Wolf Creek Enforcer (7 page)

BOOK: Wolf Creek Enforcer
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“Get out of here,” Ian told him, smiling.


* * *


lanie woke to find herself alone in bed.  Rolling to her side, she could see sunlight streaming through a slit in the curtains.  Glancing at the clock, she saw it was almost nine.  She stretched, feeling better than she had in days.  Walking for three weeks and sleeping wherever she could, made her appreciate Ian’s soft mattress.   

Thinking she’d laid in bed long enough, Melanie rose and went to the bathroom. 
She pulled another pair of jeans out of her backpack and a bright yellow shirt.  She smiled, thinking that Ian was going to be blind soon from all the color she planned on introducing into his life.  First thing after eating, she would need to use his washing machine since she was wearing her last clean shirt.

She quickly made the bed and went downstairs to the kitchen.  She smiled when Ian turned from the stove as she entered.

“Wow.  This is twice now you’ve cooked for me.  I wouldn’t have thought the big, bad, enforcer would know how to prepare a meal,” she teased him.

Ian went over and pulled her into his arms.  Leaning down, he kissed her.  It wasn’t just a fast peck on the lips.  He practically devoured her. 

“Good morning,” he said as he released her lips.

“Wow, again,” Melanie said
, running her fingers over her mouth.

Ian chuckled.  “You’re good for my ego.  Don’t get too excited about my cooking.  Breakfast foods are about the extent of my cooking abilities.  Well, exce
pt for grilling.  Every real Texan knows how to grill,” he told her seriously.

Laughing, Melanie replied
, “You sure are in a good mood this morning.  I like seeing you relaxed and not so Mr. Serious.”

“It’s you, babe.  You’ve made me happy,” Ian told her.

“Aw, that’s so sweet, and so unlike you.  Are you Ian’s twin brother that I haven’t heard of?  Also, don’t call me babe.  Makes me think of a pig,” Melanie said, scowling.

“No twin, sorry.  I can be
happy, you know,” Ian said.

“No, I don’t know.  The man I met two days ago was growly and impatient.  Let’s see.  One.  You yelled at me before you even knew me.  Two.  You wanted to screw me and bite me at
once.  Three.  You called me an airhead,” she was counting on her fingers with each point she made.

“Stop!  I concede.  Now it’s my turn.  You threw me for a loop.  You were not what I was expecting in a mate and I just reacted without thinking,” Ian said.

By now they had sat down at the bar and started eating the bacon and scrambled eggs Ian had made.

Melanie froze.  Her eyes watered and she tried to quickly blink them away before he saw them.  Quietly she asked, “I’m not what you wanted in a mate?”

Ian moved fast.  In an instant he had scooped her off the barstool and had her in his lap.

“Please don’
t cry, babe.  I can’t stand it.  I said you weren’t what I expected, not that I didn’t want you.  You’re everything I want in a mate.  I simply had this picture of some amazon woman in my head.  I always assumed she’d be some warrior type to match my personality.  You can’t know how thankful I am to be wrong.  In two short days you’ve brought color into my world.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  I’ll never wear the bright colors you like, but I like seeing them on you,” he told her.

Melanie cleared her throat, “Never say never,” she mumbled.  “That’s the longest speech I’ve heard out of you since we met.  And don’t call me babe.”

Ian laughed.  “Are we good?”

“Yes, now I think I’ll call my pa
rents as soon as we’re finished,” she said solemnly. 

Ian shook his head.  “No rush.  If you feel you need more time to get to know
me, I can wait.  I am ready to explain my families secret though.”

“Would that be the pond out front that is practically vibrating with magic?” she asked innocently.

Ian was not surprised.  “I figured you would know about it once we arrived.  Tell me, do you know the significance of our pond and its tie to all shifters?” he asked her. 

“Yes, I know the stories.  Although I’m not sure how much is real and how much is hearsay.  I also know I’m expected to become a shifter too since we’re mates.  What I don’t know is how that will affect what I am.  Is it true that once we’re mated, I walk into the pond and then will be changed into a wolf shifter?” she asked.

“Yes, that part is true.  You should know that Lisa
is now a witch slash wolf.  She’s a pretty powerful witch so I don’t know if that holds any significance for you, but she had no problems with her change,” Ian told her.

“Interesting.  I don’t know anyone with dual magic like that.  She must have some awesome power.  Guess it’s a good thing she isn’t evil,” Melanie said.

“Lisa has a good heart and wouldn’t intentionally hurt anyone.  Well, she would protect her family but that’s the only occasion I can think of,” Ian said.

“Yeah, even knowing her such a short amount of time, I
can see that.”

Melanie glanced out the back window in the breakfast area.  She could see a deck with patio furniture that looked inviting and comfortable. 

“Mind if I go outside to call my parents?  I need some privacy while I speak with them,” Melanie said, hoping he wouldn’t feel insulted.  She needed to speak freely and she could not do that in front of Ian until her parents gave their approval.

“No problem.  I’ll go outside too and patrol the woods with the guys.  Don’t worry about my pack listening in, I’ll make sure we give you some space,” Ian told her.

Ian turned and went into the laundry room off the kitchen.  Melanie waited and wondered if he was going to start a load of clothes before he left. 

Not a minute later he walked out and opened the back door off the kit
chen.  He was butt naked as he turned and grinned while shutting the door. 

Melanie sucked in her breath when she saw a dark brown, almost black wolf leap off the deck and run into the woods. 

“That’s the biggest dog I’ve ever seen.”  She glanced around,
hoping no one was near, “I mean wolf,” she whispered. 

She sat there a moment wishing she’d already had her cell phone with her.  It would have been nice to get a picture
before he shifted, she thought.  Laughing to herself, she doubted he would have allowed that, but she could dream. 

Melanie retrieved her phone from her backpack and headed out the backdoor.  She loved the conversation style arrangement
they had, with a sofa and the matching chairs arranged across from it.  The cushions were sunny yellow with black pillows leaning against them.  The stark contrast was striking.

Melanie speed dialed her parent’s home phone.  She figured she would start there before trying their cells.  After five rings she was about to hang up when it was picked up.

“Hello?” she heard her Mom’s breathless voice through the phone line.

“Hi Mom, what cha doing?  Sounds like you were running,” Melanie said, smiling.

Laughing, her Mom said, “I was in the garden pulling up weeds.  I swear, they grow faster than my flowers.  I barely heard the phone ringing over my cursing.”

Melanie laughed.  She could just picture her petite mother battling in the garden. 

“How are you, dear?  Your text messages were brief and not too informative.  Is Ian what you expected?  What’s he like?  Do we like him, or should I send Dad and your brother over?” her mother asked all in one breath.

“Take a breath Mom.  I’ll tell you all about him as soo
n as you get Dad on the phone too.  Is he around?” Melanie asked.

“I’m here Mel
anie, on the living room phone.  I couldn’t get a word in edgewise,” he joked.  “Are you okay?  Do you need anything?” he asked. 

“I’m fine and I think you’ll both really like Ian.  I haven’t had much of an opportunity for a long talk with you both until now,” she told them.

They spoke for quite awhile.  Melanie told
them about a few of her adventures on the road, and meeting some of Ian’s family.

“Melanie, you have to be sure this is what you want,” her father said
seriously.  “Once you’re mated, that’s it.  There is no divorce, or separation if you find you don’t like something about him.  We know better than anyone how the universe works.  Fate may make you his mate, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have a choice.  Destiny shows you the path, but it’s you’re decision whether or not to take it.”

“I know Daddy, but I do like him.  I can’t say I love him yet, that’s why we’ll wait before we, umm, get married,” Melanie said, stuttering.

“Well, I for one, can’t wait to meet him,” her mother broke in.  “How does he feel about you ‘traveling’?”

“I haven’t told him about that yet.  I felt I needed to speak with you and Dad before I spilled our family secrets,” Melanie said.

“Melanie, you know your Mom and I trust your judgment.  You don’t need our permission.  If you feel the same as him, you need to tell him of our legacy.  Just as you will have to adjust to his family, he should know of your families obligations,” her dad said.

“I know Daddy,
but I also know he won’t like me going alone.  These shifters sure are possessive.  I’m thinking that he’ll want to go along with me when I travel.  Since you and Mom have always travelled together, I don’t see a problem with that,” Melanie told them.

As they ended their conversation, Melanie heard the roar of a motorcycle in the distance.  She went back inside to wait for Ian to get back from his run. 

Not knowing how long he would be, Melanie went into the kitchen to look for something to eat.  She been on the phone with her parents a long time and had gotten hungry.

Finding some peanut butter, Melanie searched the fridge for some grape jelly.  After making her sandwich, Melanie was just licking the peanut butter off the knife when a man walked into the kitchen.

“Oh, hi, I’m Melanie, are you Devlin?  You look just like your bothers.  If there weren’t slight differences, I’d think you three were triplets,” she said smiling.  “Would you like a sandwich?  I’ll get a clean knife, of course.  By the way, it’s nice to meet you.”

Devlin laughed as he walked over to give her a hug.    “I’d love a sandwich.  Welcome to the family.  So you’re Ian’s mate.  Interesting. 
Salsa and tofu,” he said.

Huh?” Melanie asked.

“You’re the salsa, spicy, hot, fun.  Ian’s the tofu.  It’s just plain until you do something with it,” he grinned.

They both heard a noise in the utility room off the kitchen.  Ian walked in wearing his jeans and pulling on his t-shirt.  Grabbing the other half of her sandwich he joked, “Nah, not plain.  It’s jiggles and can be molded into anything.  I’m very flexible.”

Devlin laughed as he got up to make himself
a sandwich.  “Yeah, that’s you.  Flexible,” Devlin snorted. 

Melanie enjoyed watching the interplay between the brothers.  She could see that they got along tremendously.  She didn’t think she could have joined a family that was in discord.  She would have spent all her energy trying to get them together, she thought.  They reminded her of herself and her brother.  They teased and tortured each other, but would do anything for one another. 

“Melanie, don’t let my brothers goofiness fool you.  He’s a genius mathematician and a computer whiz.  Anything you need, ask Devlin,” Ian told her.

“Mathematician?  You and I have something in common then,” she told Devlin.

“Wait a minute.  Are we going to have another guru in the family? I don’t know if I can handle it,” Ian grunted.

“Finally!” Devlin declared
.  “Someone to talk quantum physics with.”

Teasing, Melanie said, “Don’t worry dear, we’ll dummy it down for you.”

“Great, just great,” Ian said as he went into the great room. 

Melanie and Devlin followed, grinning at each other as they walked behind Ian.  Ian sat down on one end of the sofa, while Devlin settled down on the other.  Melanie looked around then plopped herself down on Ian’s lap.

He gave a grunt as she moved around getting comfortable.  Ian settled her where she couldn’t wound him, then put his arms around her waist.

“Did you get ahold of your parents?” he asked.

“Yes.”  Melanie was surprised she felt nervous now that the time had come to tell him about her family.  Probably because she never talked about what they do to outsiders, she decided.

“So, are they upset about my being a shifter?” Ian could tell she’d gotten nervous.  “It’s alright.  I’ll prove to them I’ll be good to you.  If you’d like, we can go see them so they can meet me.”

Devlin rose from the sofa, “I’ll leave so y’all can talk in private.”

“No, stay.  Good doggie.”  Melanie laughed.  “I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist.  I have a warped sense of humor.”

“I can already tell we’re going to get along fine, Melanie.  Hey, do
you have a sister?  I love warped,” Devlin grinned. 

“Sorry, no.  I have a brother though.  David can be pretty warped too.  David and Devlin, hmm, has a nice ring to it,” she said smiling.

BOOK: Wolf Creek Enforcer
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