Werewolf Academy Book 4: Taken (9 page)

BOOK: Werewolf Academy Book 4: Taken
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Chapter Nine


“Welcome to Vicki Carso’s Preparatory Academy,” Jaze said. “This is the ninth term our school has been open, and I am proud to say that our students have excelled in every area of study. Those of you finishing college courses will be well ahead of human students when you go out into the world. Our goal is to provide you with the keys you need to live happy, full, safe lives.” He met Alex’s gaze. “And so it is with that in mind that we change our areas of focus for this term.”

The dean lifted his eyes to take in the entire student body. “We have spent the last few terms honing your skills as a wolf. You can hunt, track, fight, and live as wolves; however, in doing so, we have hindered you as well. You are each so quick to call yourself a wolf and embrace your wolf side. This term, we are going to help you accept the fact that you also have a human side. You have talents and abilities that need polishing for that side as well if you are to integrate into society and eventually lead normal lives.”

The dean looked back at his wife who sat behind him with the other professors. Nikki smiled and gave an encouraging nod. Little William sat on her lap and waved at his dad. Jaze smiled and turned back to the students. “Human life involves learning how to work in populations with diverse personalities. You don’t always get to choose who you work with and associate with on a daily basis. Learning how to get along with others no matter what the circumstances may be is very important to survival in real life. With that in mind, at this Choosing Ceremony, no Alpha will be allowed to choose a werewolf who has previously been in his or her pack.”

Alex’s chest tightened. He felt like he could barely breathe.

Jaze continued despite the rush of conversation that rose up in the room. “Also, due to funding needs and other circumstances, Professor Vance has also been approved to begin his football team for competition against other schools in the district. Those of you chosen for the team must learn to use restraint in order to hide the fact that you are werewolves. This is going to be a new practice for most.” Alex followed Jaze’s gaze to where Pack Boris and Pack Torin argued about the Choosing change. “But I know you will be able to handle it,” Jaze concluded.

Alex doubted many werewolves heard the part about Vance’s football team. Everyone, including himself, was stuck on the fact that no one would be able to stay on the same pack they had grown comfortable with over the terms.

All eyes were on Torin when the dean opened the floor for the Choosing Ceremony. The Alpha Lifer looked over the crowd of anxious students. No one knew what would happen now that things had been shaken so dramatically. Whispers of, “Who would pick me?” and “I hope I get a good pack,” filled the air.

Torin looked at Sid, his normal Second, but it was impossible for him to choose the Lifer again. His head tipped slightly to the side and in the next instant, his gaze locked on Alex. Alex felt the bottom drop out of his stomach.

“I choose Alex Davies.”

The Alpha’s words rang through the suddenly silent auditorium. Everyone turned from staring at Torin to stare at Alex.

“Alex?” Cassie whispered from behind him.

Tennison squeezed his shoulder. “You don’t have to go,” his sister’s boyfriend said.

Alex looked around quickly, calculating his position. He had been Jericho’s second for the past four years. The Termers despised him because he was a Lifer, and the only other Lifer Alphas had options they would no doubt rather take.

His gaze settled on Kalia. The new Alpha gave him a smile and mouthed, “I’ll pick you.”

Alex took a steeling breath. Life as Torin’s Second would be miserable, but unless he wanted to go with Kalia, he was going to have a serious demotion in rank.

Alex grabbed Jericho’s shoulder. “Promise me you’ll take care of Siale.”

“I promise,” the surprised Alpha said. “What are you going to do?”

“Something probably really stupid,” Alex replied quietly. He tipped his head close to Siale. “Stick with Jericho. We’ll talk after this.”

At Siale’s nod, Alex stood up. “I accept the Choosing,” he said.

The whispers that had circulated through the crowd were nothing compared to the exclamations and shocked chatter that buzzed around him as he walked to the stage.

“Seriously?” Torin said when Alex stopped in front of him and turned to face the crowd. “This is going to be a fun term.”

Alex just gritted his teeth and kept silent. He looked at Kalia, and instantly regretted it. The hurt he saw on her face tore at his heart. She blinked quickly, fighting back tears, and the moment their eyes met, she looked away and glared at the ground.

Alex hated hurting her, but didn’t regret his decision. Being Torin’s Second might make for a miserable term, but if Kalia had chosen him, dissuading her of her feelings for him would be even more difficult. He kept his eyes on the ground and listened to the other Alphas choose different werewolves for their packs.

Boris chose Daniel, Drake’s usual Second. Drake went with Parker, an obvious decision. The rest of the Alphas pretty much switched Seconds until the Choosing reached Jericho.

The Alpha was quiet for a moment, then said, “I choose Siale Andrews.”

Alex’s head jerked up. Jericho stood behind him, already watching him with a calm expression.

“When I asked you to watch over her, I didn’t mean you had to choose her as your Second,” Alex whispered.

The Alpha smiled. “I figured having you as a Second was interesting enough. Your girlfriend was bound to add to the adventure.”

Alex couldn’t help but smile back. “Thank you.”

“Anytime,” Jericho said seriously.

As the last phasing Alpha, it was Kalia’s turn to choose. She took her place on the dais and looked out over the crowd. Alex turned away when he felt her eyes on him.

“I choose Cassie Davies.”

Alex let out a breath of relief. At least his sister was with a friend. Kalia wouldn’t take out her frustrations regarding him on his twin. She and Cassie got along too well for that. It would be Cassie’s first term as Second. His sister smiled the entire way to the stage and gave Kalia a grateful hug before taking her place in front of the Alpha.

The rest of the Choosing Ceremony rushed by in a blur. Pack Jericho was divided up by the other Alphas as were the other set packs. Students stood next to each other as stranger who had never shared quarters or eaten at the same table. Jaze’s strategy to shake things up had definitely done just that.

Trent and Terith went with Kalia, as did Pip and Amos. Jericho chose both Lifers and Termers as was his usual policy, though he looked as unhappy about the changes as the rest of the assembly. Siale waited a few places away from Alex. She threw him several uncertain glances, and he forced himself to smile in return. They wouldn’t be in the same quarters, probably would have one class together if any, and couldn’t sit at the same table to eat. The light that had been shining on Alex’s new term had suddenly become dim and watered down. His only relief was that Jericho would make sure she was alright.

By the end of the Ceremony, students were talking and acclimating themselves to their new packs. Torin leaned down and grabbed Alex’s shoulder hard.

“You have toilet duty when we reach our quarters,” the Alpha growled in his ear.

“Nobody’s even had the chance to use the toilet,” Alex pointed out.

“My face better shine in that bowl when you’re through,” Torin said.

“Your face would look better inside the bowl,” Alex muttered.

“What was that?” the Alpha snapped.

“Nothing,” Alex replied.

Torin stepped closer so that his nose was inches from Alex’s. “I don’t know why you accepted me as your Alpha, but know this. I will make you regret the day you didn’t die beside your parents.”

Alex let the jab slide by. “Is this about Kalia?” he asked.

Torin’s eyes narrowed. “What do you think?”

He stormed away, leaving Alex with the feeling that a whole lot of the term was about to revolve around Kalia Dickson.

“Why, Alex?”

Alex gritted his teeth and turned. Kalia’s eyes were red and faint stains from the tears she had unsuccessfully wiped away marked her cheeks. “You know this term could have been great.”

“I couldn’t do it,” Alex said.

“What does that mean?”

Alex winced at Kalia’s demanding tone. “It means that distance right now might keep us from killing each other.”

“It also might keep you from realizing that I’m your girl,” Kalia pointed out. Her eyes flitted past Alex’s shoulder, then narrowed. “You think you love her, but you’re wrong.”

“I know what my heart tells me.”

“You’re heart’s wrong, Alex. You told the General that I was your girl and you loved me.

Alex’s eyes widened. “I was trying to save your life! He would have killed you right then if I didn’t say those things. Kalia, I’m sorry I hurt you—”

“Hurt?” Kalia spat. “I’m not hurt, Alex. I’m lost, frustrated, and heartbroken. I don’t know why I’m not good enough for you.”

The last words were spoken quietly as though she hadn’t meant to say them at all. Alex took a step forward. “Kalia, I—”

“Leave me alone, Alex. I need some time to think.” Kalia stormed out of the Great Hall without looking back.

Alex leaned against the stage and fought back the urge to bury his face in his hands in frustration.


His heart turned over. He forced a calm expression on his face and looked at Siale.

“I take it this is the first time the Choosing Ceremony has been so crazy?” she guessed, her gray eyes filled with understanding.

Alex was about to nod, but a memory made him smile. “Four years ago, a crazy new Alpha named Jericho chose me as his Second. I think that really got the ball rolling.”

“You’re welcome,” Jericho said over Siale’s shoulder. “And I haven’t regretted my decision yet.”

“Do you need Siale?” Alex asked, reading the familiar patient expression on the Alpha’s face.

Jericho nodded. “I’m just gathering my new pack together so we can find our luggage and our quarters. I thought Siale might like the tour along with the other new students.”

She met Alex’s gaze. “I would like that.”

He nodded. “Have a good time. I’ll meet you after dinner.”

To his surprise, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek.

“What was that for?” he asked, putting his hand over the suddenly warm place.

“To chase the worry from your eyes,” she replied with a smile before joining her new pack mates.

“She’s going to have to do that every day if that’s the case,” Jericho said, watching his pack sort through their luggage.

“I won’t complain,” Alex said.

Jericho chuckled. “I’m going to miss having you in my pack.”

“Just promise me you’ll watch over her. I don’t trust Torin or Boris’ old packs as far as I could throw them.”

Jericho nodded. “Will do, but it sounds like Torin will be watching your every move.”

Alex sighed. “I’m not sure how much freedom I’m going to have this term. I already got toilet duty.”

Jericho shook his head with an answering sigh. “Maybe we can petition to have things back to their old ways next term.”

“I hope so.”

Alex watched the new Pack Jericho follow their Alpha up the stairs. He wondered who would get the room he had gotten used to thinking of as his over the last four years.

Chapter Ten


Nightfall found Alex lying on the grass beneath Jet’s statue. He had scrubbed the toilets until even Torin couldn’t complain about the quality, then he had been forced to clean Torin’s chosen room until it smelled of four layers of lemon polish. Alex couldn’t remember the last time he had worked so hard at scrubbing other peoples’ filth.

But he didn’t argue. The fact that he was the Alpha’s Second wasn’t lost on him, and pack protocol dictated that a Second never second-guessed his Alpha’s decision unless it was a matter of life and death. Solidarity within a pack depended on unity between the leaders. Alex was determined not to give in to the Alpha’s pathetic attempts to cow him.

He turned his head at the sound of familiar footsteps.

“Pack Torin, really? You could have gone with any pack,” Jaze said as he settled onto the grass next to Alex.

“I like a challenge,” Alex replied. At the dean’s skeptical look, he chuckled. “Maybe I didn’t think it through, but the toilets in Pack Torin’s quarters have never been cleaner.”

Jaze sighed as he looked up at the stars. “My goal in diversifying the packs wasn’t so the Alphas could torment everyone.”

“It’s not going to be like that. Torin just has a vendetta and I’m an easy target.” He turned his attention to the Orion constellation that hung over their heads. “Maybe it’s good for me to remember that not all Alphas are as nice as Jericho.”

Jaze gave a noncommittal grunt. “An Alpha is supposed to take care of those beneath him, not abuse his power over them like a dictator.”

“Maybe I’m the one who can teach Torin that.”

Alex felt the dean studying him. He kept his gaze on the stars and the black form of the statue above him. No matter what Torin did, the Alpha couldn’t keep him from his favorite place. As long as he was able to escape and settle his thoughts beneath his brother’s statue, he could stay sane.

The sound of other footsteps caught Alex’s ear.

“I’ll catch you later,” Jaze said, excusing himself. Alex watched the dean leave, confused about the werewolf’s quick departure until the voice spoke.

“Cassie said I would find you out here.”

Warmth flooded through Alex. He sat up and turned on his knees. The sight of Siale standing in the moonlight on the other side of Jet’s statue stole Alex’s breath. He could only watch her, speechless, motionless, frozen by her beauty and the smile that never failed to fill her face when their eyes met.

“This must be Jet,” Siale said. She set a hand softly on the statue’s shoulder. There was reverence in her gaze along with sadness. “I wish I’d known him.”

“You would have liked him,” Alex said, sure of it. He smiled. “And he would have liked you.”

“You think so?” she asked as though it was important to her.

Alex nodded. “Definitely. He liked people who weren’t afraid to fight for themselves, who wouldn’t give up no matter what the odds.” His voice dropped as he looked up at the statue. “He understood that.”

Siale leaned her forehead against the statue. For a moment, it felt like Alex was intruding on her space, watching something intimate and personal as she closed her eyes and said, “Thank you for saving us, Jet. We’ll make your sacrifice worth it.”

When Siale stepped back, it was with an expression of peace. “I’m glad he’s here for you,” she said as she took a seat by Alex’s side.

“Sometimes it’s hard when he can’t answer my questions,” Alex admitted.

“Doesn’t he?” Siale asked, searching his gaze.

A shiver ran down Alex’s spine. He felt her read his loss and the challenges he fought so hard to overcome.

Her hand lifted to his cheek, heating his skin beneath her palm.

“You’re not crazy,” she said softly.

“You don’t know that,” he whispered.

“Yes,” she said with a smile that made her soft gray eyes glow. “Yes, I do.”

She put her lips to his, kissing him gently. When she sat back, Alex could only stare at her. Her taste lingered on his lips, teasing him, begging him for more. It was only through sheer willpower that he was able to hold still.

“Why did you do that?” he asked.

“To remind you that you’re not alone.”

He took in a deep breath filled with her lavender and sage scent. “I’m not sure if you want to dive into this,” he warned her. “I’m not who you deserve.”

Siale sat back against the statue. When the metal base touched her back, she smiled and reached up a hand to touch Jet’s paw.

“Alex, you’ve seen the darkest parts of life. I know that. I’ve seen the despair in your eyes, and I know there are so many times when you must feel like you are on the verge of losing your humanity altogether, but I’ve already been there with you.”

Her words enveloped and defined him, calling out the emptiest parts of his soul and surrounding them.

She let go of the statue and slipped her hand into Alex’s. Her palm was cold from contact with the metal. “If it wasn’t for you, I would have lost mine. I couldn’t have stayed in that pit alone and survived even if I hadn’t been hurt.” She blinked, looking deep into his eyes. “Alex, what I see inside you is more strength than I could ever imagine lived in one person. You are stronger than you know, and you are going to carry us and this school further than anyone could even imagine. I believe in you, Alex.”

He took a shuddering breath. “But what if I break?” It was the question that toyed in the back of his mind when the memories of his parents’ death and the body pit threatened to overwhelm him. The question defined his worst fear.

Siale squeezed his fingers. “I’ll be there to pick up the pieces and put you back together.”

The words made a smile spread across Alex’s face. He pulled her close and she leaned against his shoulder. He loved holding her in his arms, knowing that she was complete and whole, and that she felt safe with him. He would take care of her, and somehow, in some way, she would take care of him as well.

BOOK: Werewolf Academy Book 4: Taken
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