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Authors: Eve Langlais

When an Omega Snaps (7 page)

BOOK: When an Omega Snaps
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Chapter Nine

Leo’s plan to make sure that Russian mobster left Meena alone wasn’t going well.

“What do you mean we can’t go after the guy?”

Seated behind his massive mahogany desk, Arik spared Leo a glance. “Because he’s a diplomat.”

“And? So what? He wants to force Meena to marry him.”

“Is that really a bad thing?”

Don’t roar. Don’t roar.
Arik didn’t mean what he said. Anyone could see Meena getting married to the Russian mobster was a bad idea.

Yeah, because she belongs to me.

He didn’t bother arguing with his mental state. He argued instead with his alpha. “Sure Meena might be a tad high spirited—”

“A tad?”

“But that doesn’t mean we should condone a forced marriage. We prevented Arabella from getting shackled. Hell, we went to war with the Lycans to protect her.”

“That was different. They meant to kill her, and they were abusive. Dmitri, while somewhat old-fashioned, isn’t an asshat. He’ll treat her right.”

“He’s a bloody mobster.”

“By necessity. Things are different over in Russia. More untamed. He does what is needed to keep him and his clan safe.”

“He’s not getting her.”

Arik leaned back in his seat and eyed him. “Mind telling me what this is really about? What’s your interest in my cousin, anyhow?”

“Nothing. I just don’t like seeing any woman accosted.”

Snort. “Meena can take care of herself.”

“That’s not the point. She shouldn’t have to.”

“Says a guy who has yet to really get to know my cousin. Trust me, a few more days of her special brand of cluster-fucking and you’ll be tying her up and delivering her to Dmitri yourself.”

Tying her up. Now there was a plan. Thing was his version had her spread eagle on his bed.

It was only when Hayder slapped him on the back and asked him if everything was okay that Leo realized he was banging his head off the wall.

Even with Vex out of sight, she still plagued him. So he wasn’t surprised when he received a report that she’d, once again, gone out of her way to cause mischief.

“I gotta go.” He no sooner read the text message than he abruptly left. Erratic behavior, but necessary. Omega mission time. Keep one problem-prone lioness from getting into more trouble.

Jogging to his destination would probably prove faster than trying to flag a cab during early afternoon traffic. It also would help work off some of his tension.

Or, in his case, simply ensure he arrived more adrenalized.

Blood pounding, he barged into the boutique. His nostrils flared immediately, catching her scent.

So much for obeying his request she stay inside.

Determined to chastise her, he followed her trail to the back of the store. Before he could bellow for her, Meena flung a curtain back in the change area and beamed his way.

“Pookie! I was hoping you’d show up.”

“Hoping? Reba sent me a text message saying you were trying on dresses for your future mate.”

“I am. I want to look my best for my Pookie.”

No wall to hit, so he slapped his forehead with both hands then gripped it, tugging at his hair. “We are not mates.”

“Yet,” she sang. “But it’s coming. Now, if you’re done being adorably contrary, can you give me a hand? I having problems getting this dress zipped up.”

“And you couldn’t ask Zena or Reba to help you?”

“Where’s the fun in that?” she asked, not at all repentant she’d made him run blocks.

She presented her back to him, a swath of tempting flesh with the strip of her bra crossing it.

Run. Run. Run, you fucking idiot.

Fingers reached for the zipper tab, his fingers, how odd. He tugged and pulled the enclosure shut, resisting the temptation to run a knuckle along the length of her spine.

In the tight space of the change room, her essence surrounded him. She glanced at the mirror that displayed them. Him, not quite overshadowing her, and yet, his hands looked so large, so right, where they rested on her hips.

How the hell did those get there?

Perhaps the same force had moved them as the one that saw him kissing the exposed skin of her neck. How dare she tempt him by pinning her hair atop her head in a sloppy bun?

He dragged his mouth along the creamy flesh, watching in the mirror as her eyes went to half-mast. Her lips parted. Her cheeks took on a rosy flush.

And her nipples…Despite her bra, the silky fabric of the dress outlined them in all their erect splendor.

She couldn’t hide the effect he had on her. Then again, knowing her, he knew she wouldn’t conceal. She reveled in her attraction to him. Didn’t even try to deny the fact that she wanted him.

“I like it when you touch me,” she whispered.

And I like it when I touch you.
His teeth grazed her skin, just a touch of hard edge but enough to have her shuddering.

” She just about growled his name, her voice thick with desire, her body taut with need.

“Hey, Meena, I found an even shorter dress for you to try. Well, hey there, Leo. I wasn’t expecting you to join us.” Damn Reba for interrupting!

As if scalded, he jumped away from Meena, stumbling back from the cubicle. He sought to regain a measure of composure and resorted to habit. Nothing like a good chastisement to draw attention away from his own dilemma. “I told Meena to stay in her condo.”

“No, you suggested I stay there. But I had things to do.”

“Things like going to talk to your ex after he tried to kidnap you!” He gave her his sternest glare.

“Now, Pookie, don’t be jealous. Wait, what am I saying?” She slapped herself in the forehead. “Be jealous. Wildly, ragingly so. Then sweep me into your arms and help me make use of this large enough cubicle.”

She flattened herself against the mirror and smiled in a beckoning manner.

He took a step away.
I will not let her bewitch me into playing her game.

He wouldn’t let her seduce him.

Stay strong. Don’t give in.
If he could stay away from her, then maybe he stood a chance of resisting her allure.

Reba mocked his retreat. “I don’t believe it. Leo’s afraid of a girl.”

Not just any girl. The one who could change the course of his life.

“Behave!” he yelled before turning tail and bolting.

Ha. He showed her. He escaped before she could draw him into her sensual web of madness.


His liger had no respect.

I am doing this for our own good.


Problem with having a discussion with yourself was you couldn’t hide the real truth.

Truth was he was attracted to her, but…he could fight it if he avoided her.

Problem was she expected his maneuver and planned for it.

The phone call caught him off guard, especially since he’d not given her his number. She also didn’t seem like the type to call. He’d kind of expected her to show up at his condo door, a door he’d had a deadbolt installed on so she couldn’t barge on in and pounce him.

Instead, his cell phone went off, singing the one and only stalker song, The Police’s ‘Every Breath You Take’.

Super apt, especially once he realized who called.

How delighted she sounded when he answered with a gruff, “Yeah.”


“How did you get this number?” And even more baffling, how had she programmed his ring tone? Just how many more mad skills did she possess?
Let’s find out.

“Oh please. As if I wouldn’t know your number. I also know your date of birth, favorite sports team, restaurant and meal of choice, as well as the fact you’re a fan of the missionary position.”

“How the hell did you find all that out?”

“I have my ways. But I don’t think you’d like them, so let’s just pretend you told me. By the way, if you need to call me, anytime, I’m in your contacts list under M, for mine.”

He pinched the bridge of his nose, less out of exasperation with her and more out of annoyance with himself for the spurt of pleasure at her use of mine.

Because she knows she’s ours.
His liger enjoyed the possessive feeling. Leo, on the other hand, felt another panic attack coming on.

“What do you want, Vex?”

“Didn’t we already cover this topic this morning in bed?”

I want you.
Yeah, he remembered. “Vex—”

She interrupted before he could finish.

“But I’m not calling about my desire to ravish your delectable male body.”

She’s not?
Surely the sinking sensation wasn’t disappointment.

“I’m calling to ask you to go to a club with me tonight. I am in the mood to dance.”

“For a girl I told to stay put, you’re doing your best to put yourself in harm’s way. That Dmitri guy is still out there looking for you. It’s not safe.”

She snickered. “Not safe for who?”

“A lady shouldn’t have to defend herself against a man.”

“You and your old-school attitude are so cute. My daddy is going to like you. Or, at the very least, hopefully not punch you like he did my last few boyfriends.”

“Why did he punch them?”

“To see if they were tough enough for his baby girl of course.” He could practically hear the duh in her reply.

“Did they pass?”

“Would I be single if they had?”

Bet he could take a punch without a stagger. Not that he really cared what Meena’s dad thought of him. “It’s nice that your daddy is so protective, but he’s not here right now. I am, and I’m telling you to stay put and not go out.”

“Are you forbidding me?” She laughed. “That is so sexy. And so not happening. I am going out with the girls tonight. The question is, will you come with me?”

Dammit. Did the woman have no sense? Or was she trying to drive him insane?

Too bad. He wasn’t playing her game. No club or dancing for him. And he told her so in no uncertain terms. He also played dirty and used his omega voice.

Because I am the one in control here. Not you.


Chapter Ten

“No, I will not go with you.” Even though they spoke on the phone, she could practically see Leo shake his head. “I don’t do clubs, and I most certainly do not dance.”

“Well, that totally sucks. I wore a really cute dress just for you. It’s short, which means easy access for you. How big are the bathroom stalls at this club?”

The rumble he emitted came through loud and clear. She grinned.

“You’re right. Too public. We should probably restrict our public nookie to dark alleys. I can be noisier there.”

“Would you stop with the teasing, Vex? I am not going. I don’t care how short your skirt is. Just be sure to stick with the group going with you.”

“What, no more stern warnings to stay home and out of trouble?”

“Would you listen?”

“No.” Mama always said to stick to the truth when dealing with your husband. Even an almost hubby. Unless it was about how much she spent on clothes, then it was grab a delicious catered dinner and tell him you worked all day making it.

“If you’re not going to listen, then I’d just be wasting my breath.”

“Well, I have to say I am surprised at you, Pookie, and proud that you’re already so secure in our relationship. Most men would have a jealous fit knowing their future mate was going to be seeing their ex-fiancé at a dance club, especially in my barely legal skirt. But you’re obviously more evolved than most guys and confident in our commitment.”

Tick, tock. The clock echoed loudly in the sudden silence that stretched as he absorbed her news.

In a low tone, with a hint of growl, he said, “What did you say? Who’s going to be there?”

“Dmitri. Remember how I ran into him today, well, I kind of told him we were an item. But that didn’t seem to deter him. I wonder if he’s one of those guys who gets off on that cuckold fantasy thing.”

“Get to the point, Vex.”

“I am. See, when he just wouldn’t take no for an answer, I told him to meet us tonight so he could see just how happy we are together.”

“We are not together.”

“Yeah. I guess that will be kind of obvious at the club tonight. But don’t worry, Pookie, even if he tries something, I’ll have my girls with me. I’m sure it will be all right.”

He bombed her with his omega voice. “
Meena. I forbid you from going.

Oops, had she forgotten to mention the voice didn’t quite work on her? Doctor’s test couldn’t figure out why. “Gotta go, Pookie.”

She hung up on him and smirked. A little crazy jealousy never hurt anyone. Well, except for the girl in the lobby who admitted she thought Leo had the most dreamy eyes. Meena was sure the black eye wouldn’t take too long to heal.

Tucking her cell phone into her purse, she presented a bright smile to Reba, Zena, and Luna, her gal pals for the night, who should try closing their jaws. The gaping look really wasn’t attractive. “Ready, ladies?”

The evening was about to get interesting, especially since she could swear she heard a major roar just before she slipped into the cab they’d called.

Awesome. Pookie’s coming.

BOOK: When an Omega Snaps
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