Wild Fire (The Fairy Tale Match Series) (40 page)

BOOK: Wild Fire (The Fairy Tale Match Series)
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Lotta was satisfied. Their charges
were finally in a position to take care of their own happily ever after with no
more help needed from them. Flo, however, stood beside her sobbing into the
handkerchief she’d conjured from mid-air.

“Come now Flo! Pull yourself
together. You knew this was coming,” Lotta admonished, but her gentle smile and
pat on Flo’s arm took any sting from her words.

“I know, but it’s so hard!” sobbed
Flo, big fat tears running down her face and splashing onto her dress. Her
cries echoed round the stable where they were standing, making Charger snort
with agitation, his ears flattened to his head.

“You’re scaring the horses!” Lotta
exclaimed, indicating Charger.

“Sorry,” sniffled Flo. Just then a
sparkle of light filled the space and a parchment of paper appeared in front of
Lotta. With a worried look at Flo, Lotta took the parchment, opening it with a
tap of her wand and a few chanted words. She read the contents, her brow

“It is as we expected. There is to be
a full investigation into our assignment and our actions on said assignment.
Until the results of that investigation are complete, we are to be suspended
from duty.”

Flo gave a wail of disappointment.
“But if we hadn’t interfered, they wouldn’t have got a happily ever after!” she

“I know. I don’t regret our actions,
but we didn’t blend them in sufficiently and our charges were left with
thinking they’d had extra help. They even thanked us.” Lotta tapped the
parchment and it vanished.

“It was so nice to have a thank you
for once,” Flo said dreamily.

“It was,” Lotta agreed. She knew it
would be some time before the verdict on their actions came through. She
wondered if they would have to give up their wands for good. She dearly hoped
not. Whatever happened, this happy ending had been worth it.



Six Months Later


Laura gazed at herself in the full
length mirror, hardly able to believe this day had finally arrived. Jake’s mother
stood behind her with Kerry, both crying at the sight of Laura in her wedding
dress. The gown was gorgeous, with lace covering the bodice and train. The tiny
sequins sewn all over the ivory white gown shimmered in the sunlight coming
through the windows, making them look like stardust had been scattered over the
dress. Laura’s hair had been half pinned up, small blue and pink flowers woven
through its shiny strands, matching her bouquet.

Becca, Jake’s mother, had given her a
beautiful necklace that she’d worn on her wedding day to Jake’s father. Becca
and Laura had got on from the first moment they’d met and they’d fast developed
a mother daughter relationship. Becca had been so happy that her son had
finally found the right woman for him.

Laura took the flowers Kerry was
holding for her, taking a deep breath. She’d got her wish to be married at the
ranch. A huge marque had been put up outside ready for the reception. Flowers
hung everywhere and the horses were all out in the pasture nearby, so they felt
like a part of the celebration. Everything was just as Laura had dreamed it
that awful day she’d been trapped in Victoria’s car. She closed her eyes a
moment, giving thanks that she stood here on her wedding day, when it had
seemed at one time she’d never make it.

Things had been tough for a time
after that fateful day. Walter had had a complete breakdown and attacked
several police officers after he’d been told of his sister’s death. He had been
transferred to a secure mental hospital where he was undergoing treatment. It
seemed unlikely that he’d see the outside world for many years to come. The
last they’d heard, Walter sat in a world of his own where he still talked to
Victoria. Despite everything, Laura hoped that he’d find peace one day.

Kerry gently squeezed her shoulder in
understanding, bringing her back to the present. “Today is not a day for sad
thoughts,” Kerry whispered gently.

Laura nodded, squeezing her hand
back. She was right, today was for the happy future she and Jake were about to
begin together as husband and wife.

“You look beautiful,” Laura told
Kerry. Her soon to be sister in law glowed in her bridesmaid’s dress, her dark
hair pulled up in cascading curls. It was only a month away that Laura would be
returning the favour when Kerry married Dan. Smiling at her friend, Laura
stepped out of the room, ready to make Jake her husband at last.

They slowly descended the stairs,
smiling down at Bill who awaited them. He’d choked up when Laura had asked him
if he’d give her away on her special day. She wouldn’t have wanted anyone else.
In the short time she’d known him, he’d been more of a father to her than her
real one had ever been.

He took her hand and tucked it into
his elbow. “You ready?” he asked gruffly.

“I have never been more ready for
anything in my life!” Laura stated firmly. Smiling, he led her outside. The
music started up and Kerry led the way up the aisle. Most of the town had
turned out for their big day, except Henry Blankton who still had sour grapes
ever since he’d lost a large portion of his business to Martha.

Laura smiled as she spotted Martha in
the crowd, crying and clinging to Alfie’s arm. Laura’s heart filled up at the
sight of them. She’d sold her house back in England and properly quit her job
after she knew she’d be staying here for good. She’d invested in the diner and
become a partner with Martha, taking some of the pressure of running the
business off her shoulders. It felt so good to be a part of something and the
diner was going from strength to strength.

Her eyes connected to Jake and
suddenly nobody else existed. She gazed at his handsome face as he stood
waiting for her. Her heart swelled in her chest at the sight of him. His gaze
moved over her from head to toe, taking in every detail. The look in his eyes set
her body on fire. She barely noticed Dan standing next to him as best man. It
had taken hardly any time at all before they had been able to put the past
behind them and resume the friendship that had meant so much to both of them
before Victoria’s interference. Laura had been so happy when Jake had asked Dan
to stand up for him.  The shadow of the past was finally gone.

She hardly noticed as Bill stepped
back after placing her hand in Jake’s. His warm strong fingers closed over
hers, making her feel safe and loved. Before long the ceremony was over and she
was finally Jake’s wife. He held her close as he kissed her deeply, their first
kiss as husband and wife. The crowd around them cheered, breaking into the
heated kiss of the newly married couple. Laura laughed joyously as they made
their way back up the aisle, the crowd pelting them with confetti. They were
bombarded with congratulations from all sides.

The evening went on with a wonderful
wedding breakfast and before long the music began for the dancing. Laura
stepped into Jake’s arms for the first dance, twirling to the music like she
was on air. She felt like a fairy princess with her handsome prince. Everything
was magical and perfect. She had no idea what she’d ever done to be so lucky
but she would be forever grateful for the advert that had come up on her screen
and sent her on a wonderful journey to a whole new life.

Laura and Jake danced every dance
until laughing, she begged for a moment’s reprieve for her poor aching feet.
Jake headed off to get her a drink while she sat for a while to catch her
breath. Laura smiled as the two women that had come from the Fairy Tale Match
approached her. She’d sent an invitation to the organisation, but hadn’t really
expected anyone to turn up. The small plump woman beamed in Kerry’s direction
as Kerry spun past her on the dance floor in Dan’s arms. Kerry, in turn, stared
back. For some reason the woman looked familiar, but she simply couldn’t place
where she’d seen her before.

The tall thin woman that Laura remembered
was Ms Feather, clasped her hand. “Congratulations Mrs Carter. We are so happy
we found the perfect match for you. We wish you many years of happiness ahead.”

“Thank you so much. And thank you for
coming,” Laura replied warmly.

“It was our pleasure dear,” said the
small plump woman, drawing Laura into a bone crushing hug before kissing both
her cheeks. Laura hardly knew what to do.

Ms Feather cleared her throat,
pulling the other woman away. “Please excuse my colleague,” she said with
apologetic eyes. “She always gets overcome at weddings. She’s a hopeless
romantic.” The other woman dabbed away at her teary eyes with a handkerchief
while sniffling loudly.

“Its fine,” Laura assured, thinking
it very sweet that the woman was so romantic. “I should think it really helps
to be that caring in your line of work.”

Ms Feather rolled her eyes.
“Sometimes it’s nothing but trouble.” With that cryptic remark, Ms Feather
pulled her companion away.

Jake tapped Laura on the shoulder,
drawing her into his arms. He handed her a drink. “Having a good time, Mrs
Carter?” he asked, nuzzling her ear. Shivers of heat flowed through her at his

“I am, but I can think of something
else I’d rather be doing right now,” she whispered back, her eyes scorching him
with her heated look. He groaned.

“You’ll be the death of me one day,”
he teased. “How about we get out of here?”

“Won’t people wonder where we’ve
gone?” Laura protested half-heartedly.

“They won’t need much imagination to
guess where we’ve gone!” Jake laughed. “I’ve waited long enough to have you all
to myself. Come on.”

He grabbed her hand and like a couple
of naughty school kids, they snuck off to change and head to the hotel they’d
booked for the night before going on honeymoon the next day. Laura stuffed a
hand over her mouth to hold in her giggles. Jake simply laughed, not caring who
saw them ducking out. Life had finally given him everything he’d ever wanted.
He sent a prayer of thanks to the heavens.


Lotta and Flo left the wedding, each
smiling in joy at how well things had turned out. They stood in a meadow, where
they could still hear the sounds of the distant music. Things had turned out
perfectly for these two couples. If only the same could be said for their fairy

“When do you think we’ll hear the
verdict on this case?” Flo asked impatiently. “It is taking such a long time. I
want to get onto another assignment.”

“We knew it would take time,” Lotta
soothed. “It shouldn’t be much longer now.”

The sound of tinkling bells made them
both turn around in surprise. Standing behind them was Clarissa, the head of
all fairy godmothers. Her wise gaze looked them over as they stood before her
dressed as humans from attending the wedding. Lotta’s heart skipped a beat,
worry etched on her brow. It must be serious if Clarissa had come. They were
going to lose their wands. She just knew it.

“I have come to speak to you both
about a very grave matter,” Clarissa told them, folding her hands before her
with her wand gripped tightly between them.

“Is it the verdict?” Lotta asked.
“Has a decision been made? Will we keep our wands?”

“My dears, you have both been found
to have acted above and beyond the call of duty. Although some felt that the
flouting of the rules should be punished, I have decided that no actions taken
by yourselves are punishable. In fact, I am so pleased with how you handled a
difficult assignment and brought it successfully to a happy ever after that I
wish to ask for your help with another case.”

Lotta and Flo looked at each other in
shock. “Another assignment?” Lotta stammered.

“Indeed,” Clarissa confirmed. “This
is a charge belonging to one of our younger fairy godmothers. She gave the girl
the gift of beauty at her birth.”

Lotta gasped. “Did she not know that
such a gift can often be like a curse to the bearer?”

Clarissa shook her head sadly. “She
is young and inexperienced. Even though she knew this could be the case, she
still naively thought it the best gift she could give. Needless to say the gift
has caused a great deal of trouble for her charge. It is unlikely that the girl
will ever allow love into her life without extreme intervention. There are also
some other circumstances which make this a difficult assignment to handle. Will
you take it?”

Flo nodded immediately, Lotta reluctantly
followed suit. Nobody refused Clarissa anything.

“Wonderful!” she cried. She waved her
wand and the image of an incredibly beautiful woman filled the air. Her long
blonde hair tumbled down her back and her vivid violet eyes looked hardened and
serious. There didn’t seem to be any joy or trust in the woman’s heart at all.
“This is her. Her name is Erica Stone. She needs all the help you can give her.
This will not be an easy task.”

Lotta sighed. ‘Here we go again’ she

A Note from the Author


I truly hope you enjoyed reading Jake and Laura’s story as
much as I enjoyed writing it. If you would like to leave a review of my work,
that would be wonderful. I love feedback from readers.

I am currently working on the second book in the Fairy Tale
Match series which is called Forever You and will follow Flo and Lotta as they
battle to find love for Erica Stone. I will also be working on another series
of romantic mystery books that will be coming soon…..

If you want to contact me you can email me at
[email protected]

Or visit my author page on Amazon or you can visit my blog


I would love to hear from my readers.

BOOK: Wild Fire (The Fairy Tale Match Series)
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