Wicked Empress: The Onic Empire, Book 4 (2 page)

BOOK: Wicked Empress: The Onic Empire, Book 4
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He was everything and more than she ever could have asked for. Literally, he took her breath away. Locked into a firm pace, he thrust into her with great pounding waves that lifted her off her feet. To keep her steady for him, he pressed her against his chest, forcing her to hold still for each wicked, wonderful thrust. Lowering his head to her ear, he said something she didn’t understand, but what did it matter? She didn’t care if she never understood a word he said. They didn’t need to talk when they could do this.

Each rock of his hips smeared the
gel across the lips of her sex and then finally up to her clit. “
” She uttered the Beserrah swear without thinking. Now she knew exactly what the magical liquid did. It set her body on fire, clamoring a need for climax across every nerve she possessed. No wonder his nostrils had flared and he’d rocked back! It amazed her he’d been able to maintain that much control. Just as she stood on the verge of possibly the most intense climax in her life, he withdrew.

Alarmed, she looked back over her shoulder only to be spun directly into his arms. Her gaze darted across the startled faces of the audience, then settled on her intended’s face. His eyes were narrowed, his nostrils wide, his lips parted over teeth bared in a half snarl. Sweet, merciful Datanna! He looked like he was going to attack her! Before she could run or call for her guards, he grasped her waist, lifting her into the air as if she weighed nothing, and slammed her down onto his cock. Her whimper of surrender caused him to grunt with satisfaction. When she realized he only wanted to be face-to-face with her, she relaxed in his grip. Without a word, he carried her, still impaled upon him, off the dais and out of the room.


He’d spoken only one word, but his voice was so deep and rich it vibrated his chest and consequently her. Oh, to have him hum while wrapping his lips around her clit would be nothing short of divine! Eagerly, she pointed toward the exit.

“Want alone with you.”

He wasn’t the most eloquent speaker, but he didn’t need to be. She felt exactly the same way. They’d given the audience enough of a vicarious thrill.

Ambo waddled behind them. “He must climax in full view of everyone!” His enormous hat fell off as he tried to catch up, but her intended was practically running with her strapped to his body. He showed no signs of slowing down.

Bithia didn’t bother to answer Ambo. However, she did get a bit of a chuckle when she imagined Ambo trying to stop her bondmate. He would simply plow the chubby man down with one hand and keep right on going. She had a feeling he wouldn’t let anything stop him from getting her alone and fucking her brains out. This only endeared him to her more.

Clinging to his massive shoulders, she directed him through the maze of hallways. Not once did he slow his stride or let her slip from his grip. Twice guards tried to step into their path, but Bithia swore to have them put to the stone if they dared. Each time the guards retreated when they realized whom the enormous man carried so swiftly through the palace. Everyone knew what today was. Tomorrow all would celebrate her bonding, but for tonight, they would be alone.

He held her to him possessively and she thrilled at the shimmer of sparks each bounce against him caused to her tender clit. She tried to hold back, but she couldn’t. The most explosive orgasm of her life ripped through her body, clutching her to him so tightly he growled and pressed her against the nearest wall.

“No can wait.” He held her to the cool, smooth stone as he rocked once, twice, then released in a great, gushing tide. Tossing his head back, he howled out his satisfaction. As he lowered his face to hers, his gaze hit her with such regret he didn’t have to speak to convey he was ashamed he’d been unable to wait.

She smiled up at him, cupping her hand to his face. “It’s not you, but the
gel.” Frankly, she was amazed he’d lasted this long. Her fingertip traced over the stain on his cheek and he yanked his face to the side, hiding the mark. Whatever the black symbol meant it was not something he was proud of, or perhaps she wasn’t supposed to touch it. Who knew the taboos of an alien culture?
She didn’t even understand half the traditions of the culture she now ruled over!

“Where?” he asked, pulling her away from the wall.

She pointed and he continued down the hall, still carrying her. He slowed his pace a bit, but not much. To her amazement, he was still hard. Clearly, she had to get her hands on more of this magical liquid for future romps.

“Here, go in here.” Finally, they’d reached the last hallway before her enormous suite of rooms. As he started down, she bellowed out to the guards, “Open the doors for him!” By the time they’d reached the massive Onic doors, they were open wide. She didn’t have to tell the guards to pull them closed once they’d entered. The two hunks of wood slipped silently shut.

He cast his gaze around, saw her bed and marched toward it. Lowering himself to his knees, he placed her bottom on the edge of the mattress with her legs still wrapped around his hips. He took a moment to look down at her while he caught his breath, not that he was all that winded. Clearly, the man was used to hard physical labor. She imagined he could ride her all night without tiring. His eyes were bright with lust, his mouth parted from his exertion and his lips curled into a snarl as he pushed her arms off his shoulders.

“Lift hands.”

Indulging his clear need to dominate, she did as he ordered, lifting her hands up over her head. She’d always enjoyed a man who knew how to take charge. As long as his bossiness didn’t extend past the bedroom, she was fine with letting him be as aggressive as he wanted to be.


He palmed her breasts, twisting the nipples between forefinger and thumb while watching her face. “My women no have.”

She took a moment to comprehend what he’d said. “They don’t have breasts?” She tried to picture women without boobs but saw only men.

“No have big.” He couldn’t seem to take his eyes off them now that they were alone.

She imagined he’d struggled greatly during the bonding ceremony. Even on Diola her breasts were considered much larger than average. On his world, she would be considered a veritable freak.

“You like?” she asked, keeping her words simple to better communicate with him.

“Like much.” He nodded, twirling his fingers against them again, until her large nipples stood hard. “You like?” he asked.

She stretched out below him, wordlessly conveying her pleasure at his touch. His hands were big and very strong, but he was careful not to twist too roughly. “Take one in your mouth.”

He tilted his head to the side, revealing his confusion and the fact that his hair was quite long.

She touched her finger to his mouth then to her nipple.

The face he made was one of repulsion. She tried again, touching her nipple first, but as she lifted her hand to his mouth, he jerked his face to the side. “Not a child.”

Baffled, she considered for a moment that she wasn’t being clear. When she lifted to put her mouth on his nipple, he pushed her back onto the bed. “I no woman!”

Then she understood. In his culture, only babies nursed at a woman’s breast, and a woman certainly didn’t touch a man’s nipple. Damned, dangerous Delpho! They were in a world of trouble. She wanted to put her mouth all over him and wanted him to do the same to her. If he had issues with using his mouth on her body, she wasn’t going to stay faithful to him no matter what the prophecy said.

Without knowing his language, she really couldn’t argue the point. She was either going to have to get an interpreter or simply tie him down and do whatever she wanted with him. The latter sounded easier than her learning his language. Binding him also sounded like a lot more fun.

With a smile and a submissive sigh, she laid back, wondering whatever she would do with him. If mouths were out, she would have to find other ways to tease and torment him this night. When she shimmied her hips, he frowned.

“No move.”

When she lifted her brows and playfully rolled her hips again, he grabbed her hips in his massive hands and pinned her decisively to the bed.

“No move.” On that point, he was very clear, and she didn’t think he was worried about climaxing too soon.

“Aren’t you the bossy one?” Determined to defy him, she flexed the muscles in her cunt tightly around his cock several times without moving her hips. “What are you going to do now?”

One eye twitched down as if he tried to understand what she’d said and how she’d managed to clutch him so strongly without moving. Contracting the muscles of her sex was one of the things she knew that many women didn’t. By consistent exercise, she could now easily grip a man with the strength of a fist. Not a strong fist, but certainly strong enough to make a man notice. Usually, said man was shocked and then excited about her skill. Never had one been upset, not like her new bondmate clearly was.

“You no move.” He pressed her harder into the bed.

Flexing and releasing her walls in a quick series caused him to yank his cock out of her. Glaring, he shoved his hands under her, gripped her butt cheeks and lifted her up. He took a good, long look between her thighs. She helped him by spreading her legs wide, balancing her pointed toes on the edge of the bed. When he apparently didn’t see anything he wasn’t familiar with, he lowered her back to the bed and cast her a suspicious glance.

When she realized he would not continue until she agreed, she rolled her eyes. “Fine.” She lifted her hands higher over her head and utterly relaxed her body. “Do whatever you want, big man. I’m all yours.”

Watching her closely, he placed his cock right against her dripping sex. He waited for the longest time. Then he thrust into her so hard he pushed her farther onto the bed. “I give, you take.”

Stunned by his aggressiveness, she simply nodded.

He did it again, and again, each time forcing his way just a bit deeper inside. Each rough thrust caused him to grow bigger and harder, stretching her almost beyond endurance.

Bithia had never been with such an insistent and commanding man. He clearly wouldn’t tolerate anything but her complete passivity. Holding still for him was almost impossible as she was not a submissive lover, but she was willing to try.

Sensing her compliance, he grew more assured. His eyes narrowed dangerously, almost daring her to defy him again. Idly, she wondered what he would do to her if she did. Would he paddle her bottom with his massive hand? That could be fun. Perhaps later she would try, but for right now, she would indulge him. Lying back, utterly still, was a rather novel sensation.

His intense gaze dropped to her breasts. Each thrust jiggled the mounds of flesh, entrancing him. If one of her nipples softened, he would tweak it just enough to harden it again. Each time, a little smile flitted across his mouth. So fascinating did he find her bouncing breasts he never looked at her face.

As he grew closer to climax, his lips peeled back, revealing white teeth that would give him a dazzling smile, but as she examined him, she didn’t think he smiled much, if ever. Seriousness stamped every line in his face. Even here, engaging in pleasure, he was severe. Bithia had always approached sex with nothing but enjoyment on her mind. This man took it so gravely it was as if sex were literally life or death.

“Have you ever laughed?” She asked the question before she could stop herself.

His gaze darted to her face as if he just now remembered she had one. He’d been so riveted by her bouncy boobs that was all he’d been looking at. Tilting his head, he lifted one brow.

“Laugh. Like this.” She laughed.

A snarl of disapproval washed across his features.

“I wasn’t laughing at you, I—never mind.” Bithia shut her mouth. Touchy didn’t even remotely encompass how irritable he was. It seemed everything she did or said aggravated him. The only time she ever felt utterly secure with herself was in the bedchamber. Not anymore. Not with him. She honestly didn’t know what to do other than let him do as he pleased. But her advisors would hear of her displeasure come tomorrow. Ancient ceremony or no, he was gone from her life and her bed, or her advisors would suffer her wrath.

After a long time of letting him return to his measured thrusts while alternately twisting her nipples, he grew relaxed with his position of authority. Watching him closely, she sensed when he was on the verge of climax. Wanting to join him, she lowered her hand to stroke her clit. He snarled something in his native tongue that was clearly a command for her to stop. When she didn’t, he grasped her wrists in his fist and pinned her down.

“I give, you take.”

Before she could argue, he rocked her into the bed, taking her breath away. Fast and furious, he pounded into her until he climaxed with a great bellow. Eyes closed, he struggled to regain his breath. He let go of her hands and pulled out of her body, kneeling on the floor between her legs.

Now it was her turn to become annoyed. How dare he use her to find his pleasure but not give her any in return? Just what kind of a culture did he come from? Determined to climax, she slid her hand down and rubbed her clit. Little sparks shot up, infusing her body. As she thought on Kerrick, he of the golden hair and riveting green eyes, her climax hovered so close she could almost taste relief. Smearing some of the
gel across her tight little nub brought her even higher and terribly close.

He didn’t notice at first, not with his eyes closed, but when he opened them and saw what she was doing, he grabbed her hand, preventing her from climaxing.

“I give, you take,” he reminded her, as if she could ever forget. “I give no more.” He glanced down at his limp prick.

Did he actually think his cock was what caused her to climax? What planet was he from? Beyond furious, Bithia yanked her hand from his. Before he could react, she slid up and across the bed. Dropping off the other side, she ran into the basin, slamming the door behind her. Instantly, Bithia thrust her hand between her legs.

While she struggled to get off, he fumbled with the knob, his voice low and furious against the carved wood. She didn’t understand a word he said, but he was clearly trying to get her to open the door. She ignored him. Bithia finished herself off with a few well-placed strokes. Sadly, her pleasure was feeble when her release could have been so spectacular. Once the last of the tremors left her, she felt drained and sick at heart. How could she spend a lifetime with that man?

BOOK: Wicked Empress: The Onic Empire, Book 4
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