck. Decker’s kisses went lower onto her chest and she arched her back in silent, unknown invitation.

Decker had his hands on
Tara’s hips when she arched her back. He couldn’t ignore the encouragement. He went lower and rubbed his closed mouth against the swell of her breast and when she moaned he ran his tongue over her chest and swirled it around her pebbled nipple. She tasted sweet and he knew part of it was her milk but he wasn’t repulsed, quite the opposite. He teased her nipple by licking, sucking and nibbling gently and then moved to the other.

BOOK: A Pack Family
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