Read Wes and Toren Online

Authors: J.M. Colail

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

Wes and Toren (9 page)

BOOK: Wes and Toren
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Wesley circled around in front of me. “Is that what this is about?

Toren, are you jealous?” he asked with a grin.

“No. Of course not,” I said and narrowed my eyes. “I don’t care what you do or with who.”

Wesley’s face dropped and his grin disappeared. “You don’t mean that, do you?” I couldn’t bear to look at his wounded face. “I’m only acting like this because of you. You’re the one who’s so afraid of people finding out about us. What am I supposed to do?” His voice was forceful; he believed every word he said. He tilted his head to the side and his expression softened. “Don’t you trust me?”

I glanced up and tears rimmed my eyes. “I-I just….” I didn’t know what to say. I did trust him, but I didn’t know what to do either.

“You’re the person I want to be with. It’s just…frustrating that I can’t act the way I want to around you. I want to be able to hold your hand and kiss you. It doesn’t matter what other people think because you’re the one I want.”

“I-I’m sorry.”


J. M. Colail

Wesley stepped closer to me. “There’s nothing to be sorry for,” he said, brushing my arm with his fingertips. “I guess I just have to learn to be patient.”

He laughed quietly and closed his eyes. I felt relief seeing his smile again. He drove me home and parked in an empty spot. Alycia was out with Mike and Mom was still at work.

Wesley led me to the couch and pulled down the zipper on my blue jeans. My body was already on fire and Wesley fanned the flames. He stopped and looked in my eyes with a simple smile on his face.

“You know, it kinda made me happy that you got jealous. Because it means you really are into me,” he said, the dim light shadowing his handsome face. I acknowledged the jealousy I felt and kissed him lightly. “But, just so you know, you don’t have any reason to be jealous.

You’re the one I want.” He slid his hand under the elastic band of my boxers and frigged me slowly with nimble fingers. I shuddered and pulled him closer. “Do you want me to use my hand or my mouth?” he whispered in my ear.

I blushed and looked into his eyes. “I want…to kiss you.” Wesley moved his hand back and forth and I bit my lip. “That way, I can too.”

“Wanna go to your room then? So it doesn’t get…messy out here?”

I swallowed hard then nodded. I led him down the hall to my bedroom and he pulled me close. I could feel how hard he was and I shyly traced his stomach to the top of his blue jeans. He helped me unfasten them and he lowered me to my bed. His kiss was warm and hungry and he took me in one hand while he guided my hand with his other. He climbed atop me, keeping his hand in place, then leaned down and kissed me. My body listened to his every whim, my mind was hazy, and I didn’t even know if I was still breathing. I moved my hand in time with his strokes and I bit my lower lip as I reached the edge of climax.

“Wait…just a sec,” Wesley murmured, slowing his hand.

I opened my eyes and looked at Wesley’s flushed face. I increased the pressure and speed and Wesley squeezed his eyes shut. He pulled me into him and we came together, our laboring bodies pressed close.

Wes & Toren


The feeling was incredible, the intimacy of climaxing in unison. He rested his head on my chest and I stroked my fingers through his hair. He looked up at me and smiled shyly, an unusual expression for him, and I kissed him softly.

We lay on my bed for a long while. I could feel my heart thumping and I knew Wesley could hear it. His head on my chest rose and fell with my breathing and I smiled; I was really falling in love with him.


J. M. Colail

WESLEY called as he was leaving work and told me he was coming over. I hung up the phone and Alycia ran out in a panic. Her hair was uncombed and ratty and she was wearing her pink, fluffy slippers.

“Was that Mike?” she asked.

“No, it was Wesley,” I answered, setting down the phone and trying to contain my laughter. Alycia threw her hands up and marched down the hall, stomping her feet. She was cussing under her breath.

“What’s with her?” Mom asked, looking into the living room from the kitchen.

“Not sure. Mike’s probably gonna get it though,” I answered, stretching my arms out. I stood up and went to the kitchen. Mom was licking her fingers after stirring a bowl of chocolate pudding.

“You said that was Wesley? He’s been around a lot lately,” she said, washing off the spoon.

I fought the redness in my cheeks. “Yeah, we’re doing our History project together.”

“On a Saturday night?” Mom asked.

“No,” I groaned, rolling my eyes. I followed her back into the living room and we watched TV. Mom didn’t say anything more.

After a couple minutes, I went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and ran a hand through my hair. Alycia poked her head in the room and smiled.

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“Going out with Wes again?”

“Yeah. We’ll probably go play pool. Wanna come?” I asked, turning around and leaning against the sink.

“Nah, Mike’s gonna stop by. He had to work late and he works with this really cute chick and I just know he….” Alycia folded her arms on her chest and pouted. “She better be a blonde bimbo with a huge rack and no personality if he’s gonna cheat on me.”

I sighed. “He’s not gonna cheat on you. But I like your stipulations if he were going to,” I added with a laugh.

Alycia smiled and nodded, then grinned deviously. She stepped into the bathroom and leaned toward me. “You’re going out with Wes tonight? So, Tor, just how far have you gone with him?”

“A-Alycia!” I scolded, turning bright red.

“C’mon, tell me!” she whined, nudging me with her elbow.

“Nothing! We’ve just…um….”

“Uh-huh, yeah. That look totally gave you away. You’ve already done it? Toren, you little slut!”

“Quiet!” I looked at the open door and prayed that Mom didn’t hear anything. “And no! Like it’s any of your business anyway!”

“I got a feeling that you’ll be giving it up soon, won’t you? Still, I’m pretty impressed. I’m surprised Wes hasn’t pushed you down and had his way with you. He’s got the patience of a saint!” She turned around and walked out of the bathroom.

My shoulders slumped and I sighed. Wesley
patient with me, especially after what happened at Cue last night. I didn’t trust him fully because of my own insecurities. It was my own fault.

Mom answered the door and Wesley greeted her politely. He wore grease-stained blue jeans and a navy work shirt.

“What are you guys doing tonight?” Mom asked, collapsing on the sofa and yawning. “Oh, excuse me,” she said and wiped away the tears that collected from her giant yawn.


J. M. Colail

“Dunno,” I answered, leaning down and kissing the top of Mom’s head.

“Hiya, Wes,” Alycia said, stepping out from the hall and brushing her hair. Wesley smiled and waved.

“Have fun,” Mom said, putting her feet up on the coffee table and changing channels on the TV.

Wesley and I went to Cue, predictably, and Kate and Lissa were already there playing a game, also predictably. Lissa saw us and called us over. Kate hugged Wesley and he stepped back after a moment and I felt silly. Wesley grinned at me knowingly.

We played a few games, laughing and talking and having fun. I felt comfortable with Kate and Lissa, maybe more Lissa than Kate, but I couldn’t explain it; I felt like I wasn’t being judged.

“Want something to drink?” Wesley asked, leaning the cue stick against the table.

“I’m okay, thanks.”

“Are you sure?” he asked, taking a step backward. I nodded and smiled.

“I’ll come with you,” Kate announced, handing her cue to Lissa and hooking her arm around Wesley’s. I laughed to myself and watched them walk away, turning the cue around in my hands.

“So, how long have you guys been together?” Lissa asked, leaning against the pool table.

I looked at her with wide eyes and shook my head. “What? What are you talking about?” I tried to sound outraged.

“It’s okay; I get it,” Lissa said and looked down. “It’s tough being gay in high school, isn’t it?” She looked up and forced a smile on her lips, but her eyes weren’t smiling. “At least you have someone who likes you back. I know Kate’s a bit flaky, but she’s really a good person. She’s always there when I need her, no matter what. I keep telling myself that it’ll be okay, as long as I can be close to her, even as just a friend.”

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Lissa looked sad with upturned eyebrows and a little pout on her lips. She was pretty with a slim figure. She didn’t wear makeup and didn’t need to. Her short, brown hair was pinned to the side with two barrettes, framing a sweet face.

I stared at the pool table and then glanced up at Lissa. “She doesn’t know how you feel, then?” I asked. Lissa shook her head without looking up. I took a deep breath. “If…if Wesley hadn’t said anything to me, we wouldn’t…be together.”

Lissa glanced at me with a gentle smile. “I see. You gotta learn to walk before you run. Or something like that.”

I laughed lightly. “Yeah, something like that.”

“You’re all right, Toren,” she said and smiled. This time, her eyes were smiling too. “Oh, here they come. Don’t say anything, okay?”

I felt good. Lissa was the first person I told about Wesley and me and I already felt a little more confident.

“I got you a pop,” Wesley said, handing me a Styrofoam cup with a lid and a straw. I thanked him and he looked at Lissa, then at me. He didn’t say anything and started to rack up the balls for another game.


J. M. Colail

“HEY, babe. What’s going on?”

“Hi, Wesley. Nothing. What about you?”

“I’m getting outta work and I have to run a few errands for my mom, but I was wondering if you wanted to do something later.”

“Um, yeah.” My palms were sweaty and I felt nervous. “Do you wanna come over later? Um, my mom is working a double and my sister is sleeping over at a friend’s tonight.” There was a long, silent pause.

“Are you still there?”

“I’ll be right over.”

“What? There’s no rush. Just come after you’ve finished running your errands.”

“All right. See you later.”

It was gonna be just me and Wesley tonight. I was anxious and excited, so I decided to take a quick shower before he came over, hoping the warm water might help me relax.

The bathroom mirror steamed up and the small room was hot and humid. I ran my hand across the mirror, leaving streaks with my fingertips. There was a knock at the door and I heard Wesley call my name. I was surprised that he was here already. I wrapped a towel around my waist and called from the hallway.

“Hey. Come on in. I’ll be out in a sec.”

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I pulled on a pair of boxers and slid my arms through a short-sleeve, button-down shirt. My hair was still dripping wet and I rubbed the towel over my head.

“Well, damn. If that isn’t the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my whole life.”

I turned around and the towel dropped to the floor. “Wesley? What are you doing? I told you I’d be out in a minute.” He leaned against the doorframe with a smug grin on his face.

“You look so good,” he said, walking toward me and pulling me into his arms. He walked me back until I fell onto the bed. “You won’t be needing these anymore!” he said, pulling off my boxer shorts and tossing them over his shoulder.

“Hold on! Wait a second! Wesley!” I hurriedly protested, knowing that once his lips touched me, I wouldn’t be able to resist.

He was unbelievably ravenous, working me into a frenzy until I was completely ravished, panting and gasping.

“That didn’t take long,” he said with a triumphant smile, lying down next to me. He turned my face to his and kissed me sweetly.

“What…what are you doing here? I thought you had to run some errands.”

“And let an opportunity like this slip by? No chance. Everything in the world, except you, can wait ’til tomorrow.”

I rolled to my side and hid my shy smile. I loved it when he acted this way.

“Oh, damn. What a cute ass!”

Wesley pushed me onto my stomach and I felt his kisses trace down my back. His hands roamed freely, caressing my legs and thighs.

BOOK: Wes and Toren
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