WOLF: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Evil Dead MC Series Book 4) (6 page)

BOOK: WOLF: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Evil Dead MC Series Book 4)
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“You ready for round two already?” he growled in her ear.

She giggled and protested in a whine, “I need

“Mmm. Me, too.”

His hands encircled both her wrists, and he crossed her arms over her chest, holding her back pressed against his chest, locking her down tight and close.

“Wolf, you’re squishing me.”

“Shh, go to sleep, baby doll.”

His body was like a furnace, and the heat of it soon relaxed her. She listened to him breathe. Four or five breaths in, his breathing changed and his muscles began to relax, his body settling deeply into the mattress. She felt his hold on her loosen as he drifted off.

Wiggling, and twisting, she managed to turn in his arms and snuggled down into his chest, her face pressed into the curve of his neck. His arms tightened around her for a moment, and then he relaxed back into slumber. She could feel the steady beat of his heart, and she soon drifted off as well, secure in the warmth of his embrace, exactly where she wanted to be. Where she would always want to be.









Wolf stood staring down at Crystal as she slept. God she was beautiful, the early morning light casting her in soft shadows. His eyes moved over her body, exposed where she’d kicked off the sheet. He noticed the small bruises from the little nips he’d given her on her inner thigh. Perhaps he’d been too rough with her, but Crystal never complained. She seemed to enjoy their rough play as much as he did, to crave it almost as much as he did.

He was tempted to wake her, but he didn’t. He thought about leaving her a note. Telling her how beautiful she was. Telling her he’d gotten called out. Club business. But he figured she’d know. She’d been around the club long enough to know that when the club called, the brothers answered the call. Always.

So he didn’t wake her, and he didn’t leave a note. It was a decision he’d come to regret. Because if he’d known the events that would transpire, he would never have walked out that door.

But he hadn’t known, so he bent and brushed a soft kiss on her forehead and whispered, “Love you, babe.”

A kiss she never felt. A note she never saw. A sentiment she never heard.




Crystal felt the warmth of the sun on her bare back as it poured in through the white sheers that covered her bedroom window. It felt delicious. For a moment she imagined herself lying on a beach in the sun. She shifted in the bed and immediately felt the aching soreness in her thighs, and memories of last night came flooding back.


Her eyes popped open, and she turned her head on the pillow, her arm reaching out, her hand finding only empty bed and cold sheets.

“Wolf?” she called.

Only silence replied.

She lifted up, her eyes glancing around the room. Any trace of him was gone. As if he’d never been there at all. And she could have convinced herself it was all a dream if not for the aching soreness between her legs.

And once again she felt the emptiness return, like it always did. That feeling of being used. Used and cast aside until the next time he needed to scratch his itch.

She flung the sheet back and swung her legs out of bed. Picking up her cell phone from the nightstand, she checked it for any texts or missed calls from him. Nothing. Rising, she jerked on a short robe, jammed her phone in the pocket and headed toward the kitchen. After starting the coffee, she stood at the sink, staring out the window, her fingers drumming on the counter. It was times like this, when the agitation and pent up anger boiled through her, that she wished she still smoked.

Yanking open the cabinet, she pulled down a mug. Coffee would have to do. Coffee and maybe a shot of Baileys. She lifted the carafe and filled her cup. As she returned it to the burner, her phone rang. She dug it out of her pocket and looked at the screen. Angel.

Pressing receive, she put it to her ear. “Hi.”

“Morning, doll. What are you up to?”

“Just got up. Working my way through my first cup of coffee,” Crystal replied, tucking the phone between her ear and shoulder as she reached for the Baileys and unscrewed the cap to pour a hefty shot in her mug. “What’s up?”

“We’re all over at Crash and Shannon’s. Since the boys left at the crack of dawn this morning, the girls decided to get together for some Bloody Marys. And they beat coffee any day, so get your butt over here.”

“You and Shannon?”

“Mary is here, too. Natalie’s watching the kids.”

“I’ve got a bathroom to scour,” Crystal threw out the excuse.

you? June Cleaver? It’s Saturday. Get your butt over here, now. You know with three kids I rarely get out,” Angel whined.

Crystal heard Shannon in the background. “Is she coming over?”

Angel’s voice replied, “She says she has a bathroom to scour.”

Shannon yelled, loud enough for Crystal to hear, “I’ve got a bathroom she can scour.”

“Did you hear that? Get over here,” Angel ordered into the phone.

Crystal grinned and rolled her eyes. “Okay. Okay. I’ll be over soon.”




Twenty minutes later, Crystal was pulling her car into the garage of Crash and Shannon’s warehouse style loft. Crash had converted an old two story brick warehouse in Oakland to a beautiful loft. On the outside it looked like an abandoned building, but on the inside the loft was cool as shit.

Crystal got on the freight elevator and rode it up to the second floor loft. When she threw back the gated elevator door, she was greeted by Angel, who stood there with a big grin and held out a Bloody Mary complete with celery stalk to her.

“Good Morning, Sunshine,” Angel greeted her.

Crystal reached out, took the drink, chugged back a slug and replied, “What’s so good about it?”

“Ooow, someone woke up all cranky this morning?”

Crystal followed Angel past the pool table on the left to the open floor plan kitchen with its granite island. She took a seat on one of the stools at the bar. Shannon and Mary were mixing up more drinks.

Crystal’s eyes slid over Shannon. She was a tall slender blonde that looked totally put together, even with her hair up in a twist and yoga pants on. “I hate you,” Crystal growled as she bit into her celery.

“Hate me? Why?” Shannon’s beautiful smile faded.

“Because you look like a movie star at ten in the morning.”

Shannon’s smile returned. “Yeah, you’re a real dog with your thick glossy dark hair and those big gorgeous eyes. I really feel for you, girl.”

“Come on, let’s go up on the rooftop with these drinks,” Angel suggested.

They made their way through the loft and up the metal stairs that led to the roof. As Crystal looked around, it was obvious that Shannon had definitely had an influence on the place already since moving in with Crash. Previously there had only been a couple of Adirondack chairs and some wooden crates. Now, the crates were gone, there were cushions on the chairs, as well as two loungers and a nice table.

“Wow. Nice upgrade,” Crystal commented as they all sat down.

“Thanks. I love what Crash did with his loft, but the roof…it needed a little help.”

“You ain’t lyin’.”

“So, how are you doing, Crystal? I haven’t seen you in a while,” Shannon asked.

“I’m okay.”

“You look tired,” Angel noted.

“I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

“Oh, really? What’s his name?” Mary asked.

“Oh, right away it’s a guy?”

“I’m just saying…” Mary replied in a sing-song voice.

Angel gave Crystal a knowing look. “Shane?”

Crystal huffed out a laugh. “No. Actually Cole told me to steer clear of him. At least until he gets his patch.”

“And once he gets his patch?” Shannon prodded.

Crystal gave a sly smile. “Let me see. How did he put it? I believe his words were ‘I could have at him’.”

They all giggled.

“So, if it wasn’t Shane, what or
kept you up all night?” Mary prompted.

Angel stared at her, urging her when she didn’t reply. “Crystal?”

“It was Wolf, wasn’t it?” Shannon asked.

When she didn’t reply, they all knew.

“Crystal!” Angel’s mouth fell open. “You and Wolf?”

“Maybe.” Crystal put her off, shrugging like it was no big deal. But she knew this was all news to Angel. Shannon knew. And probably Mary had heard from Red Dog, but Crystal had never spoken of her affair with Wolf to Angel. She’d have kept it a secret from all of them if she could, but Shannon had witnessed the fight that Wolf had had with Shane over her, and had dragged her off and wormed the whole story out of her. A story she’d kept from her best friend, Angel. And now Angel knew.

“Spill. What happened?” Angel demanded.

“Oh, all right. He was at my place when I got home.”

Mary frowned. “You mean waiting out front for you?”

“No. I mean he was waiting inside for me.”

Mary’s brows shot up. “

Crystal nodded. “Sitting in the dark in my bedroom.”

“Whoa. Wait. Is that creepy or sexy?” Shannon asked.

Angel gave her a look. “Have you lost your mind? Of course it was sexy. This is Wolf we’re talking about.”

“Just sayin’. It would kind of freak me out.” Shannon shrugged and took a sip of her drink.

“So, what happened?” Angel pressed Crystal for details.

Crystal lifted one shoulder. “What usually happens.”

“You are
bad,” Mary teased lying back on her chaise lounge. She lifted her sunglasses off her eyes and looked over at Crystal. “Was he good?”

Crystal couldn’t hide the smile pulling at her mouth. “Wolf is

“So, then why are you so in the dumps this morning?” Angel frowned, studying her.

“That’s not the problem.”

“Then what is?” Shannon asked.

Crystal gave her a look. “You should know.”

“Oh. That.”

“Oh, what?” Angel asked, frowning, looking from one to the other.

“Cole ordered Wolf to stay away from Crystal.”

“Why did he do that? And why am I just now finding out about all of this?”

Mary polished off the last of her drink. “Well, this has been fun, ladies, but I can’t stay. I have a nail appointment.”

“You can’t go. I baked a breakfast casserole!” Shannon turned to give her a stern look, ruining it with her smile.

Crystal sniffed the air. “Speaking of casseroles, do you smell something?”

Shannon’s smile faded, and her eyes got big. Then she jumped out of her chair and darted for the door. “Oh Crap.”

Crystal, Angel and Mary looked at each other, and then burst out laughing.

“Hey, every bride burns a meal or two,” Angel defended.

“Yeah, but eating the burnt remains is supposed to be the groom’s job,” Crystal replied.

Mary giggled and waggled her fingers in the air as she headed to the door. “Ta-ta, ladies. Enjoy your meal.”

“Chicken-shit!” Crystal called after her.

Mary stopped in the door way and turned back, flicking her waist length hair over her shoulder. “Mama Wu didn’t raise a stupid daughter, honey.”

“Mama Wu raised a chicken-shit,” Crystal called after her in good natured fun.

“I’ll tell her you said that.”

“Mama Wu loves me. She knows I’m right.”

The door closed on Mary’s laughter.

Angel turned to Crystal. “Well, come on. Let’s go see if it’s salvageable. But you’re not off the hook. I still want the full story on you and Wolf.”

“Okay, okay.”

They both got up and began collecting glasses to carry inside.




Crystal took a small bite, put it in her mouth, and then spoke sarcastically around the mouthful. “Umm. Yum.”

Angel almost snorted out her drink as she began to laugh.

Shannon took a bite and threw her fork on her plate. “Okay, okay. It’s terrible.”

They all giggled.

A moment later, Crystal was covering her mouth and jumping off her barstool to run for the bathroom as her stomach cramped. Reaching it just in time, she vomited into the toilet.

When she came back out, Angel asked, “Are you okay?”

“It wasn’t that bad, was it?” Shannon asked, frowning.

Crystal shook her head and moved back to her barstool. She reached for her Bloody Mary glass. “I don’t know. I just suddenly felt nauseous.”

“That’s just how I was when I was pregnant with Brayden. Every time I even smelled eggs, I’d…” Her voice faded off as a shocked look formed on her face.

Crystal watched her two best friends look at each other, then Angel looked back at her.

“Crystal…you’re not
, are you?”

“What? No.
Hell no
. I can’t be. I’m on the pill.”

Shannon frowned. “Yeah, but you were sick with that bronchial infection last month, and you were on antibiotics.”


They make the pill ineffective. Didn’t you read the prescription?” Angel asked.

Crystal looked back with what she was sure was a ‘deer in the headlights’ look. “Shit.”

Angel took the drink out of her hand, walked over and dumped it in the sink. As she did, Crystal thought about the two shots she’d done with Red Dog at the end of the night last night. Before her scrambled brain could get any further than that, Shannon took her by the arm and hustled her back into the bathroom with Angel hot on their heels. Shannon pulled a box down from the shelf and handed it to Crystal.

BOOK: WOLF: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Evil Dead MC Series Book 4)
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