Read Without Saying a Word Online

Authors: Amanda Ward

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Without Saying a Word (16 page)

BOOK: Without Saying a Word
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“Oops,” she muttered, and reached over further to turn it off, only to encounter a pair of warm lips firmly meshed to hers.

“Now that’s a way to wake up in the morning,” the deep male voice said. Hairy muscular arms enveloped her, drawing Laura into a very obvious arousal.

“Really? I thought the best way to be woken up was with a mug of tea,” Laura giggled girlishly attempting an innocent look.

Rhean laughed. “Was that a hint, per chance?”

Laura shook her head.

“Not at all. A hint would be, ‘What comes between S and U? You would reply T? And I would answer, yes please, two sugars and milk.”

Holding Laura tight in his arms, Rhean’s chest moved with rumbles of laughter.

“In an ideal world of course,” he replied distractedly. Laura nuzzled the dark forest of soft curls on Rhean’s chest. As much as she wanted a drink, she was perfectly happy and content where she was. Kissing his chest softly, his arousal strong and firm stirred against her thigh. Her face lifted to his and she kissed him deeply, only moving away when Rhean sat up in bed with an

“Ooof.” He cupped himself with both hands.

“What on earth happened?” She stared at her husband who appeared to be in pain. Rhean pointed to the end of the bed.

“I don’t think it’s only you hinting.” Tubs sat at the end of the bed. The huge marmalade cat looking very pleased with himself for interrupting. It was too much for Laura, and she broke into laughter and held the covers up against her breasts. She bit her lip and tried to control herself, but the looks being given by her husband and cat set her off again.

“Think it’s funny do you?” he teased, taking her in his arms. Laura shook her head for a second and then started laughing again.

“I don’t think there is much damage done,” she countered, feeling his arousal again, strong and firm against her thigh. Rhean kissed her deeply, moving her back against the pillows.

“Your bloody cat is determined to get his own way.” Rhean’s head rested against Laura’s and he kissed the top of her nose. “Stay right where you are,” he commanded. Wriggling his back, he tried to maneuver Tubs off. The cat landed on the floor with a thud as Rhean reluctantly climbed out of bed and went to the door. He felt Laura’s gaze on him.

“What are you staring at?” he asked.

“You,” Laura replied cheekily. His taut buttocks clenched and unabashedly, she drank in the sight of her gorgeous husband. Feeling relaxed and confident for the first time in ages, she felt able to tease him.

“Really?” he asked.

“Yep. Most women go for fillet steak, but I do love prime rump.” She folded the covers back, and leaning over, pinched his bottom. “Definitely prime.” Laura teased, licking her lips.

Rhean laughed again.

“This really is not getting the cat fed or your tea made,” he admonished her good-naturedly. Sitting on the bed nude, with a very satisfied look on her face, it was all Rhean could do not to reach over and start their lovemaking again. However, this time, his body betrayed him. Rhean’s cheeks colored at the noise and left the bedroom.

Sitting back in bed, Laura stretched and snuggled back into the covers. Their wedding night had been a romantic dream. Rhean had been tender, loving, gentle but above all, passionate. She still could not believe that her husband had been a virgin. Rhean had known how to arouse her and how to bring her to climax. No words had been exchanged during their loving. Their bodies had done all the speaking for them. She was slightly sore between her thighs and muscles that Laura hadn’t used for a long time ached slightly.
It was a good ache,
Laura thought and smiled. She drifted back to sleep feeling relaxed, happy and content.

A short time later, Rhean, Rhean, crept back into their bedroom. Holding two full mugs, he placed them on the bedside table and gently lifting the covers, climbed back into the warm bed.

“Laura,” he whispered. “Tea’s here, darling.” Laura smiled.

“You fraud, I thought you were asleep,” Rhean admonished her. Kissing Laura deeply, their tongues intertwined in a dance as old as time. She stretched against him, feeling his need for her against her thigh.

“Well, you know what they say,” Laura interjected between kisses. Rhean shook his head. “You can’t keep a good man down.” She kissed him deeply.

Spending most of Sunday in bed was a decadence that Laura was not used to. It seemed that Rhean was as ardent in his lovemaking, as  in his pursuit of her.  He served her lunch in bed, and they ate it nude, licking off drips of mayonnaise from the sandwiches that had fallen onto their bodies. She spent most of the day being thoroughly loved, and boy, could that man of hers make love. Laura smiled to herself as she prepared their evening meal of chicken korma and rice, wearing only Rhean’s T-shirt. It wasn’t a particularly traditional Sunday dinner, but an informal one—especially when eaten on the floor or in bed. Laura giggled at the images that flooded her mind. She glanced through into the living room where Rhean was on his laptop, catching up on emails and informing the school of their marriage. Laura concentrated on stirring the curry, making sure it did not burn. She wasn’t aware of Rhean coming up behind her until his strong arms came around her waist. He nuzzled her neck, sending tingles of excitement down her breasts, making them swell beneath the softness of his shirt.

“Mm-mm, something smells wonderful,” Rhean said softly, kissing and nibbling her neck. He wore a pair of gray jogging pants that lovingly cupped every inch of him. Rhean was every woman’s fantasy, and for a second, Laura was tempted to forget dinner.

“That will be the curry,” she told him, leaning back and allowing him greater access. She managed to lower the heat before turning around.

Rhean shook his head.

“Nope, it’s Laura, my Laura,” he replied and kissed her deeply. Laura basked in his attention, and tried desperately to keep to the task at hand.

“Oh Rhean, dinner will be ruined,” she told him holding up the wooden spoon for him to take a taste.

Rhean shrugged.

“Don’t worry darling, I’d much rather eat you,” he replied sexily, making Laura blush. Taking a deep breath, she moved away from her ardent husband.

“Listen mister, out of the kitchen now!” she told him in a stern voice, pointing the wooden spoon toward the living room. “If you want to be helpful you can get me a drink.”

Rhean attempted a hangdog expression which was completely wasted on his wife. He blew her a kiss and went to the fridge. Taking out a bottle of champagne, he opened it with a loud ʻpopʼ and poured them each a glass, then handed it to her.

“To us,” he said and drank deeply.

“To us,” Laura agreed and did the same, loving the way the chilled liquid slid down her throat.

“Laura, are you happy?” Rhean asked. He pulled himself up on a worktop and watched her work. Laura turned to face him.

“What on earth made you ask that?” she asked.

“You seem quiet and just rather subdued, is all,” he told her. There was concern and unless Laura was mistaken, a touch of insecurity, in the way he sounded. She stood between his legs, sipping the champagne.

“Darling, you are the teacher. Isn’t it obvious why I’m quiet?” she asked him reaching up and kissing his lips. Rhean shook his head. Laura smiled.

“You wore me out,” Laura told him in mock severity.

He made an ʻOʼ, and jumped down from the worktop. Taking her into the circle of his arms, Rhean nuzzled her throat.

“So, last night was okay?” he inquired. Laura sighed and leaned her head against his chest. She was sorely tempted to grab a frying pan and bash him over the head with it.

“Oh for Pete’s sake, Rhean, last night was amazing. It was wonderful, fantastic...okay? I’m having trouble walking. Does that make you feel better?” Laura rattled off in frustration. A smug look crept across his handsome face. Laura saw it and grabbed her wooden spoon.

“Get out before I use this on your gorgeous backside.” she threatened, losing her patience. He grinned.

“Promises, promises,” Rhean teased her and wiggled his bottom as he left the kitchen. Laura rolled her eyes to the ceiling.

“Men,” she groaned aloud.

Serving up their meal on a large wooden tray, Laura took it into the living room. Rhean was reclining nude on the floor next to a roaring fire. Tubs curled up behind him on the couch purring loudly. Rhean’s eyes were shut and he was the picture of contentment. He looked so edible, Laura was tempted to put down the tray and eat him, but again, her body had other ideas and her stomach grumbled loudly.

“Now there’s a dream come true—a gorgeous woman serving me food.” He grinned and reached over to kiss Laura soundly on the mouth.

“Here.” Rhean handed Laura a thin envelope. “For you.” Laura wrinkled her brow, and sat back on her slipper-covered heels.

“What’s this?” she asked.

He rolled his eyes.”If you don’t open it you won’t find out, will you?” Rhean took a forkful of the curry. “Mmm this is good.” Tapping the envelope he told Laura, “Open it.”

Filled with curiosity, Laura opened the envelope. Inside, she found two plane tickets to Malta for the following morning.

“What on earth?” Laura was bewildered.

Rhean sat up straight against the couch. “This, my darling is our honeymoon. Two weeks in Malta at our villa.”

“We have a villa in Malta?”

Rhean nodded. “Yup, since my grandparents left it to me. I’ve arranged everything,” he told her gleefully, rubbing his hands together. His ring gleamed in the firelight.

Laura interrupted him. “No really. What a surprise,” she said sarcastically.

“Hey, what was that for?” Rhean sounded surprised at the tone of her voice.

“You arranged our wedding, where we are going to live, and now our honeymoon. When do I get to do anything?” Laura asked indignantly.

He took a deep breath. “You get to relax, and enjoy being a newlywed. Oh, and get to be spoiled rotten by me,” Rhean insisted. “Your parents are going to stay here with the kids and you and I are going to go to the villa and spend the next two weeks relaxing,” he told her mildly.

“Rhean,” Laura said, backing down. She kissed him on the cheek. “I’m sorry. The honeymoon sounds wonderful. I guess I feel a bit guilty leaving the kids for two weeks while I go away with you.”

“Well don’t,” Rhean told her. “You need this break. Hell, we need time on our own together to be a couple.”

Laura nodded complacently. Then their activities of the past twenty-four hours suddenly caught up with her.

“Oh my God!” she exclaimed.

“What?” Rhean asked

“We didn’t use anything,” Laura told him.

Rhean shook his head. “Sorry darling, I’m none the wiser. What on earth are you talking about?”

“Contraception. I didn’t get a chance to see the doctor about it.” Feeling panicky and worried, Laura went to stand up, but Rhean took hold of her arm and pulled her against his nude body.

“Laura, I know we didn’t. It’s not a problem as far as I’m concerned, or is it?” Rhean asked her.

“Well, I wasn’t sure if you wanted a baby right away.” Then a thought hit her. “Mind you, saying that, it could be a moot point as at my age, I may not be able to have another baby.”

“Laura-mine, I married you because I love you, not because I’m desperate for an heir. Let’s face it, I have three children now anyway. If we have a baby together, then it will be the icing on the cake for me.” He kissed Laura thoroughly. Grinning with warmth at the dazed expression on her face, Rhean tried again.

“What is it you said? Babies come when they are meant to. So let’s leave it up to nature.” Rhean smiled. “No more worrying now.  Eat up, the curry is getting cold,” he said in mock severity.

Laura nodded again. A touch of a smile lifted her lips.

“Leave it to nature,” she agreed. She settled down against her husband and together they ate the meal she’d so lovingly prepared.

Chapter Fifteen

The following afternoon, Rhean and Laura arrived at the villa. Set on the coast in the village of Pembroke, it was one story. The sunlight that bathed the white stone, gave the villa a welcoming glow.

Laura fell in love with the villa and the island at first sight. As she got out of the car Rhean rented the heat bathed her face. It felt so different from the frigid cold that England they had left far behind.

“Now Lady Leighton, this time we are doing it the old-fashioned way,” Rhean said coming up behind her. He swung her up in his strong arms and carried her over the threshold of the villa before Laura could speak. She shrieked loudly as he strode purposefully through the building and out into the garden, then put her down on a sun lounger next to the large kidney-shaped pool.

“Stay,” he told her. “I’ll be back in a bit with drinks.” Rhean held up a hand as Laura went to move. “You are here to relax, so…..” his voice trailed off as he turned and walked back through the villa.

Letting out a deep breath, Laura took in her surroundings. Around her were many brightly-colored flowers and fragrant herbs in pots. There were tall trees with long, deep green leaves giving a semblance of shade. Beside her were four other wooden sun loungers with deep blue cushions with a parasol. There were small tables beside each one for drinks, books or perhaps sunscreen. On the other side of the large kidney-shaped pool was a small house. A wooden dining set and large barbeque nestled in its own area. Glimmering in the afternoon sunshine, the deep blue water in the pool just begged to swam in or…Laura looked around. She twitched her mouth and accidentally toed her shoes off. It was too much of a temptation. Padding barefoot over to the side of the pool, she knelt down and swirled her fingers around. The water felt warm against her fingertips. Sitting down on the warm tiles Laura swung her legs around, pulling up her skirt and allowing the water to envelop her feet, loving the way it swirled and caressed them. With her head back, her hair cascading down her back, and her face towards the sun, she felt relaxed and happy.

BOOK: Without Saying a Word
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