Whispered Confessions (Touched By You) (4 page)

BOOK: Whispered Confessions (Touched By You)
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Leaning back, Tanner fisted his cock, smearing pre-cum around it to lubricate. He didn’t put much pressure on the head, wanting to delay as long as possible. As it was, he was close. Rolling his balls in his hand, he eyed Natalie. She was so ready, and he liked that.

With one hand on her hip, he used his other to guide his thick cock into her; first the tip, and then deeper. The vision of her splayed in front of him, restrained, was intense. He needed to take her, and she wanted him to.

Sliding his cock deep, Tanner groaned. His rapid panting matched Natalie’s. The room suddenly felt too warm. Deep inside her, his cock jerked, threatening to break free of his control. He stopped moving and cupped her ass, pressing her into him. Her vulva put pressure on him as he held her tightly.

He wanted to fuck, wanted to move, but dared not. “I want you to feel this with me,” he said coarsely.

Barely audible, he heard Natalie’s whisper: “I…do.” Her gasp was nearly his undoing.

Standing together, his cock filling her, Tanner struggled to delay just a little longer. He kissed her neck, feeling her rapid pulse under his lips. Natalie kissed his cheek, her lips burning his skin.

Tanner knew that, secured to the X, it was impossible for Natalie to move. The restraint intensified every sensation; there was no escaping it. The thought made him feel slightly crazed. He could give her pleasure so intense she could barely stand it, and it thrilled him.

Beginning to move again, slowly, Tanner stroked inside her, feeling the hot velvet glove of her pussy tight around his shaft. As he pulled out, her muscles held on to him, willing him to stay. When he pushed back in, her tight pussy stretched around him. The feeling was beyond description, and the only thing his mind could focus on.

Natalie whimpered into his shoulder, her breathing coming in gasps. Her pussy was so hot it seared his bulging cock plunging into her, over and over. Faster and faster he moved, with certainty that Natalie’s pleasure was mounting to an unbearable level.

“When I tell you, come with me. I can’t wait much longer,” he growled.

Her only response was harsh breaths, and when he pumped into her without mercy, she cried out in a high-pitched feminine scream. “Now, baby,” he groaned.

Fucking into her, plunging his cock deep and hard, he felt her strong vaginal muscles lock around him like a vise. The firm squeeze repeated and Tanner shouted, hearing his own voice echo in the small room.

The sound of Natalie releasing from concentrated pleasure propelled Tanner into a blinding orgasm. It took him with fury and wouldn’t let him go. He came so hard, he could barely stand, and the orgasm was so long he wondered if it would stop or he’d be eternally in its grip.

“Ah, ah,” Natalie panted. Quickly, Tanner undid her waist, then her arms and legs. He carried her to the bed and flopped on his back, barely able to move. Holding Natalie on top of him, he wrapped his arms around her. Feeling the slight trembling of her body, Tanner rubbed her back with his fingertips to calm her.

He couldn’t speak, nor could she. There was no need anyway. The language of intimacy is one that needs no words. Tanner never thought he’d experience it, but with Natalie he experienced everything. Boundaries seemed to mean nothing when he was with her.

Since she’d told him how she felt, and what she really wanted, Tanner had craved her all the more. The craving was so powerful it would either be his undoing or the path to eternal love. Never considering himself a romantic, he certainly had become one under Natalie’s tutelage.

7 – Competition


Natalie had always wanted to return to Rio. It had become an important market for Clarke Luxury, and Tanner had planned a business trip for some important meetings. Brazil had become a key market for major luxury goods companies. In other countries, economies had slowed, yet in Brazil growth rates had been good. Every indication was that it had strong investment potential for the major luxury brands, and so far that had proven to be the case for Tanner’s company.

Due to the strong performance recorded in Brazil, the trip to Rio had potential. Natalie was pleased about all that, but her focus was on seeing the amazing city of Rio again, and catching up on fashion trends firsthand. The highlight for her was attending São Paulo Fashion Week.

They attended the fashion show first then flew up to Rio for the remainder of the trip. It was one of the top fashion events in Latin America. Just as before, Natalie noted that the Brazilian collections weren’t like those in New York or Europe. There was more skin showing, and the outfits were made to accommodate the warmer climate.

There were floral pieces with strategic slits and keyholes in the garments; the effect was charming and romantic. There were some warmer knits, made sexy with contrasting short hemlines in metallic fabric. Delicate silks in sporty designs were perfect for spring. Some of the dresses were elegant with lace, full skirts, and cinched waists. Yet the most attention-grabbing were the sheer dresses, decorated with an array of tiny rhinestones.

Midway through the show, a new model strutted onto the catwalk. Her smooth, translucent skin gleamed under the spotlights, and her pouty lips were glossed to a high sheen. Natalie didn’t recognize her at first, but something about her looked familiar. Tanner must have noticed too, because he seemed to look at her longer as if studying her. “Aimee,” he said, and that brought the memory back.

Natalie’s stomach knotted and her heart fell. The high-fashion model Tanner had a steady relationship with some time ago was back. Aimee looked more stunning than ever, her shiny black hair flowing as she turned at the end of the walk. She was tall, glamorous, and super-model thin. Her beauty was without question and a pang of jealousy stabbed deep.

But that was a long time ago. And the last she heard about Aimee was that she had a boyfriend in London. However, all Natalie could think about was the shouting match she’d witnessed when Tanner had refused to renew his sexual relationship with the woman.

“I thought I recognized her,” Natalie whispered, and Tanner just nodded. She couldn’t read him. Scanning his face for a reaction and seeing none, she hoped seeing the stunning model hadn’t stirred anything in him.

After the show that day, Natalie wanted to get away. It was just a feeling she had. But it was too late. Winding their way out, they ran right into Aimee. She towered over Natalie, a willowy, slender beauty. Apparently, she’d seen Tanner in the audience.

“I wanted to come over to say hello,” Aimee said.

“Hello, Aimee.” Tanner didn’t show any emotion. “Let me introduce Natalie, my wife.”

The words seemed to rattle Aimee, but she covered it well. “Oh, I didn’t know you were married.”

“Yes,” was all Tanner

Nice to meet you, Natalie.” And she offered her hand.

Shaking her hand, Natalie noted that it was a weak greeting, a slight touch, and then she pulled back. Obviously she wasn’t thrilled that Tanner had married; although after so long, Natalie couldn’t imagine that she still wanted him. On the other hand, who wouldn’t want Tanner if they’d ever had a taste of him?

“I thought you were in London,” Tanner said.

“Oh, that. Well, the relationship didn’t work out.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Tanner didn’t offer more. “Good luck with the show. We have to run.”

Aimee flushed, making Natalie wonder at her intentions. Then she knew. Maybe she couldn’t read Tanner, but she knew women. If her husband were free, there was no question the drop-dead gorgeous model would go after him. With Natalie not in the picture, who was to say if she would have success? After all, she’d had an ongoing relationship for quite some time.

Outside, Tanner pulled Natalie into his arms. Hugging her tight, he said, “Stop that.”


“You know, wondering if I’m interested in Aimee.”

“You can tell?”

“Of course I can tell. It showed in your expression. You don’t hide your feelings very well.”

“No, I guess I never have.”

Tanner tipped her chin up and kissed her sweetly. Yet a hint of something more was there, heavier desire that he couldn’t satisfy that moment with crowds of people pushing past them. “You are the only woman I want.”

Natalie was a little embarrassed for getting shaken so easily. But then, Tanner meant everything to her. And he was chiseled and handsome, the past couple of years shaping him into a sexier specimen than he’d ever been before. It was a fact that women were attracted to him, and that wasn’t going to change. She’d just have to keep faith in the strength of their love. And she did. Still, seeing his former lover had been unnerving.

8 – Fiore Gourmet


In Tanner’s jet on the way to Rio, the time was easily spent sketching design ideas. The bold creativeness Natalie had seen in the trendy fashion show inspired her. Since Tanner was busy preparing, he did nothing to distract her. Except that he was as gorgeous as ever, and his look of competence when he concentrated on work made him more so.

Wanting privacy, Tanner rented a beachfront home near major hotels and only minutes from
Ipanema. The white house was embedded in the tropical oceanfront area close to the restaurants, beaches, and bars of Rio. It included a terraced garden facing the ocean, an outdoor rooftop shower, and a courtyard with a view of the beach.

The first evening, they had dinner at Fiore, a highly recommended Brazilian/Italian restaurant. When Aaron Bader learned of their trip to Rio, he had suggested it. Since Clarke Luxury had agreed to the deal for software development with Adam
Bianci, a bond had been forged. Adam’s sister, Fiorella, owned the cozy establishment.

If they were ever in Rio, Adam had said, be sure to give it a try. Natalie liked the place immediately, with its colorful décor of purple, orange, and green. The ceramic tile flooring and the seascape covering one wall gave the establishment a warm, friendly feel. They were seated on the patio, filled with customers. It had a lively atmosphere and the warm weather was perfect for eating outdoors.

It was a casual place to hang out and have good food and beer. Being on the crowded patio, listening to the laughter and conversation of the locals, Natalie felt at home. Despite the fact that Tanner’s security guards lurked outside—this was Rio, after all—she felt safe, as though she were among friends.

A lovely young woman with light reddish-brown hair came to their table to greet them. “Welcome to Fiore, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke. My name is
Fiorella. I’m pleased you have chosen to eat in my restaurant. I heard you were coming. My brother, Adam, speaks highly of you.” The small-boned woman was a classic beauty, and her green eyes sparkled when she smiled. “He would have loved to meet you, but he is in California with Ella this month.”

Accustomed to Brazilian friendliness and standard social greetings there, Tanner stood. He and
Fiorella greeted by kissing each check alternately. It wasn’t really a kiss, more touching each cheek and doing an air kiss. Natalie stood next and did the same. She felt like she knew Adam’s sister even though they’d just met; she was easy to warm up to.

“Please, call me Tanner. And this is Natalie,” he said, reaching out and taking his wife’s hand.

“I will do that. I’m delighted you are here,” Fiorella said in a dreamy Italian accent. “Now, I’d be honored to serve a special meal for you. If you will tell me your preferences, I’ll make some suggestions.”

Deferring to Natalie, not as particular in his culinary likes and dislikes, Tanner nodded toward her. Attentively,
Fiorella listened to her comments and smiled. “I have something in mind for you.”

Looking at Tanner, she waited for him to offer anything further. “Same for me,” he said.

After handing him a drinks menu Adam’s sister left to attend to the preparation of dinner. “I think beer will be the choice here,” he said.

“Fine with me.
What looks good?” Natalie wasn’t as much of a beer drinker, but did enjoy it on occasion.

Tanner chose the American Blond Ale. “This is from Baden
Baden, a small microbrewery in Brazil. I thought we could try something local. They are making some more interesting styles of beer than other breweries in Brazil. Most of the others stick to the traditional German beers. But this ale has a spicy flavor; they use cinnamon in it.”

Smelling the aroma of green apples and cinnamon, Natalie commented, “It smells like fruit. I might start drinking more beer,” Natalie said. “This is really good, just slightly sweet.”

“Right, I noticed that; there are no bitter hops. It’s light, good for the warm weather. I thought you’d like it.”

The main meal was a rich, filling soup called
sopa leão veloso. Fiorella described it as the Brazilian version of the classic French bouillabaisse. The dish was created by Pedro Leao Veloso, a Brazilian diplomat, when he developed a passion for bouillabaisse on a visit to Marseille. Upon returning home, he created a version with locally available fish and seafood, substituting annatto paste for the traditional saffron.

Natalie understood
Fiorella’s passion for gourmet food. Her own excitement for fashion design had compelled her to learn everything she could about it. Apparently, Adam’s sister had done the same with the Brazilian/Italian dishes she prepared so exquisitely. The crusty bread and fresh green salad that came with the soup were the perfect accompaniment.

BOOK: Whispered Confessions (Touched By You)
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