Read Wanting Online

Authors: Calle J. Brookes

Tags: #autism, #stalking, #sociopath, #aspergers, #fbi romance, #pavad

Wanting (10 page)

BOOK: Wanting
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Carrie,” Dennis said, her
voice trailing off when Carrie refused to focus on her. Dennis
looked at Sebastian for direction, surprise and speculation in her
dark eyes.

There are too many people
in here for her at the moment.” Sebastian realized, when Carrie’s
arms wrapped around her stomach and she began to rock ever so
slightly. Sensations bothered her; she’d told him that. Told him
that it was worse when she was highly stressed. What would be more
stressful for Carrie than the destruction of her sanctuary?
Nothing. “In her home. She doesn’t like people in her space. Not at
all. You, Paige, Hellbrook, and I—we’re the only ones to be here at

Everybody but Lorcan and
Carrie—out!” Dennis ordered, in a surprisingly effective tone. Not
even the local cops questioned her sudden directive. In less than
thirty seconds everyone was out in the hall, with the exception of
Carrie, Sebastian, and the one local LEO chosen to make sure the
two federal agents didn’t tamper with the scene. He blended
seamlessly, efficiently in the background.

Call for him,” Sebastian
ordered her in a soft but firm tone. “See if he’ll come out at the
sound of your voice.”

Linny? Linny? Linux? Where
are you, baby?” It took another two minutes of this before a thin
and plaintive meow was heard coming from the back wall. “He’s in
the computer room.”

How did he get in there?
Did you shut him up in there when you left?”

No. He has a tunnel. From
the bathroom, under the sink, through the base of the wall, and
into the vent. I put a flap in when I realized he found the hole
under the sink. I didn’t know he could open the cabinet door. But
he did! Smart cat.”

Carrie, you need to check
your computer room. See if everything is still in

How would someone have
known they were in there?” Carrie asked. “You and Paige are the
only ones who know about the room.”

Sebastian stood behind her
as her hand rose to work the tiny, almost imperceptible mechanism
to swing the door open. He vaguely heard the cop’s surprised
exclamation. To Sebastian’s eye, the room looked completely

Carrie went straight to the
center console, where the big black cat lay on top quivering.
Linux, on the other hand, looked horrible. His hair stood on end,
over two inches of dark black spikes rising from his body.
Sebastian looked closer; some sort of gel coated the beast’s fur.
As he moved further into the room behind Carrie, he caught the
strong scent of vanilla. Shampoo? Why would the cat be covered with

Carrie picked him up and
cuddled him tightly, her lips forming the softest little cooing
sounds. The cat began to purr. Sebastian ran an eye over the beast,
checking for anything else out of the ordinary with the cat. His
ear was bleeding. And there was another raw spot on one back leg.
Like someone had grabbed him by the fur and yanked.

Carrie? Is everything all
right in here?” When she nodded he turned toward the officer
waiting just outside the computer room. “Good. Let’s close it up,
now. Unless you want everyone else to know about it?”

No!” Her eyes widened and
she looked around his shoulder at the cop staring in curiosity at
the both of them. “I forgot he was here!”

Sebastian turned toward the other man. “You understand that this is
a private room? That Agent Sparks doesn’t want anyone to learn of
its existence? Like a panic room?”

Of course. As long as it
doesn’t turn out to be pertinent to my investigation. Nothing’s
missing, you say?” the officer said, looking at Carrie with a mix
of sympathy and interest. “Agent Sparks?”

No. This room is exactly
as I left it.”

Can you give me an
approximate list of what you think may be missing from the rest of
the loft?” Thompson asked. “Is your cat ok, miss?”

He’s fine. Don’t know why
there’s shampoo all over him, though.” Carrie stroked the cat
between the ears. “He needs ointment on his ear.”

We’ll take him to an all
night vet. But first, you need to go through the house and look.
I’ll have him carried to my vehicle, ok?”

By a stranger? He won’t
like that.”

I’ll get Dennis to do it.”
She was holding up remarkably well. But he didn’t want to push her
too much. “Then we’ll make a list, and get out of here for a while.
Until the police can get finished, deal?”

Deal. We’ll find Ashleigh
while Hell finds out who did this.”


Chapter 23



Sebastian carried the
vanilla-scented cat out into the hallway, where Hellbrook and the
rest of his team waited, worry written on their faces. “Dr.

Yes? How is she?” the
woman asked, moving out from behind Hellbrook. Sebastian looked
down at her—she really was a small woman—and smiled. He needed her
cooperation. And he was genuinely fond of the woman he’d helped
save two months ago.

Understandably upset, but
better now that we’ve found this.” He lifted the cat slightly. The
beast hissed at the gathering of strangers. Sebastian tightened his
hold. “We need someone to take him to my car.”

And you want Georgia to do
it?” Hellbrook asked, skeptically. “That thing will shred

Carrie says he’s just shy.
And only Georgia can carry him.”

Dennis sighed, took the
beast gently, and held him away from her slightly. “I don’t suppose
she has a carrier for him?”

Uh, no. She didn’t
mention one. And I think she would have mentioned it. I somehow
doubt he’s left the apartment since moving in.” Sebastian handed
her the keys to his vehicle. “Just put him in the backseat. We’ll
take him to a vet once we leave here.”

Once you leave here, you
mean?” Hellbrook asked. Sebastian wasn’t blind to the animosity
wafting off her unit chief. It was stronger than the vanilla on the
cat. He knew Hellbrook was protective, but he just didn’t care.
Carrie was an adult—she didn’t need Daddy Hellbrook smothering her.
Even now.

Yes. She’s staying with
me. We’re working on a project for a friend of mine. And she can’t
stay here tonight.” Sebastian heard the challenge in his own voice,
but he didn’t back down.

Why was it so important to
him that Hellbrook to step down?

We thought she’d go home
with K.D. this evening.” Reynolds said, stepping between the two
younger men. “She stays in hotels with her all the time. Thought
that would be easiest for Carrie.”

They hadn’t even bothered
to consult her. She was a grown woman, capable of getting this far
on her own. He wondered how much of her history her team actually
was aware of. If they knew just how long she had been on her

She’s already agreed to
come with me,” Sebastian said, bluntly. He wasn’t backing down
unless Carrie told him to. “It was her decision. Her choice. One
she’s perfectly capable of making.”

Was it?” Hellbrook asked
softly. “I’ll be making sure of that.”

I’m sure you will.”
Sebastian nodded at Dennis, and the now pliant cat hanging limp in
her hands. He said not another word as he turned and reentered the
apartment. Carrie stood by her kitchen island, a forlorn look on
her pretty face. “Carrie?”

Nothing is missing,
Sebastian.” Her voice held clear puzzlement and he stepped closer.
His hand rose automatically to caress her arm through the
wine-colored hoodie she wore. “All my electronics, all my jewelry,
all my paintings and prints, all my CDs, my keyboard, my guitars.
Anything worth any money—it’s all here. I don’t understand. I don’t

Sebastian didn’t either,
because if nothing was missing, nothing taken, then why the hell
had someone targeted her?

Her place, while not
completely secure, was still not easily accessible. Someone had to
actually work to get inside the building far enough to reach the
elevator that led directly to her floor. The staircase wasn’t even
directly accessible.

Not an easy place for a
random act of vandalism. And if nothing was missing, the only
question in Sebastian’s mind was why?

You absolutely sure
nothing is missing, Agent Sparks?” Officer Thompson

Yes. I’m sure. Sebastian,
why would someone do this and not take anything?” She turned toward
him, her eyes so puzzled, so hurt, that he didn’t stop to think,
just pulled her to his chest.

I don’t know, baby.”
Sebastian was beginning to have his suspicions. The bastard or
bastards who’d done this were in a rage. Most likely a rage against
Carrie. “But we’ll figure it out. Are you ready to go?”

Yes.” She dropped her head
to his chest, closed her eyes. He gave her a moment, suspecting she
just needed to block out the sight of the destruction of her
sanctuary for a little bit. Needed to feel someone around her
protecting her from what had happened. He’d gladly do

I think Hellbrook wants to
talk to you for a moment. Then we’ll go. We’ll take Linux to the
vet, and then head to my place. Work on finding Ashleigh,

She nodded, opened her
eyes, just looked up at him. Sebastian’s hands tightened around
her, settled on her waist. He cuddled her closer, dropped a kiss on
her lips without thought. He was encouraged when she didn’t pull
away. He deepened the kiss, running his tongue over her lips,
darting inside for just a little taste.

Then he pulled back, aware
of Carrie’s door being opened again. He gently set her away from
him, as Hellbrook and Reynolds entered, followed by Norton. “You

She nodded.

I’ll be outside talking to
the locals. You gather anything you think you may need over the
next few days and deal with Daddy Reynolds and Mommy Hellbrook.
I’ll be back in a minute.”

Ok.” She nodded, firmed
her chin. “I can do this. I can.”

I never doubted you for a
moment.” He nodded at Hellbrook and Norton, then stepped outside.
He’d question the locals and the rest of Carrie’s team. Find out
what was being tossed around between them. Because his hackles were
raising, and every instinct he possessed was telling him this
wasn’t random.

Someone had targeted Carrie

Chapter 24



Carrie didn’t want
Sebastian to leave. Didn’t want to face the destruction of her
apartment alone. Still, this was her problem to deal with. Not

It would be too easy for
her to be dependent on him right now. She never would have expected
that. Everything she’d observed of him before he’d shown up at her
apartment had frightened her. He was intense, cold, and swift with
censure for agents that didn’t pull their own weight.

But he was also supportive
and helpful to those agents who did their jobs and beyond. She’d
seen that a few times, and Paige had confirmed that. Said that he
was a very compassionate team leader under the initial exterior. He
cared—that’s why he did the job. She’d seen that in the way he’d
searched for Ashleigh. In the way he’d held her while she’d cried
earlier. He cared about her, too.

Regardless of his slightly
abrasive attitude, he cared. And she admired that. Found it very
attractive. He’d smelled nice, when he’d held her, like mint. Felt
strong beneath his black polo when she’d been pressed up against
him. He’d tasted like coffee and chocolate M&Ms. She’d seen him
consume the candy on the ride back from Indiana.

He’d kissed her. She’d have
to think about that. When she got the chance.

Hell wrapped one hand
around her arm, pulled her closer. It felt different when he
touched her, compared to Sebastian. What did that mean for her? She
cared about Hell and knew he cared about her. But Sebastian’s touch
felt different. “Are you ok, Sparkie?”

No. I’m upset. Why would
someone do this?” She’d done nothing to anyone, she went to work,
came home, kept to herself—except for her work with the runaways.
But they wouldn’t do this to her. And she’d certainly never brought
them to her home. She made sure to keep Carrie-the-counselor
separate from Carrie-the-agent. She’d brought very few people to
her home—Paige, Georgia, Hell, Dan, and now Sebastian. That was it.
She didn’t even let her neighbors on her floor. “Break all my
stuff? Destroy my home? It doesn’t make sense to me.”

I don’t know. But I’m
going to find out,” Hell said. Carrie looked at him closely. She
heard the anger behind his words. She’d heard him angry before.


About Lorcan…”

Sebastian? What about
him? Did he say something? Does he have any ideas who did

No. How long have you been
helping him?”

Night before last. You
were still in Tennessee. He needed my help to find his friend’s
little girl. Ashleigh. She’s fourteen and has run away.”

BOOK: Wanting
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