Read Xander (Billionaire Racers Book 1) Online

Authors: Marsh,Anne

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Contemporary

Xander (Billionaire Racers Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Xander (Billionaire Racers Book 1)
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“Xander.” She fucking shrieks my name loud enough to be heard in Miami.

I have imagined her like this thousands of time. I jerked off to those fantasies because I had to have some piece of her. The reality is so much better. Her long, blessedly bare legs tighten on my hips, her heels digging into my bare ass as she rocks against my dick. She is so wet that I slip through her folds.

So I kiss her again because my wife deserves a reward. She kisses me right back, her fingers jerking at my hair and digging into my shoulders. My dick gets bigger too, with each mark she makes. I will wear her on my skin, and that is the best fucking trophy ever. I give, she takes, and then hallelujah, she returns my kiss with interest. I lick the soft seam of her mouth, nipping that lush lower lip that drives me crazy. She opens up.
. She goes all in, touching me back, her tongue meeting mine.

I am not done with her tits. I cup her with my hand, feeling the satiny softness. She moans, her hands tracing the lines of my abdomen down, down, down until her fingers wrap around my dick in a fucking bull’s eye.
. She grips my dick as if it is a handle, and she can lead me wherever she needs to go right now although I am hoping of course it is to the magic, happy land of Orgasm.

I trace her pretty, pink nipples with my fingers. Soft, then harder. Her grip tightens on my dick with each pass I make. See? She makes me another invitation right there. She likes what I am doing. So I repeat the slow tease again and again. Teasing her. I can do this all night if it gets her where I need her to go. If it makes her happy. I am a giver like that, and while those are my fingers working her tight nipples, I am the one who is actually wrapped around

When I lean down and suck her into my mouth because I have to taste her, she is like the sweetest of cherries. Soft and vulnerable. Sweetly passionate. Lily is goddamned perfect. I switch, kissing my way over to her other breast because I need to taste all of her. She lets a moan rip, her heels digging harder into my ass. But I have her pinned wide and she has to ride out the sweet ache.

I slide my hand down her stomach. My wife’s pussy is slick and hot and so, so wet. I need to lick her there. Need to make her scream my name because what we have got right now is so goddamned good. She thinks I do not know her, but I am learning what makes her gasp and shriek because it makes her feel good. That must count for something.

I drive my fingers inside her. Fuck, that is even better.

“Xander—” She bucks, taking me deeper.

“Right here,” I promise and move my fingers.

I circle my thumb and forefinger around her clit, plumping her, and she goes over the edge with another shriek. I feel the small pulses rippling through her pussy as she comes in a short, hard burst.
is better than any race or trophy. She stares up at me, dazed, as she comes undone, and I cannot stop looking back. She has me mesmerized, and I feel like the fucking king of the world. I did that for her. I will do it over and over too, make her come on my fingers and my mouth. Roll on a condom and try it all over again but inside her.


I’m one up in the orgasm race.
I stare up at Xander, and I can’t form a single coherent thought. I should do something, say something, but all I can do is feel. Xander growls.

“You keep looking at me like that, and you will never leave this bed.”

He reaches into a drawer in the table beside the bed and then he’s got a condom in his hand and he’s rolling it down the biggest dick I’ve ever seen. Not that I’ve actually seen that many in person (my dick count still stands at precisely one because I’ve been married for the past six years), but I’ve got the Internet. And a really active imagination. His dick is thick and impressively long, and I need it inside me yesterday.

He cradles my face with his big hands as he pushes into me.

“I like that look on your face,” he says, and then he comes into me and he’s not stopping, and it’s been so long that I’m tight, my body stinging for a long minute as he works himself inside me.

He stretches me, whispering words. I belong to him now. We’ve sealed our deal. He mixes Russian with English, and I don’t care. It’s not like I’m capable of thinking right now.

Rock steady, he drives himself in and then out. My hips rise to meet his because my pussy doesn’t plan on letting him go any more than my mind or my heart does. He palms my hips, holding me in place as he moves deeper, opening me up until he’s all the way inside me and there’s no going back.

Which is fine. I don’t want

I intend to go forward. Xander’s all the future I want, and I tilt my hips up, taking him deeper. My knees hug his sweat-slicked back as he thrusts deeper, harder, my fingers digging into his shoulders as I anchor myself in him.

He bottoms out, touching me as far as he can get inside me, and I shatter, crying out.

I love you.

God. Did I say that out loud? Scream it? His rhythm falters, and that’s a clue. I did. Love isn’t part of our deal.

He doesn’t say anything.

He just kisses me, cutting off my words with his gorgeous, wicked, too sexy mouth with his, and I let go. The words still hang in the air between us, but his lips make talking impossible. He pins me down, driving me over the edge again until there are no more barriers left between us and I don’t want them anyhow. I don’t care what I’ve said or how he feels. I don’t care that he’s not giving me the words back. Instead, he fucks me hard and with savage intensity, and it’s so good, so perfect that I come hard.

I don’t believe in real-life princesses, knights in shining armor, or rescues delivered from horseback. I’ve certainly never believed in happily ever after. Xander, however, doesn’t demand, doesn’t ask questions I can’t answer. Instead, his strong, capable fingers gently explore my scalp, at odds with the hard, rough promise of his big fighter’s body, and I let go and fall asleep in his arms.



do not like letting go of Lily to take care of business, but it is business that will make her safe so it is important. I slip out of our bed while she is still sleeping. The sun is just coming up now over the ocean, spilling the first light into our bedroom. I have learned more things about Lily. She likes to burrow her face into the pillow when she sleeps and she steals our covers. I like that she has something of the thief in her too. Maybe she will understand me better then.

When I pad out into the living room, Liam and Jack look up expectantly. My bodyguards brought them up to the house earlier and I made them wait for me. I cannot bring myself to care. This win is all for Lily. It gives her what she wants, the price tag she has put on staying by my side.

Jack tosses me a paper bag when I enter the room. “Brought you breakfast.”

I set the bag on the table. I have a chef. I do not need whatever he has brought, although probably he means well. All I want now is his promise that he will look after my Lily if I cannot. I do not need his property or his cash—just his word. Even now I am thinking about her and what it felt like when she finally let me inside. She was slick and hot, so tight I barely fit. I have never felt like that before. She is absolutely perfect.

“Congratulations.” Liam sprawls on my couch, his booted feet on my coffee table. He is rude and I do not give a fuck. I would feel the same if he had won our race yesterday. “You win.”

I do.

“You will stop going after the Petrovs now. You will leave my Lily alone.” I tick off my points one by one. “You and your people will not so much as look at her face,

“Got it.” He scowls, though, looking unhappy. There is more at stake here than his family’s failed attempt to muscle in on Petrov territory. “No terrorizing the Petrov princess.”

“I will kill you if you come after her.” I would regret the necessity, but I would do it.

Liam looks completely unconcerned. “Do you know what her old man has been up to?”

I shrug. Liam knows something that I do not, and he is enjoying his private knowledge. “He has been sick. He has not had time to get up to much.”

Liam laughs. “He’s been making deals with Georgians. You really want them playing in our backyard?”

No, I do not. They shoot first and ask questions never. Lily would never be safe if her father has made deals with the Georgian mafia. “I will take care of it.”

“How?” Liam leans forward. “What pull do you have on him?”

“I married his daughter,” I say.

Liam waves his hand. “And he has never acknowledged you. No one knew about your ties to the Petrovs before you kissed your darling bride yesterday. Fuck, if I had known, I would have come straight to you and skipped the princess.”

I give him a look. “Do you think it was an accident I married Lily? It took three months of planning to get my chance. I waited until she was in a bad situation, and then I called Ivan Petrov and told him I could help—for a price. He paid it then, and he’ll pay it now. He would do anything to keep his Lily safe.”

This is the moment when I hear a sound behind me. There is only one person who can be standing there, and she will not be happy to hear what I just said. I am not a coward, but I had hoped she would not find out about the opportunity I created for myself six years ago.

Liam’s face fucking lights up. “Princess, how nice of you to join us.”

I may have to kill him after all. I turn around, just in time to see Lily disappear down the hallway.


I am such an idiot.

I never wondered how Xander knew to show up that night in the club, or how Daniel’s debtors knew where to find him. He’d assured me we’d be safe—and maybe he had been right. Xander set us up. Xander didn’t rescue me—he played me. Maybe he engineered the Banda’s interest in my family, too. After all, he has the head of that family sitting in his living room.

I don’t really know what to think. Xander has played me for a fool. The reason why he never came for me after our marriage is because he already had what he wanted—whatever my father bribed him with. Our marriage is exactly what I didn’t want. It’s a property transfer, an alliance, a deal between my father and my husband. The problem is that I don’t know where I go from here.

I promised to give him a chance—but he also promised to let me go if I wanted to go. Leaving is attractive, but I’m actually leaning toward shooting his ass right now. Jack would help me. Hell, even Liam might. If the expression on his face was any indication, the Banda’s leader enjoys tormenting my husband.

Stupid Russian mafia boss.

I move down the hallway and then out the French doors at the end. They open onto the beach. I don’t see anyone, but I’m certain there are armed guards watching my every move now. It looks so easy to get out, as if all I have to do is step onto the sand and keep moving—and yet I can never leave this mob life behind me. Worse, I don’t think I can forget Xander. The man who held me, loved me, and explained why he enjoyed racing so much. The man who promised to learn one new thing about me every day. He lied to me. He set me up, and that hurts. I forgot who he is at heart.

He’s the mob boss. The billionaire.

And yet… I still want that something more with Xander. I want him to choose to come after me this time, to come and take me into his arms. I want him to keep me safe and make everything else go away. But this isn’t a fairytale where the prince kisses the sleeping princess into wakefulness. This is the two of us in the Bahamas, and I have no way of leaving here without his permission and that scares me too. Who did I marry? Last night’s tender lover or the cold mob boss explaining to his colleagues that he has Ivan Petrov and his daughter on a leash?

I stand there at the water’s edge, my feet in the water, for a long time. The waves come in, but they’re not bringing me any answers, not today.

When I turn around to head back to the house, I’m not surprised to find Xander leaning against a palm. He’s waiting for me.

“We should talk,” he announces.

“I have nothing to say to you.” My feet are wet. I’m going to track sand into his beautiful designer beach house, and I don’t give a fuck. I reach for the doors, and he stops me. That’s it. He doesn’t get to pull this kind of shit.

BOOK: Xander (Billionaire Racers Book 1)
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