Read We Put the Baby in Sitter Online

Authors: Cassandra Zara

We Put the Baby in Sitter (2 page)

BOOK: We Put the Baby in Sitter
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“And don’t forget that girl. Your roommate?”

I blushed. “Oh, man, I almost forgot about that.”

It was a lie. I’d been thinking about it all night. It had been my only foray into girl-on-girl action. Charlotte had triggered the memory. She was a beautiful girl, and my thoughts kept wandering back to her, and the most wanton night of my college life.

“You never did give me details about what went down in that closet with you two,” Kevin said, obvious interest in his eyes.

I looked away. I felt like a nervous schoolgirl. “I was too embarrassed.”

“Whoa!” His eyes widened, and he sat back in his chair. “You told me nothing happened, except a little kiss.” He leaned forward in his chair. “Details. Now.”

“Well...” I lowered my voice to a whisper, “I was tipsy. And turned on. I’d made out with you and those other three guys, and I was all hot and bothered.” We’d been playing Seven Minutes in Heaven, but the guys got impatient with all the waiting, so we cut it down to Three Minutes in Heaven—which was a good thing or Hot Rod and I might have come pretty close to going all the way. “So Cara and I went in. And it
just one little kiss,” I said with a mischievous grin. “At first.”

I went on to describe how hot and heavy things had gotten with me and Cara, my roommate. The make-out session took a passionate turn, and before I knew it, I had her backed against the wall, grinding against her leg, kissing her neck while she stroked me through my shorts and slipped a hand under my bra. It was the hottest thing I’d ever done. I left that comment out of my version of the story, of course. Not long after my closet tryst with Cara, Kevin and I had stolen away to his room in the frat house, and he’d been thrilled to find my pussy soaking wet as a result of the drinking game.

Kevin stared it me, his eyes dark with lust. “I can’t believe you never told me that.”

I shrugged, trying to play it off. “Cara was embarrassed after she sobered up, and begged me not to tell anyone.”

“You’re a good friend,” he said. “And a terrible wife.”


“You owe me
big time
for keeping that secret from me for so many years!”

“Well,” I murmured, giving him a wink as I slid my foot up his leg again, “if you play your cards right, I might find a way to pay you back for it...
big time.”


he house was mostly dark when we pulled in, with only one light on in the living room. I tried to stifle my giggling as we walked into the kitchen, but Kevin’s whispered sexual innuendo and teasing, along with the wine in my system, didn’t make it easy.

“Oh, hi guys,” Charlotte said, sitting up on the couch. She had the phone clutched in her hand, and I wondered if she’d spent the whole time we were gone texting her boyfriend. “How was your dinner?”

“Great!” Kevin said. “How much do we—?”

“Kevin.” I stopped his words with a hand on my arm. “Let me take care of things.”

He looked at Charlotte. It was easy to miss at first, with only a lamp on in the living room. Her eyes were red-rimmed, and she was sniffling. “Sure. Okay. Good night, Charlotte.” He nodded uncomfortably, and headed off toward his study.

I put my purse down. “Is everything alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” She sniffed again, and wiped away a tear that escaped.

“No, you’re not. I don’t want you driving home so upset.” I put an arm around her, leading her to the couch. “Sit down and tell me what happened.”

She hesitated for a moment, then let it all out. “Ryan broke up with me,” said, bursting into tears. “I had to text him a million times, asking why he canceled our date tonight, before he responded. He said
‘I think we should take a break.’
Which means he’s dumping me, of course. He wouldn’t even answer back to tell me why. So I called him five times before he finally answered.”

“And did he say why he wanted to break up?”

“He said... it’s so humiliating. I can’t even say it! I don’t want anyone to know.” She hid her face behind her hands.

“Hey, it’s alright. Everything is going to be alright.”

“No it’s not! I can’t believe this is happening.”

“Charlotte, come on. You need to talk about this with someone, and I’m guessing it’s not something you want to talk to your mom about.”

She took a deep breath, and looked away. “Last night we were hanging out and he...he’s been wanting me to... you know... do it. Before we go off to college.”

“And you said no?”

“Not exactly. I think I’m ready. But I was nervous. And I... I thought it would be easier if we started slow, you know?”

I nodded, and grabbed a box of tissues from the end table and set them beside her.

She took one and dabbed at her eyes. “Anyway, I asked if we could just start with... you know... oral.”

“That makes sense. So what happened?”

She buried her face in her hands again. “Oh God, it was so awkward. I
it was awkward... how could I not? He didn’t even come. I mean, he got hard, but... I guess he got frustrated. It was my first time, and I told myself I’d get better. Then things got weird. He said it was okay, we could try again on our date tonight. He said he had to go. He wouldn’t even look me in the eyes. Then today, I couldn’t get through to him. I texted him all day, and nothing. A half hour after he was supposed to pick me up tonight, he texted me that he wasn’t going to be able to make it tonight. And now he’s broken up with me!”

She dissolved into tears, and I put my arms around her, patting her back in consolation. When the tears subsided, I handed her another tissue.

“I just don’t know what to do,” she said, sniffing and wiping her eyes.

“Why is he being such a jerk about it?” I asked, acting incredulous but remember what boys were like at that age.

“I don’t know! I can’t believe it.”

“Geez, did he expect you to be a porn star right out of the gate? That’s ridiculous. No one is great the first time. Not at sex, and especially not at oral sex.”

“Is a blow job supposed to be harder than sex?” she said, looking up at me.

“Well, yeah, in a way. I mean, as a girl, you can lay there and do nothing. Not that you should, but you can, and the guy can still enjoy himself. But a blowjob... you
to put in some effort. So in that way, yeah, it’s harder the first time around. But don’t worry, it’s super easy once you know how. You just need a few pointers. Haven’t you ever seen a porn movie?”

She shook her head. “Not really. My friend put in one of her brother’s porn DVDs, as a joke once, at a sleepover. We turned it off quick. It was... weird. Not at all real, like I thought.

I wasn’t surprised. I thought the same thing back when I was young. “Maybe you just need a new boyfriend who is willing to be patient and teach you what he likes.”

“I don’t think I could face another guy again. This whole thing is humiliating. What if he tells everyone?”

“So what if he does? You’re going to school in the fall. This is a blessing in disguise. Most high school relationships don’t last past the first semester of college. It’s a new experience, and trust me, you’ll want to explore all those hot new guys in the dorm.” I smiled, thinking back to that frat party. “And none of them will know your boyfriend, or what happened between you two.”

That’s when the idea hit me. This poor girl needed a boost of confidence. If she went into her freshman year like this, she’d be too gun shy to really enjoy herself.

But I could help her.

And maybe have a little fun in the process.

I put my arm around her and stroked her hair. “Listen, you are a fantastic girl. You’re smart, you’re beautiful, you’re a nice person, and you’re good with children. And that’s just what I’ve seen since you walked in my door tonight, so I can only imagine how many other things there are about you that make you a great catch.”

Charlotte wiped away another tear. “Really?”

“Absolutely! If I were a college guy, I’d snap you up in a heartbeat. Look at this beautiful hair.” I brushed a strand back from her face, and my heart beat a little faster. I scooted closer to her, touching her head with a little pressure from my hand until she rested her head on my shoulder.

“You’re so nice, Marissa. You’re being so great.”

“Of course, sweetie. It hasn’t been that long since I was your age. I remember how douchey guys can be. It really hurts.” I trailed my fingers lightly up and down her arm.

“Yeah, tell me about it.” She sighed, crossing her arms and relaxing against me.

I couldn’t help myself. Her breasts lay over her crossed arms, poking through the thin fabric of the sleeveless blouse. As I made another pass with my fingers up her arm, I let them “accidentally” brush against her breast.

She tensed a little, but she didn’t move. I kissed the top of her head, softly, and continued to stroke her arm, occasionally veering off to brush her breast again. Before long, I felt the tension building within her, and I watched as she shifted her hips slightly, in a clear sign of arousal.

My own arousal was even more clear: my panties were damp, and it was all I could do to keep from squirming. All I wanted to do was peel Charlotte’s clothes off and see just how perky those delicious tits really were.

Stroking her hair, I took a deep breath, and used my fingers to tilt her chin up until our eyes met. She was nervous, but she didn’t break our gaze. I could see the same arousal in her eyes. I leaned in, touching my lips to hers. They were soft and full, and tasted of a trace of cherry lip gloss and salty tears. I took her head in my hands, caressing her face and hair as she returned my kiss, meekly at first, then with increasing fervor.

My tongue dipped into her mouth, tasting her, exploring. She was an excellent kisser for someone so inexperienced, and the scent and feel of her brought me back to my college days in the frat house closet with my roommate... and how the incident had probably been one of the most erotic in my life. I was desperate to have her, and not just a little taste, like with my old roommate, but fully and completely, in every way.

“Wait,” Charlotte said, pressing a hand to my shoulder and pulling back. She flicked a glance toward Kevin’s study. “Your husband... we can’t... and... aren’t you straight?”

“The world isn’t always that black and white,” I said with a smile. “You don’t have to choose a team. You can play on whichever side you want, when you want. I’m straight, but I’ve kissed a girl before.”

Her eyes dropped to my lips, swollen from our kissing. “Wow. I didn’t... but... your husband?”

“Wouldn’t mind.”


“Listen, Charlotte, I have an idea.”

“What’s that?” She looked up at me, her eyes betraying a mix of emotions.

“I know you’re going to find a great guy someday very soon. Someone who deserves you. But until then...” I put my hand on her thigh and squeezed. “I think I know how we can get you ready for what lies ahead. Oral sex isn’t nearly as hard or as scary as it first seems. In fact, after the first time I did it, I couldn’t believe I’d been so worried.”

“Really? I don’t know, it really freaked me out.”

“I think most girls go through that. You just need someone patient to teach you how. So here’s my idea...”

I slid my hand up her thigh a little higher, just under the hem of her skirt, and leaned forward. I could feel her thigh muscles tensing under my hand, and I saw Charlotte drop her gaze to my cleavage before tearing them away to look in my eyes.

“...if you’re up for it, I could teach you how to do it right. In fact, I can teach you how to be really, really good at it.”


Her voice shook a little, and I could tell that she already knew.

“Well, the only way to really learn is to see it done. Not just from some fake movie, but see how the real thing is done. I could show you, and give you some pointers. After that, all you’ll need is experience. I promise, you’ll give the best blow job from a virgin, ever.”

Charlotte smiled. “That would be great. But... how, exactly?”

“With Kevin. It’s perfect, really. You’d be in a safe environment with two experienced people. You can watch, and I can show you a few techniques. That’s all you really need.”

“You think so?”

“Sure. You’ll see. Once you’ve seen it done, you’ll know what to do when the time comes.”

“And Kevin won’t mind?” She flicked a glance toward the study again.

I laughed. “He’s a guy, and he’s not shy. He’d love to have a beautiful girl staring at his cock while his wife sucks it. What guy wouldn’t?”

She bit her lip, then nodded. “Okay. If Kevin says yes, then I’m in.”

“Great! And if you’re in the mood, and you
to...” I slid my hand up higher, the tips of my fingers brushing her panties. “You can join in, and try it yourself. We can teach you anything you want. Like this...” I slipped a finger under her panties and explored her slit. “Mmm, you’re wet.”

“I... I am?” She sounded breathy and excited.

“Mm-hmm. Do you like how this feels?”

“Yes,” she murmured without hesitation.

I stroked my finger, exploring her sweet folds, but never quite touching her clit. “I can teach you anything you want. We can stop whenever you want. Or we can keep going. Do you want me to keep going?” I brushed past her clit.

“Y-yes!” she breathed. She leaned back and closed her eyes, pushing her mound upward against my hand.

“Unfortunately, I have to stop and get Kevin,” I said. She pouted. “Otherwise he’ll feel left out!” I pulled my finger out of her panties and held it up, before I put it in my mouth and licked her juices from it. Then I kissed her while I cupped her breast, brushing my thumb over her nipple. “It will be fun,” I said, my voice husky. “I promise to make you feel

“Okay.” She blinked, stealing a surreptitious glance at my body as I got up.

“I’ll be right back.”

I walked casually to the study and slipped inside, closing the door behind me. Kevin looked up at me from behind his desk, where he was surfing on the computer. “Done? That took a while. What’s going on with her?”

BOOK: We Put the Baby in Sitter
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