Read Whisky on My Mind Online

Authors: Karlene Blakemore-Mowle

Whisky on My Mind (2 page)

BOOK: Whisky on My Mind
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He let out a small groan and gently touched his forehead to hers for a moment before lifting it once more to call out that he’d be right there. “Hold that thought, I’ll take this and then we’ll get out of here,” he promised.

She gave him a tired smile and nodded, giving his hands a squeeze before letting him go to tend to his never
-ending duties as club president. She bit back a frustrated sigh and closed her eyes briefly, happy that at least he was home. Their relationship had never really been your typical boy-meets-girl kinda’ fairytale. From the moment they’d gotten together the club had been there, pushing in like a jealous mistress. She couldn’t say she didn’t know what she was getting into—God knew she’d had plenty of warning. She’d grown up in the club, her father had been the president for goodness sake, she knew how demanding the job could be—and she knew she should be grateful that nowadays the club was doing well and strictly legit, running the Bar and Grill along with a dozen or so other business ventures, but it was always…

Whisky shook off the mood and crossed to the waitress station. She smiled across at Cindy, and accepted the knowing grin her friend wore as she teased her about making a spectacle of herself on the dance floor.

“You know I can fire your ass, right?” Whisky said, dragging the bookings register across the desk to check on reservations. For the most part the Bar and Grill was a casual, laidback kind of establishment, but it was popular and gaining a bigger clientele each day. Partly it was due to their new push to draw in bigger live bands at night and attract bands with growing reputations from all over the place. She took great pride in this latest endeavor; it had been her baby. 

“But you won’t cause you love me,” she shrugged.

Whisky chuckled as she thought how far her friend had come from the meek and mild little mouse she’d been when she’d first met her. Cindy was such a blessing. She hadn’t emerged from her shell, she’d burst from it. There was a new confidence, a different way she walked and held herself nowadays. After Whisky had dragged the poor woman off to get a makeover, Cindy had never looked back. Of course it may have something to do with the fact she’d just gotten married and was completely in love with her husband, the  lanky, but loveable, Ted. The wedding had been a whirlwind Vegas job, with Whisky and Sawyer standing as witnesses for them and spending an exhausting, but fun, weekend in Sin City to celebrate.

“I won’t have to, soon you’ll be off having baby Teds and leaving me to deal with Yvette all by myself,” Whisky muttered, glancing over toward the older waitress, standing beside a table, loudly chewing her gum and waiting for her customers to make up their mind
s about their order. “Now her, I could fire without a worry,” she grumbled.

“Come on, if you were going to, you would have done it a long time ago. You love her too, deep down,” Cindy teased.

“Deep, deep, deep down,” Whisky grunted, moving away from the station. “You got everything covered in here?”

“Yeah, all good.
The new girl starts tonight, she should be here soon.”

Whisky bit back the disgruntled comment she wanted to voice, but Cindy somehow caught it and grinned. “Don’t worry, I’ll
keep an eye on her and if she steps out of line, you can fire

Whisky didn’t like being judgmental, but she didn’t like the new waitress they’d hired a few days ago. She hung around the club, making puppy dog eyes at the guys. She had a serious thing for bikers and it grated on Whisky’s nerves. Kiki was trouble. “
for goodness sake, what the hell kind of weird name was that?” Whisky snapped.

“Oh yeah, cause Whisky is so
,” Cindy pointed out.

“Shut up,” Whisky told her friend but couldn’t help the small grin that followed. “She just better behave herself. Let me know if you have any problems.”

“Will do, boss. She’ll be fine. Go find your man and welcome him home already,” Cindy said, waving her off.

“Would you stop with the boss thing, you know it bugs me,” Whisky said with a small grimace. It wasn’t something she took lightly
; inheriting her father’s part in the business had changed things a lot…and yet, it didn’t. She still took shifts whenever she needed and lent a hand on busy nights, but there was a lot more responsibility and being an owner had brought a new appreciation for everything Sawyer and her father had put into the place.

Shrugging off her doubts about the blonde bombshell bimbo, she gave her friend a hug and made her way back through the bar and toward the office. If anything could lift her spirits,
it was Sawyer, and right now she had a hankering for some biker love of her own.

She gently tapped on the office door before opening it and slipp
ed into the room, reaching back to lock it securely behind her.

A slow, sexy smile spread across his face as he wrapped up the conversation and watched her walk toward him. Whisky deliberately slid the top button of her blouse through its hole, moving on to the second button, until she’d revealed the black and red lace bra she wore beneath, giving him a view of the cleavage hidden within.

“I gotta’ go,” he said, ending the phone call without further preamble, his gaze fixed upon her like a hungry wolf.

Whisky placed her palms flat on the desk across from him, and leaned forward.
“You done?”

“Baby, I haven’t even started,” he grinned, standing and coming around the desk to stand in front of her. Gently he pushed the fabric of her blouse off her shoulders and cupped her breasts, still encased in lace, with his big hands, lowering his face to run the stubble across them in a way that always drove her insane. She trembled and gasped as he caressed her, trapping her against the desk and pushing her backward until she sat on the table top. Deftly unhooking the clasp he gave a satisfied grunt as her breasts fell free and he had better access to the now swollen, needy flesh. Whisky arched her back as his mouth gently closed around one nipple and he gently scraped it with his teeth.

Her desperate moan set off something inside him and all restraint he’d been showing instantly broke. He pushed her short skirt up with one hand and dragged off her underwear with the other, lowering her onto her back and following her down, his mouth hot and demanding as he moved down her body with a deliberate goal in mind—to drive her out of her mind as quickly as possible.

Dragging him up to her mouth, she reached down and undid his jeans, tugging impatiently at his remaining clothing and ignoring his amused chuckle at her impatient growl. His chuckle soon turned to a moan though as he smoothly entered her and wrapped her up in his embrace, moving with a desperate need to
sate this craving that no matter how often they tried, was never satisfied. Whisky held on to his shoulders and dug her nails into his back, meeting his desperate thrusts with her own and loving that this man filled her completely, in every way. She fought the urge to give in to the explosion of ecstasy that lingered wantonly on the edges of her awareness—she wanted this to last forever. It didn’t matter how often they did it; she could never get enough of the delirium their lovemaking brought with it. His deep, core-melting grunts turned to a long groan and she let herself fly with him over the edge of all rational thinking and into the abyss beyond. She was home.




“Did you get everything sorted up north?” she asked much later, curled up in Sawyer’s lap, in his chair after the desk got too hard. She had no idea where exactly up north he’d been, only that it was on club business. This was their game. She pretended he was coming home from a normal day in a normal job and asked how it went.

All sorted.” He traced her arm lightly with his fingertips, seemingly content to stay where they were for a while. “Everything okay here?”

“Of course.
The place doesn’t fall down without you, you know,” she teased, planting a kiss under his chin.

“Oh, don’t worry, I know exactly how dispensable I am around here nowadays,” he said
, and she heard the smile in his voice. “If I’d known what a hard-ass businesswoman you’d become, I would have bought out your father’s shares a long time ago,” he said, then grunted as she elbowed him.

“If I’d known how much you liked being bossed around, I would have stepped up earlier,” she told him.

“If the guys in the club knew what a pussy I was around you, I’d have to worry about them voting me out of the damn club,” he growled into her hair, tightening his grip on her.

Whisky laughed out loud at that, and tipped her face back to look up into his. “I hate to break it to you, baby, but I think they already know.”

“No way. I’m still King around here,” he protested.

“Whatever makes you feel secure,” she said, patting his cheek affectionately, before easing off his lap. “Come on,
let’s go home.”

“If you weren’t so damn impatient, we could have already been at home and in bed,” he said, picking up his clothes from the pile on the floor where they’d been hastily discarded.

“I didn’t hear you complaining,” Whisky said stepping into her own clothes and rebuttoning her blouse.

“I’m a guy, what did you expect?”

“Exactly what I got,” she chuckled and leaned over to plant a kiss on his smiling lips. God, she loved him. For a minute she could only stare at him and wonder. She saw his expression turn quizzical, and summoned a reassuring smile, kissing him once more quickly and turning away to straighten her hair. That overpowering flood of emotion had grabbed her by the throat again, beginning to smother her. She forced it back and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.

“Sawyer,” she paused reluctant to bring up her old fears, but knowing she had to. “You would tell me if any of this club stuff wasn’t above board
, right?”

She saw his expression shift a little, wariness hovering on its fringes. “Baby, I swear it’s all legal. It’s just…a little unsavory,” he admitted and lifted a hand to smooth her hair from her face gently. “I’m not ashamed of what I do—it’s business, not Wall Street
, suit–and-tie business, but it’s profitable and it’s legit, but I don’t want you involved in it—I want better for you, baby. That’s why I leave you in charge of the bar, and why you’re going to be a big success in your own right someday…you’ve got enough on your plate with school and running this place to need to worry about the club stuff.”

A knock on the door interrupted, and Sawyer walked across the room, zipping up his jeans before unlocking the door and peering out.

“Hey man,” she heard a deep voice that belonged to Shaggy, one of her father’s old friends sounding apologetic. “There’s some broad out here, asking for Whisky.”

Sawyer glanced over his shoulder, checking she was dressed before opening the door wider and stepping aside to allow her to see the wild-haired biker.

“I’ll be right there, Shaggy,” she sighed, turning to kiss Sawyer before she passed by him. “We
get out of here, tonight, right?” she asked wearily. It was always something.

“Bet your sweet ass we will,” he said slapping her butt gently. “Hurry up and deal with this, unless you want me to go see who it is and what they want?” he offered.

“No, it’s okay. I’ll go.”

She straightened her skirt and looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. “Do I look presentable?”

“You look like you just got well and truly fucked,” he grinned, sending her a smug grin, as he let his gaze travel up her body slowly.


“What?” he lifted his gaze to hers with an innocence she found hard to believe. “You asked.”

“Behave,” she warned, struggling to sound firm when inside his words were sending shots of desire to vital parts of her body that should have been more than sated right now.

, Ma’am,” he said, holding the door open for her as she walked out ahead of him.

Pushing open the door that led to the bar, Whisky stepped out into the muted lighting and came to an abrupt halt when she heard her name squealed from across the room.

For a moment she frowned at the red-headed woman in the tight, pink fitted suit and heels who was rushing toward her, until recognition dawned. “Oh my God.

BOOK: Whisky on My Mind
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