Read Winter of the Wolf Online

Authors: Cherise Sinclair

Winter of the Wolf (10 page)

BOOK: Winter of the Wolf
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“Show me what you chose.”

Warren shoved the Desert Eagle across the counter.

When Zeb picked it up, the huge weapon looked like a perfect fit for his oversized hand. He hefted the weapon, played with the slidey thing, and checked the sights before handing it to her. “Point it at the wal.” She edged away and had to remind herself they weren’t alone. He was trying to help. Her shoulder wound puled painfuly as she struggled to aim the heavy pistol. The barrel wavered like a flag in a high wind.

“Use the slide on top.”

She managed to pul the slide back, although it almost snapped shut onto her palm.

snapped shut onto her palm.

He turned a black frown on Warren, making the kid gulp.

“Herne’s hooves, if a female insists on a pistol, give her one she can manage. The kickback on this wil bust her face.

Show me your revolvers.”

“She wanted a big pistol. I didn’t think about…” Warren’s gaze measured her. “I’ve never sold a weapon to a female.

She’s awful little, isn’t she?” Despite Bree’s scowl, Warren forgot his nervousness in the chalenge. He considered the array of pistols under the glass counter, then puled one out.

“Try this. A Smith & Wesson. Lighter but it can shoot .357


Zeb weighed the pistol and nodded. He plucked the Eagle out of her grip, replacing it with the revolver.

She pointed it at the wal and dry-fired. There was an obvious difference, especialy when holding the thing out at arm’s length.

Zeb grunted his approval. “Start her on .38 specials. She can work up to the .357s.”

Bree handed Warren the revolver. “I guess that’s what I’l do.”

“I’l add ear plugs too.” Warren started piling boxes on the counter.

Bree smiled at Zeb. “Thank you. I’m glad you were here.” Arms crossed over his massive chest, he returned to frowning. “Why the fuck do you need a weapon?” frowning. “Why the fuck do you need a weapon?” Because a knife didn’t work. Her fingers stil held the memory of her butcher knife breaking against the monster’s bony plating. She swalowed. Forcing words through her tight throat gave them a snap she hadn’t intended. “That’s realy none of your business.”

His eyes narrowed before he nodded. “First lesson at ten tomorrow.” He glanced at Warren. “You got ax handles somewhere? Mine busted.”

“Yes, sir. Give me a sec, and I’l show you.” After Warren put a hefty dent in Bree’s credit card tab, he handed over her monster kiler and motioned to Zeb.

As the men headed for the rear, Bree escaped out the front. Whew. Guns made her nervous; Zeb even more so.

Yet, his very reluctance to teach her was reassuring. If he were after her…body…he’d want a reason to spend time with her.

She shook her head. The most scary-looking guy she’d ever met, and she felt as if he’d protect her.
Confused much,

I obviously need chocolate
. The tiny grocery store was right there, and even if the cabin’s oven wasn’t up to her standards, chocolate chip cookies were impossible to ruin.

“Hey, Breanne.”

She turned at the sound of her name

Vicki strode across the street with a blonde teen trailing in her wake. “We didn’t get a formal intro before. I’m Vicki.

How do you like Cold Creek?”

“Bree. And I’m enjoying the quiet.”

“Wel, then stay away from this noisy one,” Vicki slung an arm around the girl. “Bree, this is my daughter, Jamie. Wel, technicaly, she’s Calum’s baby, but she’s mine now too.

Jamie, Bree’s staying at the Wildwood Cabins.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Jamie.” Bree blinked. Considering Calum’s black hair and dark complexion, his fair-skinned, blue-eyed
looked more like she should be a child of Bree’s. A pang ran through her.
I’d like children

“Hi.” Jamie studied her. “You’re here to fish?”

“No, I just needed a break from the city.” Bree hesitated, but the more people that knew of her quest, the more likely she’d succeed. “I’m hunting for information about my parents.”

The girl’s eyes widened slightly, and freckles crinkled over her nose. “You lost your parents?”

“Or they lost me.”

The hardware store door slammed.

“Hey, Zeb,” Vicki greeted.

Zeb nodded at her, frowned at Bree, and glanced at Jamie. The girl backed away, sliding behind her mother.

The man’s face tightened. He walked away, without saying a word.

Vicki looked over her shoulder. “Why’re you hiding back Vicki looked over her shoulder. “Why’re you hiding back there?”

“Wel, duh, MomVee, the guy’s realy scary. Didn’t you notice?”

“Not realy.” Vicki watched him for a moment. “He’s big and scarred up, and… Okay, I can see how you might think scary, but he’s also—I don’t know—vulnerable or something.”

Bree stared at her. “And you pet rattlesnakes in your spare time, right?”

Vicki snorted. “That’s me. Are you starting to get cabin fever yet?”


“Come to the tavern tonight. I’l buy you a drink. Fair warning though—if the place gets busy, Calum’s liable to put you to work as a barmaid.”

Bree grinned. When she was sixteen and Sensei decided she had no caling for martial arts, he’d finagled her a job at a restaurant. She’d not only found her true caling, but also had paid for culinary school by waitressing. “I’d love it.”
Chapter Nine

At the outskirts of Cold Creek that night, Zeb impatiently At the outskirts of Cold Creek that night, Zeb impatiently waited for Alec to catch up. Although his fur warded off the misty cold, the snow wedged in the pads of his paws was uncomfortable as hel. He was ready for a warm tavern and a beer.

He heard the pines swaying, a sprite rustling into her treehole for the night…and then a faint padding as the oversized cougar stalked out from behind a house. The cougar’s paws were the size of dinner plates, and Zeb braced himself—just in case—then almost laughed. Was this how the little human felt when he was around?

With a lash of his tail, Alec pounced on a wayward leaf like a kitten would, obviously to put Zeb at ease.

Fucking observant sheriff. Zeb headed into the forest, sniffing as he went. Normal scents. Deer. Weasel. Hare.

Catching a trace of something foul, he put his nose down, moving slowly, working the air.
. A huge footprint. The heavy claw marks were bigger than a grizzly’s. He whined to catch Alec’s attention.

The cougar joined him, brushing against his shoulder.

Sniffing, studying. A low snarl.

A few minutes later in the cave, Zeb shifted to human, tied his hair back, and donned the clothing he’d left in a niche in the rock wal. Nice setup here. The hidden tunnel under the tavern let shifters enter the forest without the risk of a human stumbling over a pile of clothes.

stumbling over a pile of clothes.

After Alec puled on his sheriff’s uniform and combed his fingers through his sandy brown hair, he nodded at Zeb. “A good night’s work.”

“The tracks were old, but it’l be back at new moon.”

“We’l be ready this time.” Alec’s voice was grim. The Cascade Territory’s head cahir had taken the loss of life in his territory personaly. Zeb had discovered Alec’s easy-going attitude overlay a steel core and a logical mind. Now the cop knew what to smel for, he’d be watching for new tracks like a winter-starved weasel.

Alec motioned toward the stairs. “C’mon, I’l buy you a beer.”

The sheriff is buying me a drink, not trying to lock me
. Amused, he folowed Alec upstairs through the concealed door in a closet, out a private room, down a hal, and into the main tavern itself. The place had filed while they ranged the forest, and a wave of scents hit Zeb like a blow: beer, wine, perfumes, cologne, sweat. The country music might be good, but the babble of too fucking many people drowned it out.

“Pretty ful tonight.” Alec stopped at the bar and checked his watch. “I need to get back, see what damage Jenkins has done to the town.”

“Want us tomorrow?” Shay should have finished the bookkeeping by then and be in a better mood. Earlier, he’d bookkeeping by then and be in a better mood. Earlier, he’d discovered the previous owner’s “records” were receipts stuffed in a drawer, and the constant growling from the office had driven Zeb out of the lodge. After years of lone wolfing, he wasn’t fucking ready to have a fucking roommate.

“Tomorrow, yes. Same time and we’l meet here again.

That way I can get a beer.” Alec slapped him on the shoulder, shocking the hel out of Zeb. People didn’t touch him. Too big, too mean looking. This cahir didn’t seem to notice.

After holding up one finger to his littermate behind the bar, Alec strode away.

Zeb leaned an elbow on the bartop and studied the crowd.

Noticing three dwarves at the out-of-the-way corner table, he bowed his head politely and received the same in return.

The Cosantir’s mate, Vicki, was working as a barmaid again, although she was one of Alec’s deputies, as wel.

When Zeb had met her at a Gathering, she’d been overwhelmed by her first heat. Now she was laughing and trading insults with the customers. He was pleased to see she’d adjusted and found her place.

A sweet voice caught his attention. Carrying a smal tray she could use one-handed, Bree was taking drink orders. As she wove her way around the tables, her sunny hair gleamed in the light from the wal sconces. The wavy tangle stopped just above her waist, drawing attention to the way her jeans just above her waist, drawing attention to the way her jeans cupped her round ass. An inch or two taler than Vicki, she was even curvier and totaly appealing. Fuck.

Others had noticed, as wel. She was colecting interested looks from the entire male population of the bar, even Daonain. But, true to form, humans started the trouble.

Drunk, human, and male speled
pain in the ass
, and the center table held four PITAs.

One latched onto Bree’s arm tightly enough she couldn’t jerk away without spiling the drinks. Another had the effrontery to grab her ass.

Taler than everyone in the room, Zeb had a clear view.

He started to push his way through the crowd.

She scowled and snapped something, but the human males only laughed. And then, she pivoted and planted her foot into the ass-toucher’s stomach. Man and chair went over backwards, skidding a few feet until coming to rest against the adjacent table.

She hadn’t even spiled a drink.

She turned toward the other male. He snatched his hand from her arm. With a swing of her blonde hair, she moved away as if she’d never been stopped.

Fucking amazing. Zeb adjusted his jeans around a disconcerting hard-on and returned to the bar.

Calum was waiting for him. “Could you do me the favor of taking out the trash? Just the two. Politeness is not required.

taking out the trash? Just the two. Politeness is not required.

The others may stay.”

“With pleasure, Co—Calum.”

As he moved away, he heard Calum murmur, “I rather thought so…”

At the PITAs’ table, Zeb stopped beside the worm who’d grabbed Breanne’s arm.

“Yeah? What?” the human said.

Zeb bent and spoke quietly, “The owner says, ‘
.’ I
hope you stay.”

The guy was out the door before Zeb straightened. Wel, fuck. Talk about ruining his fun. The other human had regained his chair. Hand on his gut, he stil looked green.

Zeb’s lips twitched. Bree had some power in that kick.

One more piece of garbage to dispose of. He grabbed the asshole by his shirt colar and dragged him like a deer carcass across the room. With a flick of his wrist, he tossed the trash out the door and paused to make sure he wouldn’t come back in. Apparently, the human had urgent business elsewhere. Pity.

Zeb glanced at the other two at the table. They held up their hands as if he’d drawn a pistol. So he nodded. When he returned to the bar, his spot was empty of encroachers.

Calum set a dark beer in front of him. “From Alec. And that was nice work. Thank you.” He’d returned to drawing drinks before Zeb processed what he’d said. It was fucking strange to be thanked for having a good time.

strange to be thanked for having a good time.

The beer was cold and malty, and somehow the tavern had taken on a pleasant atmosphere.

A few minutes later, Bree halted beside Zeb. After setting her tray on the bar, she grinned up at him, her eyes dancing with humor.

His breath stopped in his throat, and heat surged through him. The little female was deadly when she directed that smile at a male.
For fuck’s sake, she’s human
. He didn’t realize he’d frowned until she took a step back.

He tried not to let it hurt.

Then her chin rose, and she forced herself to regain the distance she’d retreated. Brave little female. Her lips curved up again as she said, “When Calum told me the garbage would be removed, I thought he meant bussing the tables.

Then I saw you—” Her laugh reminded him of bubbly water in a rocky creek.

“Anyway, thank you,” she finished.

Without thinking, he rubbed his knuckles down her cheek, and she stiled, staring at him like a sparrow spotting a bobcat. Damn. He set his hand back on the bar. “You handled the problem. I just did disposal.”

“Very neatly too.” Although her words were light, her expression had turned cautious. She watched his hand as if it might fly up and strike her.

“Little female.” He waited until her gaze met his. “You

“Little female.” He waited until her gaze met his. “You weren’t afraid when you took on two drunks.” He knew what she smeled like when she was afraid—exactly the scent he caught now. “There’s only one of me, yet you are frightened.”

She started to shake her head in denial.

“Don’t lie.”

“Fine.” Her glare was diminished by the hint of terror in her eyes. “They were little—no, they weren’t,” she corrected. “You’re just so very big. And unfriendly. And you loom over me.”

She turned to grab her tray off the bar and stopped.

BOOK: Winter of the Wolf
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