Read Wilde Nights in Paradise (A Wilde Security Novel) (Entangled Brazen) Online

Authors: Tonya Burrows

Tags: #humor, #contemporary, #brazen, #sex, #romance, #erotic, #entangled, #military, #sexy, #tonya burrows, #hornet, #seal of honor

Wilde Nights in Paradise (A Wilde Security Novel) (Entangled Brazen) (6 page)

BOOK: Wilde Nights in Paradise (A Wilde Security Novel) (Entangled Brazen)
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She didn’t want to tell him the truth and took a sip of her beer to stall.

His brows drew together, a crease forming between them. “Weren’t there?”

Her throat tightened. “One night with a guy in law school.”

Silence fell between them, filled with the hum of the hot tub’s jets.

God, she shouldn’t have told him that. Worse, she shouldn’t be jealous of all his nameless, faceless lovers. But as ridiculous and illogical as it was, it hurt to think that he had enjoyed sex with other women when her one attempt after him had been a miserable failure. Dammit, she wanted the pleasure he’d so freely given other women.

Just once.

“You owe me.” The declaration popped out without her consent, her mouth acting before her brain fully processed the thought. But what the hell? Despite the impulsiveness of the idea, it was a good one. She could work out all of her sexual frustration tonight, on her terms, before it bubbled over into something uncontrollable and dangerous. Maybe he wouldn’t even be as good as she remembered, and then she could erase the past eight years and start fresh.

“You. Owe. Me,” she repeated, enunciating each word.

His brows lifted. “I do?”

“Oh, yeah. You may not have been celibate, buddy, but I damn near was. It was supposed to have been just the two of us for the rest of our lives, but you took that from me. You robbed me of eight years of my sexual life. So you owe me one night.”

His eyelids dropped to half-mast, and he looked at her through his lashes. “Just one?”

“Yes. That’s all. I’m tired of pretending I’m not still attracted to you. Since we have to live together for the foreseeable future, I want to get it out of the way now.”

“So logical.” A slow grin spread across his face. “But, Libs, you’ve been doing it all wrong if you think one night will satisfy either of us.”

“I haven’t been doing it at all, and that’s the problem.” She held up a finger. “One night, Jude. Take it or leave it.”

He stood, and steam rose off his chest. Weighed down by the water, his shorts hung so low on his hips that she could see the tip of his very erect penis. “Oh, I’m definitely taking it.”

Chapter Six

Jude hesitated, hating the way she backed up with his every step closer. He knew he looked predatory, knew she wasn’t anywhere near ready for him to unleash the full force of his desire. But, damn, he couldn’t help himself. He hadn’t planned on making any advances, despite the memory of losing himself in her, which had been replaying in his mind since seeing her again. Now here she was, offering one night, and maybe he was a complete jerk, but he didn’t have the willpower to walk away from that. He followed her retreat, his blood running hotter than it had in years. He was tired of denying himself what he wanted, what his body and heart had claimed as his own years ago.

She backed away until she banged into the covered pool table. Which was perfect.

“Wait.” She held up her hands, pushed against his chest as he crowded her, caging her in with a hand on each side of her hips.

“Second thoughts already?” He leaned in and scraped his teeth along the line of her chin to her ear. “Gotta tell me now.”

“No. I don’t know. Maybe we should think…” Her words trailed off into a moan as he traced the curve of her ear with his tongue, then tugged the lobe between his teeth.

“You think too much, Libs. Always have. Just feel.”

She tilted her head to the side, allowing him better access, and he took that as consent. He grazed the column of her neck with his lips, enjoying the trail of goose bumps he left in his wake. Her hands found his hair, tangled in the longer strands on top, and guided his head down to a much more interesting area of the female anatomy. Happy to oblige, he sucked one of her nipples through the layers of her shirt and bra, but it wasn’t enough. Too many damn clothes separated them. He needed her bare skin under his hand, against his tongue.

“You should have put your swimsuit on.”

Resignation tinged her sigh. “I was afraid this would happen if I did.”

“Hate to tell ya, babe, but this was gonna happen even if you were wearing chain mail.” But, damn, he did like the thought of seeing her in a swimsuit. “That little purple bikini with the silver ties at the hips… You don’t still have that, do you?”

Libby laughed and shook her head. “Of course not. I was twenty pounds lighter back then. It wouldn’t fit me now.”

“Mmm, I like your body now. All this soft skin here…” He stripped off her shirt and palmed her breasts. She’d always had the sexiest lingerie, and he was glad to see that hadn’t changed, but right now he was more interested in the lovely mounds overflowing his palms and the rosy nipples straining toward him through the sheer white lace of her bra.

“And here…” In a move so quick it left her gasping, he spun her to face the pool table. He kissed her shoulder before dropping to his knees and sliding off her pants.

She groaned. “Jude—”

“No.” His voice came out as little more than a rasp, and he stopped her from turning back around. Having her lace-covered ass right there in front of him was so damn erotic that the sight of her curves alone almost did him in. He traced a finger over the dimples at the base of her spine, lightly down the cleft between her cheeks, and found the honeyed spot between her legs already damp for him. Standing, he kept his hand on her sex and nudged her legs farther apart.

Christ, she was so wet. His cock ached with the need to sink into her, but he wasn’t ready for that yet. He wanted to make her come, wanted her legs to turn to jelly, wanted her gasping and writhing and begging before he entered her. He slipped his fingers under the edge of her panties and enjoyed the shudder that shook her so hard she had to grab the pool table for support.

Oh yeah. She was wound so tight that he bet he could make her go off three times before he penetrated her.

This was going to be fun.

This was completely insane.

She’d promised herself she wasn’t going to have sex with Jude ever again, had secretly nicknamed him “Last Man on Earth” Wilde—as in, not even if he were the last man on Earth. Yet here she was, straining against his talented fingers, wanting nobody else.

A breeze stirred the palm fronds overhanging the pool and brushed her bare skin in a warm caress, reminding her they were still outside. She experienced a moment of sheer oh-my-God-I-must-have-lost-my-mind, but then Jude flipped aside the end of her ponytail and dragged his lips up her spine, gently biting the base of her neck as his fingers dipped deeper into her sex. Her knees threatened collapse. Only his muscled arm around her waist kept her from melting into a puddle of lust at his feet.

“We shouldn’t be doing this,” she squeaked.

“Yeah, we probably shouldn’t.” His breath was hot against her skin, and yet still sent goose bumps racing over her body. “But that’s the fun of it.”

Fun. Was this fun? As his lips and tongue continued their exploration of her spine and his fingers dipped in and out, in and out, she swallowed a moan. Oh, yes, this was fun. And delicious. And so very dangerous.

Crazy. This was all so crazy, and she didn’t do crazy. She did safe. Secure. Steady.


“You’re thinking again,” Jude said. He cupped her chin in one big hand and rubbed his thumb over her lower lip before drawing her toward him for a kiss that swept her up, shook her around, and spit her out in the land of impossible things.

She sucked in a sharp breath when he finally let her mouth go. “I’m not in Kansas anymore, am I?”

That devastatingly sexy grin of his spread across lips still damp from their kiss. “Nah, Dorothy, but this is no dream. This is the real deal, and if you want to stop—well, damn, it might kill me, but I’ll walk out that door right now and call one of my brothers to play bodyguard.”

Her heart gave an unexpected lurch at the thought, which should have been all the proof she needed to back off and tell him to do exactly that. She’d probably be safer with one of his brothers, both physically and emotionally.

Instead, she found herself tracing his lips with her fingertip. Lips that so easily offered a smile. Lips that knew exactly how to make a woman scream with pleasure. Lips she had dreamed about more often than she wanted to admit even to herself. “If I say no, you won’t stay?”

He shook his head. “Now that I’ve had a taste, I don’t trust myself to be a gentleman and keep my hands off you.”

“You’ve never been a gentleman, Jude Wilde.”


“Exactly,” she echoed. Turning in the circle of his strong arms, she lifted herself up to sit on the pool table and wrapped her legs around his waist. If she was going to do this, she was throwing caution to the wind for one night and going all out. “So why start now?”

His answering grin was slow and sensuous. His hands were not as he wrestled her out of her panties and fumbled with her bra. She never remembered him fumbling before. He’d always been so sure of himself, so steady that it surprised her to see the tremble in his fingers. But then she had no interest in his fingers save for the deliciously wicked things they were doing between her legs again. He leaned in for a short kiss, sucked her lower lip into his mouth as he pulled away.

“Lay back,” he whispered. “I want you in my mouth.”

Her heart tripped, stuttered, and she was pretty sure she no longer knew how to breathe, but none of that mattered because he was staring at her like she was a feast and he was a man starved. She let him push her back, the padded, leather-like cover on the pool table cool against her bare skin. He gave a hum of male appreciation as his palm skimmed the front of her body, his gaze following until he found the soft curls at the vee of her legs. He slid two fingers into her again and shut his eyes, groaning as if in pain. She saw his hips pump almost involuntarily.

“You’re still dressed,” she managed between gasping breaths as his fingers continued their slide.

“For now.” His voice was nothing but rasp, and the thrill of it made her muscles quiver. He was on the edge, just barely holding his desire in check. What she couldn’t understand was, why? Jude Wilde never held back. Everything he did was in your face, in the moment, carpe diem. So why was he reigning himself in

“Jude.” She waited until his lust-drunk gaze met hers, then deliberately opened her thighs, touched herself, and enjoyed the hitch in his breath while he watched. “You want your mouth on me? I’m waiting. Taste me.”

His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, and if that look in his eyes got any hotter, she’d be walking away from this with scorch marks. It would be worth it, though.

worth it.

Jude dropped to his knees, hooked her legs over his shoulders and found her with his mouth. At the first lap of his tongue, she came in one hard spasm, thighs quaking, back arching, her cry echoing around the garden. And still he didn’t stop, didn’t let her ease back to Earth before he sent her into orbit again.

Definitely worth it.

In a burst of movement, as if he couldn’t stand to be outside her a second longer, he surged to his feet, shed his shorts, dragged her to the edge of the table, and fisted himself in one hand, guiding his head to her entrance. With a hard thrust of his hips, he drove deep inside her.

“Wait,” she managed even as she lifted to meet his thrusts. “Condom.”

“I’m clean,” he said between clenched teeth, pumped his hips again, and pleasure coiled tighter within her, curling her toes.

“I know. It’s not that… Oh God, that feels so good.” Her eyes nearly rolled back in her head, and she almost said to hell with it…but one thought stopped her. Pregnancy. She did not want a child with a man who acted like a child himself most of the time. She was lucky she hadn’t ended up pregnant and alone eight years ago, and she wasn’t going to take that risk this time around.

She smacked her hands against his chest. “Jude, wait. We need a condom. I’m not on birth control.”

A stream of colorful curses fell from his lips, and she instantly regretted the lost connection when he left her and ran into the house. He was back a moment later and slapped a string of condoms—at least a half dozen—onto the pool table.

She laughed. “Now that’s wishful thinking.”

“You said one night, not one time. I plan to make the most of it.” He ripped one open with his teeth, rolled it on, and found her again in one long glide. Slow, torturous thrusts and it wasn’t enough. She didn’t want slow and sweet from him. Didn’t want gentle. She wanted sweaty, down-and-dirty, bed-rocking, flesh-slapping sex and wound her legs around his waist, lifted her hips, dug her heels into his back.

Spurred him on. Faster, harder.

He gave her exactly that until the sturdy pool table wobbled and creaked and sweat slicked both of them.

Tension wound so tightly inside Libby she thought she might pop like a container under too much pressure. She bit the inside of her cheek, determined not to cry out again. They were in the middle of a city, and although the stone fence and jungle-like garden blocked all views from the street, they did have neighbors. The whole block didn’t need to know what they were up to tonight. But then Jude leaned forward, changing the direction of his thrusts as his lips closed over one beaded nipple and tugged.

And that was it.

The climax ripped a scream from her throat. After one more deep thrust, she felt him tighten up, felt his erection jump as he joined her, roaring with his own orgasm.

Jude collapsed but caught himself on his arms before crushing her. He stared at her for a long time as his breath sawed from his lungs, his gaze searching hers for…something. She didn’t know what.

“Christ,” he whispered. Finally shutting his eyes, he leaned his damp forehead against hers as shudders continued to wrack his body. “Oh, Christ. I can’t get enough of you. I can’t get enough.”

He lurched upright, pulled off the condom, and grabbed another.

“No way. You can’t possibly…” Shocked, she watched him roll the second condom into place over his straining erection. Even more shocking, she felt herself getting wet again, responding to his need, her sex tender but plumped and ready for him. “Jude, if we keep this up, I won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”

When he lifted his head and grinned at her with the devil in his eyes, she decided walking was overrated anyway. She reached for him, wrapped her hand around his length, and guided him to her. He caught her legs in one arm, hooked them over his shoulder, and drove into her like a man possessed, but she was right there with him, and she didn’t last long.

This time, she didn’t worry about the neighbors hearing.

BOOK: Wilde Nights in Paradise (A Wilde Security Novel) (Entangled Brazen)
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